Cierzo... Home

Cierzo... Home.

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Fuck that. The marsh is my home

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is this game comfy? How are the enemy designs?

Levant... Home...

Yeah, it's super comfy.
>How are the enemy designs?
Combat is really clunky but so far enemies are interesting to fight. For each you need to find a specific tactic and there's a shit ton of stuff to use and abuse.

Matsh has the best music.

lame with a few really fun exceptions. Notably the Immaculate and sword golems. Most everything else is run of the mill fantasy trash

its so weird that they made 90% of the actual good worldspaces/locations split between the desert and marsh, other 2 areas are WoW tier barren wastelands

Should I buy this game?

No. It is clunky and the majority of the world is completely lifeless. I suggest trying it for the 2 hours steam gives you to see if you want it, but unless it really clicks then no

It's a mixed bag really. I'm really enjoying the exploration. Game can create really fun scenarios with its unique death system. Like yesterday I arrived to desert and got killed by bugs which then drag me to their hive where I woke up. I wanted to run away but noticed that two type of bugs started to fight each other so I waited and then started to kite on enjured survivors. Slowly explored the whole location and found some really awesome weapon. Simple death turned into an adventure in itself. Whole stuff really reminds me of Dragon's Dogma.
The combat isn't super good though and some locations can feel empty because of weird respawn system. And there's a lot of running around because of whole "prepare for journey" aspect which can be annoying.
I'd say pirate it and see if you'll like it.

I like it a lot, but it's got some fairly big flaws. The combat is its weakest point, although it's more because it's a little clunky feeling and less because it isn't good (unless you went into a game focused on adventuran looking for a story, then the story is its weakest point). The enemy AI isn't very good either. If you're looking for more of a combat focused game and less of a comfy adventure that has decent combat in it, you should probably look elsewhere.

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it's unfinished I would pirate it. there are some really big oversights made by the devs that they would have fixed if they actually played their damn game

Yeah, Enmerkar feels like it needed another design passover or two to make the zone more interesting outside of dungeons. But hey, at least it has the Royal Manticore.

what game is this?


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looks pretty, but something that would get old fast

How important is the coop aspect? Is it any fun without friends?

don;t let the image fool you. the game looks like absolute dogshit. zoom in on your character its like it came from 2002.

Not important at all. I actually think it's more fun alone since you can just slowly explore the world to your pleasure and hoard the stuff in your house.

I played ~60 hours solo and will probably play more. But I was really itching for a new, comfy exploran game. Coop isn't really important.

couldn't blow 30 quid on this, thought it'd be f2p.

Sometimes game can generate quite pretty scenes actually. Sure it's nothing that impressive techically and optimization is shit but I wouldn't call it ugly in any means.

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>tfw stupid bird mask don't drop

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iktf. I've decided it's the first thing going into my Legacy chest. Of course you can also just cheat it in with the debug menu if you get fed up of grinding ambushes for it.

>grinding ambushes

Get a fur or royal tent with a shitload of ambush chance and spam naps outside Cierzo. One of the ambush encounters is a Pearlbird.

Damn, that's clever. I thought ambush works like death with a little story so I never risked to try it.

I never got it from doing it because the fucking mask has like a 2% chance to drop or something and ended up just getting lucky later on. Master Trader Hat is still a really good alternative if you get sick of it.

That's what I'm using but since new fucking backpack have -10% speed I'd really like the mask.

Oh yeah. I lucked in to getting the best backpack relatively early and never had to deal with any of the movespeed penalty backpacks. Fuck those.