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Other urls found in this thread:


Epic is not the savior of pc gaming.

"You can tell the quality of this Zelda game by the design of its dungeons, the very core of these games"

Imagine getting angry at someone else's opinion.

>Tank controls make a game unplayable

Final Fantasy is good

>Dead Space 2 is shit because Isaac talks!

>"Backtracking is bad"

women are human

>posts on Yea Forums - The Vidya
>doesnt get angry about vidya
why are you even here?

This anger you? Lmao

Piracy is good.

Found the faggot who pretends to like godhand to fit in

dragon's dogma has good combat

"This game mechanic only exists because of technical limitations"


>Games don't age.
Yes they do you crusty old faggot

Dragon's Dogma unironically has good combat and I'm gonna say it until you get an aneurysm.

What is "It gets good several hours into the game"?

I have nowhere else to go.

>look at the size of this game's playerbase, its obviously good

When its obvious padding to extend a half finished game like Halo or Berseria then yes

>Deadspace 2 is bad
>Common opinion
user i'm getting Angered now.

Linear hallways are better than open ended gameplay.

bloodbornefaggots thinking their game is almighty.
fuck bloodbornefaggots and their over rated shit game.

Demon/DS1/DS3/Sekiro >>>>>>>>>>bloodcunt

>turn based combat is outdated
i want to reach through the monitor and strangle the little shit every time

>implying this doesn't ruin the gothic games for anybody under 40

get clapped on boomer

>Enter the Gungeon is a bad game

I never even played Godhand.

It's just coincidence that every new thing has been bad

Dragon's Dogma is too easy. Even on hard. Sorcerer breaks the game.

Pokemon HGSS being "the best."

BotW is good

What is, "Piranha Plant is a great addition to Smash just because he was initially surprising"

Disney star wars is canon

Ratchet & Clank didn't turn to fucking garbage after PS2 era.

"It's old so it's shit"

"Games have gotten better"

anyone pretending any mainline Pokemon is worth playing past the age of 12

Banjo-Kazooie don't belong in Smash because they haven't had a game in a long time

It certainly is acceptable but that doesn't mean it's fun.

While not necessarily common for anyone with an IQ over 10, I see a lot of people saying that Dark Souls 2 is good or even that it's the best Souls game on this board.

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Doom 2016 is a worthy sequel to the original game

how can the current best rogue-lite be bad?

this game is bad because it's old

They should make a Pokemon game with every region.

If you can't adapt to tank controls within about 20 minutes, you should drown yourself. They're extremely reliable for any game with fixed cameras, and they work well with D pads. Call us boomers all you want, but I'm able to adapt to different control schemes and I'm not a brainlet about it. It's usually terrible players who whine about controls; no one I've known who is good at videogames whines about that shit. Git gud.

"Darksouls games are fun"

Yeah, DD's combat is really shallow and boring. On top of that, the amount of skills you can have is limited which is even more detrimental. They nailed the feel and effects though.

Ok fine, maybe not "bad" but "worse than 1 because he talks"

The game hasn't been objectively upstaged by spiritual successors or sequels because old good new bad.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is good.

>it became popular, therefore is shit.

>GTA should be outside of the United States because of that one shitty game that didn't sell

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SMT IV is good

>set out to make a Doom reboot
>they accidentally make Painkiller
how did they manage that

>It's popular but i can't say it's shit because double nigger contrarians will say mean things to me

better than mainline

>BOTW is in anyway shape or form a good game and not a korok seed collecting simulator with physics based elements

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>[recent movie release] was amazing!

>Dark Souls 2 is the best one because it has powerstancing and fun PvP

"MvC2 > UMvC3"
This opinion hurts me.

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Yea Forums Reddit Tier Circlejerking of "FF7 is the best". Clearly an inferior mindset

>Tekken is the best fighting game series

“Esports is good for gaming communities”

>Nintendo games are fun

>Graphics matter

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halo 4 is a good halo game and a good game overall.

"Puzzle Games aren't worth full price"
Or even better,
"Puzzle games aren't worth $30".

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What's the best fighting game series then?

>dark souls 2 was bad because muh elevator.

What's wrong with being competitive?

That's subjective. But it isn't Tekken.

Where is DS2?

>common opinion
DaS2 wasn't that bad.

The nonary games are so insultingly easy and boring and predictable that I feel genuine anger when anyone on this board praises the games because I despise the idea of sharing this board with smoothbrains

stealth is boring

But graphics do matter. What doesn't matter is how many RAW BIG NUMBERS your graphics have. Good visuals always make a game better.

What I love the most of these threads is how half the post are bait and the other are serious answers that will get replied by bait.

Nothing good will come out of this unless you post any arguments to back up your claims.

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>JRPGs tend to have good gameplay
Even worse:
>Souls games have good combat

They’re button mashers that artificially limit combo strings through stamina. Hits don’t even consistently stagger enemies.

Stealth IS boring. 99% of games do not have the AI, mechanics, and level design necessary for compelling stealth gameplay.

>game is good because it scored high on [random website]

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Well yes, that's what I was going for but couldn't find the proper words for it.

>it's fun with friends

>dodging the question

Anything that involves bits.
It's just an incredibly retarded and wrong way to measure power of devices.

I didn't dodge the question. I said it's subjective.

Because it's so fucking slow and boring that only a retard could enjoy it


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>faggotry is perfectly normal and should be accepted

Stealth is the worst fucking shit unless the game is actually built around stealth. I don't know why triple A normie games always have shitty stealth in them.

but it's neither slow nor boring, have you played the newest patch?

