E3 comes closer every second

E3 comes closer every second...

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favorite react channels bros?

what do you want bros
>Steve confirmed
>Nintendo games on Xbox
>Info on Xbox projects
>FromSoftware title reveal
>More remasters

A bullet in Sony's head.

I just want Killer Instinct 4 or Marvel vs. Capcom 4.


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>OP becomes more and more of a faggot every second...

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sixth post best post

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Post them

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Just confirm or deny a Switch revision. Don’t care about literally anything else. Have too much good shit to beat already.

if they ever announce the switch lite it will be outside E3, maybe next week before it or after it, they already said there are no plans for hardware unveil on the digital event

>Bleeding Edge
>new Batman Rocksteady game
>DOOM Eternal
>new Arkane game
>VtMB 2
>Harry Potter RPG
>Halo Infinite
>Crystal Dynamics' Avengers
>Back 4 Blood
>new Tango Gameworks game
>Splinter Cell
>The Outer Worlds
>Hotline Miami 3
>new Frictional game
>Babylon's Fall
>Serious Sam 4
>new Flying Wild Hog game
>Fable Reboot
>new People Can Fly game
>Gears 5
>Killer Instinct 2
>Dying Light 2
>Cyberpunk 2077
>new Playdead game
>Respawn's Star Wars
>Watch Dogs 3
>Bayonetta 3

EA is only on the 8th now.

alright fuckboys, post your squilliams

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we're doing it on June 1st

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the only thing steve is confirmed for is a spot on the collage

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Sony is going to absolutely rekt the competition at e3 bros. I almost feel bad for nintendo and xbox

Nintendo's E3

>Practically Guaranteed
Astral Chain
Daemon X Machina
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Super Mario Maker 2
Pokemon Sword and Shield
New DLC character for Smash Bros.

Animal Crossing
Luigi's Mansion 3
Shin Megami Tensei V
New Retro Studios game
Project Town

Bayonetta 3
Metroid Prime 4
Persona 5 for Switch
Monster Hunter World for Switch
A port of some Wii U exclusive for Switch (Xenoblade Chronicles X, Wonderful 101, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pikmin 3)
New Switch model
Next Smash Bros. update (version 4)
Something Xbox / Microsoft related (ports of some xbox games like Halo or Killer Instinct?)

Metroid Prime Trilogy port for Switch
SNES Online
New Monolith Soft game
Netflix on Switch
Breath of the Wild 2 / New 3D Zelda

>Pipe Dream
Pikmin 4
Phoenix Wright sequel
New Platinum Games game
Punch Out!!
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3
Kid Icarus Uprising 2

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Some other possibilities:

>Splatoon 3 or a Splatoon spinoff
>New Mario RPG
>Travis Strikes Again DLC 2 or No More Heroes 3
>More cardboard shit
>More mobileshit

Give me more cyberpunk footage, a neat surprise port, ff7 info and I'll be happy.
Give me a new prince of Persia, Sakura Wars port or a (not happening) a new god hand or new hotel dusk game and I'll call it the best e3 in years

No more heroes 3 would be amazing

>Splatoon 3

Although i would be cool with it, i seriously doubt it. They have been releasing a massive amount of content for 2, give it a break.

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fuck off, let us have fun

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didn't draw, thanks to the user who did draw it for me

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people keep saying this but is there even someone who is actually going to put together the collage in photoshop or are we just hoping someone appears on june 1st and does it?

guaranteed somebody will. We typically do it the weekend before E3, if nobody steps up I have the software and can put it together

You have a theme in mind, if worst comes to worst?

The most depressing thing about this E3 is that one of the biggest things I would have liked to see was Granblue Fantasy Relink but now that Sony doesn't have a conference I won't be seeing it

Outside of what's coming from Square, that game is the only RPG I care about

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it'd be better to discuss it on the 1st but I was thinking of Doug Bowser in front this year

Devolver Digital can’t really be trying to top themselves again? They can’t

I like the idea if it's him on a Bowser suit.

I hope SEGA announces some shit for pc

Redditor snoyfag phoneposter posting wojaks
Absolutely pathetic

put him in the goddamn fucking bowser mobile

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here's my electricman squilliam

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>He thinks Sony would show an icky anime game
Even if Sony was there this year, you wouldn't be seeing it.

>New Retro Studios game
>Metroid Prime 4

Did you get that the wrong way round? Retro are busy making Prime 4

> Sony is good to absolutely get rekt by the competition at e3 bros
You forgot a few words, but don't worry, I've got you covered.

Pretty sure Sony would love to show anything that has Platinum logo on it, though the game is now being finished in house at Cygames

maybe we'll get the heavy update during E3 season
or maybe heavy for smash

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You act as if they were doing nothing from 2014 to 2019

I'm hoping for xenoblade chronicles x 2 to be announced but I kinda doubt it. I know for sure crystal chronicles remaster is coming so it'll be nice to get a release date

We'll likely see something from MonoSoft but personally I'd like a new IP

I remember not too long ago they were looking people for a zelda game they're making which could be interesting

Mario Kart 9 will be revealed at the end of the Direct
This is the full roster.
Source: Miyamoto accidentally e-mailed it to me

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They had a 3DS game in the works as well, I wonder whether it was cancelled or moved to the Switch.

They have at least three teams now and over 200 people so they could be doing any number of things.

Crash Team Racing will almost already be out so Nintendo can give up on kart racers from now on

here's a half-decent one

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>Steve confirmed

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Pikmin 4, it's either now or never

I consider myself an optimist, and but there's hardly anything that I'm excited about, or expect this year.

