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I play video games.

i jerk off to vidya girls

I played Fallout 4

I played smash bros.

And i didn't shower!

harcore or autistic, you pick

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I played fallout 76.... And bought atoms....

I actually beat Contra without cheating

So basically any smash player? This place is more your style.

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Yeah so?

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And I didn't refund it

>skill capes
What is this, 2005?

I banged your mom.

I'll have you know that my Pikachu fainted on Route 1 in Let's Go Pikachu and I only cried for twenty minutes

I beat Bloodborne.

Aw man, i go to tournaments and everything!!!

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I beat Tetris.

I bitch about video games I've never played.

I have over three thousand hours on train simulator 2019 and top most of the scoreboards for any UK classic diesel scenario.

i cut my penis off but I *dont* dilate

completed all sidequests 100%
got the best ending
mastered and collected all dress spheres on all characters
defeated all optional bosses
finished the via infinito dungeon

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but why?

I keep track of the games I beat and run stats on them.

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I usually put in a glass buttplug when I play FFXIV because I know I'll end up jacking off to people's characters.

While jacking it

Oh wait, you go to tournaments? Sorry about that. I think you'd actually fit in better at the place next door.

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I beat Vanquish on Godhard
on 60fps without the fix

I refunded Dark Souls 3 because it was too hard

I beat Sekiro 3 times
on Xbone S

I platy'd Demon's Souls

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>the easiest soulsborne
>too hard
what's wrong with you?

I beat this.

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I've beaten Dark Souls.

Without any milk.

>Not knowing Agility is one of the most tedious skills to reach to 99
>Implying they were release 2005.

Normie detected boot out

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Nice rare cape you got there!

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I beat SMT4A on Apocalypse
With only low level demons and no skills on Nanashi

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I'm not ashamed to admit I play games on easy mode because I prioritize story over gameplay.

I clap when the toilet flushes

Mate, even getting all skill capes isn't impressive nowadays, let alone just agility.

>His toilet actually flushes

Man, I have to plunger my baseball shits down every single time.

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I beat Dark Souls 1-3 and Cuphead

on mouse + KB

quality taste

I beat XCOM 2 on Legend Iron man on a console without doing any workarounds or scumming.

I play beatsaber on expert at speed 150%

How hardcore am I? Watch this

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Dark Souls 2/3 have genuinely good KB&M controls

Beating NES Contra make me hardcore enough?


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how many deaths?

ds2 cannot have good controls with that horrible movement that needed literal fanmade mods to fix.

I don't get it, at first I tought it was a spooky gif

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I beat Halo 2 Legendary
>with the "no autoaim" skull on

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Halo 2's difficulty is immensely overrated on Legendary. The first level is ridiculous but after that when the Jackels show up and start supplying you with endless amounts of sniper rifles it becomes pretty manageable.

Without paying for them.

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>2.74 MB

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i played naughty games on newgrounds before i turned 18

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netflix skill

mao was fucked up man, after he died, around 1979 deng xiaoping the leader at the time overturned alot of the cases of people going to jail from the anti rightist struggle, mao had 300000 people, arrested, and sent to labor camps, and in some cases killed.
Deng xiaoping overturned alot of the cases, set men free and knew that they needed capitalism for economic advances, amazing leader.

I only play games made in Japan with the original Japanese audio and text. Any translation/localization done to a game completely tarnishes it. White westerners should never alter Japanese works of art.

I once said the n word in a Call of Duty match

Would be impressive if your list wasn't filled with AAA cookie cutter garbage, get better taste and go to Weenie Hut.

Without any lube

I play the Wargame series

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thats actually pretty cool

>tfw it started moving

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I beat Rayman 1 yesterday

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I played through every major shooter on the Xbox 360 on the maximum difficulty. So I'm kinda hardcore.

I beat Mega Man X6 without killing myself.

>Shovel Knight
>What Remains
>Hat in time
>Into the Breah
>Hotline miami
>Demon's Souls
>Risk of Rain 2
>Cookie cutter AAA trash

I don't really think MGS, Prime, Dark Souls, or Ratchet and clank count either, but come on you contrarian faggot.

