Why aren't more Video games based on ancient egypt?

Why aren't more Video games based on ancient egypt?

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My dick wouldn't be able to take more of those desu

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Wasn't there a small explosion of egyptian games in the late 90s?

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I fucking hate Eliza



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Even if I don't like fightan games, I really like Eliza's concept.


Ancient Egypt is pure sex. Egyptian women are godesses and their pussies are way too good for a mortal.

A man of taste.

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>likes history
>likes beer
>doesn't dress like a cheap whore(but an expensive one)
>immortal, never ages
>ambitious, never relies on you for shit, never becomes a drag
>has a smug skeleton you can also fuck

Truly best girl.

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy 2 when?

It's one of the most common historical settings in vidya after Medieval Europe and Japan, though

India, Southeast Asian civilizations, Mesoamerican shit with the Maya and Aztec, Andean civilizations like the Inca, etc are way more underused

That's a good question.

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Fucking this, I hope the Switch port is a sign of things to come.

>has a smug skeleton you can also fuck
I hate to break it to you but that skeleton is already taken

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Legen of Queen Opala is blessed with some quality content. The comcs by Devil HS are amazing.

Does SMITE count? Latest god releases were Set and Horus.

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Literally my reason for continuing to live

Osira is best girl. I want to help her sexually torture her mother and sister and then watch the anger and terror in her eyes when I turn on her, too.

Menace from Queen's Blade

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Really can't wait for that third one, need me some more Osirape.

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I am pretty sure there are 3 out already.
But yeah, can't wait.

Also treats you right if your loyal to her

Nevermind, it was a warhammer one.
There was one chick in it that looked similar to Laquadia, kek.

There's nothing of value to explore. Same deal with Aztec crap. The cultural context, myths, and aesthetics of Medieval Europe are far more versatile, intricate and hold much more potential which is why the majority of settings use it. To make that other shit's cultural aesthetic grandiose, fantastical and interesting you'd have to change so much of it that it wouldn't fit with the original aesthetic or culture at all because the original style was so simplistic, uninspired and limited in scope.

Imagine being this much of a fucking brainlet

The Aztec captial was litterally a massive city 3x-4x the size of Medivial Paris built out of islands with canals all running through the city, with massive pyramids and palaces all over the place

it's ALREADY basically a fantasy setting

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How anyone ever been to Egypt?
Is it a shithole right now? Always wanted to go to it when I was a kid but I think I'd end up being collateral in some suicide bombing if I went

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I've never been, but if you think about it logically you should have your answer

Egypt has tons of archeological sites, it's a huge tourist destination. If it was that unsafe around the touristy areas then you'd hear about people dying all the time in the news

How'd the city flood, just regular rising sea levels?

That's a name I haven't heard in a long time

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it's more or less fine in terms of safety if you travel with a group or a guide. it's a shithole in the sense that being a popular tourist destination has made its sites an ugly slog. and the garbage. jesus fuck there's garbage everywhere.

The peak of character design

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Egyptians are always cool.

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It didn't.

It was originally settled on an island in the middle of a lake, but said island was expanded over time using an agricultural technique used in the area where they would stake out plots in the lakebed and fill them with soil to make grids of artificial islands to use for farming or residential space to build new buildings, leaving canals between the plots for transportation.

When the city was sieged during the COnquest of Mexico, the canals were filled in, the aquaducts and diks eystems destroyed, so in the early colional period the city kept flooding since the Spanish didn't know how to repair them, leading to them just eventually draining the whole lak o avoid that, with Mexico city eventually just filling in most of the former lakebed, which is why today Mexico City has so many soil and water issues issues with shit sinking in, since so much of it is on loose lake sediment and the aquafiers being fucked

Pic related shows the exsansion over time, and then it being drained


Also worth noting there's still a few canals and islands left around Xochimilco, but it's facing issues from pollution and urban expansion and it'll probably be gone within the next 3-5 decades

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Oh, that's weird. It just looked like the large island in the middle used to be larger, it's got roads and infrastructure underwater around it's perimeter from the google map view.

You mean the roads and stuff around the perimeter of the lake that are connected to the captial via the causeways? Those are seperate cities/towns

see the inset/zoomed in map here

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Still a pretty good game too