>"This game sucks"
>"it's shit"

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VN are games
Nintendo games are "quality"
Watching streamers is fun
Morrowind was better than Daggerfall
Yea Forums, no actually Yea Forums as a whole was once good. It was better but it was never good.
EGS is promoting competition
Movies games, basically half of Sony's exclusives, are good games
Piracy is theft

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The N64 is one of Nintendo's best consoles
Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game/better than Wind Waker
Spirit Tracks is the worst Zelda game
Super Mario Bros 3 is one of the greatest games of all time
Mario Odyssey is a great Mario game
FFVII is overrated/not better than Ocarina of Time
Trials and Tribulations is the best Ace Attorney game
Dual Destinies is one of the worst Ace Attorney games

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Its not that we cant adapt. Its that its a shitty control scheme you buzzword spamming underaged faggot. Kill yourself

agreed,nobody actually posts the actual reasons why it's the best,they just re-parrot other people's opinions while autists like me identify with the game

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niggers aren't all bad

>VN are games
some of them are close enough to point and clicks like Dangan and Ace Attorney that I think they count but shit like Steins Gate and Fate are not vidya by any stretch of the imagination

The appeal of stealth is learning and exploiting AI to navigate a level smoothly. For this to work, the AI needs to behave consistently, even if that means making it dumber.

If stealth was too realistic, the genre wouldn’t work. The goal isn’t realism— It’s about creating a series of consistent rules.


Don't be so harsh on the younger generation. Most of them have lots of nigger blood and hence a drastically reduced IQ.

>the best Zelda game is Ocarina of Time

Piracy is theft

People who buy a story-driven MMO like FFXIV then skip all the cutscenes and story just to do the boring ass endgame content. Then complain that the game is shallow.

>opinions that I don't like are bait
>opinions that I like are serious answers

>ocarina of time is the best game of all time
>no I haven't played it yet, why do you ask?

Anything that incites console wars, incites fanbase wars (within the fanbase), indicates double standards, etc.

>smash is better than fighting games because fighting game inputs are too complex

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>games are about player choice

If someone says "X game is bad" it doesn't matter which game was mentioned, you're just shitposting. There's no claim to counter because you don't even know what the basis for claiming it's bad is.
And that extrapolates to pretty much anything.

"My favorite one is Bad Company 2"


Game is bad because it has politics in it i don't agree with, it also doesn't effect gameplay at all or the narrative in any significant way.

>"Games have gotten better"
On the whole, I agree with this opinion. You have to remember how many shitty and borderline broken games were around in the 80s and 90s. Nowadays even games which are bad are at least playable. We just lack the uniqueness of the really good old games because playing it safe is financially a better option. We're swimming in a sea of generic stuff.

If you want super fast paced bullet hell then play Nuclear Throne. If you want Isaac with guns, play Enter the Gungeon.

I really don't get why casuals are so focused on inputs when it comes to fighters. It's not even 5% of what makes them difficult.

I mean, you asked for his favourite game, not the best one.

Are we talking Yea Forums vocal (minority) opinions?
>"Indie games are all shit, no context or information needed."

Or if we're talking about normie opinions
>"We need more and more inclusivity every day."

The OP asked for opinions that make you angry. That's what people are providing. They don't have to fucking prove their opinion to you.

prove how it's shitty then zoomer
why is it so hard for you to adjust to something that takes literally moments to learn

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>yeah the gameplay is not good but the message is SO important

>OoT is the greatest game ever made

>Taking a product that you haven't paid for illegally isn't theft
Is this nigger mental gymnastics?

I am playing gothic 1 right now and what ruins it is the shit interaction controls for combat, trade, inventory. Movement is a nonissue for me


Life is meaningless

Yeah, but video games have dipped in quality because of actual game design going down in quality, it's easy to impress with graphics and generic gameplay, it's entertaining enough, that's why you don't have to actually design anything new. Board games have better game design these days and it's ridiculous.

Like half of the games have some generic gameplay and cookie clicker mechanics added to it, sure, it's addicting but is it good?

Basically the idea that games are a second job that you’re obligated to and not entertainment. This exists because of manipulation of kids during the arcade era, “what, you couldn’t even crack the top 100 on the pac man machine? What are you a faggot? Only a toddler who can’t tie their shoes sucks so much at video games”. This kind of peer pressure is what game companies used, and still use to this day, to get people to buy their game, since making an actually good game would require effort and talent. This was pretty much gone by the N64 era in its more aggressive form, but “e “sports”” and dark souls brought it back in full force, though not on purpose (Demon’s Souls is a very good game if you don’t feel obligated to do everything), and now they push every new game and every new dlc as harder than the last(even if it isn’t) and treat as a new age right of passage, except there’s another rite added every year or so.

Look up the difinition of theft, then come back

>Top X Best Games Ever Made

>5. Tetris
>4. Dark Souls
>3. Super Mario Bros
>2. Final Fantasy 6
>1. Ocarina of Time

What is Botw is a good game

What is your favorite Zelda game?

i have a friend who was telling me that top smash players are good because they can do a small jump in the middle of a match.

Link to the Past

not him but Adventure of Link

Oracle of Ages

I'm not that guy, I just want more people to play seasons/ages

That's the thing, there is no discussion to be had here.
Obly people getting mad and people trying to get others mad.


That would be a good thing though, it’s based on your ability to learn, so as long as you are physically capable of pressing the buttons in rapid succession you could theoretically do it, but it requires a lot of effort. The most fair challenge is one that almost everyone could do, with much time and effort, but almost no one will

Nothing, but when a game tries to have a massive esports focus before the game comes out it can hurt the balance and fun of it all. See: Street Fighter V, Overwatch, MVCI, etc

They are. “Choice” can refer to even something as simple as using one weapon instead of another. It’s an intrinsic part of the medium.

