I'm 25 can someone explain to me wtf Epic Games is or where they came from...

I'm 25 can someone explain to me wtf Epic Games is or where they came from? It's literal who status for me whenever I see them mentioned

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If you're 25 you should know who Epic is. Fuck off.

Again, literally who? Is this some zoomer inside joke?

I'm 26 and don't know either. All I know is they made fortnite

It's a Chinese psyop.

1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

unreal tournament
gears of snore

Then you know them enough
Studios that make popular games eventually just make their own stores, like Ubisoft and Bethesda etc
Fortnite became popular so alas a store was funded so they can make more money

What is Gears of War you fucking brainlets

Jesus christ it has nothing to do with your age, you're just retarded

Never played Gears of War, probably never will, fucking sue me and stay mad.

They used to be good guys until consoles.

not recognizing Epic brand


gears of war is fucking awful. hang yourself zoomer

>underage zoomer never played ut
Go back to fortnite, stupid nigger.

How did they get away with making a children's video game character named Jizz Jackrabbit?

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>what is unreal
this is some next level bait

there's this thing called google

Epic Games is a studio that originated as Epic Megagames and was responsible for games like Jazz Jackrabbit and Unreal. They got into engine development with the Unreal Engine and went on to be less about development and more about licensing until they made Fortnite and once again found major success. They are 40% owned by a Chinese megacorporation called Tencent and are aiming to be a competitor to Steam with their Epic Games Store. The EGS lacks even basic functionality as a store right now, with support for things like shopping carts at least 6 months away. Yet even so, they have a tower of cash to burn through and so they're buying out exclusivity for a bunch of games on PC, causing them to underperform on the platform because nobody is actually using the EGS.

>not know unreal tournament
nani the fuck

Have people forgotten that Epic made Unreal Tournament?

this site is for 12 year olds. you should probably just leave

Holy fucking shit. Unreal Tournament you plebs. They may not be the same company now but for fucks sake know your history.

You're 25 and doesn't know about unreal tournament? I'm a 30 year old boomer and everyone 25+ ai know has played it before, even our resident console only fags.

Epic develops the Unreal Engine you see a ton of games using. They also made the wildly successful Fortnite and are now trying to establish a new store on PC competing with Steam. Unfortunately, they've released it in a barely-finished state lacking basic features and are mainly dumping Fortnite money into getting companies to take their games off Steam, hoping to force consumers into their store instead.

Tencen, a Chinese company, also owns around 48% of Epic; that's why there's so much China bantz around them.

so what studios do you know OP?

I'm legitimately curious now

zoomers aren't 25 you dipshit

>Gears of War
only xbots know this games

FTFY kiddo. You also need to be 18 to use this site, yes even blue boards.

25 and cant fucking google a simple question
get out of here with this gay ass thread

the only arena game worth it's salt to be mentioned by non boomers is Halo CE-3, stay mad

Never played =/= Never heard of

Are you too retarded for google or do. just want attention faggot ?

Spoken like a true shiteating underaged

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name a modern game and there's a 50% chance they used their game engine

EPIC GAMER right here my dudes. KNOW YOUR HISTORY

Oh yeah lol, never played it but I did play Unreal Gold and loved it, just never paid attention to who made it. Dang so now they're a shit tier studio huh? Thats sad

They made Unreal Tournament, which was the TF2 of the 90's. Then they started licensing out their engine to other developers and gained some popularity for that. Then a few years back they open sourced Unreal Engine so now that and Unity are the go-to 3D engines for indie publishers.

>unreal logo appears on thousands of games unskippable splash screens


>literally no u
Pathetic honestly.

Fuck winnie pooh. Fuck China.

you heard of unreal engine? that's them.

Fucking brianlets, they made Unreal Engine.

So the same you just did ?

