Get woke, go bro-

>Get woke, go bro-

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Other urls found in this thread:

P-please delete this.

imagine caring about how much money your jewish overlords made


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Get woke, make money!



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How many times is this thread made a day? Who gives a fuck.

>top charts of a dead year
kek, what an accomplishment.

Why the fuck are normies so pozzed, bros? They were supposed to wake up and rise up against SJW oppression and join us in this war to save the fucked up society we live in.

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>T-t-the whole year is broke

Kill yourself.

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Yeah, but it DIDN'T get woke. It featured Ronda Roussey, a noted transphobic TERF.

Imagine shilling a bad game because of politics.

so what are the sell numbers?

This! They must have all bought their own copies to hide the fact they're destitute and homeless. We won, bros. We fucking won.

>nooooooooo it obviously sold well look at the charts!
>huh? "what about the sales?"? COPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow just because i don't get a shit about how much money some random game company made off of the average consumer means i'm a unhinged nazi

>mk is popular with normies
Who would have thought

i cant imagine being a poltard. What sort of mental deficiency is required?

>Japanese game sells well
>Company releases an accurate data showing how much exactly it sold

>Western game sells "well"
>Actual numbers are not released but a bunch of bloggers make posts talking how much the game sells

>inb4 cope
Threadly reminder that all copeposting needs to be accompanied by actual numbers otherwise it's invalid

>It was actually redpilled all along
>We didn't spaz out crying about this game, I swear!
Ah, the Black Panther tactic. A classic.

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kingdom hearts apparently is the best selling game of 2019 which SHIPPED 5 million units.
no idea how big the gab between number 1 and 2 is

Am I out of the loop or something? Was there any significant controversy about MK11? I thought the game was considered a decent product that just had some scummy microtransactions and grinding in it.

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So passive aggresive. Yikes

If the game is so great, why aren't you playing it instead spamming the same thread over and over again for hours?

>mfw I bought day one for 35 bucks
>mfw it's a great MK entry
Fuck you I like it. I'm shit at it cause I mainly play Tekken. But it's still fun.

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oneangryfaggot BTFO


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You're out of the loop. See: Half the threads made about Mortal Kombat in the past few months were crying about it being Muslim and "censoring" the women's tits.

kuso thread check my 5

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stop making the exact same thread over and over

Give us the number then.

Pol tard got angry because in Jaxs ending he ends slavery and this is bad because something something jews and white genocide something something roasties.

The cope is off the chart, lads.


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desperate people bought it because it isnt cracked yet

source: me

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true king of games wins again

How fucking dare you, you cuck. You gave money to the downfall of this society we live in.

I give absolutely zero shits about MC or fighting games in general but holy fuck is ironically responding to your own thread like this pathetic. Only other people I see doing this are in classic threads so thats about how far in the gutter you are.

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>best-selling game

How come I could watch it on youtube and get everything I wanted out of it?

cope retard

The fuck? I think it would be at least a bit more realistic that a woman who is a muscular fighter wouldn't have massive milkers flying around when she's trying to fight.

Is this real as well? There couldn't have been serious outrage over this kind of inane shit.

I don't play fighting games. I've never bought a Mortal Kombat game. I never will.

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It's almost like "Get woke, go broke" is wishful thinking and not based on reality.

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bad roaster which pushed female characters who nobody liked instead of fan favorites like reptile, sjw character design which coverd up all the women and reduced breast size with an excuse of "realism" while giving all the male fighters naked outfits, really greedy lootbox grinding

>gets exposed as a shameless shill
Nu-Yea Forums is a fucking joke.

This is the same guy that was posting for months about how well Metro sold on Epic. Too bad it was revealed that it actually sold like shit so now he has to shitpost about MK. Kinda sad.

>Pol tard got angry because in Jaxs ending he ends slavery
That was not the issue. They have reduced Jax to just being a black dude, who decides to create alternative timeline for stupid reason, while also keeping his wife and daughter alive but not anyone else. It was stupid thing for Jax to do. No one gave a shit about slavery and what not. People like Jax.

>Doesn't even know how samefagging works
>Multiple posts made in the same minute
Lurk more, pal

Lol get pussy nigga

Yeah, but /pol/cucks don't want to hear about realism. If you have anything that isn't remotely realistic, then everything must cater to muh fap fantasy or it's SJW trash

See this faggot:

Nazis havent existed in over 60 years desu

It barely runs on switch, who the fuck would buy and play this on that thing? Fucking Scorpion's spear coming at you at 15fps, come the fuck on.

>this entire thread
Just fucking end yourself OP, this is pitiful

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>Mortal Kombat

I don't give a shit about Mortal Kombat, but seeing the faggots that have been attributing game companies going down because "muh SJWs" faced with the reality that politics are completely irrelevant to politics is pretty funny.

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why do americuck sjws give it a pass to the gore/violent shit

Ya seethe?

>beat the goddess of Time
>"bro why you creating alternative timelines"

ok m8

What games came out in april?

Women fighting with fit men on even ground is not remotely realistic. In fact nothing that happens in MK is realistic in any way shape or form. Even basic fucking punch doesn't look like a normal punch.