It can be a legit criticism in instances where it feels forced or is generally distracting. Criticisms of fanservice for example can be valid if it clashes with the game’s tone.

>It's not stealing it's copying!
I guess china doesn't ape every popular electronic copyright then since they're just copying designs and reselling them.

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I, too, only ever pay in illegal ways.

I'll play it fully when they remake it. I can't stand how the game controls on Gameboy with the sword and bracelets needing to be equipped and swapped nonstop. I can't wait to finally get to really play LA no matter how butthurt the Switch visuals make people

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fuck this one in particular

resident evil 4 is the best action game ever

Saying roguelite is a real genre
Calling random games roguelikes

>"The bullets in CSGO don't go where I want them to and instead follow a pre-determined non-rng pattern"

Right. Win over customers with a superior instantiation of the product instead of relying on government enforced monopoly, fag.

Doesn't this mean fighters are straight up bad games? Because they are

>"Indie games are all shit, no context or information needed."
God, this. I'm fucking tired of this shit. Let me enjoy multiple sources of video games without some sperg constantly replying

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>”If you don’t like this game, you’re X!”

Right so the next time you invent a new smart phone or leap in technology and china immediately takes it from you to sell their own will you still be sucking changs cock?

>if you criticize a challenging game for any reason you need to git gud

>If you don’t like this game, you’re entitled to your opinion! :)

>"turn motion blur on"
>"turn depth of field on"
>"lock the framerate to ##FPS"
>"Turn AA on"
>"Turn vsync on"

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>Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a bad game.

>>"Turn AA on
why would you not?

>dont turn vsync on for Kotor
>have to reload a save after every combat encounter
>vsync someone fixes this

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Why would a pokemon game with content make you mad?

The LA switch visuals are cute and fitting considering the entire game takes place in a dream. Making it look a little odd was a good choice. They could even do something cute like a shift in art style inside the dream shrine and Wind Fish egg.

There is no fit all solution for AA and you will be losing information depending on which subpixels it samples from to blend the colors

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>game has optional content
>that makes it bad

>he doesnt use AA
>he doesnt use vsync
Sure user, you just keep letting your games look like shit, see if any of us care.

I've played every single Zelda game there is and I can't genuinely remember a dungeon with a truly great design
It's always just "do arbitrary task here -> get key -> find where key goes," rinse and repeat until boss battle

"There is nothing wrong with the Silent Hill HD Collection."

>Uses the soul/soulless meme to cope with the fact that his GPU cant handle AA
Get a load of this fag

i should say nigger online because i have the right to

>It's a Ruby & Sapphire remake, not an Emerald remake, why were you expecting the Battle Frontier?

Nobody says this. Even normalfags know how bad it is.

and I'm sure you think dark souls is "le hardcore"
video games are inherently easy aside from 1cc shmups

I won't be doing all of the research and development for free like a cuck. I expect to be compensated for my labor and not have to resort to rent seeking. Keep sucking Mr Shekelstein's dick though.

nobody ever said this

For a WRPG ripoff it has great combat.

>and I'm sure you think dark souls is "le hardcore"

I'm just saying that Dragon's Dogma is too easy to be fun unless you intentionally limit yourself. Every problem in the game can be solved by summoning a giant fucking tornado that one-shots everything.

What is “Persona 5 is good?”

What is every lie that Democrats throw at their voters that sticks?

Would you have aneurysm if i called you a triple kike niggerfaggot?

>Sonic 06 was not that bad. If SEGA fixed the glitches it would be great!
You have no idea how common this retarded shit is on other sites. They either end up saying "to make it good you just need to fix [lists every aspect that makes up a game except soundtrack] -- it's a rough gen!" or "the glitches were the only problem, everything else is solid".

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Sour grapes

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>Persona 1 is bad
>Persona IS/EP are good

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>says you're cucking yourself out of information
>posts meme pic
>"lol poorfag"

Diversity is our strength

AA sucks,there's a reason people like low poly low res games,it's more defined,it makes easier to discern objects,AA is literally a method to blur the image,if you want real AA you either use 200% internal resolution,or you dont

"nier automata and zelda breath of the wild are the best games ever"

Who the fuck likes low res games? People like low poly, high res

If you're looking for nuanced discussion about video games you've come to the wrong board

Those people probably never even played the thing. Sonic 06 with no bugs would be a 6/10 at best. It's just not a very good game.

>I expect to be compensated for my labor and not have to resort to rent seeking
This is a very capitalist mindset for a commie loving hypocrite. Should the devs not be compensated for their work? The world doesn't run on piracy someone has to pay, it's fine if you want to steal but don't justify it by saying it's not theft.

and what game is hard? and how does being easy mean it has bad combat?

I actually soft dropped BotW for Automata at the time. It's no 10/10 but goddamn did I enjoy it way more.

Left looks like shit and you're both idiots. Low poly low res games are only popular because of xoomers like you looking for a nostalgia trip.

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>subway and burger King are bad
This shit fucking kills me even though I fundamentally agree. I just love them both.

‘Multiplayer games need constant updates and balance patches’


I think I understand the thought process. It's people that just really wanted another Adventure style game. To them 06 is almost that.

>I want Steve for smash

>Automata's story was deep and emotional.

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>I want crash for smash

>there is a good sonic game

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>Games can age
How much of a underage can you be?

>if my post contains a meme image,it's funny/interesting/it valids my argument

>t. fart-sniffing pixeldev

this but taco bell and arbys instead
I don't know what the fuck people get at arbys to think that it's bad.