Nice irony, shiteater

Epic Megagames was one of the biggest players during the DOS shareware days in the 90s. They further cemented their place in the industry with Unreal(basically late-90s Crysis), and then the wildly popular Unreal Tournament games which took over the competitive scene completely from Quake. In recent years Epic dropped the Megagames from the name, and have been bought out by Chinese firms.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. If I didn't make myself clear, I hate what Epic is now.

can't you fucking use a searching engine you piece of shit retarder zoomer? Fucking die you trash

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It's the newest kid on the block storefront wise which is supported and promoted by the communists of the west. Even literal Chinese communists have about 40% ownership of it (Tencent) and they're basically using the billions of money from Fortnite to try and kill competition with their dirty tactics. They've been targetting Steam in particular to try and dethrone them and dominate the market. Whilst Steam isn't perfect, it's far superior to these scumbags and what they have in mind.

>I'm 25
>I'm 26
who gives a shit? is this the new be me or btw im a girl?

Epic Games made Fortnite, and now they have their own store competing against Valve's Steam.
bonus act: everytime there's a new game coming out that is confirmed to be Epic styore exclusive, everyone freaks out.

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>you're shitposting
no shit. what else I would be doing here.

I baited you all, now show me those Skyrim receipts in triplicate

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kill my bros, I don't want to be around these people.

It's a video game store that produces butthurt all over the world

When did anons become so easy to bait, was it the elections?

Probably to differ from all the kids here but the way OP says it sounds like he's proud of being retarded

>What is Gears of War
A banal, overly dramatic cover-shooter that only ever appealed to a very specific demographic?

>only pretending to be retarded

You're probably not even OP, just some sad lonely bystander looking desperately for attention

Imagine being such a valve drone that you don't realize that EGS is to fortnite players as steam was to half life players. EGS isn't great, but Steam sure as fuck isn't better.

I'm 28 can someone explain to me wtf video games is or where they came from? It's literal who status whenever I see them mentioned


>/pol/baby already getting mad
too easy

How is he retarded? It was completely relevant to state his age for not knowing these things

Steam is literally objectively better, it includes a ton of quality of life features which make using it less of a hassle and has amassed a huge library without having to bribe devs for shitty anti-consumer exclusivity deals.

Are you talking about yourself? People who are over 20+ don't know these things, so it's no surprise he doesn't know

I've noticed to most 25+ anons are retarded

Steam is bogged down with useless bullshit. Get rid of everything but the store, your library, and a chat system. Boom, you're done.

If you're 25 you should know who they are from Unreal Tournament and the OG Gears, Zoomer.

keep larping as an old man you 16 year old faggot

I'm 20, a Zoomer myself. I don't pretend like you.

That's a lot of people on the hook.

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You guys are fucking retards
Never play one of the best arena shooter franchises ever?
Unreal Tournament?
How about Gears of War, the game that popularized the 3rd person, cover-based shooter?

Epic Games was a game developer who made Fortnite and made a shitload of money off of it.
They decided they wanted to become another online game store like Steam but since Steam is a powerhouse, they gave publishers special deals to be sold exclusively on their platform.
Normally the competition would be good, but the Epic Store is dog shit and they have a lot of anti-consumer practices

They made gears of war, among other games.
They rose to prominence recently with the insane success of fortnite.
If you're on Yea Forums, there's literally zero reason you haven't heard of them before, though.

This is bait.

I barely even remember this game, and that's only because this was the only game on 360 for the longest time.

I actually didn't know this, I thought they were just the guys who made the launcher that triggers steamtoddlers

steam good
epic bad
member that

This is really weak bait

I've heard of Stardew Valley, doesn't mean I know who made it

they used to be based and made unreal+tournament but now sweeney wants to destroy the pc gaming market by catering to publishers instead of developers and players.

do you fucking know a little game called UNREAL FUCKING TOURNAMENT YOU ABSOLUTE ZOOMER

Wtf my computer is emitting mustard gas

You're telling me you never fucking played any of their games and you think they're literal who's because of your ignorance? Why didn't you just Google their past products instead of making this pretentious thread? Christ, you belong here.

ITT: A bunch of grown men angry at someone for not taking a hobby as seriously as a lifestyle.

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This is Yea Forums now, ladies(men) & gentlemen. Is there a place for old Yea Forums to hang out?

This and tyrian is how I know them
t. 24

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>Never heard of Epic games before Fortnite
That's just sad. You have my pity.

