Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Devs have every reason to hate gamers.

most of the gamers just buy the game based on steam rating or when they heard their friends talking about it. nobody actually reads game reviews or clickbait articles
you are just projecting yourself

This is actually a really good post to prove how stagnant Yea Forums is with wojaks rn, though its going to fly over people's heads

Because the manchildren will complain about meaningless shit and the pretentious developers don’t know how to keep their unprofessional dicks off of Twitter
The retarded ones are always louder than the rest of the community/developers

enlightened centrism in a nutshell

> wojakshit
Fuck off

>devs haver every reason to hate the people who buy their games
uh, ok

The art resembles something you might find in a special needs facility. especially the hands.

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imagine being the sperg who made this image

>caring about shit that happens behind the scene
Just play the fucking game, or atlest find the one multiplayer game that you massively enjoy.

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Be original
Try drawing soemthing

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I think everyone should be killed and Earth should return to being a ball of uninhabited wasteland but that's just me personally.

why the fuck has wojak have to be pasted onto everything fucking shoot yourself you kanker mongoloid

Devs are fucking retarded. Have you ever spoken to an AAA game developer? They are literally all the same person: an empty minded hard-left yuppie (whose leftism, by the way, ends at "We need more immigrants and staring is rape!" - not actual, economic leftism)

>bait us
To bait it has to be a lie.

Attached: games.jpg (960x1672, 257K)

lil mistake there
shoulda used some pepes
then it becomes "based" and "red-pilled"

BASED wojakposter

>Sellers have every reason to hate their clients.
There, go fuck yourself.

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>fuck journalists
Please delete this very anti-semitic comment immediately

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Devs have every reason to get dragged into the streets and shot

The cringiest thing is when game devs get some kind of saint complex. They think they're performing charity or something by shitting out soulless AAA husks for their Jewish overlords.

you first

If devs don't provide the product they want, i will either not play their game or pirate it.
Fuck devs who think they're entitled to appreciation and money when they deliver a shitty product, the entire industry can die for all i care.
It's not the fault of just the journalists, fuck every dev who is complicit in producing trash, fuck them all to death.

The true problem is both "gamers" and devs don't understand a single thing about actual game design.

>wojak analogy

Then who does?

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>tfw no sandwich artist analogies anymore
cut down in their prime

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Select autists who obsess over the games they play and write long analyses of what constitutes good UI or how to effectively engage the player without relying on abusive psychological tricks.
No one listens to those, but if everyone did, new vidya would instantly jump 2 points on a 10 point scale.

Basically gamers are little brats ordering something from the menu that they know they don't like, only for the chance to cry about it. Or, more likely, they don't order at all, yet pretend to speak on behalf of those who do.

Retired devs mostly.
These days it's more about marketing and polishing a turd.
There are a few oldfags that know a thing or two, I believe, but those are extremely rare - most of the time it's just SOUL shitposting.

but it's not behind the scenes, that's the problem

at least make ur bait more convincing

Jesus does

Attached: soundsofjesus.gif (500x281, 2.12M)

t. retard

The fun thing is those autists are frequently wrong. Tank controls fags come to mind as an example.

The word you are looking for is "liberal".

Yeah, but we all know than that shit won't happen.

Hey PS3: *FART*
hey Xbox 360: Yeah

>We need more immigrants and staring is rape!
That's centrism tho

I think it's more like Yelp where people have an extremely over inflated sense of self worth when really their "voice" is just pissing in the same ocean of piss the same as millions of other people.


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based centrist bro

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can it be horse cunny?

back to your tranny discord


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>Want a new battlefield
>It’s shit
>”You knew you weren’t going to like it anyways”
There it is. The trannies proving the comic right.

Have sex, incel.

No amateur drawfag can match the subtle expression and perfect delivery of said expression that wojak can. Stfu and make your own meme. Maybe instead of hating wojaks you should take notes from them since they have been absolutely BTFOing your little gay cartoons that look like they were made by a 13 year old on his iPad when he was bored in class.

You neglect to realize that a dev works for the studio, not the audience. A dev can certainly make good decisions in the interest of the player, but it is ultimately the corporation and CEOs that sign his or her paycheck.
We could have had electric or hydro powered cars not just on the market, but STANDARDIZED by now, but automobile engineers work for the companies and build whatever they're asked to build.

I am jewish, this is not anti-semetic.

Fuck off shill

Wtf is this? U didn't even use wojak right... gtfo

You can tell the fake autist, who is just autistic, from the proper autist, who may not even be autistic but does know his shit, by their math and logic.
A fake autist will just call things bad and give subjective reasons for this badness.
A proper autist will explain why a given option is always mechanically superior, acknowledge counterexamples but have arguments to why they aren't enough, have at least approximate math to back his opinion up.