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Im talking about osrs not rs3

>soad - hypnotize slowly fades in

oh no bros...

Who the fuck ever talks about rs3? It's not impressive in osrs.

>post calls agility training tedious and he thinks it's not talking about osrs

I 100% GTA San Andreas without cheating.
While never failing a mission

I'm playing Stardew Valley and I plan to have two kids with my wife Penny

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Not even impressive. Smh
I know what i was talking about. Figured you didn't tho. Slow lad

Because doing something that's braindead levels of simple over and over isn't impressive, especially if thousands of people have done it too.

I beat Manus without the stupid ring. As a Dex character, I had to two-hand a shield
I have beaten Spelunky the hard way several times.
When I was a kid I beat Wind Waker and OoT without knowing English.
I beat Ninja Gaiden Black in Very Hard. I'll try MJ later.

I changed my sleep schedule for about 2 years so I could watch korean starcraft live back when it was relevant.

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without any mods

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You're implying 1000 is big in osrs. And by braindead, you're basically calling all VG braindead. AKA Yourself.

every time I get into an argument I just tell them to have sex and leave the thread

I beat sekiro and bloodborne with extensive use of guides.

I'm just sitting in my car and...

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And i'm enjoying it

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>2mb gif
Aint watching that shit nigga

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I said thousands, not a thousand. As in, nearly 14 thousand as of April. Just because it's not the entire osrs userbase doesn't mean it's impressive since it's still thousands of people. That's not counting the ones that got an agility cape back in the original game too which is most certainly a much bigger number than that and was more tedious to boot since there weren't things like rooftop agility courses or graceful outfits. Although the 100 thousand players with agility cape statistic is post-mtx, you can't tell me mtx has had that much on an impact on that number given how tiny rs3's playerbase has been for years (not to mention there's also ironmen and hardcore ironmen making part of that number since 2014).
>And by braindead, you're basically calling all VG braindead.
Mate, stop, you're not gonna magically make your grinding impressive by any means. Also no, it doesn't mean that at all, because there's MUCH more skilled things than clicking on a rooftop all day.

Didnt even read but wow your're mad.

>Didnt even say 1000.

Soo much bait'd so much butthertz

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Thanks for conceding.

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Also. Im just talking about OSRS not RS3. Shill.

Good job proving you didn't read the post, or the posts prior, dumbass.

I 100% Mario Odyssey

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>Main point was osrs
>Calls me dumbass.

Weeeew lad your sooo mad you make everyone in V look bad.

I play melty blood

and haven't transitioned

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Please read the post this time and realize why you're being retarded.

Devs anounced a sequel with FeMC and i didnt bitch about it

I did read it you still mentioned rs3

Saying osrs and rs3 are the same is like saying boys and girls are the same lmao youreally are insane! Or everythi g is the same because its all coding hurrdurr

If you did read it why are you saying I said rs3 and osrs are the same? In fact I brought up the number of players who got the agility cape before rs3 even existed, where it was harder to get than it is in osrs since your training methods were more limited, not that your braindead rooftop clicking would be impressive even without that. You're no different from a cookie clicker player.

Also what happened to this post? Guess you did end up reading it then? Also what's wrong with your posts? You're typing like a spastic.

I got Mr Perfect and then all the archivements in Mega Man 9 and 10 on a marathon before 11 came out

I beat all 111 original Supaplex levels at age 10.

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I closed it before it could move.

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I play ad enjoy niche games like Ace Combat and Armored Core. I also love chuuni-esque Visual Novels.

You're talking about RS2. It's hard to prove you got 99 Agility in RS2 when it transitioned to RS3. And im sure alot of those players botted their way up to 99 Agility in RS2. Alot of people even admit to it.

Osrs is a hard reset of the game. A fresh strart that aims to seperate its numbers from RS3 because of the integrity lost throughout the ages. Anyone who bots on their main in osrs is sure to get banned, thats why its impressive doing repetitive tasks like that.

