>g-g-go woke...
>g-g-go broke...
G-g-go woke
Other urls found in this thread:
Watched a few gameplay videos. Still can't see why it's so popular.
The animation is complete garbage, just like in the two previous titles. The character roster is probably the blandest to date.
Are the trash X-Ray attacks still in?
Name another AAA game that came out in April
The roster is better than MKX, but still much weaker than MK9. Xrays have been basically changed into Krushing Blows. Certain moves cause them.
This year or all time?
Because MK always is released in April.
fucking d-delete this!
I wish I was better at it.
Joke fighting game who cares
>Japanese game sells well
>Company releases an accurate data showing how much exactly it sold
>Western game sells "well"
>Actual numbers are not released but a bunch of bloggers make posts talking how much the game sells
>inb4 cope
Threadly reminder that all copeposting needs to be accompanied by actual numbers otherwise it's invalid
>look mom i posted it again
fuckin epic
>i..it doesn't count
warner is a kike company
Can't you read?
Game with a shitload of marketing and already popular brand name sells well? shocking.
>Still can't see why it's so popular.
It's the fifa of fighting games. Whatever happens, it's going to sell.
Now about that Apex legends get woke go broke thing. . .
is less then 5 million copies good?
especially since the sold it with reduced price
should have said
>2019 has been really disappointing in terms of releases which made it easy to break records
>no numbers have been released
>"best selling of april" is meaningless as nothing else released
>Anthem was "best selling of Feburary" and that's failed so hard that Bioware are on the chopping block now
All of this screams of publisher desperation trying to convince shareholders that shit hasn't gone south.
cope tranny
Want to talk about the game instead of a bait thread?
Have sex
Should I get into MK?
The gameplay looks fun and it doesn't look nearly as combo intensive as other fighters.
There are TWO threads up with the same bullshit meme words. Stick to one thread, faggot.
t. activision
>Want to talk about the game instead of a bait thread?
Nobody wants to talk about it because of the universe reset at the end of story mode. And since it's a franchise where lore is one of the selling points everyone is less excited.
>Hey what do you think about this character development
It doesn't matter
>What about this character making a return
It doesn't matter
>And how about this new fighter
Nobody cares
This year
Guys, do you realize this?
>Kingdom Heart 3 have sold 5 millions copies
>MK11 aims to surpass its previous game that sold 11 millions
>MK11 cant even surpass 5 millions
They are fabricating the narrative, thats why they are not releasing numbers. Prove me wrong, trannies
>Ghostbusters 2016
>The only AAA game that came out this month sold the most
>People think this isn't surprising
For a fighting game in one month, 5 million is amazing.
TORtanic and ironic shitposting were the worst things to happen to this board I swear.
So... Mortal Kombat is actually dead now.
MK11 itself.
Still doesn't change the fact in less than one month it's the second best selling game of 2019.
HOLD THAT L, Yea Forums
Who ever said that is on cuck hormones from /pol/. Retarded.
Based. Trannies are too dumb to understand numbers though.
MK was always king of normie fighters thus it can't fail
>MK11 looks to surpass 11 million copies
I seriously doubt that. MKX sold insanely well, and besides smash, is the best selling fighter this gen. MK11 will still sell over 7 million copies in its lifetime, which will make it the 3rd best selling fighter this gen behind Smash and MKX.
Mods delete this or say good bye to our advertising shekkels
On day one . this game is such of mess i cant believe this shills are still around
*at a discount
They put more money and give it more effort (just look how much they exploited their workers). They expect it to surpass 10 just like they expected 10 to surpass 9.
>game Yea Forums doesn't like actually sells well
>Yea Forums then comes up with a million excuses
every time
I don't care about fighting games but MK11 looks fine. Female characters look fine, better than 99% of western games. Why does it make Yea Forums seethe?
Every new game gets discounted quickly now. Except for the biggggggest stuff like CoD and GTA
Heres a days gone discount and it came out around the same time, and a Rage 2 discount which just came out.
It's a modern marketing strategy that people pretend hasnt been going on for many years now.
MK 11 is pretty boring before you call me a shill
>It's a modern marketing strategy that people pretend hasnt been going on for many years now.
