What killed overwatch?
What killed overwatch?
Killing fun.
What a unique and engaging thread!
Nothing, playercount is in the several hundreds of thousands
utility over aim
The characters have bland personality except maybe junkrat
shit balance, shit meta, shit unfun heroes, shit devs
...but I still love Lena...
Rent free
Faggot characters and gay dev team.
>loving a dike
you forgot the fucking community
Trannies dont play overwatch
Creatively bankrupt game design direction that didn't offer anything new in an extremely overcrowded market segment.
Having healers in FPS, only purpose they serve is prolonging firefights.
was meant for
They just kept adding more healing, more shields, more stuns, more autoaim,etc Everything annoying about the game
This is what talking out of your ass sounds like
It will go F2P soon
Making heroes so easy and basic that anybody can play them but their tool kit is so shallow that it relies on stuns and healing while giving no thought or ignoring the repercussions it would have on balancing
>Nothing, playercount is in the several hundreds of thousands
Haha, no. It used to be there, but now it's 50k top online.
>We want the competitive scene
It's too casual, people get bored pretty fast
Shit balance and a dipshit community where a majority of the playerbase doesn't understand the concept of changing characters to play around a team comp and/or enemy counters.
If you're getting blown the fuck out as a certain damage dealer then you should change.
If the enemy team is countering your grav+dragon combos because you're too stupid to kill the Zenyatta or you don't have an Ana to disable the heal then you should change.
This is usually a problem with the damage dealing characters, but tanks and healers need to learn to fuck off and press H when their strategy isn't working.
>but muh ult
if it's under 50% then it doesn't fucking matter just switch we all know you're not going to make a play with it in the first place.
Characters that don't require aim combined with shields that have too short of a cool down reducing the need to not get hit, combined with healers that do all of these things. At this point even if they delete briggete, Baptiste will just take her place. It can't be undone.
Characters that are meant to make the casuals happy which give an extreme advantage to any player with two brain cells.
Feel free to refute my point, instead of posting some low effort non-argument.
I've never seen it as packed as it is now. Great game.
>50k top
That's a very generous estimate, it usually sits at around 20k players.
What do you mean "what killed Overwatch"? That's a loaded question that implies Overwatch is dead.
It's not at the peak of its popularity and it's not Fortnite levels of popular, but it's still a very popular game with the fourth biggest esport in the world.
Yea Forums has been saying that OW is dead since before it even released.
Too much focus on being an e sport than being a video game
Slow and underwhelming updates
Removal of the ability to play multiple of the same character per team.
>with the fourth biggest esport in the world
It's behind Fortnite, LoL, Dota 2, CS:GO, Siege and probably a good amount of other games.
It's not 2016 anymore
Should have went F2P when it was gaining ground.
The workshop update just brought a huge breath of fresh air to the game.
Not a comp player but fucking around with a arcade and quick play is still great
Ults. It doesn't work for a game with no downtime.
That and chokepoints.
Remove these two and the game gets 100% better.
Banning over banter, SJW pandering, and Overbotch League.
Meanwhile in Chadladins...
This is what did it for me. It never felt like it was going anywhere and the whole "change characters to counter the enemy team" is pointless when everyone wants to run a main.
Nothing, cause it's not dead. It's just not as popular because the balance sucks.
>implying TF2 isn't babby's first FPS
Fuck off to your general furfag
>Shitty devs that tried to fix balance issues by adding in more heros
>Shitty HR that banned anyone and everything the worst dregs of the community told them too
>Shitty e-sports league plagued with controversy
>Not knowing if they wanted to appeal to western audience or eastern audience, ended up losing both
>JK Rowling-style character changes and messing too much with the lore
>Blizzard being Blizzard
Shit like this
Lets see that dragon ult in action. Last time I saw checked It looked like a fucking macy's day parade balloon.
tf2 is casual done right, easy to get into but hard to master, never holding people's hands
>Phoneposter taking screenshots of literal who articles talking about bullshit
It's almost as bad as a twitter screenshot
Retards get it jammed into tight spaces all the time. Should be hunting down the Imani anyway.
whoa.... mega skill...
Not an argument
>At release, most characters had instagib mechanics or skills that made them fun to play
>Nerfed into the ground because literal retards who can only push one key/button at a time complain online
>Now everyone sucks and the game takes 10x longer to play
>arguing about a nonissue from some retard who posts the opinion of another retard
No thanks.
