Favorite kino moments in vidya thread
Pure kino
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Yep, I'm thinking XSIII was kino
Honorable mentions to the third decent on Old Miltia earlier in the game.
I was playing Old snakes theme in my head during the clagainbowl in GoT
Dont have a webm but the final raid in Vanilla EEEO where you fight all the other kids at the same time at Jimmy's Birthday Party. I felt like a deity when my party won. Think Cartoon Network will make a vanilla server if Blizzard's gets successful?
Co-op kino
How can such a mediocre game have such a KINO coop mode. If anyone sees this game on sale and wants to play something coop with a friend then I highly recommend getting Splinter Cell Conviction
[Red Dead 1 theme intensifies]
you wouldn't shoot an old friend, would you?
Fuck you I liked it. I don't even like the main series
The fight itself is fine mechanically, but it completely relies on fanservice and the context of it in the story. Unfortunately everything about Ocelot in MGS4 is stupid. The Liquid ruse was stupid, and Ocelot's motivations revolving around Big Boss and Outer Heaven felt extremely redundant and squandered him as a character.
>play the final co-op mission splitscreen
>impossible to sneak up on each other because we're both relentlessly screen looking
you just can't resist, the stakes are too high
More Splinter Kino
Fighting Manus with Sif at your side was kino
>I used to work here
Say what you want about Conviction, but it had some absolutely Kino moments.
SoC intro still captivates me to this day. Remaster did it justice youtube.com
Yeah, that too. Shame Manus was way too fast for DS1 and you lose enjoyment from fight some tries in.
Yeah Manus was bullshit, but god damn that optional fight dragon was even more bullshit on NG+.
Same here, it was good and the grill robot was a cute.
Still my favorite Blizzard cinematic, yes that includes anything from WC3.
Kalameet? Yeah he was a tough one. I'm not sure if I ever even beat him. Might have to do a whole new playthrough just to make sure...
Nice track.
He was hard on the first playthrough, but on new game + even him shuffling his feet would one shot you. His dragon breath has stupid range, and if you don't start running the second he jumps into the air you're dead. I always thought he was the most bullshit fight out of all the DS games, including Demon Souls.
Yeah, Zero is one of the more unique AC games in terms of music.
Now this is kino
Disc 2 was weak overall but still had its moments
Kino fight, just as every final boss fight in yakuza
4 and 6 have pretty weak final bosses. 4's is fine in concept but only one of the characters actually feels like they suit the role of the final boss.
Can you play SC Conviction on PC with split-screen using two controllers?
I really doubt it but might as well ask.
I know I'll get shit on but Sea of Thieves' new campaign has some kino moments. I particularly enjoyed arriving at Tribute Peak
>Old farts fight for the last diaper
>Get Angry
kek, "ni-niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Which metal gear solid games are actually worth playing? I played and completed mgs1 when it came out on the playstation but that was it, im too old and didnt keep up with the series after that, i have V but dropped it a few hours in cause it was fucking shit.
>Fucking charging at Kiryu with a motorcycle
>His speech before the fight
>The screen when the fight begins, right as Kiryu is deflecting the pipe
Holy fuck that fight was good
don't forget the fight theme
>your buddy defected
>you fight him and joust in mid-air
>take him down
>despite your differences, he still calls you his friend
>then disappears near a border
God what a fucking ride
still cant top the first time you fight kiryu the sheer feeling of oh fuck as you fight a beast who has been tearing through shit for the past three games
what are the japanese characters for nigga
I playef that on NGC.
I assumed it was a wii gimmick
Posting Ace Combat should be considered cheating at this point
I remember people laughing like "HAHA THE LAST BOSS IS ANOTHER AYYLMAO BLOODBORNEFAGS BTFO" and then the people that actually fought him and realized shit got real very quick in that fight were like "OH WOW SUCH BULLSHIT BOSS WOW WHAT THE FUCK FROMSOFT WOW SUCH BULLSHIT". Never change, shitposters. Never change.
