Feel like watching bad movies

>feel like watching bad movies
>Resident Evil: Apocalypse
>watch Jill Valentine walk into the R.P.D
>she's beautiful, physical and a bad fucking bitch
>i totally buy her in a cop uniform with a beretta

Fuck man. sienna guillory was, short of s couple of cup sizes, fucking PERFECTLY cast as Jill Valentine. Her tits aren't big but everything else is spot on. Fuck Anderson for not just making ONE serious film about Jill surviving an outbreak.

>inb4 muh Voth

Also perfect (once again despite no DD's) but reminder she was only 17 when RE: Apocalypse came out.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Man of refined taste.

She's just so... physical. It should have been her movie.

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These movies are fucking trash and they only get exponentially worse with each installment.

Voth has always been a bad Jill. Only people that started with REmake would say otherwise. MvC2 Jill is next level perfection.

It's great, I love that scene when mila jojovich has a face off with 30 of her own clones

Why she looks like a female Keanu Reeves?

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The only bad thing about her other than the lack of tits is smoking

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RE movies are schlock kino

Keanu is a bro would fuck his genderbent self wearing a frilly dress then open a cold oen

She even played the games.

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this picture reminds on the fact that i need to have sex

Have sex

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Fricking footfags.

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>overindulged director's pet constantly cuckqueans Jill out of doing anything even remotely cool: the movie
I will never stop being mad at this.

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Wait, RE movie isn't about Jill?

Don't get too attached to that look, OP.

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Based Guilloryposter making Vothfags and Trannyfags seethe.

All I remember is the pantyshot during the graveyard fight with the zombies.

You'd think it was, but then this happens: youtube.com/watch?v=3HzHvZIxbyg

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Can't wait for the Monster Hunter movie!

God. I wanted do bury my face there

Move aside for second best Jill!

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damn she didn't age well

Google "The End of the Great Dario Rosso" and "Resident Evil: Ménage à Trois" if you're a fan of Jill

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Shut the fuck up, nigger. Any man who isn't an insecure faggot can appreciate beautiful feet like in the webm you respond to. To love women is to love their bodies, and feet should be included.

God, i wish that was me.

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shes like 35 now

t. hoof lover

>*joseeeph's your path

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Post it

I've fapped to that image set way too much. Time to fap again.

She was 15 when they scanned her face in REmake

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>Randy Pritchford?

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I have nutted quite a lot to this bitch back when. Nice to know she has a name.

>listen to the actor/actress commentary for the film
>sienna was recorded alone while milla and co were a group
>sienna talks about researching the games and jill and trying to emulate her as best she can
>sienna likes the idle animation jill has where she taps her gun on her thigh and has a bit of a wiggle in her hips
>milla and co just fuck around for their bits and don't contribute anything with oded fehr even making jokes about flashbacks all the time
>barely any of sienna's jill makes it into the film

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she looks 25 wtf


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She probably grew pubes early or something.

The best thing about Apocalypse Jill is how physical she looks without losing her femininity

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I know what you mean. I want to touch her shoulders and arms while fucking her

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Your stories suck, mate.

Why is Angelina Jolie cosplaying as Jill?

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thought she was about to go down on some micro black penis from the thumbnail

>Your stories suck, mate.


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And the irony of the RE movies being bad? Alice has more depth than every single RE character whose personalities either flip flop or are barely there per game lmao

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Maybe user but during the good old days of pre RE4 RE, Jill Valentine didn't backflip kick a licker before doing an upside down trick shot while a slow mo close up of a hand gun bullet with the words "property of umbrella corporation" on the shell hits it in the face, all the while death metal is playing in the backround.

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Not much, more than the actual game characters though lmao. Chris has less personality than fucking Vergil from DMC, and Leon is goofy one minute, serious protag the next game. Don't get me started on the others.
>thinking any RE chick outside of Ada is competing with prime Mila
Bitch hit his head

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>MH movie have literally same staff as RE ones.

For the fucks sake, why capcom can't get someone better?

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not memeing - the open ended characters were great since they let players think about shit beyond the games and spawned a ton of interesting topics

These movies made over 1 billion $. Why Capcom would care?

They cared enough to make 3 in universe CGI movies

Ali Larter was the ONLY Claire, You can't tell me different.

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>You can't tell me different.

Oh yes i fucking will.

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In the classic games the characters are like empty vessels meant to be plain and rather average, so the player can feel fear for the characters and for themselves. The characters hardly ever react to anything they see, and their "depth" comes from attitude and simple traits rather than backstory. Jill is confident and steadfast, Chris is all-American action hero machoism, Claire is motherly and mature despite her age. Leon is shit though you are right.