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Was thinking about taking the week off to get comfy like it was 2011 again.
But what's the point lads?
It's all shit these days
It's not even fun shitting on it anymore

not even worth it without sony

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Because has xbox has no exclusives, nintendo does the same thing everytime. Do you really expect E3 to be carried by Bethesda and Ubisoft? Sony always has the hard hitting stuff at E3 and the rest we just watch for cringe and memes.

>nintendo does the same thing everytime
Explain this

>Sony always has the hard hitting stuff at E3
sorry user but sony didn't reveal sekiro and dmc5 last year.

bing bing wahoo, gimmicks and nothing else for eternity

yeah sony had re2 and last of us 2

not him, but they showcase ONE GAME
and then just show just a tiny smidgen of shitty indies and ports
then at the end its ONE MORE THING
Currently in development

sure... but we already knew about it
>and last of us 2
yay cinematic shit

And yet they "win" by default almost every year with it.

both were better than just hit them 5 and le super hard game 6

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Yeah, nothing like Zombie Shooter Remake 2 and Naughty Dog: Cinematic Third Person Shooter 8 - Deceitful Gameplay Trailer Edition, now without "platforming" and "puzzle solving"

hahaha this guy fucking likes movie games kek

>no sony
>no nintendo
Who cares dude

Oops, I did him too

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no shit thats how time works u moron

how is there no nintendo?

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>DOOM Eternal gameplay and details
>Iceborne expansion gameplay and details
>FromSoft reveal title, hopefully the rumored Norse mythos game with GRRM
>Maybe something about Death Stranding, idk

that's fine man
also good job on t he pic

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>Banjo and Steve in Smash

That's fine they can both be in

I did a fellow blonde bro even if it was mostly done with a touchpad.

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It's already Astral Chain

Drinking game

i drew it myself

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That's what you're supposed to do, user

>captain syrup
i fucking wish

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Really wanna see what they have in the works for Sonic and Pokémon. After keeping a tight lid on Sword and Shield for so long and the news that GF prioritizes new titles over Pokémon, I’m so fucking paranoid about what could these games possibly end up being.

And then Iizuka, the fucking madman. Teasing us with that shit at SXSW and trying to get us to think something will else will win us over this year after the shitstorm that is the Sonic movie. I could care less about literally everything else. Maybe Xenoblade X2 or a port with some actual fucking online team mech fights this time.

Viewtiful Joe 3 and HD Collection
Bravely Third
Virtua Fighter 6

Every year I look forward to Microsoft's E3 the most and every year I'm beyond disappointed.
With Sony and Nintendo, you always know they're going to announce something amazing but Microsoft is a mystery.
MS have so much potential to make face-melting announcements but they never do. This will be their final Xbone E3 so I hope it's a good one

>New Paper Mario
>Deltarune Chapter 2
>CTRNF character reveals + Trophy girls
>2nd Smash DLC Fighter: Crash

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Any leaks on rocksteady's game?

You expect Todd Howard to mass shoot the conference?

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Yes, I do

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Waiting for inevitable disappointment

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Last of us is shit

Somehow they've been able to keep the lid shut for this long

Apparently the games at Judge's Week were extremely good. I don't think I've ever seen a news outlet leak the games from it but I wonder what unannounced title could be huge


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Where’d you hear that they were good?

based collage user

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Truth is, the game was rigged from the start

I liked 1 quite a bit, was my game of the year when it came out, so let me say this: 2 looks like a joke that missed the point of 1. i hate the meme, but I think soulless applies here. Everything that's been shown has been so different and opposed to why I like 1 that I can't even consider supporting it until I see some unedited gameplay and the overall story setup

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yowie wowie

Wyatt better get some good writers, if they fuck over his gimmick again I'm gonna be pissed. I really enjoyed his Family run and they ruined it

Man, E3 gets me so hype. Its not even so much the announcements at this point, but its the only time of the year when I can sit down with my bros for a few days and just get shitfaced playing vidya.
But either way I want
>Smash character reveal
>Monolith's new title
>Halo Infinite gameplay
>any other surprises from Ninty/MS

my FUCKING niggers

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Halo Infinite Gameplay, Pokemon SS gameplay and info, and a new Switch model confirmation/deconfirmation are the 3 main things I care about. Everything else is a bonus.

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>Can't kill myself, E3 is less than a month away and can't miss the Yea Forums shit show

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Stop getting excited for E3 faggots

Will xbox regain any skin this year?

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im still seething over that dogshit "match" vs orton at mania

If you kill yourself now you won't care about E3 at all because you'll die

Honestly. I'd rather have either a Sole Capcom crossover or a Marvel vs DC game desu. Just my opinion though

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Pretty much my exact taste except I really wanna see Monolith's new title. Metroid Prime 4 would be nice but not likely at all given the circumstances.

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Why does it look so compressed?

>that split second of joy when seeing the fan render for the first time
>the months of disappointment that follow seeing the fan render for the first time

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Do Squilliams have to be relevant characters?

The only requirement is vidya related.



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Star Fox Grand Prix is NEVER EVER but I won't stop hoping for it


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>Marvel vs DC game
Literally NEVER happening because Disney and WB are faggots

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its a stretch but whatever

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Gonna stroke my pingas to that

fucking based, Electricman HD when?

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What I’m basing mine off of. I’ll get it done soon enough

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this was a lock ever since warioware gold came out

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you could just make the white transparent and submit that

Nah, the right hand is in the wrong position and I wanna make it in mspaint for 100% authenticity



do we know for sure if theres a collegefag on the 1st, or is it just speculation

the fuck even is that

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*blocks your path*

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ding dong diddly requesting an Yea Forums representation after all this year's threads

Animal Crossing to be good

Halo Infinite
Any Remaster/Remake
Return of any major IP that hasn't seen the light of day in years
A never ever game

fuck yours is better
based bugspray poster

This is the year we get a true successor to TTYD, right bros?

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Vinny by a large margin

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