Neither is a fucking gaming journalist article
game isn't fun and never was
>worst maps to budget ratio ever in a video game
>rock paper scissors gameplay ruins the reason people play FPS, pure skill
>policed and overreactive, touchy, immature community
Having characters that are openly gay because they are afraid of the trannies and fags that judge their game online.
>but now it's 50k top online.
Is that supposed to be low? What's a good player count to have? Which games currently have the highest player count?
an unique*
I waifu’d her before they ruined her character.
no content
high focus on competitive and esports
locking what little content they have behind seasonal events
I bet fortnite
90% of Blizzard's efforts were concentrated on making fap bait characters for every fetish out there and not on the actual game
>worst maps to budget ratio ever in a video game
Probably because every map tries to have a unique look to it. Instead of just reusing a bunch of assets and slapping them into a new map, they create a bunch of bullshit so it can look like another region. The only exception I can think of are the maps made for arcade.
At its peak, during a marshmello concert, the game hit 10.8 million concurrent players.
not making it a porn game
tanks and healers being so strong that they invalidate almost all dps and making the game a boring heal and shield slog fest. Also ultimates are 100% unnecessary, they punish you for switching characters and they aren't fun to play against since all of them are insta kill or immortality buttons
Extreme team-reliance (even compared to TF2) while the community is based on one-tricks and random matchmaking, and even good performance in losing match does not feel rewarding, esp. as a tank or healer, which are usually 2/3 team in most compositions.
Playing with a good team is a joy, while being harassed as a main tank while your team is playing with their extra chromosomes is enjoyable only for masochists.
>introduce role flags, so you can show your preferred heroes to the team
>introduce guild/clan system so you can find groups easier
>revamp retarded medal system so Moiras would not chase their precious gold damage medals
Too many niggers
Having the average composition be built around having at least two tanks and two healers kills this game for me. It was more fun in the really early days when having just one healer and one tank was enough for most team comps.
>that movement at the begining of the clip
Battle Royale killed the Hero Shooter
ikr, it's like the character is controlled by a drone
kys redditor
Always filter out overwatch when I go look for porn on rule34.xxx
>Did we mention 76 is gay?
This. It's like the person can only press one direction button at a time.
Epic samefag
>Having the average composition be built around having at least two tanks and two healers kills this game for me. It was more fun in the really early days when having just one healer and one tank was enough for most team comps.
This. I miss the days when you could go ham with Tracer and carry a game. Now, if you don't have at least 2 shield characters, your team comp is destined to fail.
Stop samefagging
Lack of sexy skins and private profiles.
Devs don't listen to the community.
Community wants less bottleneck maps = Next 3 maps are bottlenecks
Community don't want 1-shot heroes = They release Doomfist
Community doesn't want abilities that halt the flow of the game = They release a hero that has a device that makes everyone in the area immortal, and it isn't even an ult. Its a low cooldown ability.
Whats bottleneck mean?
Based, seething subie journoshit responses
It's not behind siege or any other games. The first four you listed are the only ones that are bigger. Overwatch has bigger viewership and bigger money involved than siege.
It's a bad bait from this 4channel board.
Their argument is if the game is not Fortnite level of popular then it is dead.
This basically. Its usually a corridor or gate, and there aren't many other ways around. So 5 minutes are usually spent with a team on either side exchanging fire, mostly shooting at shields.
i'm playing it right fucking now
the fuck is dead?
People complain more about GOATS and Brigitte than anything you just listed.
Yeah this is why everyone hates 2cp
map design is fucked
game design is fucked
has no content
PvE is only available for a few weeks out of the entire year
devs focus too much on esports and comp
no tech or strategies, all characters play the same
in short, overwatch has no fucking direction
>overwatch fags still have to roll the dice whenever they want to play and are given a random map
>is entirely possible to get the same map 3+ times in a row
>can't ever leave or not play the meta or you are punished and banned
>only arcade mode lets you play casual and not try hard 24/7
>except arcade has weekly lootboxes given based on winning so it's filled with a bunch of people who don't want to play arcade losing their shit and getting angry at you for not tryharding
I think overwatch is in a pretty great place right now especially with the work shop release
You will know its dieing when people stop posting thread about it good or bad
>Retards pull numbers out of their ass with no sauce for the 100th time today
the map design is hilariously bad. Literally nothing but chokepoints and retarded sidepaths that are way too long.