LOL oh my god I am so glad I'm not a 19 year old retard like you
No it isnt its more about reflexes and faking out opponent / mixing it up. Pretty traditional in that sense and netcode is pretty good. Overall quite simplistic though don't expect Einstein levels of intricacy.
>MK11 will still sell over 7 million copies in its lifetime
>still sold effectively zero copies compared to any relevant game
it got outsold by risk of rain 2 and mordhau.
Notice the spacing and the retardation.
>look I posted it again!
>gets btfo
>still going to post the same thread tonight to get btfo again
>Every new game gets discounted quickly now
>release day
This shouldn't be happening! Trump was supposed to stop this! reeeeeeee!!!!
its a perfect strategy though, you remember how a ton of games would go on to be best sellers at full price and then go into platinum mode? Well it's A LOT better to immediately slash the price and sell less.
You can get discounts before games even release as well as release day. It has been this way for years.
>and thats a good thing
>Show facts
>"S-stop opinating"
Don't Care. Not Buying it.
Try amazon, walmart, gamestop, and every other place that sells videogames.
>All this SEETHE
Thanks for adding to the compilation
Or just use price comparison websites like exodeal.net. MK 11 has 60% discount there
lmao holy shit
Yeesh, these are just sad excuses.
>Game sells well
>Yea Forums refuses to believe it because niggers
Fighting games do always better on consoles?
You make the bulk of the money back discounting the base game by selling DLC
>MK11 didnt manage to beat out Days Gone in physical
Wait, what?
NPD says it did
NPD Software Top 20: April 2019
Mortal Kombat 11
Days Gone
MLB The Show 19
Tom Clancy's The Division 2^
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*
Grand Theft Auto V
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice^
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII^
NBA 2K19
Yoshi's Crafted World*
Red Dead Redemption II
Mario Kart 8*
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe*
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
Jump Force
Battlefield V*
Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition
Less than 34,799 brought MKX on Steam?
But it seems like it did? Right now all anons can say is "I think they're lying"
The source YOU linked said otherwise...
Are you retarded? That is the source of the article. There are only 5k players right now and 6k players in the past 24 hours, with an average height of 13k and obviously dropping. MK11 will be officially dead before summer ends lmao
>Stating that MK11 is the second best sold game in 2019 actually confirmed it is flopping
This was a good day
>Are you retarded? That is the source of the article.
Yes that's why I also showed that the article said what I said aswell
who buys fighting games for the pc tho
does XL hold up?
Is this the part where we literally only use steam and ignore every other system with the game? Even if we use Steam it shows how it surpassed it's last game by thousands
what relevance does this have if the game currently has barely anyone playing online 1 month after launch?
It matters when this thread is about sales
okay then, did all of those games with less peak players immediately go on sale 1 month after launch?
Maybe, but did all those games sell more than MK11 on Steam?
what cuckold unironically buys this garbage
>MK11 will still sell over 7 million copies in its lifetime
So less than 11 million copies?
>muh MK woke
>literally just one character ending
REmake 2 came out Jan 25 here is Jan 26 for $15 off.
Heres a sale before it was even released
Happens all the time, for many years now.
FighterZ barely gets viewers anymore and
Jump Force already beat it in sales.
This triggers the tranny
Tekken 7 had a decent season 2
SFV finally dead
MK11 has good netcode and is fun especially if you aren't a contrarian manbaby
Samurai Showdown next month
Under Night gets an Evo spot
Granblue Fantasy Versus soon
New Guilty Gear shown at E3 probably
How does the FGC just keep winning so much?
>"oh that's neat, let's check the charts"
>pic related
Uh, why are they celebrating that they're first when MLB and Days Gone are the only ones that are at the top three along with MK11 this month?
No it's the part where you intentionally ignore the language they use, such as:
>"best selling game *of April* ***2019***"
>"first to top *US* charts for all three consoles in over a decade"
The reason why this is the best selling game of April 2019 (what a low bar) is because its major competition was days gone and a new baseball game, both mediocre Sony exclusives meaning 1/3 the sales of a third party title no matter what.