>Wind Waker is the best Zelda

I don't so much get mad over this as much as subconsciously discredit everything this person says and stands for from that point onwards. It's a silent rage.

Most of the time people who say this are retards trying to save face when criticising something popular but games like Fallout 3 do age when future games do literally everything they did but better

6/10 is generous imo. Tepid gameplay, bad controls, atrocious writing, uninspired level design and awful voice acting makes it essential 3/10-core without glitches. The only fun comes from laughing at the cutscenes and dialogue

Do you recognize that this is an irrational thought, or do you legitimately not think games age?

OoT or Witcher 3 is the best game ever made

The first Sonic Riders if you're not a shitter.

What is "gamer is not an insult"

Long before you even used the word ‘casual’, we called them ‘Scrubs’.
The scrub life is an entire lifestyle, an intricate mental Olympic gymnastics center that the scrub masters to find any way shape or form to describe how they lost.
They exist outside of fighting games too now. Look at Mordhau, Apex legends, games from all sorts of genre. ‘That weapon isn’t fair, game is unplayable with these hitboxes, using that tactic is unfun and tryhard’. The Scrub is branching out.

>t. brainlet retard

I know posting twitter is a sin on Yea Forums, but goddamn it if this isn't the best one out there. twitter.com/ScrubQuotesX?s=09

I understand it comes from the place of "I want it [Adventure formula] to be good so badly that I'll blind myself to the flaws of any game that uses it", but it still gets my dander right up

>against rent seekers
>must be a commie
>work by commission is unthinkable - only scraps from daddy publisher's table are real.
Every fucking time.

A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly and is also known as a busta.

Never heard this one but damn, that's a cringey thing to believe.

>My individual, anonymous opinion is as valid as entire collectives of fans and reviewers.

Always talkin bout what he wants, but just sits on his broke ass

>the popular opinion is always the right one

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Skyrim is a masterpiece

>Yea Forums is one person

>gay marriage is right

[game that is not a fucking roguelike] is my favourite roguelike
From a person who doesn't play, doesn't like, and probably never has played a roguelike

If this is you FUCK YOU

TLoU is one of the best games ever

Wind waker is good

Gay marriage lost the popular vote even in Commiefornia. It was forced through by the 9 justices on the Supreme Court

>hating something popular does not make you an interesting person
Just because I dislike it and it happens to be popular doesn’t mean my reason for disliking it is because it’s popular.

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Not good, great

>I live in a region that was afraid to expose me to foreign media when I was a child so any game that isn't made in europe or north america is "pure cringe."

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>if a game is easy, it's bad

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>I want anime character for smash

Don't even bother interacting with people who say shit like that. It's really not worth your time. The moment someone unironically calls you a "contrarian" is the moment when you should ignore them forever.

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woah super fast paced! churayzay *bites pizza* wroooom zoooom *kills 100 fodder in 30 seconds* now this is fun! bazinga

"British "people" shouldn't be genocided"

eat shit weeaboo

Orange man bad

>There's nothing wrong post post-7 Puyo Puyo

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>if a game is linear, it's bad

man I was a fag as a kid

>Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game
I can understand thinking it's a good game, and there are plenty of valid arguments to make for it being better than 3, but I cannot wrap my head around unironically believing it's better than 1, Demon's and Bloodborne.

i'm extremely sorry for the situation in which you find yourself

If you want a game where the hitboxes aren't FUBAR on everything and is actually a fun bullet hell, play Monolith.

Jokes on you Harry Potter I was talking about "Detention".

>Souls games are hard
Holy fuck is there a more casual opinion to hold?

I sorta get this one, AAA devs have largely forgotten how to make good linear games in the last decade or so. On a surface level I can understand the misconception.

They're not hard, but they're challenging. They demand patience.

>just because the minigame is fun doesn't mean the game is good

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That's not actually common. It's just the same few contrarian autists spamming their shit opinion.

video games are fun

To be fair there is a very large number of people especially on websites like Yea Forums who do specifically dislike things based solely on popularity. If you don't give an explicitly not-retarded criticism it's really easy and generally a good idea to write you off as just a shitposter.
If somebody said Undertale is a trash videogame and their only stated reason why is that a bunch of people enjoy it, I'm going to assume they're just being a contrarian faggot, despite me sharing the opinion that it is trash.

literally no one thinks this

das1 is just as slow and floaty but with much less interesting content and no variety, and the dlc was bad outside of the bossrs. des is faster but also floaty and has just as many if not more bad bosses than das2, but is a lot better than das1 still. bloodborne isn't souls and is held to a much higher standard

I mostly hear people talk about taco bell giving them the shits or something, which is strange. It probably doesn't help that people seem to mostly eat it when drunk. I've never had taco bell fuck me up. Arby's is good but I didn't run into it until I was adult so I never think of ot


>any halo game

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>X mechanic makes the game too easy / broken / simple
>"Don't like it? Don't use it!"

I actually started to seethe just typing this up

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Build variety, it's more rpg than the other games which i enjoy. Combat is smoother than DS1 and demons and the rpg mechanics aren't as restrictive as BBs. There easy answer.

>Metroidvanias good and smart
>Collectathons bad and dumb
>My Eceleb overlords told me so
>Even though they're the same thing but in 3D

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Games do age in the fact that their mechanics are comparatively unpolished compared to games made later in the same genre. You cant seriously tell me that every game ever made holds up even to todays standards.

>no variety
Please don't reply to me until you've actually played the games in question.

