Are you hyped for Game Freak's blockbuster title for this year?

Are you hyped for Game Freak's blockbuster title for this year?

Attached: town-1-1.jpg (1280x720, 376K)

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Hopefully the game plays better than it looks.

I am not sure if I should buy this out of principal or boycott it out of principal. I don't know which is the best way to send a fuck you to gamefreak for what they are doing to pokemon.

Simply boycotting Pokemon. Town looks interesting and the visuals are somewhere decent. It was clear that after the disappointment that was XY, GF just doesn't give a shit about Pokemon anymore.

That's what I mean. I don't know if I want Town to blow Pokemon out of the water and succeed to teach gamefreak that putting in effort pays off, or if I want both to fail because that's what you'd normally want if you hate a company, to give them none of your money and hope they fail.

Buy it out of principal. Don't buy Sword and Shield.

>GF doesn't care about the biggest franchise in the world

A+ logic there

the fuck are you talking about, it looks great
>people don't buy pokemon
>it confirms game freak's suspicion that the series is dying
>they put even less effort into the future games and eventually pass it off to the new c team

If it means the A team gets to make more cool shit like Drill Dozer and HarmoKnight then by all means sacrifice the unsalvageable trashfire that is Pokemon.

By the way there is no C team. Only A and B.

they dont need to care about it
they know pokemon games will sell no matter what

whenever i see screenshots of this game, i instictively start looking for the prompt to buy microtransactions.

in my hypothetical they create a c team to pass pokemon off to so that their b team can work on more lucrative titles
and pokemon is completely salvageable, but gamefreak have to be competent and willing to take some risks. for fucks sake, a fucking minecraft mod is a better pokemon base than current pokemon is. that's absolutely insane

If they did, they would actually put some effort behind those games. Every single 3ds title was fucking trash, I don't how much they fucking sold. I'm not going to even bother talking about fucking LGPE, because the fact that densetsu no kusoge managed to sell 10M copies is beyond me.

>gamefreak have to be competent and willing to take some risk

They did that with the Gen 7 games and y'all hated it

gives me ni no kuni vibes and i like the monster design. probobly gana get it just becuase looks like game freak put effort in it also im a sucker for shit like this. Played fantasy life on the 3ds and loved it lookin like im a love this.

It sold because it's fucking Pokemon, the biggest franchise in history

Games are irrelevant to Pokemon's success though, it's driven by the anime and merchandise

>being a 20 something sexless incel
>still playing Pokemon

Or, you know, just hand off development to another studio. I know Atlus is a popular request by some. Or just use a subsidiary. Genius Sonority made the 3D console games. But they've been dormant since 2015. Maybe someone new. Anyone but Game Freak. It's clear ever since normalfags shat on Gen 5 they lost all their passion and ambition. Literally cucked into complacency by the populace. Forever shackled by the ghosts of Gen 1. So fucking pathetic. Can't even move past the first fucking game.

Everyone plays Pokemon, you cuck, it's the most mainstream franchise in existence

Is this a phone game?

>normalfags shat on Gen 5

This never happened.

wow youre so cool user

the absolute fucking state of delusional unovabortions and their persecution complex

so nintendo have Town, Animal Crossing, new Pokemon and Astral Chain coming out this year and we know very little about them... e3 should be interesting. I think pokemon games are great but I don't buy them because it's the same shit as 15 years ago. Town should be good if it's the same developers trying something new

"ice cream and garbage, wtf? i want my charizard! where's KANTOOOOOO?"

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>I don't buy them because it's the same shit as 15 years ago.

so then you haven't actually played them, because pokemon has changed a fuckton

>Town should be good if it's the same developers trying something new
spoiler alert: it won't be. here's one of game freak's other recent attempts at trying something new.


Meanwhile shit like Muk and Voltorb exists.

In what way did I insinuate I'm a unovabortion? I just said that was the cut off point of GF trying. Don't tell me you're a Kalosperm...

Game Freak is a shitty developer, why should I support them at all?

Could they at least make a game with Pokegirl art style instead of these ugly ass one offs. DrillDozer I keep hearing was alright

Considering the only good non-Pokemon games Game Freak have made are Pocket Jockey (tho solitaire is pretty hard to fuckup 2BeeAch), Pulseman, and Drill Dozer, it most likely won't be good.

debatable. I haven't played them but I know that the basic formula is the same and it doesn't interest me anymore
oh fuck

excited by concept, upset by that UI, pure mobile-tier shit

Nice cherry picking. CrowbCat would blush. That was an incorrect build at launch that got patched out a day later. The game plays fine, I've beaten it twice on Steam. Only one measly glitch remains on the 5th boss that sometimes the boss gets stuck on the ceiling. That was it. If you want a real example of low tier original GF, look at Giga Wrecker. Gross browser flash anime shit.

>Its another GF takes a concept from rival games to pokemon episode
Cool health system.

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XY sold around 16 million
ORAS sold around 14 million (outselling HGSS)
SM sold around 15 million
USUM sold around 8 million (which is fine because "third versions" are not meant to sell as much as their counterpart mainline games)

Looks really ugly desu

Their non-Pokemon games have soul. Even if they miss the mark sometimes its better than adding another shitpile to the bloated franchise of Pokemon. They don't exhibit the retarded habits they have in making Pokemon games because there is no consistent outline for them to follow, a new game is a new game from scratch. There is nothing to bungle up or remove. In fact they have never once made a sequel to something like Drill Dozer.

Is NOBODY going to point out this whole battle system is just a mix of some popular 3DS games?

Woah, a turn based JRPG battle system that resembles other battle systems? What a shocker!

Well, unlike pokemon, some games try to not just be Dragon Quest clones, to take those systems from those games is scummy.

no it's not. game mechanics are completely fair use and everyone steals things from other people all the time. what's scummy is making a ripoff of a single game

If its anything like pokemon people will be calling out the originals for "copying it"

The only thing I'm remotely interested about this game are the monster designs. GF did show they can make cool creatures, but are rather limited by Pokemon's entire cute and/or simple simple design philosophy. The UB's were an attempt to break away a bit from that (an effort I greatly appreciated), but it still was Pokemon, they couldn't go full Monster Hunter or God Eater. This could be a nice change of pace.

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You have a great point but that's not gonna stop me from being sad when I see the cool creatures and wish that they were Pokemon

How bad was Giga Wrecker?

What other games have they made?

take a look dude

Harmoknight was great you fuck.