Fake autist example:
>Rimworld is worse than Dwarf Fortress because it has no z-levels

Real autist example:
>Pigbald Quest 2 has worse early game balance than PQ1. No enemies are resistant to bald until loss dungeon, but the game pretends picking pig is the better option and even makes you pay more foreskins to learn pig skills. since both bald and pig deal same damage, there is simply no reason to pig

>want a new battlefield
well there's your problem

Absolutely based

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The people that create jobs for them? Nigger take your (You) and fuck off

>trannies EVER being okay with a girl who is younger, more attractive, and most importantly, a girl
maybe go back to your discord, falseflagging tranny

Fuck off, degenerate. All kikes need to be gassed.

the girls looks like his sisters

and yet macron is an incel pedophile puppet of the rotschilds.

>fake autist, who is just autistic
>proper autist, who may not even be autistic

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shut up fag

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Wojakify it, zoomers

>trannies are literally pushing pedophila (looks it up, it's true)
>n-no! I'm totally not a t-tranny!!!
go dialate mentally ill freak

Fuck wojackposters who bait us into their threads for the sake of getting (You)s and fuck OP who made this thread and made me make this post.

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People that call themselves "gamer" is wishing for a fish morphing epilogue.

Maybe you look it up yourself and see that a majority of tranny pedophiles target boys, not girls.
>2d loli is exactly the same as real like children guys!!

>If we accept homos, soon we'll have trannies and pedos
>muh slippery slope
>20 years later...
I've just learned to go with it now. In another 20 years, pedophilia will be completely non-controversial and the only people who oppose it will ironically be the same hillbilly rednecks who today still oppose homos.
Those old geezers who hate young people were young themselves once. This is how they got that way.
Until we have a plague or a war and we get a soft reset on this shit because all the disease-vectors have died out.

Oh no, he used the holocaust what ever shall I do?

Grow some balls and do it yourself you fucking pussy faggot piece of shit.

you all just need to chill out and have consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

No amateur drawfag can match the subtle expression and perfect delivery of said expression that a rageface can. Stfu and make your own meme. Maybe instead of hating ragefaces you should take notes from them since they have been absolutely BTFOing your little gay cartoons that look like they were made by a 13 year old on his iPad when he was bored in class.


Give me an example and I'll post sandwich artist analogies for years to come.

That number has no power over me, tranny.

Ragefaces have been dead for 7 years, unlike wojak and Pepe.

>no you!
the absolute state of trannies

>7 years
LITERALLY, sup l*ddit

damn you shoved all the buzzwords you could think of into this sentence huh?

nah I have a bunch. Wanna see?

Attached: teehee.gif (200x200, 14K)

go away mobileposter

>No amateur drawfag can match the subtle expression and perfect delivery of said expression that wojak can
This is your brain on 4channel

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they aren't their clients if they don't buy their games

>>no you!
Your brain is so corroded with hormones that you forgot that I called you a tranny in my very first post in this thread.

You forgot the part where the chef spits in your food.

Devs don't we you anything just because you miht have bought a game from them at some point.

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go back to plebbit

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>tone policing
Ooh, sweetie. That's not a good look for you.

Which industry does this exactly?

More like
>buy my pretentious 8bit retro pixelshit hipster game you entitled incel, #respectwomen

Woah woah whoa, this is going a bit too far.

>subtle expression and perfect delivery of said expression that wojak can
memes aside that's a good sign of being on the spectrum
t. on it and thought those same things until I saw this

Attached: 1477502406074.jpg (443x700, 53K)

Just respect women and have sex and you won't have this problem.

The absolute state of Yea Forumseddit, using
>Person: Post
instead of
>Post t. person

cunny makes the world go round
>all this shitposting is making me rich

the movies and hollywood industry is exactly like he videogame one

this is way overblown and if someone was actually doing this they would be fired on the spot.

for restaurants appearance and reputation is everything. If they get bad reviews it could mean the death of their business. Any serious restaurant, and even just casual restaurant chains will bend over backwards for the customer.

almost like the same group of people run hollywood. really makes me think

Cute tummy

Why do trannies hate wojak so much?

The “glory days” of Yea Forums memes are gone for two reasons, faggot
1. They were also gay (you probably didn’t know this)
2.Yea Forums has gotten a lot more new users

The old memes didn’t stick around because they lost most of their audiance and didn’t appeal to the new ones because they had a short lifespan and couldn’t change and adapt to fit the new era. Wojak and Pepe are good at expressing emotion that everyone can relate to so they stuck around and even got new veriants to appeal to a wider audience. They didn’t stick to their time, they didn’t sell out and become mainstream(in a positive way) but instead they evolved to fit the new time whilst keeping their original integrity.