The reason why it got the second accolade is for the simple reason that Nintendo rarely ever gets any third party games, or at the very least rarely gets the third party games to release in the same month as the other consoles so it literally is always impossible for the feat to be reached unless you intentionally release a AAA game at the same time to all 3 consoles.
Christs sake the game hasnt even outsold the lackluster kingdom hearts 3 which as of April only sold 800,000 in the US according to the very same NDP you shills like to throw around.
KH3 shipped 5 million, and hasnt even reached that number of sales yet, and if MK11 hasnt performed better than KH3 then do the math.
It's on sale of course it's going to sell
>vs MLB and Days Gone
what the fuck is wrong with jews
>they have to combine the game with fortnite to make the number look bigger
>guy can't understand that a game on sale sells more than a game not on sale
Especially when the game on sale is brand new and the others are years old and weren't on sale right after launch.
Sales sell games.
This is such a dumb comparison lmao I'm surprised you got some many (you)s
>US only
>second best selling game of 2019 in the US only
>KH3, the #1 title holder for highest selling game in US has only sold 800,000 in the US
oh lawd
>unironically can't understand the simplest shit like this
Just watch the story on youtube. There, you're done with the game. You're not "playing" MK for multiplayer are you?
It's worse than that user. Kingdom Hearts 3 only shipped 5 million, it didnt sell 5 million. And to top it all of, all the metrics MK11 uses are US only, and we know for a fact that KH3 has only recently gotten to a million, if that.
>compares a fighting game that get bi yearly release to a long awaited rpg that concluded a story 10 years in the making
Yes, user your are a business master, truly a savant
Yep. I'm thinking this is based.
Tranny discord to the rescue.
What narrative?
not bad
>there are real humans who browse Yea Forums and are actually seething that people really dont care about what characters are wearing in mortal kombat as much as they do
I've never seen this level of denial, just accept you dont know shit about games my angry anons, it wouldnt be the first time
MK trash sold shitter than KH? kek
meaning weebs and jp devs just keep winning and sjw landwahles BTFO
but he said it was going to flop
seriuosly its is not woke at all.
Just the kano ending is priceless
>still no actual numbers
That's a YIKES from me lad.
...objectively the one of the best MK game ever released
Besides the controversy and microtransactions it's a pretty fun game
Why do you guys have to contrarian about everything.
Everyone that works at times warner deserves the inevitable work place shooting
all this mad
Are you two trying to purposely avoid the fact that the game isnt actually doing well?
Is this seriously still about that fucking Jax arcade ending?
This is the biggest red flag for me. All of their accolades and milestones are extremely specific yet lauded for apparently being big deals.
ok billy
Because being the best MK game is a very low bar and there are a dozen other fighter franchises that do it all better without a doubt.
yes retards are still mad i think they are still mad about black panther too they always bring up wakanda like its a new thing
>n-n-n-no play the other fighting games they are good too
Okay Boon
Based on what metric, user? Steam sales? When the majority of players bought console, and every article talking about how well it sold, only talks about consoles? I mean I'm still impressed with the games steam sales considering the PC port was such a trash heap there was no reason for it to sell anything at all on PC, but I guess the MK brand is just that buff.
funny how all these vague "great sales" articles keep being pushed over and over by all the journalists and nrs themselves. almost as if they were trying to damage control against what everyone knows actually happened.
Easy the best Mortal Kombat game to date and one of if not the best fighting games on the market right now.
it just sold shitter than KH
accept the simple reality
>if not the best fighting games on the market right now
That's Killer Instict NRSshill.
Already the seconds highest selling MK game to date and its only been out a month, looking good for MK11
Cant stay for the shitflinging but man what a fucking weird ride.
Don’t yell buzzwords at each other for too long now
5 Kombat Koins have been deposited into your MK11 account
>welcome to killer shitstink, the game where the combos are made up and the scene doesnt matter
Has exceptional netcode and soundtrack though, I'll give you that much
where are your numbers
jap weeb fags need to fuck off
>but here you go
>doesn't chage anything
That's not how it works
Tranny discord BTFO'd in their own thread
In the link provided.