Halo 2 is good

aby CoD after 2 or Halo in general being good

i have over 2000 hours in dark souls 1 before it even came out on pc

you just described every dungeon in every game ever
great job

honestly, in the current gaming landscape, this is something I uironically agree with
time wasting ubishit ruining BOTW was the last straw for me, we need to go back

so its just in line with all other Sonic games

You understand the source of the argument does not typically originate from the inability of a gamer to understand the controls, or his inability to become adept at them. If you're going to make a generational argument, young people are typically more mechanically adept than older generations in video game skills. The issue is that their level of tolerance for archaic and poorly designed mechanics is lower. Young people could likely perform better at those games on average than old players (given you allow them the same playtime), you dumb fuck.

I don't think 2 is better than 1 but I think that its not much worse than 1, not as much as people say. I think a lot of people have rose-tinted nostalgia goggles on when they think about Dark Souls 1, most of the appeal seems to be based in the novel type of gameplay that the souls series cultivated, and that's only really important to people who played dark souls when it first came out and not many other games existed like it.

If you consider the series as a whole without that nostalgic outlook, Dark Souls 1 was not much better than the sequels.

>implying 2 isnt the same garbage as 4 and all its clones

Path of Exile is a good game

These are all true though
Only one good open world game came out in 2017 and it wasn't BOTW


back to where they speak your native brown skin language

It is you quadnigger

Gravity Rush 2?

>games as a service is not fraud

>Twilight Princess is better than Skyward Sword

I don't want to flip my tit at this but I do.

>game isn't worth $60 because it wasn't padded out with tons of filler content to reach whatever arbitrary number of hours I perceive as "value"
>directional inputs are bad
>Assassin's Creed parkour is one of the best movement systems in games
>Saints Row 4 has better movement than Prototype
>New Vegas is a bad open world because some routes have harder enemies

Sonic 2 had decent voice acting

I know this is going to trigger all you botw hating fags but it's fun

Monolith is a fantastic game, you mong.

>[Game Series] should have a female protagonist! Even if it's just a silent protagonist!
Fuck these waifufags or SJWs or whatever they are. Disgusting subhumans that want to play as a girl just for the sake of playing as a girl.

>it's fun

>using vsync
Fucking pleb

It is, though. SS took everything dodgy about TP and stretched it to near illogical extremes. It's as much an executional regression as it is a theoretical progression. Still better than WW or BotW, though.

> Randomly generated levels are great and add gameplay value

99% of the time the algorithm generates boring, samey levels that are vastly inferior to handmade levels. If I'm reading a Steam page and I see the words "randomly generated" or "rogue-anything" I immediately stop reading and close out of the page because the game is almost certainly not good.

> Open world games are good

Open world isn't quite as bad as randomgen/rogue games, but at least 95% of them are still shit. Once in a blue moon a good one like Nier: Automata comes around but unless the game is getting rave reviews, seeing open world is also enough for an instant rejection.

Try and stop me nigger


That's why people liked this project. The game needed more than a patch to fix the thing. Need better psychics, better character displacement, better animations, better effects, better environment elements, more fluid transitions per section, SPEED CORRIDOR SECTIONS, shitty silver puzzles

never said otherwise, try thinking

100% agreed.

>"Oh yeah, I want to wait until for a specific amount of time to get the information I need in order to react to"

Sonic And Sega All Stars Racing 1 and Transformed were great, what are you talking about

I don't want to flip my tit at you right now so I'll just say let's agree to disagree.

Came here to post this

NES metroid was a chore to play and you know it

>"Kanji from Persona 4 is gay."

>Nintendo games are "quality"

No, they exactly aren't quality exactly, but the company have quality standards. Nintendo compared to the competition or third parties, they release the few amount of shit games per year

>Bloodborne is the best FS/soulsborne/whatever game
I do think bb is a great game I'm just autistic and don't like it when people value things in a series over what I value.

I unironically wince when I hear someone unironically call themselves a "gamer". It's literally a synonym for "basement-dwelling neckbeard who uses Razer gear"


Fair enough. I wish you peace of mind in Zelda threads - I even like SS but that's gotta be a rough one to feel strongly about.

It better be a damn good corridor than.

what souls game is even close to better than bb?

>Bloodborne is better than Dark Souls

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Attached: autism-intensifies.jpg (502x417, 15K)

Bad game design is bad game design. Doesn't matter if it's linear or open ended.

Yup, there is a reason it's a common opinion.

you're a nigger

New Vegas is just a bad game all around.

People who say RDR1 is the best Rockstar game. If you disagree they accuse you of being PC only.

>REEEEEEEEE stop having fun!!!!

Sony games are movies. Everything Nintendo makes is gold.

Basically, Nintendo fandom existence.

>Open world isn't quite as bad as randomgen/rogue games, but at least 95% of them are still shit.
I blame Ubisoft

I think Dark Souls 1 and Demon Souls are both better. Dark Souls 3 I'd say is about equal.
It's just an opinion, but what I love the most about souls games is the sense of discovery the games gives and the way they reward exploration. BB has it's own unique combat and setting, which are fantastic and I can understand why people would prioritize that, but as a long time fan of the series who's played every souls game on release I found it lacking. It has the very same structure as a souls game but is has less NPC storylines, side objectives, covenants, items, armor, weapons, playstyles, and overall secrets to discover. I remember about a week after the game came out people were scrambling to find more hidden content but there was a a feeling of 'That's it?' that kind of purveyed the playerbase. To be fair the DLC did alleviate this to a degree, but I still find it to be a very basic experience compared to DeS and Dark Souls, which had this amazing community around finding new things and sharing information long after the games had released because they had so much depth to them.
I understand that the way that I experienced the games is just one aspect about them, but I genuinely believe it's what the Souls series is best at and what sets it apart, so I get triggered when people don't see it the same.