You’ve grown frustrated with drawfaggotrys limitations so instead of making better drawfag pictures you bitterly cling to the “good old days” which are long gone and will never come back. Its time to move on, oldfag, find new pastures. Learn from the past instead of coveting it. And find new memes.

I hate you mentally ill trannies so much


I only give a fuck about good games and developers, and publishers who also only give a fuck about providing good games. The idea of what's good is subjective, especially my opinions which I consider objective. I will purchase and consume those products for their apparent worth and will support the devs and publishers who created the product with hope that they will provide more for me. When they die, change their product in a way that's not enjoyable to me, or charge too much for something they're constantly providing for me, then I'll stop giving them money.

I don't care about the politics of the industry and never will. It's a hobby for me.

this has so much soul Holy fuck I love OC, this art is rad.

>If you don't like this you're a tranny
Don't you get bored of saying this?

Can you make a comic about video game journalists smelling farts?

>cunny makes you a tranny
>not a super chad manly man
Not many people is acquaintance with my elevated tastes.

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Only trannies have a problem with wojak and Pepe. Normal people don’t have a problem with them

Trannies hate 2d cute and funny girls though

Akshuly, it makes you neither
It makes you a /pol/tard

Quintessential tranny post

>trannies push pedophila
>but I'm a man really!!!
sure thing tranny scum

No, they pretend to be them by using them as avatars, a bannable offense. But of course the rules don’t apply to Jannie trannies

It’s over, oldfag. Realize the subjectivity of old Yea Forums. Realize that the creators who contributed to the culture were only able to contribute because they looked forward instead of back, and would not approve of this nostalgia faggotry.

I'm not reading that user. Do you wanna see my memes or not?

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90% of the shit flinging is from MAGApedes losing their shit because there’s a black person or female in a game.

yes, they can hate their consumers, but they have to accept the consecuences of haiting them.

>Only real men love 30 year old washed hags that have had 20 abortions and have ruined their looks with chemical products.

Honestly it's just one of the MAGApedos
One angry incel

Other /pol/tards sure do shriek, but they're not journalists

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You mock me because you fear me. Cunny only makes me stronger.

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go dialate coping tranny

Okay so? Not relevant to the post you replied to. The post you replied to was making the inference that Game devs = sellers, and gamers = buyers, which is true, game devs sell their games and gamers buy the dev games.

>oy vey it’s not us tranny freaks who are pedos it’s the /pol/tards calling us out!

>t. Read it but pretended not to to avoid the truth
Your shitting your pants right now, aren’t you?

I want to see them.

That may very well be, but they're here to make products for us, not the other way around.
Fuck the code monkeys. Fuck the blue haired 3D model and concept artists. Fuck the Anthony Burch tier writers.

>that one tranny itt who is absolutely seething over being caught trying to divide cunnychads

t.false flagging tranny

you'll never be a real girl
now go shove that dildo in your flesh hole

Seems like Devs and publishers themselves care more about phenotypical features than merit for who's making the games nowadays. I can't deny sjw's have had some influence through journalism, but they've infiltrated themselves into companies as advisors and now have a direct influence there instead.

Tldr the journos are now the 'devs'

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>Bragging about newfaggotry.
You're right fellow zoomer. Big oofyikes to these oldfags.

>no you!


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I wanna fap to her

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>they didn't sell out and become mainstream
They've been mainstream for years, try again faggot

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>get called a tranny first
>start freaking out and calling everyone a tranny
>keeps freaking out when they keep calling him a tranny

Fuck off /pol/ newfag

the games are over

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I said not in a positive way. You may have not noticed it but Pepe is now a literal hate symbol and brandishing him irl will get you nazi punched.

No one comes here is normal, especially people who obsess over trannies

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>get called a tranny first
and that's where you are wrong

Im not bragging. I’m telling the truth about how genres rise and fall.

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More like they're ordering something they've always ordered only to find the chefs have changed the recipe because someone who doesn't even eat at the place complained

>nazi punched
I'd punch them just for being a fucking memelord sperg who think a ten year old reaction image is funny

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>y-you're wrong!

Most devs are blue haired sjw or are scared of alienating them.

I don't want to be a girl, I'm very comfortable being a manly man. Throw those estrogen pills down the drain, user.

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Devs want to take your money you dumb whale

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look it up tranny

>surrounded by dudes who cum buckets to pic related
>surprised when they bitch about trannies
If all trannies were cute, there wouldn't be an issue. The overwhelming majority of trannies are goddamn gross. Whenever I see people bitch about user bitching about trannies I am reminded about the line-trap threads and chuckle to myself.

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Light will eventually be absorbed into coolface's body. It's only pseudo-infinite

This so much.

As a game developer we chose to put our game on epic as an exclusive, and what do gamers do? Bitch about how it's not on their precious steam account and how they will never get it now.

All because we wanted to be paid more % for sales.

