The best SW game?
The best SW game?
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yeah sure whatever
This is every star wars game Ive played
Rogue Squad 2 > RS 1> Jedi Knight Academy > Outcast > Battlefront 2 > BF1 > first pod racer > Lego > super star wars > Republic Commando > Dark Forces > Star Wars Arcade > Kotor > Revenge of the sith > those ship games on ps2 > Bounty Hunter > Kotor 2 > Phantom Menace psx > ps2 pod racer > RS3 > Obi Wan > Empire at war > force unleashed > force unleashed 2 > EA battlefront 1 > plug and play darth vader controller > plug and play motion light saber game > battlefront 2
Oh shit i forgot put pod racer arcade at the top
the star wars mod for mount and blade
Either KotOR I or Jedi Outcast for best.
KotOR II, Republic Commando, Jedi Academy, Dark Forces I, and Episode 1 Racer are all superb too. And I guess Galaxies NGE if you want to count it.
Swtor simply for having the most star wars content and best story.
Kotor isnt turn based? Its like ffxii kind of now that I think about it. Thats not a good thing though
I meant Galaxies pre-NGE
I'm torn between KOTOR and Outcast.
The state of zoomers.
Rogue squad followed by battlefront 2
KOTOR 2 is my favorite.
Never played KOTOR.
That PS1 SW fighting game was pretty fun as a kid, but I doubt it is a good game.
Oh, and Battlefront 1 & 2 for PS2 were both awesome.
KOTOR 2 is better.
it's real-time, but you can pause to give commands to your party. you should play them sometime.
If by "better" you mean "worse" - sure.
KOTOR 2 doesn't shamelessly rip off the movies.
I know it's not the best SW game, but Republic Commando will always have a special place in my heart.
>TFW there will never be a conclusion to the cliffhanger
KotOR is actually round-based, similarly to NWN.
It's essentially turn-based but with turns automatically passing after fixed intervals.
I have played it retard
Neither does KotOR. And it also has a perk of not being boring shit.
>the devs confirmed the cancelled sequel had sev surviving
Based on that alone I imagine the story suffered. Not allowing characters to die cheapens the drama.
Boy that's a l33t fucking post
He probably meant to quote the zoomer using the drake meme.
Except the fact that you have to fly around the galaxy in a ship named after a bird so that you can destroy the evil space station of the bad guys one of which is a sith lord with a fucked up voice
Series trope =/= "shameless rip-off"
Kotor 2 > Kotor 1
Bastila > HandMaiden
Are you genuinely retarded or just stupid, user?
so? visas >>>> both
Based star wars kid
>in a ship named after a bird
The Ebon Hawk is your ship in both 1 and 2. I don't know why you're bringing it up as a point in 2's favor.
>destroy the evil space station of the bad guys
Which you do in 2 as well
>one of which is a sith lord with a fucked up voice
Doubly true in 2, since both Sion and Nihilus have messed up voices.
call me a zoomer or whatever (I'm not) but I would like to play it in real time combat like Mass Effect + melee
maybe an FPS with complicated lightsaber combat like Mordhau or M&B
My favorites are
1. Rogue Squadron 2
2. BF2 2005
3. Battle for Naboo basically prequel Rogue Squadron game, a hidden gem
4. Jedi Starfighter
5. Kotor 2
you are like a little babby
mira > visas
kreia > all
You are why we get ea trash star wars games
yo where's jedi power battles my senpai
Battlefront 2 the original.
kotor and mass effect 1 have fairly similar combat.
Rogue Squadron 2 and 3 still look amazing. That game was crazy. Looked like a 360/ps3 game.
>complicated combat
>realtime shooter vs turn-based strategy
cry more virgin
So you never played it
Oh fuck I completely forgot that game. Probably between kotor and the episode 3 game. I was never huge fan, but it was fun and the only star wars co op game so I could play what I wanted with my brother without him crying to my mom its his turn.
>The Ebon Hawk is your ship in both 1 and 2. I don't know why you're bringing it up as a point in 2's favor.
KOTOR 2 didn't just make a ship that is the MIllenium Falcon 2.
>Which you do in 2 as well
Malachor V isn't a space station and is more complex than the star forge or the death star.
>one of which is a sith lord with a fucked up voice
My point was the Malak was supposed to be like Darth Vader, Sion and Nihilus aren't like him.
>18 posters
>no mention of Tie Fighter
Every single one of you needs to be lynched.