>Calling a Metroid game Metroidvania
The genre did not start with SOTN. It's just some stupid name a retarded journalist came up with in the 90s for some magazine. Metroid-like for fuck's sake, that is better.
>b-b-buh that sounds terrible!
Rogue-like nigga. Plus Metroidvania doesn't exactly roll off the tongue either.

>liking sony in the current year
>hating on nintendo just because
Is this a bait post?

>99% of the time the algorithm generates boring, samey levels

Attached: 0xee16ivxwy21.png (960x811, 157K)

>Wind Waker was a good Zelda game
>Twilight Princess was a bad Zelda game

never forget

>The genre did not start with SOTN. It's just some stupid name a retarded journalist came up with in the 90s for some magazine. Metroid-like for fuck's sake, that is better.
They're very similar games you autist

How can you say something's subjective then state an absolute?

The problem with TP is it tried too hard to be OoT while being easy enough for a 5 year old to play.

Metroidvania is horrible fucking word but I also have a pet peeve for portmanteaus. Maybe like 15 years people started trying to be clever by clumsily putting words together and it never died off. God damn I hate it.

What are you talking about?

But OoT was easy enough for a 5 year old to play.

traps are not gay

>gets stuck on the water temple

There are things that are subjective but also have objectively wrong answers.

>More games need to have open worlds
I recently saw someone suggest that there needs to be an open world Resident Evil game, and it honestly frustrated me how many people agreed with it.

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And art isn't one of them... Unless you have some way to prove an objective answer

And no response, zoomers really are pathetic retards who cant adapt

WW was just as much of an OoT clone in practice but it had brighter colors, subpar dungeons and more tedious overworld travel. It's really just a bad OoT clone.

I hope you're making shit up because I want to scratch my eyes.

MGSV is good

Halo 4 has a good story

Tenkaichi 3 is the best DBZ game

It objectively is. Deal with it.

Bioshock Infinite is good

>Metroid Prime 4 should be open world

Attached: 1558230940968.png (723x597, 725K)

Open world RE could be okay, it'd just be a Raccoon City simulator, but I absolutely do not think it should be the defining new direction of the series. At best, a what-if spinoff.

You can objectively suck my willy

>a game mechanic being older or more traditional means its outdated and needs to go away
Comes up a lot with turnbased combat.

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But I won't. :^)

This came from a Facebook group so take it with a grain of salt. The overall consensus is worrying though.

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>all Mega Man Classic games should be 8 bit

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because movement doesn't flow properly and it's just awful.
somehow, the only franchise with tank controls that didn't bother me at all is Silent Hill which actually doesn't have "screens" and the camera isn't static

Heavily disagree with this. I think an open world metroid would actually be pretty great. The game is already mostly about exploration.

>the absolute state of normalfags

Attached: best girl.jpg (1024x1024, 55K)

The thing is, you’re not going to shit on something that’s shit if it’s already universally considered shit, because then all you’ll get is either “yeah, that is shit” if you even get a response. The point of an argument is to change someone’s mind, so it makes sense to focus on your less popular or polarizing opinions, since those or the ones that need, or at least stand to, change the most. No one goes on to /ck/ and post “hey, shit tastes bad” because there’s no point, they aren’t changing anyone’s mind or honing their argument to change someone else’s mind later. They might go there to post about something they know people are going disagree with, because then they can actually have an argument and try to influence people to their side of that particular debate.

Counterpoint: Open world games are meandering, unfocused shit

No user, shut the fuck up and turn off exp share

Fallout 4 has good gameplay

That's less a fault of open world and more just shitty lazy devs.

>I spent years talking about how this character would be a bad addition to Smash but now that it's happening I've always wanted them and here's a 20 minute long video essay about why they're the best choice for the game
The inverse is just as popular and just as bad

Attached: 683.jpg (357x237, 15K)

It's your own fucking fault if you're content with just pissing into an ocean of piss instead of trying to make a fucking difference for once.

Metroid is about exploration
It’s about exploration in an unknown claustrophobic planet

The Last of Us being anything more than a 7/10

I don't understand that meme. The level was boring but not particularly difficult.

"The Metal Gear games are good."

Capitalism ruined videogames

Games don't age, but the games of *your* childhood (assuming you were born between 1987 and 1992) were mostly shit to begin with.

This is what bothers me the most about most rosterfags and youtubers

People who pretend they know about a character.
A lot of fucking YOUTUBERS REACT OH MY GOD, do it disingenuous, especially K Rool’s reveal from faggots who pretend they “called it”

I’m starting to understand when Sakurai said the fake Waluigi fags are not being genuine

But it's about a specific kind of exploration. Metroid is one long dungeon crawl. The apparent environment may differ but that's what it is. Rooms, locked doors, keys, and treasure.

That's not a popular opinion faggot

It actually required some semblance of spatial reasoning to navigate. The meme stems more from samey hallways, having to pause every time you want to do something with iron boots, and the key below the center column being somewhat easy to overlook. 3DS remake fixed a lot of those so the meme kinda died.

>Able to turn something off
>People still cry about it.
You're weak if you can't resist something you admit makes the game no fun, pussy

Boomers btfo

>It’s just a retreat of 90’s collectathons that people don’t actually like
>This game only proves nobody likes these old games and is just nostalgia

It really grinds my fucking gears that people pretend anybody wanting old style 3D Platformers means they’ll eat anything.

They are specifically talking about Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie, the actual good fucking games, not the entire fucking genre

It is though. I bet BW is your favorite.