>Jill of the Jungle
>Electro Man
>Solar Winds
>Jazz Jackrabbit
>Unreal Tournament
>Gears of War

If you haven't played any of these, the zoomer is you

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>How about Gears of War, the game that killed the 3rd person, cover-based shooter genre stone dead for almost a decade?
fixed it for you

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Epic's been around since the 90's, you fucking zoomer.

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>cares enough to browse Yea Forums but not enough to know a company that's on par with Valve, Blizzard, EA, etc.
Fuck off

>doesn't know about UT
Either you're a pleb started vidya when it became a trend or you are underage.
I hope it's the later because they have the excuse of being too young to know about it.

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except Valve allowed themselves to include these functionnalities to Steam because the basic needs for the store were met, when it comes to buying games and managing your game library

Epic is this dick

Dude I fucking love ganja does that mean I’m a zoom guy?

epic games is cancer and needs to be terminated.
steam on the other hand is shit aswell as its current state.

He says as he queefs dust out of his rear vagina

Steam is literally better and Valve has consistently contributed to the PC game industry as a whole with various projects, Proton being one example. Steam is annoying and shitty, sure, but it's absolutely wrong to assert that it's as shitty as EGS. The fact is that anyone who can't see that is quite clearly a chink store drone.
t. life-long pirate

All I care about is playing video games. I don't give a damn about who made them, who's boycotting what, gamergates and DepressionQuests. I just want to play. Suck my chin.

If smoking pot is your personality, then yes. Otherwise we all dabble.

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it would literally take epic games over 10 years to catch up to the amount of features steam has

>gears fags are why Yea Forums sucks
says alot

I own 1 game on EGS, and over 300 on Steam. Steam is shit. It's bloated with garbage that it doesn't need and is designed to nickle and dime people. Trading cards and the marketplace are pure fucking cancer.

Oh excuse prease. Glorious strong Epic Game rauncher arrows wai guo, I mean honoured consumer to owndragon fierce rever of many games and services. Addition benefits encrude arrowing humble Chinese government to have access to your computer and are arrowing many different peopre to have access and use your credit card. Much joy having

Realistically, theres nothing Epic could do to one up Valve outside of giving more money to devs. When blockbuster lost to Netflix, they lost because of streaming. In here, Valve has every base covered and even if some magic new thing comes up Valve would be first to develop it because Epic would still be struggling for basic parity. This whole thing is just going to result in Tim embarassing himself and the rest of his investors from Fox and Disney will be pissed.

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Low tier bait

Steam is an amazing platform and anyone who says it's shit is a retard.

Their most well known games are probably Unreal Tournament, Gears of War, and Fortnite. They are also well known for making the Unreal Engine which a ton of games use and it's free to the public being one of the most popular engines.

$0.07 has been deposited into your steam wallet

true. theres no better way to earn neetbux. got an awesome game idea, listen.
what about: flappybirds, but instead of pipes you'll see spikes.
how much money would that give me on steam, considering i'll sell it for 2$ and reduce it to 0,55$ to make it look like a huge deal?
it would propably require me 10 minutes to create it, do you think it earns me enough to compensate for the huge effort?

>0.001 points have been added to your social credit

you gotta replace the flappy birds with "flatty animewaifu"
dont worry, there will be enough people getting your shit in random steamkeys

Fortnite makes all of its money on console kids. 10% of fortnites sales were from pc in 2018. Half life made all of its money on PC, with some more success coming from Orange box 3 years after the fact. Not comparable. Even then Epic isn't making games anymore because of Fortnite, while Valve has at least 4 titles developed by them coming out. Yet Valve is lazy and complacent.

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Yeah. Locking someone's account for buying too many games at once isn't anti-consumer
Get over yourselves

Yo, I'm 21 and a half, can anyone explain to me who this Yea Forums is and why his name is a bit like 4channel?

This is bait

its a shortcut and stands for
4th CHinese anime Network

My point was that Epic made Unreal, Unreal Tournament, Gears of War, and the most popular game engine on the market, all before Fortnite.

Fuck Epic. GoG 2.0 is here to stop this shit

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lmao who the fuck has played a game from epic games
probably fags who like to floss on fortnite