Nothing but crybabies who suck corporations dicks.

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>proof is in the thread proving you wrong
>l-look it up!!
the state of trannies

Devs hardly benefit from sales unless theres a performance bonus or something. Your money goes to the retailer and publisher.

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>invades our fucking space
The state

ok user, here you go

Fuck off tranny, your mindset is neocuckery

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>if all trannies were cute there wouldn't be an issue
I see. I understand everything now.

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yes, its the journalists who are to blame, not the retards too stupid to form their own opinions about anything

politicucks don't want to be happy, they want to be outraged over everything 24/7. If they can't find anything to be outraged over they'll make something up or make a mountain out of a molehill.

>assumes I'm a tranny because I disagreed with him
rent free

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Reminder that age of consent is leftism

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this one actually works though

Fucking based

>white knighting jurnos

whoa... why hasnt this been funded yet?

>xbox putting up a fight against PlayStation

This is the truth nobody wants to admit, it is all just clickbait because the advertising model is dying.

I'm jewish and I constantly make anti-jewish jokes online.

Actually just my mother is jewish, but /pol/ says that counts.

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based and cunnypilled

This, /pol/ is so retarded that they dont know where their ideas originated from, hitler wanted his youth to start having families as young as 12.
/pol/cels think the standard should be 30 year old virgins that live in their mothers basement

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>Reddit stole coolface and turned it into trollface.
>Sadfrog returned to being pepe and is a Reddit and Yea Forums crossboard meme.
>Wojak was never good but wont die.

You didn't need to make it exclusive for that. Just be upfront and say they paid you to wall it off to half the community.

We can at least bring coolface back

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Yea Forums has NEVER been a tranny safespace, they hate them even on /lgbt/
The T doesn't stand for tranny, it stands for Trap.
Nobody on 4chins supports gender reassignment and cutting your dick off, if you're gonna dress as a woman you better have a penis.

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Not really, like if you look at Artstation the artists there definitely gravitate towards attractive females, 3D, concept, 2D, sculpting. It's always been that way, and likely will stay that way. I think the whole SJW agenda is manufactured, I don't think the artists, designers, or coders actually want ugly women in games.

These people have no reservations drawing women or men in the buff. They don't dally about clothing options and have no issue putting a character in a bathing suit or lingerie. They don't pull punches, they go full sexy. I don't know where the fat humans of WoW came from or the MC from that one PS4 exclusive with the robot dinosaurs. I don't understand the removal of skimpy clothing. I don't think it's the artists though. I don't think it's the devs. I think it's publishers and politics causing this.

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the contempt goes both ways. Fuck self righteous devs who think their shit don't stink.

I think the problem is that you still have friction within the turbine, at least in your shaft of your generator

>retard poster who believes post war propaganda
>probably believes Hitler only had one ball
Clown of the thread

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>muh tranny boogeyman

>Conservative 4channer
>Cares about tradition and site morals
Libtard 4channeler
>"Pfffft progress is progress, we're all Reddit these days bro! Let the past die and kill it if you have to!"

As much as I hate to say this(because it sounds faggy as hell), both sides are retarded.
Devs for being commie faggots and shiting on their customers, gamers for being a bunch of manchildren, which was proven by Borderlands 2 review bombing.
I can't think of a thing other tha wanting to buy a game that would make me buttblasted enough to open up its store page, let alone make a review. Buy a game or don't and shut the fuck up. Or bitch about it on Yea Forums like I do.

>reddit is bad guys!!!!

>Yea Forums has NEVER been a tranny safespace,
Based electionfag. Yea Forums would have nightly "you will never be the little girl threads" which were full of transition timelines.

>goes on Yea Forums
>cares about tradition and morals
pick one or you're a lying faggot

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>Actually just my mother is jewish, but /pol/ says that counts

Judaism is matrilineal, if your mom is jewish so are you.

Sup libtard 4channeler

Fine, but all these other ones work though.


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really based pseudo intellectual post op

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That story is cute desu

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Because the epic store launched in a half assed state. The CEO literally admitted himself they rushed it out unfinished to capitalize on exclusives sooner and apologized. Then people stopped hating as much. Simple.

That wasn't the point. That's something completely different.

>wojack cancer


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>calling me a libtard 4channeler
your still clinging to the past. I'm trying to help you out.

chances are your love for the past is purely nostalgia based. You probably don't like the memes as much as you do the life you used to have. it's an emotional tie in with a picture. Those pictures aren't going to bring your old life back.

but if you really do like the style of old Yea Forums. Why not become a representative of it? Why not try to bring the old style into the new in a positive way by becoming a good drawfag? You could gain a small crowd of old and newfags who like it and have your own little secrit club within a secrit club. at first you are going to get a lot of "i miss the old Yea Forums;(" faggots who ignore your work and instead use it to reminisce about their old lives. Then you would see why i hate nostalgia faggots.