>not being a nintendo sycophant means that you hate nintendo

>New addition to decades old series released
>Actually a really good game despite not being exactly the same as the older titles
>Main argument against it boils down to "THIS DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL LIKE GAMES DID WHEN I WAS 13"
I always just troll the fuck out of them and tell them the great sales means it's good, since they're stupid enough to think them being jaded means it's bad, I just don't give a fuck what those faggots think anymore.
A lot of old classics still hold up, however despite all this time you still have people that absolutely refuse to give up ground and admit the games have dated mechanics that are a pain in the ass, so people fuck with them to rile em up and it always works

>RE4 is the only good RE

What gets me about this opinion is the holier than thou tone that 99% of people who hold this opinion take. All it means is that you're too bad to adapt to the early games and too in denial about being an actionfag to publicly own up to it. At least the people who only like 4/5/6 are fucking honest with themselves.

Nuances are for losers.

If it's not like the other games then don't make it a fucking sequel

Gothic literally has strafing you fucking zoomer

>young people are typically more mechanically adept than older generations
this might be the wrongest statement in the history of humanity

anger is how they milk your money. if you enjoy that, stop posting and get back to work

That's a funny way of spelling jews

I love when TPfags deflect to WW when it hasn't been brought up

tank controls are the basis of all FPS, wat

And a shit ton of backtracking from my experience. Open world would probably be better.

WW was mentioned alongside TP in the initial post, its relevance was implied.

Yeah exactly so if you come in to a thread with some deliberately contrarian opinion that you don't substantiate appropriately then you're just a faggot who should be called out as such.

>If you don't buy a game as soon as it's released, you're gonna miss out on all the fun
>Lootboxes are fine if it's just cosmetics
>The NES was the golden age of gaming
>N64 games are still just as playable today as they were back then
>"Interactive Movie" games are bad
>I enjoy games that tackle political issues
>Vita is a great console if you hack it

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Why is backtracking bad? If it's linear without being a railroad tier hallway it's probably gonna have some backtracking in the mix.

But the response invoked a comparison to OoT to which the poster made it about WInd Waker

Nigga you have no idea what tank controls are. Can a tank sidestrafe like you can in ANY fps?

It's bad when it's used so abundantly. It's pointless and unfun.

Banjo Kazooie was shit. Yeah like I'm gonna remember the location of every single fucking note.

Wasn't the first Metal Gear the first one that made stealth actually fun? You have to be retarded to think that that doesn't make it good.

>Gameplay is the only thing that matters

It's not. He's just an adhd zoomer. Metroid is best as an extended dungeon crawl and I hope it stays that way. Let it compliment Zelda's new direction.

Games age, in the same way that black and white movies have aged.

Dead Space 2 is great, but I liked Isaac better when he was a mute.

Yeah, I suppose that's my bad then. Guess I read too far into the poster's intentions.

>He's just an adhd zoomer.
33 actually. Try again autist.

>GR-15 is still necessary

>BotW is the best 3D Zelda game
Usually said by people who don't even like Link to the Past or Ocarina.

TP is a game I really, really enjoy but so much of its fanbase's blatant inferiority complex towards WInd Waker makes them far to much fun to shit on

Usually. But Ocarina was my first 3d game.

DMC3 has a good soundtrack

Still waiting boomer

At least you didn't say BotW. At least you like good Zelda games.

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They're both equally flawed games. WW gives you a sea to fuck around in but shits the bed with the main quest. TP has a solid main quest with good dungeons and setpiece moments but shits the bed with overworld exploration. Pick your poison.

True but it amazes me why TP fans still don't understand why the game gets called an OoT rehash so much more than WW and MM.

The latter two utilize their connections to OoT to strengthen their own settings with characters and locations the player feels a stronger attachment to. TP just haphazardly throws OoT references into a story that otherwise has fuck all to do with OoT.

>33 actually
>metroid should be open world
Jesus christ how embarassing

There is nothing wrong with microtransactions

33 and still posting on Yea Forums? I mean, I'll probably still be here when I get to that age but you gotta ask yourself where it all went wrong with your life.

Piracy is killing video games

For (You)

I know where it went wrong.

I don't see the problem as long as they're just cosmetics

What if RE4 is the only good RE not counting the older ones?

Tell me, user.

The race and gender of the characters has no impact on gameplay.

>People cockstroke RE4
>When presented that 6's gameplay is better and that co-op>escort mission they default to whining about the story and defending quips like some capeshit cocksucker

MM straight up isn't by design, merely asset reuse. It's sufficiently different from OoT with its time system and emphasis on sidequesting. WW has its sea but I don't think it uses it well enough to get away from the designation of OoT clone beyond its aesthetics. Charting the sea is great but exploring islands possibly subjects the player to the same item gating conventions as any other vanilla ALttP clone. WW doesn't make proper good on its exploratory premise prior to the Triforce quest, only then does the world feel truly open and boundless. By the time you get there though the game is 90% done and you're left with being price gouged by Tingle and a rehash gauntlet of a final dungeon. The Triforce quest is what WW should've been from the start, not shoehorned in at the very end and it basically would've been micro BotW had it accomplished that. TP is just a by the numbers OoT clone but it also had no delusions of being anything more than that. WW did and, in my opinion, fell short of its ambitions while not really living up to OoT's standards either with mediocre dungeons and dodgy pacing, which is why I'm camp TP. It's not an ambitious Zelda but at least it hit the right notes.

