Is he unironically the only Yea Forums approved YouTuber...

Is he unironically the only Yea Forums approved YouTuber? Whenever a thread about him pops up there's never any vitriol against him personally, just the usual eceleb bullshit.

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Haven't watched this guy since i was fucking 13. god damn i miss old youtube.

NintendoCapriSun is the best of the three with Chugga a close second and Jon in shit tier

> they're the only collab LP group that's still good
Always knew I was on the right side of history

he's too pure to dislike and naturally inoffensive

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What other groups are there? I remember only like 2 that died within a year of starting

Next series when?

All three of them are unfunny and boring.

He's autistic and cringey but passionate about the games he plays so I at least learn something from watching him.

I already said it before but my bets are on it being Wario Land Shake It.
It just perfectly fits his repertoire.

Incorrect, Tim is fucking annoying.
If you give me a good picture of Emile with big ol fukkin' tiddies I'll start a million threads on Yea Forums
Exactly, you can dislike him but you can't hate him

He rolled nat 20s in luck, because he managed to stay the same and adhere to the Youtube algorithm by consistently producing kid-friendly content and having his random Youtube username auto-fill next to Chuck Norris back when Chuck Norris was big. He also works hard, which does help, but he's a less endearing turbo-autist than Nintendocaprisun because of his successes and self-centered quirks (his old volume issues and his "but what about my bullying issues" thing). Putting the two side-by-side feels like watching a trust fund kid hang out with the one poor kid with a shitty haircut who only rolls out of bed on the hope that his daily kick to the balls is a little softer than the one yesterday.

Didn't etika use to be Yea Forums approved too before he became "the nintendo screaming black guy"

Sseth is based and still makes good content

WRTP was a fun time until half the members left a couple years ago. They still lasted six or seven years, though.

Why do people give ProtonJon the hardest time? of their group?

i give him it just for not finishing superman 64

vinesauce is still pretty good and they are one of the oldest, if they count as lp-ers

They keep going to more and more Cons making video droughts, and it makes me sad because I enjoy their videos and enthusiasm for video games. At the same time I feel I should be happy for their success and that they are going out to have fun together and meet people.

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>married a BBW-fetishist furry that's mom age
>did it knowing his coworker/friend had a crush on her
>adopted his wife's SJW habits, especially about suicide and bullying
>bitches about most games outside his comfort zone
>doesn't finish shit

Jon plays it up to be a bit of a cock just so he can lightningrod some of people's pent up aggression. If he didn't enjoy getting chewed on a little then he'd become more reserved.

Hey hey people

He's aight, watching his videos was the shit during my junior year of high school, his reaction to shiny koffing is the best.

i still wonder if things would be better or worse if Tim married her.


>Sucked dick at Pikmin
>Blamed the game

He acts like a dick and wins almost every competition.
The better question is how does he still have fans?

Chugga is the definition of Soul and Purity. He's not a shill. And does it for the love of the game.

Chugga is pretty much the last breed of let's players.

They all kind of died out.

You're gonna have to explain some of that, bbw fetishist?

Tim can't stop repeating the same few phases over and over again and is god awful at anything 3d.

She used to be a Furaffinity bum in the mid-2000s, pre-LPs. She'd tag herself as BBW-proud through those self-identifying tags the site offers, and spent her time drawing overweight furry women without clothes and commissioned porn.
She nuked her FA, (un)fortunately, probably after kids kept asking why she drew fat horse girls taking dick.

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those comfy days of watching chugga and superskarmory are all gone huh

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He made me purchase Kenshi and I don't regret it