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The thing is, people who bitch about "redditjack" the loudest are themselves r/Yea Forums tourists being frustrated that the place didn't turn out to be their personal meme factory.
And even when they do try to come up with OC, it never ever sticks around because, ironically, their sense of humor is rejected for being the exact same cringy shit that they keep hating Reddit for.

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>Food analogy

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Yeah people who buy your shit can be huge assholes

jesus christ, imagine defending the lack of oc this hard

I mean, if their games don't sell they'll be fired.

>r/Yea Forums tourists being frustrated that the place didn't turn out to be their personal meme factory.
Are you joking? Yea Forums does nothing but pump out retarded pepes and Wojaks now.

>r/Yea Forums tourists
I've been on this shithole for twelve fucking years
OC is now impossible thanks to redditfugees like you who shout down anything original as cringe, as if you need to try and act cool and aloof on a fucking anonymous imageboard

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Devs are honestly fucking stupid though 90% of the time

More like:
>gamers and devs sit at a table with guns pointed at their heads nervously trying to work with each other
>publishers and investors are aiming at the devs
>casuals and brand loyalists are holding a gun to the head of gamers
>meanwhile SJWs and trannies are holding a gun to everyone’s head, themselves included.

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Based trollface poster

>muh maymays are serious business!!!

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>OC is now impossible thanks to redditfugees like you who shout down anything original as cringe,
probably because your OC is cringe and only elementary kids would like it? Seems like OCs only existed because pepe and wojak didn't.

Attached: flower sniffing smug.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Based libtard 4channeler who doesn't give a fuck about preserving site culture.

Yeah why care about anything man haha here's wojak edit no. 5609912 be sure to upvote it on plebbit

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You get lost? This isn't facebook, no one can give your twitch frog likes here

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Wasn't Wojak some OC by some depressed polish dude or something?

dicks everywhere

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pepe and wojak nearly have the exact same status now
in a few years no one will post them anymore

Yea Forums disliking memes isn't anything new. I remember how this board freaked out about rage faces and "Arrow to the knee" back around 2012.

would that actually work?

Lmao you retards have been saying this since 2015

>site culture
Site culture has always being pissing in an ocean of piss and some times discovering gold through sheer brute force.

I think the real problem here is that a wind turbine needs wind to be any effective which doesn't exist in vacuum. Not to mention we can't create perfect vacuum.

>nooooo my board culture!!!! this can't be happening!!
big oof

A shame it didn't carry on with frogjak shit, which is normalfag as fuck

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Depends on how springy you are.


Enjoy your edgy Facebook zoomzoom

If a car smashes into a wall and there is a bug flying in the air inside the car, will it hit the windshield?

The only reason this thread got so many reptiles where because of the fucking wojaks. I swear to god janie's I will flood this fucking board wiith twitter caps and pepes and wojaks just to make you realize how shit you really are.

that's funny coming from someone who browses facebook

I think the thing is that Yea Forums is mainly mad about political stuff now, while "LE EPIC REDDIT AND 9GAG MEME" stuff was what early 2010's Yea Forums was mainly mad about.

The harsh and sad truth is that memes should die after few weeks and months. A joke gets stale after repeating it too often and the fun part when you smile about because you get the reference is washed away and you feel only pity for the poor fools who still use it.
Thats something newfags learned in the first few weeks browsing Yea Forums but all the facebookfrogposter who came here in 2015 didnt get it.
And now we are stuck with a dead horse that is beatedn to death.

Its sad to see that Twitter has a more creative output of fresh new memes than Yea Forums

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He's on to us

>implying I made the image


your doing a bad job of preserving the sites culture, cuck.
yes. a gem umongst the sand.

>Browsing Twitter
Oh no no no


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lack of GOOD OC.

I think this might be one of the worst threads I've ever seen

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Fuck you electionFAG.

hehe yes, us oldfags, remember our le sekrit club? xD

Edit this into a swastika and then you have a saucy meme.

People like you destroyed this site.

Great thread guys

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Sorry to say that but Yea Forums hasnt been funny for i think 4 years by now?
You could atleast find funny shit and now well ... i rather browse Imgur where people post things i can laugh about rather than be bored out of my mind because we see the 15th deriavte of a wojak.

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stay mad :^)

>The thing is, people who bitch about "redditjack" the loudest are themselves r/Yea Forums tourists being frustrated that the place didn't turn out to be their personal meme factory.

r/Yea Forums has a NPC Wojak at the top of it's page, though.

It's sad remembering that Yea Forums actually started the SpongeBob reaction image trend, but now it's the most normalfag meme in the internet

I will, and I hope you enjoy your edgy Facebook, kid

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Made me laugh.

