Obsidian should take control over the Fallout franchise...

Obsidian should take control over the Fallout franchise, New Vegas was developed in a year and a half and turned out the way it did, imagine what they could do with more time and resources, Fuck Bethesda

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Most of the devs who worked on NV left obsidian, It's over user.

NV was entirely a fluke by Obsidian, I would never trust them to make another game again considering their complete shift in studio culture

>Looks at The Outer Worlds
Lol no

all they know is cuckshit

last summer I made a mod for new vegas


so this summer I'm planning on making a mod for fallout 3. I want to make something that makes exploring more rewarding for people who have already played through several times

here's what I was thinking

>room full of safes. with the keys to each safe hidden around the wastland. some safes have supplies and others have new unique weapons and weapon variants
>new expensive weapons available for purchase from some vendors to give you something to save for
>new notes and hidden scavenger hunts from notes or dead bodies you find.
>few hidden stashes of caps, mini nukes and other useful stuff. but hidden well so you really have to search for it
>unique armor varients hidden around as well

Any other ideas?

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I would, i don't think NV was a fluke, it had an amazing story-telling, however, most of the people who pulled back on it was because of Bethesda's shit engine

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OP, the obsidian you are referring to no longer exists. Expect Outer Worlds to be garbage to save yourself the disappointment.

I'll sure to check out the mod, also, you could add a "Escape the Room" element to the mod, i love to see those in adventure mods

>New Vegas was developed in a year and a half and turned out the way it did
Yeah, it was fucking garbage.

Enemies in different places, or change the layout of certain locations.

The engine made it fucking garbage, remake New Vegas into a new engine or as a isometric game like Fallout 2 and you get a 9/10 game

their new writers are all "women"

reminder that joshua is the most overrated video game character in Yea Forums and only pseuds (pretend to) like him

i like him more as meme than anything

Dude, fuck them both.

How out of the loop are you that you still think Obsidian is good? Look at what they've released since NV.

Maybe make it in TTW or port it to it later?

He is good for memes and was a cool DLC character.

The main reason it did as well as it did was the collaboration between JE Sawyer and Avellone. A lot of the other creative people that worked with them aren't there anymore either, but if you're going to do something with Fallout Avellone needs to be in the project; he was the writer of the Fallout Bible, after all. If you're going to get people working on Fallout you need Tim Cain, Avellone, Sawyer, Boyarsky, and Anderson. Those are the big people that made the series when it was made by Black Isle under Interplay.

Unfortunately they're all scattered to the four winds. To get them all together basically means to start a new game company, although I'm kind of for that idea. The lightning in a bottle that was New Vegas can't really be replicated by modern Obsidian, they don't have the drive they used to.

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Exactly this. It's over. Just enjoy the perfect trilogy of Kotor II, Alpha Protocol, and New Vegas.

Obsidian utilized the assets they had very well, but in the end they were recycling many ready-made assets and only created a small percentage of new ones.

>New Vegas was developed in a year and a half and turned out the way it did,

It’s literally just a Fallout 3 expansion pack. Thousands of assets reused, same combat system with some additional improvements, and a faction system added. If you switched the game’s maps with each other it would take you ten minutes to figure out what game you’re playing.

New Vegas was developed in a year and a half because 90% of the work was already done.
Literally the only half decent games Obsidian worked on are glorified mods.
Look at all the shit they've released since then, complete garbage from the ground up.

Boyarsky and Cain are back.
Too bad the rest of Obsidian is so rotten.
Listen up Obsidian tards, New Vegas is great. I love it, and we'll always have it. But Obsidian is shit now, not as bad as Bethesda but still bad.
Let it go.

>get game code, mod tools, assets, everything
>make a glorified mod
>can't even finish that in time
obsidian was and will always be shit

Fallout should've never left the isometric perspective. It's just so perfect for RPGs.

