Just found out about this today. Why aren't more people talking about it's revival?

Just found out about this today. Why aren't more people talking about it's revival?

Attached: logo.png (330x190, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Because mods started pruning CoH threads on sight for a while. Yet the daily classic wow threads are ok i guess

We got forced into /vg/ despite being around for less than a week, while FF14 and WoW stay up daily as their own generals on Yea Forums.
Also don’t go on Homecoming severs.

Stop shilling homocumming server, /coxg/ is where its based

>Also don’t go on Homecoming severs.
Where should you go?

Obviously meant to reply to

I have 40+ on 3 different servers

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Rebirth or /coxg/

>Why aren't more people talking about it's revival?
Because City of Heroes is fucking terrible. Go to Yea Forums if you love capeshit so much.

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The homecoming servers are set up and controlled by Leandro, the same fuckwit that hid the source code for some 7 years and refused to give it out until some favela niggers arrived at his house with a gun.
There's been a ton of twists and turns trying to get servers set up without Leandro's involvment, a whole lot of absolute faggots LARPing some game of thrones tier shit over who controls the servers / discords / i24 code / literally grasping at anything and everything.
Long story short, the homecoming server is controlled by Leandro, and if you really want to give him his happy ending then go suck his dick on that server, i'm personally still just waiting for a proper i24 server.

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On top of this, the i24 servers will be getting new content in the future (or at least, Rebirth confirmed they will, but I think it's going to all of those servers). Homecoming, presumably, will not since it runs on i25. Homecoming is by far the most populated right now but I doubt it'll stay that way if it ends up becoming the one server that's not getting new stuff.

>some favela niggers arrived at his house with a gun

So the story goes, at least.

He wasn't going to release any piece of the source code until the Argentinean monkey squad started threatening him. Despite having to be threatened just to get the code out there people still praise him as some sort of savior of CoH even though he was the same dickhead hiding it for the past 6 years

He's still holding on to bits of it. He wants to be only one in control of CoH.

Doesn't really matter anymore, we got what we needed for i24 and the servers are up and out there now. He can go fuck himself with his shitfest spaghetti code for all I care

Too bad the source code is out in the open now. I know nothing of server management and even I have the source code saved, solely to spread if anyone tries to pull anything again.

>why don't you care about a dead game
>when classic is on the doorstep
It's really not hard to figure out.

I don't give a fuck. I play homecoming because it's the most populous private server community. it works and I'm having fun.

>my dead game is better than your dead game!!

Good for you? Now get the fuck out morally-corrupt bootlicker.

>I have no standards

>Same sort of person who willingly gives EA Games money.

That's great. I'm glad you're having fun, it's a fun game and I hope more people get to enjoy it for years to come.

Which is the point of making sure the files are out there so people CAN enjoy it for years to come.


I'm not morally corrupt you stupid faggot cocksucker, i just don't give a fuck about your shitty e-drama. I'm here to play video games.

What's the most populated server after Homecoming?

Because when the threads first started they got autosaged and deleted for doxxing the guy responsible for hiding the game for seven years, and now the largest server group is run by scumbags who have that very same guy as an admin.


You realize that the showrunner in HC is the same fucker that held the keys to the game for over 7 years, kept holding back reverse engineering efforts and used scare tactics and manipulatuon against those who knew he was bad, right?

And you realize the only reason the server exists was because he was a literal coward who pissed himself the moment he received those perfectly legit threats, right?

If you want to play in HC, ok, go ahead, but you should NEVER forget that leandro IS a criminal in every sense of the word, and by supporting him, you are saying that what he did, and other criminals do, is ok.


go play /coxg/ here

you are a disgrace

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One autist started spamming the same thread over and over.

Because nobody actually cares.
It was a shill job by a bunch of autists who got mad they weren't a part of the super secret club.

If only this server wasn't so dead. If only any of the servers outside of Homecoming weren't so fucking dead.

you could change that by not being a faggot and playing on them

What, so the playerbase would go from 1 to 2? That's still dead as fuck.

Its only dead because people see its dead and they go play on homocumming. If everyone just stayed on /coxg/ it wouldnt be dead. Its a vicious circle.

is that gay brazilian with a god complex still running things?

I think ill just get to 50 on homecummies and wait until they add more things to i24 servers, then ill play with the fifty other players =)

enjoy your scam then, i'm gonna laugh when they take the money and run

I'm not playing on Homecoming either faglord. Also how would they take my money?

yes he got some furrys working with him now

Actually it was more like a golden disk source code situation, and the guy holding it was doxxed until he released it and the other members of his group felt safe releasing what they had. It was pretty great, sorry you don't enjoy things.

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Not touching it then. This community has no self-respect whatsoever.

>This community has no self-respect whatsoever.
pretty much, they're all utter morons who act like junkies

what's an i24 and an i25


i25 is the shitty fanfiction version of the game that runs like dogshit by the faggot Leandro who held the game hostage, homocumming is using this version, i24 is the original game and the future of CoH

Issues, like comics. They're major game updates. i24 was the last official update to the game and was set to go live but the game got shut down a week before. i25 is a frankenstein fan patch.

I always wanted to play this game but never got a chance to. I remember following its development. was kinda dissapointed that they wound up distilling all their diverse comic based classes down to boring MMORPG roles.

i24 is the last version of the game on test servers, 2500 is files that were to be included in i25 should it ever had actually been made. i25 is unofficial, made by SCoRE, combines i24 and 2500, which would be fine, but they also added a bunch of controversial shit that trivializes a lot of the game, and adds some fanfic shit.

The reason servers are going back to i24 is because there is a new project underway to openly develop i24 and 2500

If someone told you this game has a holy trinity, they're lying.

They didn't do that at all. In fact if you try to play the holy trinity you will not only get your shit kicked in but also laughed at.

FFXIV and WoW will kill whats left of the playerbase.

I have no idea what you guys mean by holy trinity
they changed classes before release, distilling them down to MMORPG roles like Tank, Healer, etc. maybe I can find some shit on wayback machine. their original system was cool as shit

They mean the healer, tank, DPS trinity common in other MMOs

Irrelevant after the addition of the villain classes, also you can CC or debuff things into uselessness and not even need a tank or healer.

Same, I don't really care. If someone provides a better server I will migrate. /coxg/ is mismanaged as fuck.