I'm not giving a single shit about this site, I just love seeing people like you mad as fuck

>more politicuck tourists exposing how new they are
when will people just ignore these retards?

>The harsh and sad truth is that memes should die after few weeks and months.
normie detected.
your NORMIE memes die out in a month because they fucking suck and are tasteless drivel "when u nut and she keeps suckin" "JOHN CENA" "LOL CLAPPING ASSCHEEKS". Don't apply that plebeian standard to pepe and wojak who like i said have enough meaning to stick around and evolve.
the only good thing to come out of normie memes are the ones that over saturate and degrigate images. which is an artstyle in it of itself but i forgot what it was called.

No. You'd just push the chair down.
If you were on a heavier-than-you block, your jump speed would counter your fall speed -- so if you were falling at 120mph and you jump up at 10mph, you'd only be falling at 110mph!

It shows.

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They outnumber us 3:1

this was almost funny but the pointless homophobia ruined it

>Look up my funny Yea Forums screenshot folder

>Literally nothing funny was saved in 2019 so far

We will never have gems like this again
>Pic related

Attached: 4ChanQuo. 0069.jpg (1318x2275, 519K)

Is it just me, or did the time around 2012 have a bunch of cool stuff?

>Master Ruseman / Bamboozled / Ruse Cruise
>le monkey face
>ironic MLG 420 videos
>Descartes "Give her the D"
>Mass Effect 3 stock photo edits
>Mr Bones' Wild Ride
>king kong.wmv
>Doom Paul

wanna know what?
I'm doing my best to promote Yea Forums on facebook and instagram, so we can all be together

devs dont have to be professional, there are people like everyone else.
your problem is that you have twitter, fuck off with your twitter shit.

it all makes sense now.

>tasteless drivel
>probably the same guy that says :"HAHA WOJAK IS NOW GREY"
Shitty bait

Unfunny cringe.
2018 was by far the best year Yea Forums ever had and 2019 will probably be the same.

This has to be the worst thread on 4channel right now.

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It feels strange that I'm newfag cancer from around 2011 myself, yet even I'm "old" and out of place on Yea Forums these days.

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Here have a (You) kid

and a good screenshot

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your reddit is showing.
>not even understanding the meaning behind NPC wojak

We live in a timeline where literal middle schooler redditors call you a newfag who haven't even hit puberty yet


Frankly I just don't like black people.

based cunnychad

wait, am I banned?

Yeah, fuck linear time bro haha

Pic related

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>Le American Clap

I remember how "Americans clap at the cinema" and "Americans clap when the airplane lands" used to be spammed on Yea Forums back in 2012. The state of Yea Forums these days is actually making me miss the old shitposting.

I just checked in with moot. It appears that you're shadowbanned

And so gamers have no reason to support devs.

Only until your inevitable suicide, 41%.

>retard yells day 1 pirate on twitter
>get banned
>dev complains on twitter about something
how dare he act unpressional and tells about his opinions

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It's always shot down by >food analogy so what's the point?

oh no

moot pls don't send me to the shadowrealm

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what the actual fuck is happening in this thread?

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Newfaggotry and Newfags having a skull denser than the center of the sun.

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>The anti-trannies movement is "el goblino" with a new coat of paint and nothing else

I didn’t even read a single post other than yours and OP and I’m going to guess butthurt journalists

I don't even need to read this thread to know it isn't about video games at all. You guys are a bunch of whinny babies.

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>strawman gamer doesn't want DRAHMPFF analogs in his games
>strawman dev shitposts about DHRAMPFFFF more than they actually work on the game
Stunning. Brave. Everything is political. Only nazis want escapism.

Worked for 10 years in the same restaurant. Yes, we do spit in your food.

>haters gonna hate
>wacky reaction faic pic #1
>wacky reaction faic pic #2
>Youtube meme
Friendly reminder that "old" Yea Forums you faggots keep reminiscing of had been heavily intertwined with the rest of Internet culture. If you were to bring it back in the current year it would just end up as an endless sea of Twitter and Youtube dank meme compilation reposts.

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It's mainly people getting mad at Wojak vs people spamming Wojak just to spite the first group.

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Yes that's exactly what i thought.

Nice bait.

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Yes because it was right before gamergate. Everything turned to shit after GG

No, it isn't.

You can't please gamers.
Gamers want everything free. Gamers are the cheapest laziest customer base in all of capitalism.

I feel pity for devs.
Gamers criticize EVERY element of your game despite having no talent.
They can't write a decent story but they'll shit on yours.
They can't create art but they'll criticize your art direction.
They can't code or program but they'll nitpick every bug in yours.
They can play an instrument yet they'll bash your sound design.

It's my firm belief that you should only be able to criticize what you can do. If you can't do it you can't possibly give any worthwhile critique.

Then they will cry about buying a bad game in an era where you can easily watch a let's play on youtube or twitch and decide if a game us worth your money or not. If you buy a bad game these days, it's on YOU.

Devs are right.
Journalists are right.
Critics are shit.
Gamers are shit.

If the reason no one likes them is cuz they're ugly, then yes. Yes it is.

>tfw it's already been half a decade since GG

that doesnt work because your bullets would get attracted to the magnet too retard you would need to use like a sword or something

Why wouldn't this one work?

>Then they will cry about buying a bad game in an era where you can easily watch a let's play on youtube or twitch and decide if a game us worth your money or not.
>watch a game on youtube, am satisfied and don't buy it
>now review embargos and deciding what content videos are allowed to show (nintendo, atlus with p5, etc.) is the norm

NPC is not a name to call people. It's what your normitters made it into (which i predicted shortly after seeing the NPC meme) It's meant to point out mechanical and predictable responses that are seemingly coded into people who can't explain them in depth as if they were NPCs

dont forget to mention the:
Instead of just not buying a product they like, they feel entitled enough to think the dev somehow "owes" them something, despite doing nothing in return.
everything should turn around their own personal needs, who gives a shit about freedom of creativity

round 2

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>even when they do try to come up with OC, it never ever sticks around because, ironically, their sense of humor is rejected for being the exact same cringy shit that they keep hating Reddit for
That fucking controller with legs thingy that was forced here a few months ago has been a real eye-opener
>Look at my spicy new meme Yea Forumsros
>Wait why doesn't it catch on?
>B-but it's not muh wojak so it's automatically good wtf
These people have absolutely no idea how memes work and their definition of them is limited to the default normalfag "literally any random and wacky pic" one

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Just use ceramic bullets, idiot

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>They shatter on impact, causing more damage

You'd be unstoppable

this lad knows what he is talking about

Nah fuck Devs too, unless they are based

That's right, but it's not like any publisher is going to let their devs just openly shit on their cancerous business decisions or going to hire any devs known for doing that, so it can't happen.

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The reason wojak doesn’t die is because it can’t be replaced, and the reason why it can’t be replaced is there is nothing to replace it with

Your OC fucking sucks dick. It’s that simple. It’s not bad because “it’s not x”, it’s bad because it’s not funny.

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Every entitled fuck thinks EVERY game should revolve around their personal politics, religion, sexual orientation, skill level, music taste, and story preference.

What the fuck happened to just liking what you like and leaving the rest alone.

>The reason wojak doesn’t die is because it can’t be replaced
No, the reason that wojack doesn't die is because election squatters are fiercely defensive of it.

You actually believe this retarded shit, suck lead through a shotgun

It's not hard to come up with deluding "math".
Most pokefags do this discussing starers and a couple of gyms the player encounters in the beginning. Completely neglecting the fact one can just faceroll through them regardless.

he was pepe before and he was feelsgoodman and then you fags turned him into feelsbadman and then sadfrog

Actually I'm agnostic.

last time i checked for a gamedesigner job, literally one of the MAIN requirements were knowledge in monetizing aka. lootbox, microtransactions etc.
say no, and goodbye to your job.
dev is a job like every other job, do whatever bossman (publisher) tells you or fuck off

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You're not fooling anyone. Now go back to /r/The_Donald

Yes, if you can jump so hard and fast that you atomize the chair into rocket fuel and propel yourself, then yes.

Judaism is an ethnic religion not a cultural one, that’s what makes them insufferable (the whole sole children of god, chosen tribe deal)

Publishers have to go. Fuck them. Look at that porno game that got crowdfunded. You can live without them.

no clue, there are so much game. everyone can find his own personal taste, there is something for everyone.
yet people have to force their own idea onto other games that basicly dont support their ideas, jsut for the sake of playing the same stuff everyone else plays



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>exhibit A - user successfully baiting numerous other posters with outrageous statement

Sounds like you're explaining how the school system works across the globe.


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None of that even matters because magnets "drag" against your conducting wire at the most critical step: actually making the fucking electricity.


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>"fag" is homophobic
Normalfag get out.

that would require the devs to actually change what they create. the initiative is on them basically.

>t. trafficfag

Nothing travels faster than light, so feeling what the other person does with the stick would take at least as long as light takes to travel between earth and mars -- around 12 or 13 minutes.

Yea Forums isn't the one pumping out retarded pepes

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We have to go back

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Do SJWs actually play video games?

why would they change it? they are free to create whatever they want.
also they cant just change things to their own accord, they have to do whatever publisher says.
you might find your luck in indie games, they are free from publisher controle.

Worked in a high end restaurant for 2 years and seen pubes go in multiple dishes.

how many redditors do i need to BTFO?