>TP is just a by the numbers OoT clone but it also had no delusions of being anything more than that. WW did and, in my opinion, fell short of its ambitions while not really living up to OoT's standards either with mediocre dungeons and dodgy pacing,
Most people prefer games that at least tried to be something special

>not counting the older ones

Then you're not saying it's the only good RE but rather the only good modern one. I don't have a beef with that.

There's literally 0 justification for it in a game you already paid for.

I'd rather have a surefire win than a noble failure, emphasis on "failure".

That's not an opinion that's a demonstrable fact

I understand that sentiment for games you already paid for. But it's completely ok for f2p games.

That thinking has already killed the Mario series and I don't want it to kill Zelda. WW may not be the best Zelda but its the one that is most important to defend

"there are no good 3d castlevania games"

non-cosmetic microtransactions are even more common in f2p games

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>>"Interactive Movie" games are bad
they are. if you're going to make your game an interactive movie at least make your choices matter

>that's a demonstrable fact
Demonstrate it than.

That's why you avoid those games

Not really, TP is the least ambitious one. MM, SS and BotW were all ambitious to some degree or other and, while I don't think the latter two are flawless by any means, they did better with their unique ideas than WW did with its unique ideas. TP's biggest failing is that it didn't commit hard enough to anything that could be deemed novel but the foundation was still so strong that it didn't fail BECAUSE of that. Hell, I'd even say ALBW is more worthy of celebration than WW.

yeah because microtransactions are shit

Would the gameplay in Zelda games suddenly be different if the main character was just girl Link?

Only the non cosmetic ones.

>young people are typically more mechanically adept than older generations
>this might be the wrongest statement in the history of humanity
This might be the most wrong statement in all of history

In F2P games, which you should avoid.

>Online video game stores are good
Remember when every game had its own servers and you could just play like that? Gamespyfags plz go

>they did better with their unique ideas than WW did with its unique ideas.
SS's unique ideas were a waste because it was based on technology that had already fallen out of the mainstream
BotW's unique ideas were largely continuations on WW's with better technology and proper development time
The thing about WW was its willingness to controversial. Nintendo had their feelings so badly hurt by the response to WW that Zelda games are no longer allowed to be visually ambitious (I'm thrilled the LA remake looks the way it does)

>Hell, I'd even say ALBW is more worthy of celebration than WW.
ALBW is everything I don't want the Zelda series to turn into.

>he didn't play Eagle's Tower

Is girl link black and made by western devs? If so, then yes.

If they have p2w microtransactions, yeah.

Well at that point it's not the same game is it?

>Remember when every game had its own servers
No, and its funny you bring up gamespy.

A game isn't p2w just because you can pay for an advantage

It kills immersion, which is a factor. And indirectly left wingers make shit programmers.

>Game is designed behind this shitty mechanic and becomes unplayable without it
>Just turn it off lol

Attached: 1554434127225.jpg (447x329, 16K)

Region-free games are for weeaboo faggots

Immersion isn't gameplay. Also the political ideology of programmers is irrelevant to whether race and gender impacts gameplay.

It's still zelda, they just ruined by forcing changes that didn't need to happen. So basic, you're wrong.

Attached: Apply Yourself.jpg (625x626, 31K)

>DMC1 is too dated, just skip to DMC3 if you want to get into the series.
It's not absolutely common, but I keep seeing more and more often.

Emulation is illegal.

You're really going to have a tough time convincing me a mechanic the game is built around can be turned off.

The Killzone 2 E3 2005 Demo was real

MGSV was a huge disappointment because it doesn't fill all the plot holes of the series or follow the strict linear and campy formula the series is known for

Nobody has said this in more than a decade

Oh my sweet summer child...

People buy MGS games for the action movies in them. Nobody actually wanted a full stealth game

A 2080 Ti can't run 4k60 fps, let alone a 1080 4k30 fps. Meanwhile xbox one x with a rx580 can because of optimization

regurgitating tumblr memes like a queermosexual doesnt prove anything

That's no more bait than any other opinion posted ITT

>Fighting game inputs (e.g. qcf/236) being an outdated concept

Attached: fat.gif (1541x1159, 679K)

I don't have anything to prove to a newfaggot. If you want to deny people have still tried to argue this that's on you.

There's nothing wrong with paid online

Third party games don't sell on the Switch

You can't say a game is bad if you played for more than X hours

The human eye can't see past 30 frames per second.

Burden of proof is a meme. Not everything that's true needs proof.

god of war 2018 is the best action game ever made

>SS's unique ideas were a waste because it was based on technology that had already fallen out of the mainstream
True that it's ideas were a bit Johnny come lately but SS's swordplay ideas could still be implemented and I still think they were managed better than WW's sea.

>BotW's unique ideas were largely continuations on WW's with better technology and proper development time
Yes, which is why I already said that WW would basically be micro BotW if it was done correctly.

>The thing about WW was its willingness to controversial. Nintendo had their feelings so badly hurt by the response to WW that Zelda games are no longer allowed to be visually ambitious (I'm thrilled the LA remake looks the way it does)
This is wholly subjective. That's nice but I don't see the point of this.

>ALBW is everything I don't want the Zelda series to turn into.
Huh, I thought it was a closer return to Zelda 1 form than BotW was so I liked it.

Alright, zoomer. Write hangman in BASIC right now

>a commie loving hypocrite
(((Copyright))) is a monopoly enforced by the state. There is literally no reason for a service like an video game server to not be left up to the free market.

I'm afraid that you're the commie.

What is "Metal Gear Solid 5 and Zelda Breath of The Wild, are not only great games but are the best in their series"

Both of these games suck fucking ass but everyone else seems to think they're the best games ever made.

Video games are a story telling medium, they should appeal to the widest audience possible.

Yea Forums was never good