Sorry grandpa, we had rogue squadron.
>retards didn't know that kotor was turn based
>the state of Yea Forums
It's pseudo-realtime. Combat isn't technically broken up into hard turns in which you input commands, but every action is still taking place within distinct 3(? I forget) second intervals.
ME1 literally reminded me of the Kotor games
kotor is real-time with pause
Seriously though, is it using a similar system to baldurs gate or is it more like FF activr battle with movement.
I know how it plays ffs just wondering about the underlying system
Baiting or no, you are an absolute retard
Star Wars Civilization game when
outside of space magic being stupidly powerful I'm not seeing the connection
He's prob referring to the GCD thats in the game.
I'm a millennial who grew up with the Rogue and Starfighter series.
no mention of this yet?
Best game coming through. Shame about all the sequels.
Oh, you're a goalpost mover. My mistake; I thought you actually wanted to make a case.
It should have been pretty clear that I was making the connection between Malak and Vader at the start.
The maps were amazing, shame it had no sprint.
That would be either Jedi Outcast or TIE Fighter.
Star Wars: Age of Empires already exists
It was good but it's hard to praise something that's effectively a reskin of Age of Empires 2. It added air units, let monks deal melee damage can called them Jedi, and let you get passive food from animals instead of just slaughtering them. It's almost the same game otherwise.
i preferred the original kashyyk map, which was intended to be a preview of episode 3, to the rots one in battlefront 2, even though that map is also great, but yes there were many good maps in 1 that 2 omitted, like the original geonosis map, and rhen var temple.
but that gungan campaign..
>tfw I'm playing it right now
>tfw I'm so used to playing it every day that I didn't even think to mention it
I'm a disgrace. You should try it with Expanding Fronts if you haven't yet.
Zann Consortium and Geonosians have been made their own 100% unique factions. Trandoshans, First Order, Resistance, and Mandalorians will come later.
I wouldn't go that far, but as someone who had all three consoles back in the day, I always thought Gamecube games looked the best and had the most graphical polish.
>never met the protag
>related to him by family
>fell to the darkside out of desparation to save someone he loved
>always second-in-command to the big bad, never seizes power for himself
>wants to convert protag to his apprentice to take down the big bad together
>decades-long relationship with the protag
>master-apprentice relationship
>fell to the darkside out of desire for power
>betrays protag and assumes control of their side
>wants to kill protag at each opportunity, sends apprentice to kill him
They talk funny and have red lightsabers, but that's about the only similarity between them.
oh holy shit sounds great.
can you still play it online?
Real shame they rushed out Kotor2 it could've been alot better. I still enjoy the hell out of it though.
Kotor 2, Jedi outcast & bf 2 are the best
well damn son, was tor really that bad?
i remember the hype for it near release over it being a fully voiced mmo.
also i forgot about lego star wars, that game was great, even if it did begin the long craze for lego tie-in platformers to famous film and comic franchises..
it was fun though..i can't believe how well a lego platformer based in the star wars universe worked..
jedi knight is better
>Jedi Outcast
>Game has 'Jedi' on the title
>It's a generic FPS that awkwardly tries to accomodate lightsaber and force powers into it.
Seriously, what do people see in this game? It plays like ass. FPS controls and lightsaber fighting do not mix. Even the Episode 3 game did Jedi stuff better.
Tor was over hyped because of fhe awesome trailers and general marketing (gnost durals audio logs were super interesting as well). The gameplay at launch was buggy as expected but nothing major. Now this might be nostalgia glasses but i think the game was fun in vanilla and got progressively worse or maybe i just started noticing the flaws.
>space sim
X-Wing/Tie Fighter games
>arcadey dogfighting
Rogue Squadron games
Galactic Battlegrounds or Empire at War
>Multiplayer Shooter
Battlefront 2 (2005)
>Singleplayer Shooter
Republic Commando
Jedi Knight games
KotoR games
Let's get tactical, Commandos
Of course.
why do you hate fun?
I had fun in swtor with 2 buddies at launch. We would kill people in open pvp areas like tatooine and alderaan and although it had retarded problems like people getting banned for sneaking around high level areas for resource nodes it was mostly enjoyable
Fuck off
>i remember the hype for it near release over it being a fully voiced mmo.
The only hype was on the TOR forums which produced enough memes on their own merit.