The only way wokeness profits if it latches on to something that's already successful.

No one would care if it wasn't for the fact /pol/niggers kept trying to push the narrative that if your politics go against them, you suffer financially. Don't say stupid shit and expect to not get called out on it when it gets disproven.

Jax was always an American patriot. Now he is like oh, fuck America, time to rule Africa 'cuz I'm black and shieet.

why am i supposed to care about how much a game sells

But I thought if it latched on to something, that something gets woke, and thus, broke? Hmmmmmmmmmm

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Only with incels and retards.

Thanks for this. I'll save it for the next time I hear some dipshit spreading this dumb meme.

>Don't say stupid shit and expect to not get called out on it when it gets disproven.

Could you disprove it first? By posting actual MK 11 sell numbers? Because if you don't have these then you are just as pathetic as actual /pol/ posters.
And don't go "this and that claim" proves it. Because newest Metro was supposed to be selling like hot cakes on PC and it turned out to be a lie.


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It's Captain Marvel all over again

I get that the roster is kinda shit, and there is that lootbox grinding shit I mentioned earlier. But who gives a fuck if these women have smaller tits? Maybe I'm mistaken but I think one of the big appeals for Mortal Kombat is to see your opponent beat, and in some cases, killed in sadistic manners. Not for fan service.

I'll try to frame the guys argument better, I don't think "realistic" or "realism" were the best choice of words there. I would have chose "believable". For example, who would be a more believable female fighter, a woman with massive tits getting in the way of her face every time she jumps or a fit girl with a small chest?


This guy is samefagging like crazy.

is that why cnn,vice and salon are tanking?because they're making so much $ from being woke?

>Not Black Panther
You new?

>Not Battlefield 1
Holy newfag cringe

What is believable about MK? Just drop that argument. Events of the game do not even remotely make sense. It's just mindless fun. If you prefer small tits just say so.

How do you explain Mortal Kombat 11 being the second best selling game in the first half of 2019, cope-kun?

Is this board just the same shitty threads on a loop now?

It's a shit game I don't care

by being worse than mordhau

Like clockwork

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They're so predictable.

> For example, who would be a more believable female fighter, a woman with massive tits getting in the way of her face every time she jumps or a fit girl with a small chest?'

Big breasted woman has less disadvantage compare to a flat one than woman compared to a man. Or a man compared to a god. Or a man compared to a cyborg.
Once you have women fighting against seasoned warriors on even ground you are so much removed from reality that adding some girls with big tits doesn't change much. And MK is not a franchise that would benefit from realism.

because they are terrible and the field is crowded.


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how could've it been a top selling game on PC when it was never #1 on steam global sellers even once?
there's obviously foul play at play here


>Threadly reminder that all copeposting needs to be accompanied by actual numbers otherwise it's invalid
Please read the thread before trying to reply, thank you.

No one falls for samefagging accusations when we all know how the post timer works. You gotta update your lingo. It's "you must be using your discord pals to raid us" now.


MK never flopped ever, even if they added a whole roaster of trannies characters the game would still sell well.

Imagine buying shitty NRS game port on PC.

Seeing as MK threads are basically all spam now I'm just going to repost this:
>no numbers have been released
>"best selling of april" is meaningless as nothing else released
>Anthem was "best selling of Feburary" and that's failed so hard that Bioware are on the chopping block now
All of this screams of publisher desperation trying to convince shareholders that shit hasn't gone south.

>For example, who would be a more believable female fighter, a woman with massive tits getting in the way of her face every time she jumps or a fit girl with a small chest?

Who would be a more believable fighter, a man, or a woman?

Second best selling game of 2019 according to the NDS, sweetie.
>B-b-but the whole year is broke

okay retard

casual mutts love woke games like the last of cunt.

nothing new. why is this a big deal

>is that why cnn,vice and salon are tanking?because they're making so much $ from being woke?
CNN's average ratings over the past couple of years are higher than during the Obama administration. TDS is a draw brother
Woke types quit following Vice because it got too corporate with investments from Disney and Murdoch and shit
Salon became irrelevant the minute Glenn Greenwald left.

What is so "woke" about MK11?

Because there are still delusional people that believe in GWGB

>second best selling game of 2019 so far were no game in 2019 has sold over 3 million copies
Wow, what a fucking accomplishment.
>US only

That's not the point. When MK11 released RoR2, TABS, Sekiro etc were always above it on steam's global sellers the days following its launch.
Don't believe a random asshole's lies. Get the direct numbers or don't do anything at all.


Believable in the context of the games universe. I love big and small tits, and wouldn't have minded either way. I can see the justification for making the tits smaller.

Eh, who knows, I can understand this argument in the sense of human women like Cassie Cage, but Outworld women may not have this dimorphism between genders.