>play as healer
>6 IQ teammates run into the enemy team and out of healing range
>play as tank
>4 IQ healer is damage boosting the totally ineffective DPS players instead of healing people at the objective
>play as DPS
>2 IQ tanks and healers never get on the objective and you lose despite peak performance
I have less of a problem with Brigitte because I got to master rank by spamming her when she was unbelievably broken.
Sniper dominance and the introduction of Doomfist, the worst character ever created in any video game.
I like how nobody mentioned that the game is shit itt, boring as fuck with horrible and boring mechanics. the fuck is wrong iwth you faggots
saying dumb tumblr shit instead, kill yourselves
The porn. It was more interesting than the game itself.
It starts with a Y sound, you intolerable faggot. An hero yourself.
The Doomfist release is especially hilarious, because very shortly before they released him, they actually said "the one shot combo wasn't okay with our community" as an explanation for Roadhog's hook nerf.
>stop turning overwatch characters into cops
They turn their characters into anything from business men to scientists to greek goddesses, but somehow the law enforcement costumes trigger the freaks.
Imagine a one shit combo existing in any form in an fps other than a high skill sniper shot
>What made it relevant?
the porn
He's a fucking poolish fatlord ruining WoW threads
None shitposting I'd say it was a combination of them not striking while the iron is hot for the story when people where engaged and interested and also the eroding of that themselves by releasing mostly just skins to push their loot boxes, events where mostly just about having a really limited time to get exclusive skins and it just killed hype after a while.
Back in the day tf2 had substantive updates where classes would get new weapons, we'd get new modes and maps and they really did some serious world building with it. Much more engaging than "holiday event with limited time skins" and that being it.
Like we STILL don't know shit about a lot of overwatch world and lore and they've killed engagement and people don't care anymore I don't think they could get people excited again desu
Don't worry, Chu will retcon the rest of Overwatch's puddle of lore to be about nothing but his self-insert Genji fan-fiction soon enough.
nofun allowed, sjw character designs
>release team shooter with changing abilities, which looks fun as fuck
>very good art design
>distinctive hero design
>has huge piece of new lore that can be crafted as you like
Results in
>what if we ban everyone who are not nice, because twitter fags need attention
> endless whining about why there is no black character and they need a female black african character, agypt girl doesn‘t count
>what if we make everyone gay and don‘t care about actual good lore? That is progressive and cool.
>team dearhmatch or capture the flag are the only modes since release
How can blizzard have always so fucking great ideas, but then just butcher it to death.
>some bitch that went to HS with me is trying super hard to cosplay and become an overwatch streamer and spans it all over my instagram
>only gets 2 views per stream
Too bad the expiration date update was meh. The cinematic is so fucking based so
Don't worry user. It's been saved
I don't get how they release content so slowly
He isn't wrong. There are a lot of things wrong with the game but extreme focus on content outside of the game and lack of it inside of it is what mwkes people leave over time.
No vertical play and small, close-quarters maps
The lewds are slowing down.
Especially for Tracer
Makes me sad.
best thing about overwatch. Stop being a sperg
Lack of content.
isnt that what kills all games these days?
LoL - only cares about Lcs Meta
Gw2- more useless balancing, rather then actual new pvp content
[Fill in random game that died to competitive fagging]
>No maps
>repetitive as fuck
>here is your new skin/character
>loot boxes
Sniping isn't even high skill in OW since all the 'sniper' characters have high mobility so they're not punished for bad positioning and the walk speed is pathetically fucking slow so you're shooting at slow moving targets.
a hero*
Still not dead and I think your meme just made it worse, you guys sound like fucking idiots.
It's not dead and I think more people will play it because of your idiocy.
I quit though, hate that game.
the charge is also way too fucking fast
>new map or character every 3 month
>lack of content
too much focus on healers and tanks, that shit is boring as fuck to play and if i wanted an experience like that i'd go play fucking dota
If I recall you need to charge to about 50%, which is about half a second, to one shot the average 200 HP character. And you can spam them over and over and over.
I remember an autistic, Korean Widow was the least fun thing in the universe to play against.
it's essentially instant with interpolation
It honestly seems like they're jacking off all the time. Even the indie company meme doesn't do it justice anymore. It's mind boggling how slow they operate considering the resources at their disposal.
never once
Its developers and their lack of community support, the fact that they took years to introduce a map creator that is just messing around with the maps they created and nothing else should be enough to tell you why its dying
Probably also a shareholders thing. If Lootboxes sells, you make more, time limited, lootboxes. Even if they game were to die tomorrow they made so much money out of it that it doesn't matter anymore.