Would have liked to have seen her in a ponytail and hotpants.

>not posting mommy
She is the real one!

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The first one is decent, it only uses the RE universe as a base, the second one is fine overall except for Alice who was already too overpowered from the very beginning by fist fighting Nemesis during their first encounter. The next movies might not even exist, they're fanfiction tier.

>no jordan gf

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Legit, first RE movie was based. And is still one of the greatest live action adaptions from games next to Silent Hill. First RE was actually a solid sci fi movie.

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You're so fucking stupid you actually deserve lots of (You)s.

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>seething over truth

Was the first movie the one where they have to dodge lasers? I that shit was hilarious

Yeah, it had that mexican woman who everyone seemed to male a big deal out of but she was actually a literal noone

Yes, where they fail miserably and die some gruesome deaths.

No. Die!

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You'd think they let them fire a few times first to get used to it


She's so extra thicc man, id die to suck a tit

There is clearly an area by the door the glass doesnt reach. They should just stand there

Jordan is the PERFECT claire

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This but unironcally

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We need access to that camera

she's identical to my cousin. it's amazing

does anyone uncropped pics from the jordan nudes?

The what

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So what?

the nudes - like she's a model so there's nude pics but they are cropped

You lie there was no panty shot.


A stick, there you go.
Shit dude, she has nothing to show, her body is shit tier.

jordan is very cute i don't want to see her nudes and destroy her innocence

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Fucking pulled off the outfit like it was a dress.

Came buckets to her when I was a teen, she was such a natural beauty. And ginger hair/brunette fits her just as much if not better than her natural blonde.

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You, my friend, have a based opinion that exactly matches my own. Alice becoming an overpowered Matrix bitch like that was so stupid

jordan is the best claire and that's THAT

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I question your taste. RE might be salvageable with the "new story in the universe of the series" approach, but the Silent Hill movie started the retarded trend of shoving pyramid head in stories he had no fucking reason to appear. The monsters were really well done, I'll give you that, even PH on steroids

>missed seeing her black panties
you're missing out

That's 13? What do they put in american food that makes their teens look like they're in their 20s?

>thinking japs need a film to whore out and continuously bring back a villain repeatedly
Ahem, Wesker. Ahem, Vergil.

Jesus women are fucking dumb

tons of makeup will do that
look at all the shit on her face

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All Jill's are good Jill's, except rev1

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Claire only ever seems to make the trademark Jordan McEwen resting-bitch-face during the first few frames of taking a zombie bite from behind

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jordan has resting goofy face not bitch face

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Claire is a cutie, but her cuteness will never match....

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those are some aesthetically pleasing strappy sandals.

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jordanfags are fucking cancer

She's Canadian

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I remember thinking Alice was going to be the villain/monster after this and Jill was going to be the new main character putting Alice down

Then Extinction happened, then Afterlife, Retribution, Forgot the last one

What was in the last one besides Ada, Leon, Chris and Jill die cuz fuck you but did they even have Mr. X? Or Birkin?

No I would definitely call it a RBF. Not that she's a bitch, that's just what it's called

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You do realize pyramid head and its clones started being rehashed after SH development was moved to the west, right? I love returning villains like Vergil and Wesker, but taking the instance with the heaviest symbolism in the series and borrowing the monster with the heaviest symbolism from it was a really dumb move. It's like using Magneto as an antagonist for spider man; all his parallels with the original protagonist are suddenly gone and his presence has no reason besides a cameo


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>in Extinction the virus has dried all the water of the planet
>afterlife everything came back to normal

jordan is very cute and goofy normally that's just her model face

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>Extinction: Telekinetic Powers and an Army of Alice Clones!
>Afterlife: Lol we're gonna take those away in like 10 minutes bro

Sienna Guillory in that Jill outfit, Mila Jovovitch, and my imaginattion led me to some good places when I was a teen. If you know what I mean.
Sienna as RE3 Jill is probably still the most accurate representation of a vidya character in film. Her smaller boobs dont even fucking matter.

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Back in the day when the actress don't complain about character clothes

Why RE threads are always full of girls and big tits
While dmc threads is nothing but "fujo" degeneracy?

That's a boy, isn't it.

Capcom franchises do weird things to Yea Forums users

I love Claire.

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She was pretty and my autism acted up looking at her
By autism I mean erection

Threadly reminder that I want RE3 Jill to stamp on my bawbag until it bursts like a zombie's head.

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Oh I see a lot of gentlemen with some refined taste here

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>implying they weren't going too continuously reuse silent hill's most recognized character with or without that happening.
You realize the japs have a severe "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality.