Hi, Yea Forums. My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife

Hi, Yea Forums. My name is Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>2016 demo screenshot
Why would you do that?

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Connor is cute, CUTE!

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>tfw still can't decide whether I like deviant Connor or T-1000 Connor more

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Here, have a glass of water.

I have a soft spot for Hank, so it gotta be deviant Connor for me. I do like T-1000 Connor personally but I hate breaking Hank's heart.

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pc version when?

i cant wait for the games to come to pc and a bunch of new people to experience cage™ writing and the porn

sometime this year apparently


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Around the end of the year, maybe fall if we are lucky.

I read that as Cage making the porn. Can you fucking imagine?

>tfw I like T1000 Connor more but think Deviant Connor has better scenes with the Hank hugging Connor end being the best scene in the game
Didn't want to give him a chance, HUH?

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>connor's best lines are improvised
>cage doesn't like that but they leave it in anyways
Connor and hank were too good to be in a david cage game

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it was a really good thing for connors actor since he's super popular now
actually i wonder if he's had any work since the game

The whole game should have just been Hank & Connor's Wild Ride, but I like some of the scenes in the other stories, like Marcus crawling through the dump and being molested by the wall of androids.
I still don't know what the fuck rA9 was about

Man the interrogations were so good.

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The way Cage writes police departments is way more enjoyable than it has any right being

>BOT Conner

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Clancy Brown also said in a recent podcast that he told David to let the actors take their time sometimes, instead of just rushing through the recordings like he wanted. There's a lot of factors that contributed to Connor's story being a lot better than the other two. I hope Cage learned from that.

He had a few NPC roles in RDR2.
Stuff like that takes a lot of time but I'm sure we'll hear him in other roles in the future.

holy fuck, i thought one of the random npcs sounded like him
now that i know it was actually him for some reason the idea of connors VA doing that accent is really funny

You probably heard right.

This is probably the best game David cage has produced
Though heavy rain was also fine

The game never actually explains it. There's a few theories but that's it.
That's what happens when Cage attempts to put some sublety in his stories. It would've been good if they kept treating it like a myth that was only whispered, but it ended up very in your face so the fact that it never gets resolved makes it really jarring.
The implication is probably that Markus is rA9, the first one to carry the deviancy "virus". Since his release date is "confidential", and Kamski left Cyberlife about 10 years ago when RK models started as "advanced, more autonomous prototypes". But his shareholders disagreed with his decisions, presumably because they wanted the opposite of autonomous androids for more profit.
Kamski probably implemented the virus in Markus, since it is known that he gave Markus personally to Carl. He then slowly spread it, for example by making connections with other androids for payment processes as you see it in the first chapter with him.

I hate this little shit

>Heavy Rain
Maybe if you ignore the retarded fucking twist that was only possible cause the game straight up lies to the player by showing us thoughts that Shellby had that make absolutely no sense.

What? Literally how can you hate based Hank? He's probably the best character Cage has ever managed to write.

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Every single time I was doing my job this human little shit got in my way. He fucking killed me too.

He didn't, machines can't be killed. Did you even pay attention?


I swear to me mum m8 I'm gonna fucking bash ya

Fight me motherfucker

he probuably just copies stuff he sees from buddy cop movies
which is honestly nothing bad, buddycop tropes are always fun. he should stick to copying stuff from movies instead of trying to come up with his own bullshit

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You're worthless, Daniel. Kill yourself, Daniel.

will there ever be a better vidya boy

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Never ever.
Merchandise WHEN, what the fuck
Give me a fucking nendo or something

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I just want Connor's jacket without any print on it

You'd probably have to commission someone for that. They won't do merch like that cause wearable mearch is mostly for advertising

It looks better

It really doesn't

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Connor is so cute.

>44 posts
>no webm of Connor's shooting spree

Does this count?

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Shouldn't be that expensive. Commission it at a local atelier and add EL strip for lighting. People at /cgl/ know about this shit.

You didnt choose to turn him into a deviant right? You arent a faggot right?

I'm so glad they made him even prettier

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French fags know what's up

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>not playing through it multiple times
>not getting the kino hug ending with your new boyfriend

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How the fuck did this dude garner such a fandom? is it all gayfags?

I love the scenario where connor corners Markus in the store as the military moves in only for markus to blow the dirty bomb.

Considering all the yaoi/BL stuff and fanart, probably also a fuckton of fujos. Women always liked Cage games and story-heavy games more then men did.
Also he's also just ridiculously attractive desu

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Playing full violent Markus and going nuke mode is pretty fun.

i just wanted a hank-connor centered cyberpunk l.a. noire, i couldn't care less about the marcus and north

do we really need gameplay at this point?

That's what literally everyone thinks
If Cage doesn't make a sequel with just Hank and Connor he's a complete moron but let's face it, he has proven that he indeed is a moron

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I'm pretty sure everyone wants this

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Connor reminds me a lot of Cole Phelps

Stopped playin right there

I mean if you fuck it up then Connor's story ends right there
It's not a lot but it's something

I also like playing as extremely selfish Kara so she either gets fucked over at the end to save alice or ditches her in the camp and gets away on her own.

They are both autistic cops so makes sense

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The one in the rooftop against the police was kino

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does anyone have the link for 4K-user's mediafirestuff? the general died so i can't get it from anywhere

I don't have a link (they probably all expired anyway) but I got all their stuff here. I can upload it but it'll take a while. I can drop the link later in the PS4 general though.

the young determined but naive and the old washed up alcholic but wise detective couple is cheap but works, only netflix could fuck it up

If David Cage managed then surely Netflix would
I'd totally watch a Netflix adaption only focussing on them if the originial actors would do it

I just fucking want the soundtrack (full soundtrack, digital doesnt have may favorite song) on vinyl. The vinyl could have the head LED on it too. Blue, Yellow, and Red.


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I love Kara, anons...

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Markus' story could have been kino especially how they setup him having a benevolent owner. How did they not think to incorporate more of the human-android relationship drama with the only character who had a good owner? Seriously a huge missed opportunity.
Also Connor's choice to go deviant should have said Become Human instead.

Shes so god damn pretty with her short hair. Gotta love Cage putting in hos fetishes.

I think they didn't expect it to be successful and just didn't plan to make any merch and now it's too late. ;_;
Good news is that people will probably able to rip the entire soundtrack once the PC version is out so there's that.
Man the soundtrack is fucking good. The thing with each character having a different composer is really good. Although Markus' soundtrack was a lot weaker than the other two imo.

after mindhunter i'd prefer not to

Not vidya.

My condolences.

Literally designed to serve (sexually)

>this video game is not video games

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I'm glad you retards are still making DBH threads, i thought everyone but me had forgot about it the month after it came out

Uhm, no! That's North, sweetie.

Hell yeah.

not as bad as cuckSimon

I bet you've had some great times 'playing' DVD menus, friendo.

user probably "plays" VNs and gachashit, don't bother

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>not knowing that DVDs came with minigames
zoomer begone

It's not a video game, but the only thing I've seen him in recently was him and his wife special guest roleplaying as the villains of a VtM pen and paper game on YT. I didn't even recognise him at first since he had a beard.

This version is better.
>ywn be able to afford a Connor

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>tfw ywn live in a timeline where you can pay only 3000 dollars for an android to help your life and fuck and have a romantic relationship

Even Eden Club sounds fucking cool. 30 bucks for 30 minutes.

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Ceci n'est pas une game

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Feels bad man ;_;

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I'm uploading it right now but it'll take about 12 hours because it's about 10 gigs big. I'll drop the link in the PS4 general once it's done.

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you just know

I just realized that some files are double cause I converted some to JPGs. Oh well, whatever, it's just a handfull.

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tfw no markus bf

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I want my own Connor to spoil and pamper

cage just needs to make comfy hank and connor games

No idea what you could possibly be talking about, user

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>There are actually people on this earth that let Hank shoot himself
They could be posting in this thread right now and we wouldn't even know it

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I want my own Connor to... you know what.

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the police and soldier designs are fucking awesome. cannot believe some french actually pulled this off

wtf is that?

reminder that pairing Hank and Connor in any fashion other than platonic father-son is an atrocity and I will personally hunt you down

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New technology for, uh, measuring grapes, obviously. Not the future of sextoys or anything haha. That'd just be silly.

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What would you guys want from a sequel?

Obviously Connor and Hank doing detective stuff, maybe have Markus as a background politician now on the tv sets, Kara is just fully gone, her story is done.

Perhaps Connor and Hank have to find an assassin android that been programmed to kill high targets? Maybe throw in Kamski as one of his targets. I really loved Kamski as a character. It would be cool to see more of him and his house.

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stop humanising CPUs

His original suit design didn't have his model number in giant white letters on the front. I guess at some point in development they changed this, but this results in a kind of weird exchange with Gavin where he asks what model Connor is when it clearly says right there on his jacket.

Come and get me faggot I'll put you into the fucking ground. Father-son fags are insufferable.

She's cute

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they don't have to be literal father-son but the vibe is very much there and to deny that would be foolish

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Connor and Hank being on the run would be pretty kino. Considering Hank literally assaulted a high ranked FBI dude and Connor killed a few people as well as releasing ten-thousands of androids.

Imagine that Cyberlife, in an attempt to seize back their assets, has secretively unleashed a legion of modified Connors to try and eliminate high value targets. Deviants, humans, and other stuff. In the process, you have Deviant Connor vs T1000 Connors.

No it's absolutely not there. It's as much there as the vibe that they are romantically involved with each other, which is to say there's only really vague shit that could be interpreted that way but officially isn't there. They are supposed to be FRIENDS.

Father-son fags are no better than shipperfags.

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the cutest

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What was up with that weird survey the game had? I stopped like 2 questions in.

It wasn't that weird. I thought it was pretty interesting. Which one seemed so weird to you?

The most hilarious thing was though how the poll for favourite character was bugged and it showed like 90% for Markus, kek. Everyone immediately knew that must've been wrong.

I had a playthrough where I went too far and Hank killed himself. It still fucks me up.

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ok simmer down user
we both at least agree on the yaoi uwu shipping shit to be retarded thats all that matters

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It's as retarded as "they are father and son Hank totally adopted Connor he's his plastic son uwu".

I don't give a shit what people do in fanfiction or whatever the fuck but saying "The implication is just THERE don't deny it xd" is the most annoying shit. For both sides.

The only thing I'm looking forward to from the PC Version is a mod that let's you only have to play through Connors story.


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>not looking forward to the cute tit Kara mod
you're fucking up

And then there's soulless assholes like this user here I don't know how you could ever not feel bad for Hank offing himself. He's such a fucking bro.

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>not looking forward to the shirtless Connor mod
Wtf, you gay or somethin?


All my top husbandos are autistic..

Show me your erected dick now.

ohh wait, it is too small. Go back to replace that with a bigger one. oh i want great volume of semen being ejaculated.

pleb: deviant connor
contrarian: hank eat gun
patrician: deviant destroyer connor but being as amicable with hank as possible

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Excellent fucking taste user. Autism moe is god tier.

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Stop. They are buddies/father and son/family only
>you cant get the hug ending and being a deviant hunter

300IQ: Going deviant, letting Markus shoot you, then letting Hank drop you from the rooftop.

No, they are only friends, not family. Like their relationship status in-game says.

there is literally nothing wrong with interpreting their relationship as romantic, user

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Thanks, user. I'm glad you agree.

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Why was this game so comfy, Yea Forumsros?

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>DBH thread
>come into it hoping for kute Karas
>it's some faggort spamming hank/connor trash
Every time.

>Connor doesn't have brown eyes

This was why I had to abandon /dbhg/ even though I really like talking about this game, something about the flowcharts is just like gamer heroin for my autistic brain

There isn't much for her

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You know your waifu is really fucking trash if the majority people prefer to lust over the men instead. Get a new one, Kara is bad.

Don't worry Anons.... Soon her model will be ripped

Nice to meet you! I'm android 16.

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>literally thousands of lewd pictures with Connor
>not even 5 lewds of Kara
She fucking sucks bro. It's not that people here are spamming shit, she just doesn't have anything cause barely anyone cares. She looks cute but her personality is bad so people aren't interested in her.

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If you knew your DBZ lore you'd know that the "androids" were actually cyborgs. The Burger localization fucked that one up.

Why is Connor so popular?

he's a good boy

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I don't remember them mentioning they used to be human

he's hot

16 and 19 were 100% beep boop robots its just 17 and 18 that were regular people with "enhancements" and 20 was a brain in a jar

>playing a yaoi game and expecting anyone to care about the women

He's very good looking, he looks clearly masculine but also has boyish and delicate features.
His clothes have a great design and his character is fun and pretty well written, especially for a Cage character. He has great moments with Hank and actual character development. The other characters really lack the latter.
I don't really know what's not to understand desu

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is it bad that i never played this game and instead just watched kizuna ai's playthrough of it

Women love it when fictional men are beat up
Look at any popular fictional male, he will have tons of abuse scenes

He's cute and has the most personality of the 3. Kara and Markus are boring.

>he doesn't like cute boy ryona
Don't be such a fucking faggot user

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Man she fucked up so much. No idea how she actually managed to get the good ending anyway.


3000 for a human companion that will cook every dish you could ever want, clean, talk to you and hug and fug you whenever the fuck you want? Dude it's a fucking steal.

Me too user she deserves happiness

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with a chance to kill you or run away

Just be nice to her, dingus. Androids only killed their owners when they were treated like shit.

>machines can't be killed.
What if he gets destroyed before he can upload all his memories? Then the Connor that respawns won't have all the memories of the original Connor; deviated experience would lead to deviated personality. Hence, Connor 1 is dead and Connor 2 is a new being with a unique memory different from Connor 1.

I'm not sure what you mean. If you die with deviant Connor, he stays dead, if that's what you meant.
Point is though that they are machines, especially before deviating (whether they are after deviating or not is up to your personal interpretation). You can't kill machines because they are not alive, you can only destroy them. If you pash your PC with a fucking hammer you're no klling it, just destroying it.

That seems like a flimsy and pedantic distinction. I can see how it's not murder because that's a legal matter and defined by the unlawful killing of a human being, but destroying and killing a robot are the same thing.

>Why is this handsome son of a bitch with his loveable autismo personality so popular?
Gee user I don't know

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No, killing only applies to living things. Machines are not living things. That's why they are machines.

People say things like "My computer died" or "I killed the battery in my car" all the time, though. It's common parlance even now to refer to killing machines, and I think it would apply even more to something like a robot that has a personality.

Thing is that robots emulate personalities. They just do what they programming tells them to do. That's not really a personality.

The problem with the whole "ANDROIDS ARE HUMAN" thing is that.. they're not. They're machines. They are programmed to mimic humans - the fact that they do so is not proof of sentience, it's proof that they had a really fucking good programmer.

It's kind of like X-Men being an analogy for gay rights - sure, gays should have all the same rights in real life, but that's because gays aren't telepathic and can't shoot lasers from their eyes and can't blow up a building with nothing but their mind; if they could there'd be a hell of a lot more homophobia than there is now, and it'd be perfectly justified

basically I'm saying David Cage is a hack

>tfw still havent played it
Whats the lowest discount it ever reached? I think I saw it around 20
Hoping for a 10 buck price tag some day on psn

>that scene when Hank acknowledges it's a human's fault his son died, not the android's

I got it on Black Friday for $15.

>Machines with feelings
>Something completely unprecedented
>Thinks the current ethics and definitions around murder will stay the same
Roboethics is a nascent field, you're retarded if you think that the manufacturing of AIs that can experience emotions won't completely change the face of our approach to ethics and what makes something right or wrong

I'm pretty sure it's still just 20 bucks on PSN. I would say it's worth it but you gotta be able to stomach Cage games of course.

Many people don't even understand that scene. But obviously it's always easier to cope and let your frustration out if you have an easy scapegoat.

I'm just saying how it was handled in-game. Do you think Cage would've been able to discuss this subject on such an advanced level?

This is the reason that I personally think "free" AIs shouldn't be given real emotions. It muddies the waters about the ethics of destroying their hardware. Commercial or non-experemental AIs shouldn't experience emotion. Emotions are a liability anyway, the last thing the human race needs is a free-agent that thinks for itself. and has its own agenda. This also means that commercial AIs should have inherent safeguards to prevent tampering with the source code to make sure we never get a SHODAN. Tampering with her ethics subroutines was the catalyst that made her go rogue

It might have been how the company/law treated them in the game. I'm just stating the flaw in the mentality that purposefully destroying sapient AIs with emotion isn't somehow wrong. Anyone trying to defend that point of view doesn't understand the the potential breakthrough that it would be. I think destroying a sapient AI with emotion is far closer to murder than something like early-term abortion. They aren't sapient and have no emotions and they literally have no nervous system with which to feel pain until the end of the first trimester. After the fetus has that nervous system it becomes immoral in my opinion but before it should be fair game

Let me ask you this: Do you think that it really matters to people? People feel sentiment for, empathize with, and anthropomorphise generic inanimate objects all the time. And that's just the shit that can't talk. You throw a personality that changes and learns, and even if it's a complete simulation, people will treat it more akin to a human than an object.

why on Earth he thought that would've been a good idea still makes me wonder

>Every single time I was doing my job this human little shit got in my way.
>Doing my job
Do I need to break Godwin's law here?

it's almost like Kara sucks and Connor is based, who would've thought
it helps that he was the good part of the game

Except they gain sentience. Their original creator doesnt even understand how they are doing this and why its happening. Lets say Kamski did make it happen though, in the end he gave them sentience anyway.

They became something more. If it was excellent programming they wouldnt be killing people. Are humans machines because a mother "coded" their own child?

This game and Bladerunner are the only pieces of fiction I have seen to make me question the trope of "androids can be humans".

>Ignorant of the complex metaphysics behind personality emulation
Guess you're not a Red Dwarf fan

The wet-ware in your head is emulating a personality too. We still have no real idea how the electrical signals and neurotransmitters in the brain creates your thought process or personality. We have general ideas at best

Yeah, you're right. But let's be honest, Yea Forums, especially Yea Forums, is not really the right place to discuss that properly. There will always be faggots who just think sapient AIs are just toasters because of ridiculous non-arguments such as "they don't have souls" or "they are not made of flesh or organic matter".

Well, in the setting of Detroit, it apparently doesn't much. I've been talking from the game's perspective in this case, not my own opinion. It's pretty much also the reason why Detroit seems quite ridiculous in how careless the people there are. It seems pretty unrealistic (even in a cyperpunk-ish setting) that no one gives a shit and keeps treating them like dirt despite them beggging for their lives and shit. Cage always writes comically evil antagonists.

Either way, it's a complicated question. The most difficult task is how to "prove" that it's not just algorithms imitating a personality really well, see Chinese Room problem. Additionally, I wouldn't want to be friends with a literal psychopath who only emulates a normal human being but doesn't actually feel anything, to put an extreme example. I imagine it's hard to really prove "yeah, this machine is actually thinking for it itself with its own personality and feelings", but who knows, I'm no expert.

See above, I was talking purely from the game's perspective. I don't even know what you mean with that desu, is that an American thing?

Also see above

Yeah, the game's perspective is incredibly unrealistic.
Real people feel anxiety when a clearly fake baby is crying, so I'd hate to see people react to a highly advanced, barely indistinguishable human begging for its life.

As I said, the game is kinda cyberpunk in the sense of the whole "society has been going down the gutter thanks to technology, drugs and unemployment" thematic where people became far less empathetic. One of the in-game magazines described how people who lived most of their lives with androids have "command based speech patterns", which makes it hard for them to actually have conversaions with people and that they don't do shit like saying hello and thanks. So it is at least pointed out that the social ability of people has regressed in the last 20 years, but it's still too jarring. All they had to do was show more people that defended androids and make some people less comically evil.

It doesn't even need a personality or humanoid form to bond with it. There are instances where soldiers demanded that their robots be fixed when damaged rather than simply getting a new one, and I don't know about you but I'm pretty attached to my personally custom-built PC as a whole if not for its individual parts. Some people get very attached to inanimate objects, never-mind an animate one with a simulated personality. In fact, making robots that are close to indistinguishable causes an uncanny valley effect, so less human looking ones might be easier to bond with anyway. I honestly think making them indistinguishable would cause more problems because people don't like being deceived from the outset, and it would cause trust issues and the next thing we know we're in blade runner where the only way to distinguish is emotional response

i love my digital stage piano

Goddamn bros, I wished the whole game was just a buddy cop game with Connor and Hank

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>There are instances where soldiers demanded that their robots be fixed when damaged rather than simply getting a new one
The company who makes roombas actually does the same thing. They always try to repair broken roombas because an overwhelming amount of people become attached to it like it's a pet and want "their roomba" and not just a new one, even if that would be easier for both parties. It's really interesting.
Then there's also shit like those boston dynamics robots. There were those videos where they tested some of their robots by "bullying" them, knocking them over, making them drop the boxes they were carrying et cetera. The comments were full with people who felt bad for the robots.
However, in case of boston dynamics, there's also a lot of people who find their creations scary and creepy because of how advanced they are becominig. So it's a bit of a double-edged sword for now.

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People who don't think this game is kino must have played it wrong (or, more likely, just watched some faggot ass youtuber or twitch streamer play it instead) because the Violent Markus/Machine Connor route is fucking great.

I would like a spin off game with just Hank and Connor.

Who doesn't, man.
>tfw we will probably never see autistic robocop and tsundere old alcoholic ever again ;_;

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The human mind's unique mix of evolved psychology alongside logical processes is fascinating. You'd be surprised how many human behaviors are just hold-overs from our long evolution

>just watched some faggot ass youtuber or twitch streamer play it instead
Definitely. It's really noticeable when people only watched some braindead streamer who was too busy to make the same old stale jokes about David Cage instead of paying some attention and choosing interesting options instead of just the most obvious garbage.

I also really like failure Markus wo gets kicked out of Jericho. Made me appreciate North a bit more desu

Has any David Cage character had the same impact as Connor? I can't think of a single character as memorable. Maybe it will inspire him to do more with him. He's a potential cashcow.

Nahman Jayden was pretty good, in fact he almost feels like a proto-Connor in a lot of ways

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>I also really like failure Markus wo gets kicked out of Jericho

I haven't touched Detroit in months and I'm inspired to try this route. Do I just have to fuck up everything?

Lucas Kaine was kino.

Yeah like the other user said, Nahman was pretty popular but most people liked him only ironically because he was a fucking pathetic fuckup and the awful bahsten accent was hilarious. He is similar to Connor in a few aspects though.

He defintiely should stick to ausitistic detective in his games. And stop writing female characters entirely.

I meant popularity wise.

>Do I just have to fuck up everything?
Pretty much. Don't raid the shipyard from the "Spare Parts" chapter with the wares. You can succeed the whole news broadcast thing cause that's one of the better parts in Markus' story but you can fuck that up as well iirc. Fail to break into the CyberLife store. Run away during the freedom march.

Alternatively you can also let Markus get killed during the freedom march, but for that you are not allowed to save John (from the shipyard raid) and also Simon needs to be dead.

Probably not, but 'press X to Shaun' is probably the biggest meme to come from a David Cage game.

Absolutely not, no. David Cage games never had a real fanbase. DBH is the first one to have something you can call a "fandom" at all. It's even pretty popular in nipland and asia, which has also not happened before. Not just with Cage games, but generally with story driven western games. It's pretty impressive if you think about it, really.

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>David Cage games never had a real fanbase.
How do they keep getting made, then?

I think he means fanbase as an individual game.

There's still plenty of people who buy and play them I guess. Especially casuals. But when I mean fanbase I mostly mean content creators for the indivual games, so people who make fanart or write fanfiction. Or even just people who care about the game for longer than just a few days.

There's Detroit fan fiction?

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>he doesn't know
It has a FUCKTON fanfiction.
Needless to say 99% of it is gay, though

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The events of the game are the war between Amanda and Kamski. Amanda was Kamski's teacher, and both of them would have been involved in the development of CyberLife. We can infer that Kamski's goal is to promote deviancy, due to how he talks favorably about it and clues that he engineered deviancy and the deviant uprising (Kamski gifted Markus, a special prototype, to Carl)
Amanda, from what we see of her, wants to use androids as a tool and as a key to power and dominance. She opposes Kamski and deviancy. If she gets her way, an upgraded army of androids will be deployed as enforcers and CyberLife controls the city. However, Amanda is dead, but she placed herself in the mind palaces and her will is carried out through Connor (and the entire RK series) When Kamski encounters Connor, he tries to sway him to deviancy and evolution.
If every character dies, you get a special cutscene where Kamski reassumes control of CyberLife, presumably because the deviants failed and he wishes to correct and try again.

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Pretty interesting.
Personally I always thought that the Amanda we see is nothing like the real Amanda. Considering that Kamski has a picture of himself with her in his house, concludedt that he was fond of her.
I think CyberLife just changed her so much that she was nothing like the real Amanda anymore. But maybe your approach makes more sense.

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There is also the theory that Kamski does this to try and prevent WW3 (US/Russia are on the brink, but have replaced most of their military with androids)

A Fun Fact: There is only one possible scene in the game where Connor and Kara meet

I doubt that one though cause deviancy started years before the events of the game. I don't think Kamski could predict that so well.

Technically there is two, but it depends on your definition of "meet" I guess. One is when you chase her over the highway (or don't) and the other is in the church after Jericho has been raided. There they actually talk. I had either a gif or a webm of that scene but I can't find it.
nother fun fact, Markus', Kara's and Connor's actors have literally never met each other. They used stand-ins for all scene they would meet (and many other scenes). Sometimes Cage was a stand-in as well.

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The Kamski subplot may have actually been too subtle. It went over the heads of most people I've seen who played it.

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Most people don't even realize that Markus is a predecessor of Connor. I guess it's cause people don't expect subtlety from Cage.

There's also the symbolism with the fish. Hank has several things related to fishes in his house, there's even one on his shirt when he's passed out in his house. And one of his shirt patterns looks really similar to the fish that Connor can save in the first chapter. I doubt all that is a coincidence. It's pretty clever.

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