It's okay. Those are TF2 numbers.
Overwatch is too artificially planned out. It works in the short run, but the lack of organic longevity really hurts it because you slow trickle content that's keeping less and less interest for less and less people.
They went all in with the esports garbage hoping to make an even bigger bank on that, but too bad Overwatch is a mess to watch and not that exciting. Not to mention nobody wants to see other people play the same frustrating maps and gameplay that they themselves already experience.
after 2 years it became what tf2 is after 10, fucking hell this was the "tf2 killer"? jesus christ.
Don't you think it's kind of antisocial to put that rubbish where I can see it?
but it's not making nearly as much money as say LoL. They are dumping money into it and it's questionable whether or not they are getting more out of it
>hurrr duuurrrr D.va skin will break the internet ecks dee
>fails completly
>Mei shows her ass and thighs in ripped shorts
>breaks the internet
Which dva skin are you talking about?
I've yet to see any fanart tho
We already forgot. Was she a student or something?
This ugly sack of shit.
This is honestly probably the problem. Economically, it's likely better to farm a few 'whales' than constantly bust your ass trying to retain a fickle player base. Whales will spend hundreds on stupid shit and become too invested in their misspent bullshit to abandon the game. You'd have to really try to piss them off. Other players will spend a few bucks over time and require constant content updates to retain.
I doubt they have any reason to change their approach.
me make thing go boom
That winking face on her apron is literally what I look at when I think about what's behind it.
boring gameplay
Knowing who and when to heal on top of when and who to use other moveset you posses as a healer (like Lucio's speed boost) can be the difference between pushing a choke point or not.
I unironically enjoy overwatch. I got into it late last year and it's fun to play with my bros. I dont take it seriously but I know enough about it to be in platinum. I dont know why other people stopped playing it. I guess because it came out 3 years ago and theres so many other games being churned out. As a 30 year old boomer, I only have time for so much gaming.
banning tracers butt pose
>What killed overwatch?
>hot pants
It's ironic that most "tf2 killers" usually end up killing themselves instead.
I'm not sure the healers are the problem. TF2 does just fine having a heal beam, and he's so potent that even one on your team, when the enemy team has none, can decide a whole match.
Now imagine TF2 if everyone had a get out of jail free card. You press a button and you can just walk away from your own mistakes. That is what keeps the game from feeling active cause doing well means the other guy can still fuck off at a moment's notice. That's Overwatch.
So why did they make the dog puke?
So tf2 but everyone has 2 dead ringer each
Looks like chocolate? Choco is lethal to dogs
The dog probably ate or got into something it shouldn't have. Looks like the vets induced vomiting.
>What killed overwatch?
Fortnite. Just like PUBG, Overwatch was the flavor of the month game for normies. I still prefer it over anything else that's come out tho.
Is OW still worth buying if I want in for the 3d models?
Imagine playing a game with this kind of people
healing is a problem in tf2 but is also a necessary evil because defending is inherently stronger than attacking. What overwatch does is exasperate the problem by adding in even more healing, shields, and other bullshit to the point where you can only break a hold with a minimum of 3-4 coordinated ultimates
agreed, I despise her fat fucking ass and gay glasses wowsers
>You got your opponent cornered. So long as you don't spontaneously lobotomize on the spot, you've won.
>Suddenly they have a barrier and cannot be hurt
>Or have functionally a million more HP to work through
>Or teleport away
>Or launch themselves in to the next zip code
>Or use their stun
>Or use their stun that leads in to a wombo combo they can use on demand and now you are the one who is dead
>Or just walk away in to a teammate cause the game's damage is so low you'll never kill secure a god damn thing
At least you have to use your brain to dead ringer properly. It's easy to use in a non-convincing manner, and spys that are invis are not THAT hard to find. Most DR spies die 5 seconds later from general retardation.
Kek, it must be bait, but the thing is the overwatch community will unironically agree
>15 le upboats
>that username
>that avatar
>everything about that post
Yep, it's a one trick Mercy
If I had to make a wild guess, I'd say Mei is more popular to fap to than d.va.
D.va gets way too much attention
Sombra really has it going on.
Sombrachads rise up
A lot of people just played Overwatch because it was the popular game to play for a while. It shifted to battle royales shortly after but if they never came along I think overwatch would be much more popular than it is now.