And although there is a difference between fortnite and osrs, you dont just play OSRS and jump straight into Agility unless you are familiar with the game. You get familiar with the game and most likely get 99 in other skills before Agility. Kind of like how in fortnite you scavenge and then defend or attack like any other fps then ends when someone gets defeated.

With agility though. The person training it still has to stay close to their computer. Its not as afkable as NMZ. That's why its impressive. I'm sure there could have been other things the player could have done but nah. He stuck up with training it and got 99 agility. That's impressive because I wont even do that because of how much of a chore it is to train. And kudos to anyone who gets to show off the rare skill cape.

i finished wario world without collecting more than one piece of extra life

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Also saying rs3 is the same as rs2 in a way is like saying A man who transitioned into a woman is still a man. Wewlad your gonna stir up a debate.

I beat zelda 2 one handed

>You're talking about RS2
It's part of the post yes.
>It's hard to prove you got 99 Agility in RS2 when it transitioned to RS3
The vast, vast majority of players are pre-rs3, meaning most of that 101k agility cape statistic are pre rs3 as well, not to mention, again, ironmen and hardcore ironmen.
>And im sure alot of those players botted their way up to 99 Agility in RS2.
You know this devalues your skillcape even more, right?
>Osrs is a hard reset of the game. A fresh strart that aims to seperate its numbers from RS3 because of the integrity lost throughout the ages.
>Anyone who bots on their main in osrs is sure to get banned
Bullshit, you can see the same nature rc bots for fucking months. There's people who botted agility like Eduardino and gave tips on how not to get caught.
>And although there is a difference between fortnite and osrs, you dont just play OSRS and jump straight into Agility unless you are familiar with the game
The hell does this have to do with anything?
>With agility though. The person training it still has to stay close to their computer
No shit, it doesn't make it any more impressive because you're just clicking on rooftops. You could be watching something else while doing it since it's so braindead.
>rare skill cape
>tons of thousands of people have it

Nobody said rs2 is the same as rs3. In fact them not being the same is literally my point. What's wrong with your reading comprehension?

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Also funnily enough RS2 got better bot protection than OSRS 2 years before RS3 came out with the great bot purge of 2011. People have been heckling Jagex for this to the point that there's suspicion that they're deliberately not getting that security system and instead just doing partial purges from time to time because bots have become an integral part of the economy and would hurt OSRS if they got rid of them all.

>partial purges
(which are quickly repopulated so they're pretty meaningless, according to jagex mods' own words).

I beat terraria exert mode solo with a yoyo build.

this is nice user.

I completed 7 Day Survivor in DEAD RISING On a first generation 360

Not clicking that

Coming back to this post after reading your lovely discussion, autism for sure.

Does it still work?

I beat SMB with keyboard, pic related

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everyone knows that keyboards are superior for 2d platforms over gamepads, its only in platformers with more than 8 directional movements that the keyboard falters

I survived seeing Two Babies and A Fox.

I play Dark Souls online

Did you go Anarchy or Bonds?

Really pointless and autistic. I make excel spreads for gold and silver prices just so I can buy them at optimal times. What will video games ever do for you?

I don't actually play any video games aside from a few multiplayer ones I am addicted to, and I come here solely to follow news on upcoming games that I will buy and then play for at max 5 hours, as well as participate in clever shitposting.

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I beat Kingpin: Life of Crime without ever looting a single enemy for cash.
So I never bought a single piece of armor, ammo or even the upgrade for the Heavy Machine Gun.

I beat Halo 3 on legendary solo overnight when I was like 12 because I had nothing else to do.

yes yes user very autistic, very autistic indeed.... HOWEVER

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And stopped before cumming

I shit on games no one has thought out yet

>defense pure
for what purpose?

played demons souls after DS1,2,3 and BB and god damn that game is the hardest of them all without cheesing
I thought it would be cool to have alot of defence and hp and nothing else, I also love the DFS

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