Where are NRS' numbers since for the past month they've been assuring us "everything is just fine!!!"
>Playing fighting games singleplayer
Must suck not having friends.
>name another game
>names the same name again
/thread. Christ I'm tired of these redditors and blatant shills peddling lies
It's a fun casual fighter to get into.
Other than the scantily clad outfits on the ninjettes missing, I feel like I'm playing a updated MK from the 90s.
The fatalities are gruesome as fuck. Sub Zero's forward down forward b is especially fucked lol.
Noob Saibot's forward back forward light punch is also.
I'm loving it. I don't care about the SJW politic shit. The combos aren't marvel but they are more than SF combos.
I'm having fun and enjoying it.
The grind is not an issue for me because im using cheat engine. Fuck em for that.
I don't know who the NPD is or why they'd be a trustworthy source, but since you associate them with shills I suppose we can agree to disregard what they say.
Anyway I dont know if you thought I wouldnt click the link or something, but it says nothing about any kind of sales numbers besides KH3 shipping 5 million units. If you have some kind of real, hard, reputable numbers, can you post those?
the salt here is good
this came out the same day mk11 came out really makes you think
Single player is the only redeeming factor of MK. MK's "competitive scene" dies so quickly post launch every game.
I play games like SF, Tekken, and Unist with my friends.
Didn't this game break plenty of woke developers when they worked on it?
NPD is a market research that often tracks the performance of goods and in this case vidya.
And clearly if you didnt see it then you dont knowle how to read, or didnt read far enough and just stopped after you got to what you needed for a half baked reply. Here it is in image format. feel free to read through again and double check.
More like go woke make slightly less money than you otherwise would have.
yes im sad i dont have that guy from twitter that didn't get the game
Sometimes Yea Forums forgets that normal people don't care. This site is a bubble.
>Be gone trannys
I really did just miss it, thanks for taking the time to point it out.
That said though, what does it matter? Assuming that NPD information is correct, all we know is MK11 sold less than KH3 as of when, march? April? And that proves that the game was what, a commercial failure? You don't know what the difference in sales really is, you only know that it's less. How do you figure failure from that?
I drink fair trade coffee at Starbucks while using my Chinese made iPhone. Stop pointing out my hypocrisy!
Turns out they're both the best selling games of 2019
Now I'm confused, are anons saying Mk11 was now a flop because KH3 was the best selling game of this year?
>I play casual button mashing garbage and dead literal who games
LMAO, stick to your single player, kiddo
So MK11 pretty much bombed.
Why are they covering it up
Don't give a shit about MK11 but Yea Forums getting ass blasted is always nice.
These numbers were determined as of late April, around the time MK11 launched, and now that MK11 has been out for about a month its vaguely reporting its success and giving all these oddly specific accolades that at first glance seem like a big deal but upon further inspecting shows they're not a big deal after all. I'm merely providing perspective. I like MK and I play MK11. I'm not saying it flopped, but I'll becdamned if all these reddit fanboys help to spin (and spam) lies, or half truths rather, in the name of their gay little culture war.
>The 5th best selling game for April 2019 is a game that came out in December 2018
Really makes you think.
This. Western cucks need to put up or shut up
Have dilate.
I dont think theres anything unusual about spinning anything possible for more sales. Whether a game sold well or not, doesnt it make sense for a company to market on everything it can while the product is being pushed? Seems normal to me.
But at least I understand your perspective now, even if I don't really see it as something worth pointing out like you do. Good luck keeping culture warriors in check amigo, theyre everywhere these days.
Sadly apparently nobody just plays videogames anymore.
There is one gaming community on reddit that literally never talks about any of the shit Yea Forums goes on about but they only play old games.
MK1 is currently the most played fighting game on steam
I didn't say shit about the competitive scene. If you have friends to play with it doesn't matter.
so is every fighting game when its brand new
just face it, mk11 did much more poor than they projected. not bad compared to other games, but by WB NRS standards its bad. they got too cocky with the microtransactions and politics.
>Already the second best selling MK game
>Already outsold every fighting game this generation except for MKX
>Doing bad
lol, whatever you say, bro, whatever you say.