Attached: Isometric New Vegas.jpg (1192x670, 205K)

>glorified mod is better than any Bethesda developed game

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>take finished product
>add a bunch of stuff
>it’s better

Wow shocking

>adds stuff that should've been in the "finished" product

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You mean more enemies or just changing placement? I was considering adding some unique named raiders and such with some notes on them when you kill them, to give you something to search for when you find the note

>Let it go.
A lot of people don't understand that letting go is the actual message of New Vegas. It's Obsidian telling the old Fallout fans to let it go and move on. You're absolutely right, though. We'll always have Fallouts 1, 2, and NV. The series is done, now. It isn't for us anymore. It's time to move on.

Based af user

I've played 1,2, and NV countless times. I want something new.

I just cant get into Isometric RPGs. The only ones I have managed were all strategy games like Xcom and Jagged Alliance. I really want to play more classic RPGs but I can only handle them in first or third person

Changing placement or number. More of a suggestion to change areas enough that it feels different so people that have played a lot don't just run through it again.

>Start game
>aim down sights
>if I can it's NV
>if not it's 3
>10 minutes

you're about to learn when Outer Worlds comes out

New Vegas is in my all time top#3, but no, current Obsidian seems kinda middling, with Outer Worlds looking dog-shit so far

>Outer Worlds looks like dogshi-

Attached: The Outer Worlds Combat.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

is this supposed to prove me wrong? It doesn't
the game seems like trash

It's a fucking co-op game?

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>destiny with VATS

oh boy another Oblivion with guns game

why does the HUD and UI look like something from a 2003 video game

>give Fallout to Microsoft
I could see this working out somehow

based retard

the hud looks like something straight out of L4D but with a steampunk/futuristic look

it looks cheap as fuck, poor UI/UX is not excusable anymore

Inxile is better than Obsidian now

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That does look like dogshit though.

Wasteland 3 will be the Fallout we deserve. Improved over Wasteland 2 in every way.

>spending half of a demo going on a rampage in a town
how incredibly dull. Imagine if they demoed TES VI by just killed town guards for 10 minutes.

Honestly user? me too

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Remastered Fallout:New Vegas with restored cut content, Josh Sawyer and Chris Avellone leading the project would be the best game ever made.

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guaranteed to fuck it up somehow, not worth the risk

Is there a mod to make BDSM inspired enemies like the guy from Dead Rising 3 or Catwomen?

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no, Avellone is hack who's biggest contributions was "bear and the bull" and other dlc shit, Gonzalez wrote majority off it

>Chris Avellone
>Working for Obsidian ever again
Fat chance.

>everyone always says combat sucks in modern era Beth RPGs
>purposefully emulate it to a tee
really gets the noggin whiring


dead money was the best piece of new vegas content and that was also avellone

Is Avellone based or cringe?

Attached: Avellone BTFOing Obsidian.png (1155x250, 56K)

what do you mean, it does look like dogshit

Deadfire was their most polish game to date and it was also the worst.

lmao nobody would fucking play this, just look at Wasteland 2

his twitter is full of boomerposting. he is based but bluepilled

>black companion


Obsidian is dead

>old lady gibson murdered her husband for being a drunk
Any other obscure things you found in the game?

>Throwing Urquhart little posse of faggots under the bus
Absolutely unironically based.
How the fuck can you not love Chris Avellone?

Attached: chris avellone.jpg (657x985, 113K)

wait wat, where's the proofs she murdered him? I found the shack with skeltal and whiskey bottles but what says she killed him?

They need to get rid of Fegurson if they want to salvage the company

Obsidian can't make games by themselves.

The signs are there, the machete on the wall and the fact that the old lady says he is dead with the dialogue "may he rest in peace".

*blocks your path*

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they can't be by themselves anymore

you seem to have posted the wrong picture. Did you want to try that again?


Haven't pllayed any of the rest nor do I plan to.

Yeah with M$'s raw funding and assets they could do away with the clunky gamebryo engine in favor of something more capable

Why does obsidian love the "amnesiac stripped of one of their defining characteristics" bit so much? not sure how to put it to words better but the courier and the exile fit the bill