Yea Forums blasted it to shit for being a shameless and even subpar WoWclone which somehow had worse graphics with spaghetti texture deserts than KotOR I which was released years before it, with an overinflated budged half of which must have been spent on marketing if not more while producing the most garbage looking shit ever, with connection issues out the wazoo, lootbox cuckery already creeping in as EA's early experimentation, a prototype throttling where you had to buy a faster connection or server as premium to play the game, accounts being banned for dubious reasons, and gameplay which was absolute dogshit.
Remember this?
>banning people for accessing a level that wasn't restricted by the game and with no notice that it was restricted
Also they didn't even know what the fuck they were doing with the game economy.
holy shit are those pit droids?
>well damn son, was tor really that bad?
It isn't called the TORtanic for nothing.
I hate false advertising. The game has Jedi on it's title and yet, you have to go through 6 lame pure FPS levels before your character decides to be a Jedi, then a whole level of nothing but puzzles and after all your waiting it turns out it's just the same mediocre FPS gameplay but with jedi shit tacked on. And you don't even get to enjoy that because the following level is a sniper heaven against which your newly acquired jedi ways are useless simply because of range.
that eve screenshot is of a ship that was relatively recently remodeled. still not an excuse for TOR to look that shit, but that aint the 2003 Raven.
Yes. And the Trade Federation now has PK droids as workers, with the Confederacy getting the old TF workers.
Zann is an interesting-enough faction. Somewhat like the Empire in that they have fantastic mechs, but they also have great heavy weapons. My buddy always plays as Zann, and their Canderous tanks can be a fucking nightmare. They get Nightsisters instead of Jedi or Sith, they get some sort of dog they can create at their animal nursery which can detect and kill Jedi, and they get Defilers which are grenade troopers on steroids.
galaxies pre-cu, ma nigga
>Seriously, what do people see in this game? It plays like ass. FPS controls and lightsaber fighting do not mix. Even the Episode 3 game did Jedi stuff better.
Imagine being this stupid and wrong.
You have google search right?
Search Raven EVE, go to the nice little Tools settings.
Choose dates between 2002 and 2004.
Now stroll through the websites from 2003 showing EVE ships then.
Now come back and say that again bitcboi. Your memory sucks ass.
>only 39 unique ips
I think the KOTOR 2 shitposters might actually just be 1-2 autists.
>$200 million
>6 years
>800 devs
>pic related
Oh right, EA came out in support of SOPA then.
Completely forgot about this too.
Republic Commando is my absolute fave SW game.
>$200 million
>6 years
>800 devs
that's sort of the idea. you've relinquished the force, or so katarn thinks, until he is tricked by a foe that overpowers him into thinking his woman has been cut down leading him to cheat using an ancient power source into getting force powers, which are neutralised by enemies that contradict your jedi abilities (snipers) and then matched by the seemingly endless horde of reborn warriors and artificially force infused beings much like katarn himself. so essentially it's a trick, even when katarn didn't have the force, he had the force, and when he got the force, he only got what he already had all along, as the force powers in the game are only a means to the completion of the game, and the force can only be wielded by the player, and not by game characters, not by katarn, nor his foe who tries to infuse an army with it only to be defeated because the force is with the player.
so the game is about the force as a virtual artificial construct within the context of a game world, and of characters having force power in a game as being completely illusory. desann is defeated because he doesn't really have the force, but katarn, being the player, does, but only as the player.
Pretty sure that ship design has been in Star Wars long before KOTOR.
the biggest shitfest of swtor was when the cancel subscription option was either really well hidden or didn't work at all for a little while
We are talking SWTOR, not KOTOR, you dunce. Is that you Bekure?
i have to start playing that game again.
the trade federation were one of my favourite factions in the original game, along with the gungans. i love how they integrated star wars into the gameplay, by balancing it and having it that the trade federation didn't need food supply being droids and all.
trade federation and gungans, best factions, though i also enjoy the wookies.
Here's a fine SWTOR desert at release at full settings. Compare this glorious graphics to KOTOR I's dune map. Truly a spectacular advancement in technology worth of
>$200 million
>6 years
>800 devs
shit i remember that.
I dont' see the reason for these posts, even the most zealot players dont deny its a watered down WoW clone people only play for it setting.
Damn, you'd really like how they tweaked the Trade Federation, then.
>their troopers get cheaper as you advance in techs, up to 35% off
>they can research a tech that doubles the capacity of their assault mechs, transport mechs, and transport ships
There have been a number of times where I went to fight against my one friend, who coincidentally loves playing Gungans the most, and I ended up just sending 40 MTTs at his frontline. And with each holding 20 battle droids, for a total of fucking 800 battle droids.