>source: my ass
Brawlhalla is F2P it has sold precisely 0 (Zero) copys
I don't feel like making a MK11 thread, but does anyone else hate how they're doing *another* timeline reset? It made 9 and 10 feel pointless.
The story was weird it was like they set up a bunch of stuff for sequels (young characters replacing dead old ones and such) but then the ending itself felt more like the ending to the whole franchise.
And the other games on that pic don't? lmao
Have sex, it's not about quantity, it's about the quality of it's user base.
For anyone on the fence and considering buying it on PC.
People are catching on to the CE tables that are now available, and you can do things such as enabling infinite fatal blows from the beginning of the match. Not only this but they can fatal blow you regardless of their own hp. I played 6 matches in a row with someone either doing this or other things such as instantly regenerating health.
>fighting games
>on PC
When will people learn?
>still having this thread after getting BTFO by that post listening all the games that came out in April
No competition.
>Sold the most in April
Could literally translate to
>Sold 500k copies
Come back when you've got actual sales figures nigger.
Crack when?
i have it on console too, just bought it on pc for reasons.
the pc version is definitely fucked. just wanted to warn any anons.
When is the fucking crack hot fucking damn
>story mode shit
Who cares
This is false its a P2P game they can only modify their own side causing their game to deysinc
As soon as something newer comes out it'll be dropped. SJWs ride off the coat tails of existing properties since alone they can't make anything good and just try and bog down games with their propaganda to pretend people like it.
Replace the sjw crap with something else and it'll get more sales, I'd bet money.
theirs a mortal kombat 11?
lmao the audacity of this cuck show me a good right wing game that's right there arnt any tranny
I'll never understand this board's fascination with sales and viewers. It literally doesn't affect you lmao
>M-muh sjw boogieman
Why hasn’t CODEX or any other crackfixer done this game yet?
I really don't think SJWs are playing this game. They might be the reason for some design changes but I doubt they're the reason its selling.
Yea Forums wants to be justified when it hates a game. As much as fags here are hoping MK11 bombs, anyone with common sense knows it won't. MK historically sales very well.
Garbage port. Is it better than X? Yeah. But its still shit, the 30 and 60 fps designated parts of the game are jarring to transition through.
On top of this I started getting crashes that nobody seems to know anything about, including NRS support. Its some type of direct 11 3d error stating that the device was removed, but it wasn't. I'm attempting a refund since its not even playable for me now.
this will be their last jedi this one will make bank but next? next one will suffer greatly
>people still cant recognize blatant misleading bullshit PR nonsense
if they had good numbers they would be telling you the numbers. There's a reason they're obfuscating the facts.
>covering up women
>caving to SJWs
yep it's sjw trash.
Bioshock 2
that was easy. Now can you stop pretending that you're some epic chad and go back to sucking your wifes boyfriends dick and leave the rest of us alone?
>it literally doesn't affect you if a game does well enough to affect industry trends and get a sequel
Fucking retard
sjw bugmen
I know, it's just apathetic fans who just want more MK and not so much buying it because they put Sonya Blade in a Burqa.
and SJWs will say this is a victory, it's like if they suddenly added woke politics in fortnite. They're so desperate for "victories" they will claim anything is a victory.
>second best selling game of 2019
>in one month
>obscuring fact
Do what's the 3rd best selling game of 2019? Find those numbers and you can guess about how many copies MK11 sold so far.
"Everyone who disagrees with me is an incel"
when did we talk about sex? And how would sex make me agree with you? Why does sex come up? Oh right it's because you default to that when you get your ass blasted in argument.
games sell like shit in 2019, MK11 is a pig among guinea pigs. I bet player count will drop soon.
hey baby wanna help me solve the incel problem
just imagine all the virgin dicks you could have
i'll hook you up
It literally doesn't, delisional cuck
>literally ignoring reality
>calling others delusional
I could be having sex all day everyday and you'd make that statement. Explain how having sex pertains to this discussion and explain how having sex would make me agree with you.
feel free to give up any time.