We're probably going too far into it. This whole "controversy" over smaller tits and more covered up women is fucking retarded. I think the biggest issue of the game overall is the grind and the bullshit prices of these "micro"transactions.

meant for

Wow it sure is interesting they're still hiding these huge sales numbers a month after release!

what other games even came out in april

Forever relevant

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>newest game in sequle sells
yeah what a suprise

But those are nothing but random buzz words arranged in click bait fashion. Its neither woke nor red pilled.

a few things, young johnny is over the top in his flirtatious ways, jax's tower ending has him blow his wish on ending slavery for blacks, all the women have manjaws and look like fridges

oh and Shao Kahn makes a reference to MAGA, hilarious and original.

found the nazi

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Are these meant to be ironic?

>Outworld women may not have this dimorphism between genders.
Outword women might have magical tits that actually give them more strength with the biggest tits signifying the greatest warrior.
>We're probably going too far into it. This whole "controversy" over smaller tits and more covered up women is fucking retarded.
It's not really. It's stupid to attack it from the "woke" perspective but push for "realism" is definitely killing games. The new covered up clothes are just unappealing compared to the older ones. Nobody is bitching about Samurai Shodown female characters even though they are usually more covered than the MK chars (with some exceptions of course). The bit difference is that SS chars are well designed, while MK 11 ditched iconic outfits for generic superhereo garbage.

>tv show reaction image/gif poster has self-control of a baby
consider me shocked

What the FUCK bros??
I can't fucking take much more of this

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>You can no longer appreciate titties on random humanoid characters because big titties make girls sad
>We want the under 18 twitch baby audience and american parents hate tits more than murder.

Never stop America. Never stop making me laugh.

I don't understand what is wrong with wanting to have sexually attractive women in video games. Yeah, he could've phrased it in less cringe way but we live in a capitalistic system. Theoretically, the producer should be listening to the consumers instead of enforcing their own ideological will on the populace.

>Shill posted it again without numbers

Days Gone, which outsold MK11 by a large margin.
And Days Gone was outsold by RE2, Sekiro and DMC5.
Mk11 being #2 is impossible, which is proven right by how afraid they are to release actual numbers. They're lying just like T2 was discovered to be lying about Exodus.
Sure is a lot of competition, the biggest tell that it's all bullshit? no numbers. Publishers fucking love printing numbers but instead they're spinning it like Avengers: Endgame. It's not doing as well as you think.

It's woke by Yea Forums standards according to the past 50000 threads crying about it.

I assume so.

>young johnny is over the top in his flirtatious ways
How is that woke?
>jax's tower ending has him blow his wish on ending slavery for blacks
That sounds like lazy writting more than anything. American blacks arnt enslaved and American blacks dont seem to give a flying fuck about African blacks.
>all the women have manjaws and look like fridges
So they went for realism then? Most women are fucking UGLY

The first one ("I almost don't want to fuck this Zombie" is ironic and making fun of the other website

The second one with all the clickbait articles is the real deal. /pol/-tier faggot crying that "Muslim Kombat" is not sexualized enough because MUH SJWs are ruining our hobby etc

I'm just happy we live in a world where ludicrous over-the-top violence (relative to other titles) is still accepted by a new generation of kids.

Whenever you think media is trying to force propaganda on you its actually just media assuming you are in their pocket and they want to appeal to another demographic to expand their customer base.

>If young white males recognize the franchise we the rest can be designed to appeal to everyone else.

>It's not really.
Mate, we're having arguments about some video game women's tits being a bit smaller and these virtual women having more clothes on. This is really fucking retarded.

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But Skarlet is hot as fuck

>128 replies
>62 IPs

>Mate, we're having arguments about some video game women's tits being a bit smaller and these virtual women having more clothes on. This is really fucking retarded.
It's a fighting game, what can be more important than character design?

Never let facts get in the way of your outrage-bait and "MUH SJW" fear-mongering, my dude.


It's shit.


The "game" part of the "fighting game" would probably be more important than the character design.

>a character's story is mishandled
no complaint
>he's black and his story includes something to do with race

I forgot to mention they point out his flirting as sexist, even his older self puts him down.

It doesnt make Jax's ending any less retarded since even in the ending itself Jax talks about not wanting to wait for people to "get woke" and just fix it himself

Its retarded considering the game is about over the top murders and magic and gods and shit making the women fugly is where they needed to be realistic

The idea of all this shitposting is just to draw attention to the existence of the product.
Glad im not fucking retarded and have stopped gaming almost entirely.

are all these sales in asia? i dont know a single person that plays these fighting games

>still no numbers

projection is cute

if youre still here youre definitely retarded

MK11 is the fifa of fighting games. Seriously. I have a bunch of fifa playing minorities (who also play on ps4) in my dorm and they have MK11.

I think the only character who could actually work with a more scantily clad theme would be Mileena since it would make alot of sense on her.
But i don't see how people aren't surprised that the only reason most of MK's roster from past entries were scantily clad because it only pretty much nerds bought them and the climate was different. Im sure they are probably some designers and artists who love big titties are Netherrealm but their hands are simply tied on the matter because devs are still afraid of getting attacked by journalists.

Astolfo doesn't have massive tits and nobody complains about her being flat to fit the SJW narrative. What gives?

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not even the best selling lmao

How much has it actually sold? I don't care about your smoke and mirrors.