NO!! Our formula was suppose to be the best!!

>NO!! Our formula was suppose to be the best!!
>We're suppose to be the influencers!!

Said the FROM fag

Attached: From wants to be Rockstar.jpg (1421x1821, 548K)

shut the fuck up OP nobody fucking cares.

Money talks

Fags making fake "GOAT lists" on the internet doesn't

>RDR2 with Dark Souls gameplay and no SJW ideals

I'm very OK with this

>two good game devs come together
>Yea Forums trannies bitching

like pottery

dark souls has already been the most influential game of the post ps2 era, they've won

>>two good game devs come together
what two game devs
it's about from software

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>Battle Royale
>Making movie games now
what? there's so much to understand here

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>Nioh and Code shit are it's influences

Oh God, I'm laughing hysterically



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sounds like a fag.

i dont really care tho. cause nioh was pretty good for me, and 2 has been announced.

>Gain popularity by going against the grain
>Become hugely successful
>Join the establishment you originally fought against


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cowboy souls sounds cool though

>Miyazaki also added that he needs to work on communicating his story ideas to his team. Apparently they often don't really understand the plot of the game they're working on...

lel. i wonder how much of the ambiguity of souls games is a result of stuff like this

FROM are the best devs in Japan. Inb4 platinumfags. Inb4 kojimafags. I have faith that they wouldn't do a 1:1 clone of a western open world game. It would have the magic ingredient all FROM games have.

Japan hasn't got the patience to make anything close to RDR2. They would make a saints row 3 esq game at best.

it was just a hint towards the open world nature of their next title

I just wanna play Reddit Dead Redemption 2 II on my personally built computer thingy.

That hard to ask for?

>Every game they've made is just a slight upgrade, gimmick and aesthetic change of Demon Souls
I'm sure they're great games but surely them actually doing something new won't cause the end of days.