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imagine being this butthurt that people are getting tired of you spamming your shitty, unfunny forced meme

Dude, ur on 4channel. this place is normie central these days.

>retarded pepes
Are you talking about helper?
I think it's Yea Forums and /int/ making them

I want a big gf to play video games with!

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Is Chad an earth bender?



Because it's the liberal jewish medias fault that I take issue with Epic and their chinaman overlords

One is associated with games because its their hobby. They spend money on it.

The other one is associated with games because its their job. They earn money from it

There is very little chance the two will agree with each other because of their connection to "game" and "money"

the fact that the jannies haven't deleted this thread is probably the best argument you can make for why they all suck

There is no going back. The world ended 7 years ago.

here is something to read for you.
game is for free, so you dont have to worry its only about the money.

I wish

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>tfw I remember when moderation on Yea Forums used to be almost non-existent
>tfw I kind of miss it


But user I can't fucking draw.

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>buying season passes

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>CTRL F tranny
>22 instances

There's no OC because the moment this place comes up with anything that has even the slightest meme potential, it immediately gets stolen by redditors and run into the ground.
Wojak and Pepe survive solely on the fact that they are the only exceptions left that don't work well with actual normalfags and can't be used to farm ez karma.
Pepe was also well on his way out until Hillary's "alt-right" speech rebranded him as an evil nazi frog and made normalfags drop him en masse, thus giving him the "forbidden meme" status back.

>but user, what about [kekistani pic #531]
I said /actual/ normalfags, not Youtube alt-right e-celeb circlejerkers

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>haven't seen a BOOM BOOM CRASH or a pizza thread in years

And consumers have every reason to hate developers.

>they hate them even on /lgbt/
/lgbt/ is literally like 85% MtF trannies, 14% gay dudes and 1% lesbians

Fucking twitter produces more meme content than this shithole has for the last 5 or so years, you fuckers are too afraid to do shit and make the news like the guys from the other chans do like every month to boot. Yea Forums is as normie as it gets

this website is about "mario the music box"

a short article about the dev
>This game is what I had in my inner thoughts. My demons, my emotions and my mental condition. During the years I started to create (Mario)The Music Box I was going through therapy for my emotional distress. I poured all my inner thoughts into this game this why there’s so many depictions of death and suicide. After a few years I had met someone in my life who took care of me and took my hand in marriage. Soon all these inner thoughts and demons started to disappear little by little, thus why the game took so much longer to develop. I started to lose ideas, and eventually seized development for the game. I then was motivated by my husband and some friends to complete the game since it was a game created by my feelings and not just thought out. By playing this game you can see what horrible thoughts went through my mind during the years I first started the game (Before I started to remake the art as well). I really never planned to release it to the public to this being my first game, but I hope you all enjoy it regardless.

she created a game that outclasses each modern sony game all alone, poured her whole heart into the game.
and its really a good game, you can feel her passion for videogames while playing it. yet people just label it as indieshit, without even giving it a chance. nobody cares about her as developer, people only glorify their nu/ twitter outrage devs.
trust me. devs have way more reasons to hate consumers then consumers to hate devs.
theres this little fraction of gamedevs that really care about videogames, you guys simply dont give a shit about them.

trollface got swole

Good point

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What I actually want:
-devs that take a risk and try to explore new genres as it has been the case in the past
-a good representation of all genres at all times (there's no game like Wing Commander these days for example)
-games that EVOLVE, which means they try to keep their fun parts while upgrading their shitty or mediocre parts the next version with something more entertaining
-modding & editors as the community proved again and again that they can not only keep good games alive with such tools for decades but also create completely new genres that no one else thought of before (tower defenses for example) -> game devs tend to tunnel vision at some point or lack the life experience to notice opportunities when something fun could be added to the game at some specific point or in some specific way that wasn't initially part of the plan
-not a fucking thought wasted on races, ethnics, religions, politics but just one the game world and it's consistency
-no huge land mass open worlds anymore that are just empty shells but hand crafted with content
-no more shitty shop / dlc / micro-transactions but everything in the game and actual content patches not being unheard of anymore
-solid performance and bugfixing instead of day 1 few gigabiytes patch and that they continue this
-cross plattform support, not just Windows
-no difficult selection but instead a game that allows to be completed by various different strategies with such risky and hard being the fastest possible while the easier ones and less skill requiring ones require more time with preparing items, for example, or gathering special objects
-no cliffhanger ending but one that fits the choices the character made throughout the game; choices also being entirely optional, you can just also be like I don't care / fuck it all (if it's such a story choice game)
-customizeable servers (mods used; [mod-specific] gameplay settings) for multiplayer

no one cares about some shitty rpgmaker fanfiction game. anecdotes aren't arguements

and see, this is the point
you dont care about the dev's that care about games.
and now devs stopped caring about you. deserved i guess