Shut the FUCK up
and then it happened again with Sekiro. Yea Forums is full of underages
Fuck no lol.
Snoyniggers out. The adults are talking
that shot is both commie and nazis. The kino part is the scene during the speech
next time, don't let it get over your head
Learn the difference, plebian.
that entire sewer section was the purest of kino
>the kino part is the part not shown
kys and get the proper webm next time k? K.
The whole fight is kino, but this specific moment when the music and the lightning sound effects cut out and there's only the sound of swords clashing, and isshin braces himself for the death blow. Fucking masterful
voice acting for orphan of kos, who of course is the same as (Insight 50+ required) Gehrman in his nightmare dialogue is the best in any soulsborne game and to be honest the best in recent memory for me.
I know miyazaki dialogue is usually just say insane shit then start laughing or crying but fuck me he absolutely nailed it.
nothing in three comes close.
MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS3
Ghost Babel is also great.
The entire final showdown with Ganondorf will never be topped for me. I doubt Nintendo has it in them to ever make a game like that again.
>climbing up the stairs while fighting your way through the castle
>lighting is soft and comfortable
>organ dramatically playing louder and louder the higher up the castle you go
>the showdown with Ganondorf
>escaping the collapsing castle
>"of fuck he's alive and is powering up"
>showdown with Ganon
>incredibly fulfilling, bittersweet ending
You know what I like about kino Splinter Cell moments? They're usually a part of the gameplay and not a cutscene. A lesser game would have a nuke being launched or a betrayal happening in a cutscene. In SC it happens while you're running to disarm it the nuke, or while you're spying on a meeting with a camera. When Lambert tells you to execute someone you're conflicted about, a shitty game would pull up a "Press X to obey, Press O to disobey" prompt.
Is this chaos theory?
I only played the first 2 splinter cell games and that was years ago.
this entire fight and the music holy fuck
>kys and get the proper webm next time k? K.
fucking hell is with these newfags that type like redditors?
I haven't seen such a gay fucking post in years and yesterday I was lurking a marmalade mum thread.
too bad playing thru the series is tantamount to torture. I have all the cut-scenes torrented now just in case i get the itch.
No it's the second game actually, Pandora Tomorrow. You should play Chaos Theory though.
It's nice. For the most part Splinter Cell has always felt bland yet somehow still stupid story-wise, though. It's the most overtly 'Tom Clancy' thing about the series. Fisher himself is by far the best thing about its narratives.
I should probably play SC from the start again.
I played em back in middle/high school so the story went over my head, I was just in it for the stealth gameplay.
The trailer version with the behemoths looked cooler.
Any die hard Splinter Cell fan will tell you that the plot in the games are uninteresting. However, the writing for the dialogue is 10/10 in my book. It really does a good job of making you feel like a spy who is doing James Bond shit while acting like it's his day job. Asking for raises, discussing things over the radio like you would a water cooler. That's what makes Splinter Cell's storytelling unique. At least the first 3 games. Personally I hope they go back to a more subdued story and take inspiration from movies like Three Days of the Condor
to bad it was never in the final project.
>on sale
It looks kino, is it any good ?
>the fucking sun
I ocassionally refight the radiance just for that white screen.
Probably the most hair raising moment of any handheld game if you ask me
I don't think anyone hates TFTB for it's story as it's good and miles better than anything done in the original series though it's not that hard
I hope you crushed the cybernetic eye user
Grigori is the most kino video game dragon to ever exist
i think you mean in general.
MGS4 is seriously one of the absolute most kino games of all time, I don't fucking care what anyone else thinks or says.
Based af
I forgive you
But dropping a warship on me is cheating. TAKE IT BACK!
Well shit. Fine.
I'm gonna miss that voice.
The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening.
Just me.
10/10 voice acting, incredible visuals and great level design, along with a boss that is fun without being incredibly difficult
zoomers just don't understand
U so fucking mad