>I dont' see the reason for these posts
Then you are not the original poster whose question spurred the topic.
so like that's the whole idea of the nar shadaa level, to show you that the you only have force powers within the game, but only as the player in the game, so katarn's force powers are nullified by snipers whom katarn cannot actually defeat using the force powers in the game, therefore the only force is the player.
ahh, cheap, expendable battle droids..
trade federation is the most economical of factions..
roger roger
I actually still play eve, the raven was updated, retard. It kept the same basic ship design but the graphics were updated like most of the ships in the game currently.
Too bad there is a cached Internet from 2003-2004 that shows ship graphics which still shit on the TOR design and graphics.
What's the point of wasting words when physical evidence exists?
2003 eve graphics were ass dude. not even defending TOR, just making a very slight critique of your comparison and here you are shitting your pants. chill out.
Compared to a 2011 game with 200mil and 800 devs they were superior, and physical proof exists that is accessible with basic googling skills since human memory is worthless. This is not a discussion on whether EVE graphics were shit on their own, but how they made the already Borgified EAware in 2011 look like a shameful display of what was happening and what was yet to come with the original Bioware devs being sacked and replaced by fucking idiots in typical EA fashion. On their own though, yes, they were worse than Homeworld 2. On that topic segue, if only Sierra didn't fuck Relic over we might have had a Homeworld 2 that didn't only look great but also played great and had 2 additional campaigns.
based schizoposter
Absolute garbage gameplay and non-existent level design.
I'd rather be a shizo than pic related.
>Battle for Naboo
probably the first PC game I ever played
but for me it's either KOTOR or X-Wing Alliance, EP 1 Racer is cool af too
Shit, this got me depressed now.
nigger, the game came out EIGHT YEARS AGO. let it go. i get it, bioware is dead, but why do you feel the need to waste so much energy on this shit, posting the same images that have been posted, again, for EIGHT FUCKING YEARS?? I remember browsing this board when it came out and holy fucking shit you're making me realize how much of my life I have wasted in those EIGHT FUCKING YEARS that have flown past me. TORTANIC WAS EIGHT YEARS AGO JUST LET IT GO.
oh shit i forgot about x wing alliance, it's awesome. first star wars game i played.
i like it more than x wing or tie fighter, because it has much more of a story.
>not Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight
>not TIE Fighter
gonna be a yikes from me
yeah but you didn't draw them a unicorn.
I ain't gonna let old pictures rest unused and forgotten when i have an opportunity to post them. I've taken on necromancy and i've taken it for life.
Is this the best star wars racing game?
also everyone seems to mention battlefront 1 and 2, but never any mention of this gem, also from pandemic.
if you can forgive the terrible on foot segments, it's great.
>no RC2 about finding and doing an extraction of Sev
Kotor 1>Kotor 2
i remember waiting years for this shit game
>see a topic
>post a classic
It's not rocket science. I don't know why you're getting so angry.
Most of my MTTs have 20 battle droids aboard. Some have droidekas.
I don't think the Republic can effectively counter this, but a few more battalions can't hurt.
I fucking love splitscreen conquest in this. Still get together with friends to play it.
i never played clone wars multiplayer, but the campaign/story was fun.
it looks like demolition except good.
In conquest, players go around and capture bases by remaining in their vicinity and waiting until four turrets are built around it. Once that happens, they start churning out units - AT-XT walkers for Republic, AATs for Confederacy.
You can order these drone units to attack the enemy HQ, defend your HQ, defend the outpost they were built at, or hold their position. Whoever loses their HQ loses the match.
i used to just load up on those ball air units produced by the fortress to rain aerial bombardment down on the naboo..
so it's like a purely vehicular/mech version of battlefront.
well not quite..but it looks fun anyway..
God damn am I excited for Trandoshans.
Oh, I had plenty of bombers. I just made them circle around and take out their airbase and troop center in the back. Which is something I would not have tried against the Naboo - their air units are insane, it wouldn't be worth even attempting it.
More or less. I've also seen it compared to Herzog Zwei. Very fun though, one of the few games I bothered to buy for multiple platforms as a result.
Star Wars peaked with the Old EU. The series will never be that good again.
It was a great time growing up as a star wars fan in the 90's and early 2000's.
This is true. The prequels ushered in a Star Wars boom that we'll unfortunately never get back to.