All these goddamn Aerith/Tifa threads

>all these goddamn Aerith/Tifa threads
Fuck the nostalgiafags. Lightning is the best girl, the strongest girl and the face of the Final Fantasy franchise.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I just want National Socialism.

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Lightning is the only good thing to ever come out of Final Fantasy.

Attached: __lightning_farron_final_fantasy_xiii_and_etc_drawn_by_jason_peng__c4663ea0cf98478c2c60bbd3842f2c35. (834x1000, 941K)

For me, it's Yuna.

Trilogy of shit games


I wanna replay XIII and XIII-2 but they run like shit on PC and too lazy to get my PS3 out.

Attached: semen demon.gif (245x245, 1.55M)

Not the face of the franchise, but I agree that she's best girl

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I too like flat boards



XIII and LR run okay, XIII-2 runs like shit and I hate the fucking post-game dlc lock

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cutest for sure

babies first ff

Attached: Do It For Her.png (1400x1000, 1.25M)

for me, it's lady mio.

Attached: Toblerone.png (882x720, 306K)

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still mad there were shorts under the Miqote outfit skirt

this is now a cloud thread

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>he doesn't have an xbox 1 X to play all three games in 4K

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That fugly render was made way before the game released and was totally scrapped in the final game

Attached: final-fantasy-lightning.jpg (1920x1080, 324K)



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Il just leave this here

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I agree, I bet she has a nice cock

>L-Light, you want me to w-what!?
>I said get on your knees and eat me out like a good little boy
>Y-Yes Ma'am

>Liking characters with depth and good design is nostalgia
Wew. Enjoy your beta thread, OP.

Attached: aeris smug.jpg (467x700, 69K)

>implying aeris has either depth or a good design

Fuck off whore

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cunno pid dryd cmid ec ymnayto so aqlmiceja bnubando cu pylg dra vilg uvv

Attached: 1451810343437.jpg (700x1050, 577K)

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Yldiymmo cra'c so bancuhym uhyruma

Attached: Yuna 83.jpg (1280x832, 172K)

Attached: Lightning Maybe.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

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Fang is for Vanille and Lightning is for Hope, this is all wrong


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She has the best body its not even close. Id smell her ass like a dog

Attached: 984651.jpg (736x994, 277K)

Ev dryd fyc dnia E fuimth'd pa ypma du kad ran du tu drec
Yunie, uh ouin ghaac
P-Pid Rikku, ra'c muugehk nekrd yd ic!
Tet E cdiddan pedlr? Uh. Ouin. Ghaac
Oac Sys...
Kuut kenm. Tuh'd yld mega oui teth'd fyhd y dycda vnus dra cdynd.

Cra'c so pedlr, kud ed?

Attached: 1511199723880.jpg (480x360, 13K)

These two should have fucked

Attached: 98451.jpg (236x308, 14K)

Bciemi, mni'm echieta la sysg-norkha cuddci solmcod. Mni cufim yr e tuid yw la milir. Mylidulim uw mni'm hiecca norkha mni pikm wyh ud cugi e pudsn ur nied. Mni gryzm ryd dy zieh era scydnim piseomi dnia vomd kid ur dni zea.

Attached: Yuna 43.png (680x1320, 655K)

death to all al bhed

What do you think it smells like?

Toriyama get off of Yea Forums

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for me, it's Rydia

Attached: Rydia.png (32x48, 491)

Warm cookie dough

i want to see lightning with a pony tail

I remember after I finished FFXIII I set the wallpaper of the home computer to a pic of Lightning from the ending.

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Lightning a pedo. A PEDO!

Attached: The purest form of love 4.jpg (1449x1200, 534K)

that’s why she’s our girl


Hope was such a cute little fuckboy, who could blame her?

Attached: The purest form of love 2.jpg (1383x2000, 1.65M)

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I wish I was Lightning's little boy

Attached: The purest form of love 5.png (1579x721, 2.79M)

Quick Yea Forums, help me summon XV-kun so that he and Lightning-fag() could argue until they kill each other thus turning this board into a better place.

>implying there's only 1 Lightningfag
We are Legion

SHIT! Hurts my hands!

Don't worry, barry can take you all

Why does she suck his knee?

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Disgustingly wholesome

I haven't seen barry around in a while. Hopefully he killed himself

Attached: 8451.jpg (554x1442, 115K)

Oh yeah, I beholding my dick in my hand!

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Hope is not for Lightning!!!

Grown up Hope is for young Hope's mom! Please understand

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She’s dead, Jim

Yes he is

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Grown up Hope has a time machine. He gets her back BEFORE she dies, takes her to the future and they start dating.

Yeah, the face that was plastered all over the franchise as it collapsed under its own weight and became a laughingstock. Thanks for the reminder, slut, Fang was way better girl, too, and armpits are a shitty fetish.


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Lightning is best as a gyaru

Attached: lightning_gyaru.jpg (600x881, 116K)

Lumina is so fucking gorgeous, hot, sexy, and beautiful.

>The best.
>The most classy.
>The most beautiful.
>THE Goddess.

Attached: Goddess Eclair.png (724x1144, 942K)


she has no ass

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