Remember when everyone was bitching about this game being too hard? I was one of them

Remember when everyone was bitching about this game being too hard? I was one of them.

I said that six months down the line, everyone would look back at those first days and laugh about it. Turns out it only took a couple of weeks for everyone to get used to the game including me and to beat it easily. I still remember all the faggots crying about an easy mode, when all you had to do was persevere and let the natural rhythm of the game be ingrained in you, and now everyone speedruns this game in like two hours.

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You're right, blunder of the year

nice blog fag

easy game.

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Thanks cunt.

It just goes to show that everyone is a whiny little faggot. I wasn't complaining two months ago, I knew it was gonna be another Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Bloodborne where at some point the "difficulty" of the game would become a subject of pleasantry. I honestly didn't expect it to happen that fast.

whats the deal with this line
>I wasn't complaining two months ago
compared to this one in your OP
>Remember when everyone was bitching about this game being too hard? I was one of them.
Are you retarded?

The combat was in hindsight boring as fuck. It was way too linear and rock-paper-scissors based. All you had to do was learn the specific counter for everything and the game became easy mode.

>All you had to do was learn the specific counter for everything and the game became easy mode.
So every game ever made

Nah not really. Good action games are way more dynamic than this, putting more emphasis on either movement/positioning or combos. Sekiro lacks that. Instead it pushes you into a very linear hard-counter system where you simply do nothing but counter over and over again. For instance, against a forward lunge, there is literally nothing else but a forward dash that's effective. That's it.

But you can deflect a thrust, or even dodge it if you time correctly

I've had one (1) wall in the whole game, and that's saint sword isshin. The worst part is that after I beat Genichjobber out of habit I kinda have his attack patterns memorized and I just shit myself against isshin, it's been 2 days and I still haven't progressed past his 2nd phase. Worst part is that I'm so fucked out that I can't even beat genichiro consistently with no damage anymore. God damnit

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Why is his 2nd phase causing you so many problems?

You can't deflect those red thrusts though? And dodging a thrust is suicide.

Yes you can deflect a perilous thrust

you can deflect a perilous thrust dummy, you just can't normal block them, timing has to be exact, git gud. it tells you this during the hanbei training and on a loading screen.

you can't deflect a sweep though.

thats literally why genichiro is there. it's the tilt detector. take a break.

I honestly can't figure it out. I can't read the attacks because I feel exhausted after the first phase and I feel I'm getting worse at it, namely because I used to beat genichiro in like less than 1 minute but now I am consistently getting killed at least once by him. More time passes, I get worse at the game, and putting it down and picking it up later just makes me worse at it. It's a shame because I legit had the time of my life in the whole game. Having to sit through a boss gauntlet and having to skip the cutscenes doesn't help either, I wish it was more immediate like with Owl or first time Genichiro

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Listen. Everyone does phase 2 differently but there's a consistent way to do it.

Stay the fuck away. ONLY mikiri counter his jumping lunges, then hit him once(1). If you're close enough, that swing will hit his head hitbox and interrupt his move, so you will do a small amount of vit damage.

Keep doing that until his stamina doesn't recover fast enough, then kill him.

Good job OP? We're all happy for you???

>feel exhausted after the first phase
Are you referring to Isshin here? His first phase is rather easy. All of his sword arts can be easily be avoided and just run behind him for 2 hits. If you stay aggressive during his normal attacks you can bait out a mikiri a lot.

Sekiro is fucking fantastic and one of the best games FROM made but at release the only thing the gaming media wanted to talk about was how inaccessible the game was and that infuriates me to no end. I feel like this games reputation was ruined by hardcore fans of Souls who expected another Bloodborne and by extreme casuals who lucked their way into a writing gig and have no competency when it comes to action games.

For his second phase, keep deflecting and keep your distance and let him finish his combos. When you see a thrust coming at the end of a combo, mikiri it.

For his 3rd phase, reverse the lightning.

His 1st phase has some easy openings. When he charges run at him, deflect the first strike and jump the sweep. If it's the 360 wind slash (not sure if he does it on his 1st or 2nd phase) you can jump on his head to avoid it.

I will apply this advice, thanks
ye right now I'm in front of a wall because I need to get myself in the zone again to consistently beat genichiro with no damage, because right now I'm unexplicably getting worse even after breaks and need to get a grip

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>the only thing the gaming media wanted to talk about was how inaccessible the game was and that infuriates me to no end.
I agree completely. It's a fucking joke, the game is designed to be easy when you know what you're doing, and unlike bayo that doesn't tell you about dodge offset, Sekiro goes the extra mile throwing tutorial pop ups at you, and people still manage to miss important tech.

For the second phase, just deflect most of his shit. Don't give up even if you get hit by genichiro. Actually don't give up in general lmao. When I fought isshin, I had a bunch of bullshit happen to me, and I still somehow clutched it. I actually was streaming it, so lemme know if you want a clip lol.

Didn't phrase that properly, I was one of the faggots who found it difficult but I didn't bitch about it. There you go, happy now cunt?

>I used to beat genichiro in like less than 1 minute but now I am consistently getting killed at least once by him
that was me
>reach the end of the game
>destroy Genichiro without healing or resurrecting
>instantly die to phase 1 Isshin
>need to heal on Genichiro second attemp
>die for good on Genichiro at the third attemp
>try like 10 times
>don't get past Genichiro even once
>ragequit and go to bed
>try again the next day
>phase 2 Isshin after a couple tries
>get to phase 3 after 7-10 tries and beat it on the first go
Just take a break, whenever I got stuck in a boss I took a break and easily defeated them the next day