>SJWs ride off the coat tails of existing properties since alone they can't make anything good
I thought you faggots said multiple times that SJWs don't buy games. So, when a game you don't like bombs or flops, then it means you were right so the went woke and gone broke, but if it actually does well it's all a conspiracy and attack on... what? Real games? The gamers? It can't POSSIBLY be that people actually like the game and don't give a shit what some crybabies on the internet have to say about the game. It's all SJWs somehow carefully planning to destroy the industry. Fuck off, man. Just admit you were wrong and move on.
lmao its Captain Marvel again
it's not a secret
not relevant.
SJWs insert their ideology into games, it flops. Proof of concept. If it does well it's usually because they inserted it into games that were projected to do well anyway. It never makes a bad game good, it makes good games bad.
Ironic you tell me to move on and be wrong when every time evidence is presented contrary to your belief it's a straight cis male conspiracy to holocaust the lgbt.
just kill yourself, slit your throat and die you scum.
>Look mom i did again
literally learn to read before you start writing retarded rants moron
>anything I dont like is fake news
imagine actually playing nrs jank especially now when it's infested with sjw garbage
lmao just lmaaaooo
>Yea Forums insists a game will flop
>it doesn't
>they cry fake news
Every fucking time lmao stay BTFO, faggots :)
>all this incel cope
NRS is based
>Netherealm pc ports are always hot garbage
how could the numbers be so low?!
people lie,numbers don't
Based NRS BTFOing the incels
NPC cope is just calling everyone an incel so nobody questions them. Everyone knows you don't have sex. You just make fun of people for being in the same situation as you.
Im assuming this is a picture of yourself, you should maybe go easy on the make up there, you look like a clown.
this is why people call you NPC's, you call everyone and anyone an NPC. I bet a pornstar can be an incel if they disagree with you enough.
Hello incel
you assume wrong
what does having sex have to do with anything? I'd love to know since NPC's like you spout that term as if it has any relevance.
t. incel
We have box office numbers for Captain Marvel, we know exactly how well it did
We have no numbers for MK11
If it sold so well, why won't they just tell us how many copies were sold?
Oh, right, because it undersold. It was both the best-selling game of April and failed to meet internal sales expectations.
Incels getting triggered HARD in this thread
get some help incel
>reddit meme
>on Yea Forums
if only your dad stuck around and didn't abandon you, if he stuck around he'd beat the faggot out of you.
You seem to have some pent up daddy issues there, incel.
Something you want to get of your chest?
you're so uncreative you just reverse an insult onto me, cause it hurt you so badly you think it'd effect me in the same way. Ya got nae-naed son, now if only your parents could abort you still.
Mortal Kombat can easily afford to go woke because it's audience is a bunch of morons who don't like fighting games and just play what they're told is "in".
Play the story mode and drop it except for the same 4 or 5 melvins who keep the online going until the next shitfest gets released. Mechanically, it's a fighting game, barely at that, but people buy it for the story and rpg elements which don't belong in the first place. Trying to discuss gameplay stuff will unironically get you called a "tourneyfag" while they keep circlejerking their shitty Michael Bay US Army plot action flick #369.
These faggots DO NOT deserve a spot at EVO, much less get taken seriously by anyone, especially the FGC.
Even if we had numbers for MK11 you'd all either ignore them, move the goalpost or imply it's inflated or fake numbers. It's damn if they do, damned if they don't with you faggots. When Captain Marvel had numbers shown, faggot incels claimed it was all Disney buying the tickets and that it was an SJW conspiracy to inflate numbers to make sure in succeeded. If MK11 had numbers released, you faggots would imply the exact same fucking conspiracy bullshit.
gib numbers faggot
Thats it incel, let it all out.
Black ops got discounted one month in to $30. I bought a bunch of copies as gifts for Christmas.
Watch this to deduce them
It flopped
all I can notice is you absolutely SEETHING
>it flopped cause I pulled it out of my ass
Fuck off, faggot.
Says the incel, I bet you look like a blob.
an SJW using faggot? Why do you try hard to fit in with us?
let it all out incel boy, let it all out.
Ha ha are you angered male sibling?
What did I pull out of my ass? Please point