Who was the hottest girl on Life is Strange?

Who was the hottest girl on Life is Strange?

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Don't stick your dick in the crazy dude. It's never worth it.


I want to love Kate and help her overcome the crazy. She's a pure soul and I don't want her thinking she's not loved.

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This literally never works. Those kind of girls will only bring you down, you won't be able to change them.

I want to _be_ Max and marry Chloe!

that's in real life. who gives a shit about real women?
with virtual women, anything can happen!

None. They're all boring, poorly written dykes.

Which one is the one who gets raped again?

all of em

I want to believe. ;_;

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Why is Max so cute? I really wanna be her

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the cutie in the middle but she's for max only

>cutest girl is an inconsequential nobody

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For me, it's Rachel.

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You want to peak in high school and be irrelevant for the rest of your life?


Mad Max

If you're so obsessed with it, why don't you do it? It sounds like it'd be good for you.

>wonder why blue haired girl's voice is so annoying
>turns out she's voiced by Ashley Burch

kys tranny scum

I have the hottest Max webm ever but I don't wanna post it, because I no longer have a dynamic IP and 3 day bans suck over the weekend

Keep yourself safe too, you poor thing!

Definitely Kate with Max a close second.


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Describe it with words, is that the one where she swallows?

My apologies.
Keep yourself safe too, you poor mam.

I just uploaded it for your viewing pleasure

>BLACKED and size humiliation

I'm normally a pretty vanilla guy but somehow this gets me off. maybe it's because Max is so innocent, but that smirk man... jesus I'm sweating bullets



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She was the only reason for me to play that shitty game. God bless you Katie

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I want to rough her up, mess her hair and make her cry for Jesus GOD I'm so horny right now

God is not real.

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>and make her cry for Jesus
You are nothing but a sick fuck who will never find love in his pathetic short life.
Heretic. Enjoy sucking dick in hell

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I've seen this webm.

What may it be?

Like Kate enjoyed sucking Vortex Club dick?


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Reminder that Kate canonically jerked off multiple boys at the same time

>buying the doomerpill

Hell awaits you

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>tfw you finish Before the Storm and remember all your better days are gone and you will never be teenager who is loved again

And what level of hell do you go to when you lose your virginity after getting bukaked by multipele guys?

How does he do it bros

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The virgin blacked vs the chad necro

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>that blue dyke hair

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>Life is Strange
Don't you mean dykes are yikes?

I want to pound those daddy issues away.

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Looks like a tranny game, is this a tranny game?

No, but it is LGBT (they are literally dykes)

You can tell by the fag color hair

its not a tranny game but a large amount of people who like it are trannies

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>Be christian
>commit suicide

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I'd fuck the Max and the Chloe.

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I'd fuck the Max out of Chloe

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You too. Suicide is a sin.

>instagram filters

It's a tumblr vidya of choice for a reason, user. Probably better to stay away from it.

I’m starting to wish she was burned alive in the game, that would have made this a really good joke
