Pathologic 2 releases in 30min


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I can't wait to hear the soundtrack, the first one was great.
fuck off

Maximum butcher

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3 posts ahhhaahaha fuck this board

is it as good as the 1nd one?

There's already another active thread.

but actor, we already have another active thread

>Dude, they're shilling this obscure, tarkoviskian, russian game at Yea Forums, a place filled to the brim with retards who spend their whole day talking about Smash, Souls and DMC
Mental ilness at its finest

Moron, it was not a dream, but a manufactured world.

Should I buy it if I never played the HD

so you'll kniggers downloading now or what

my machine could never handle such an advanced game, I will have to play it later but am interested to see what (You) think.

cant wait to get sick


buy it, its cheap and a great "game"

It’s likely more polished so I don’t see why not. Worst case get both and play both.

Once someone has the game running, tell me if all 3 stories are available or if it's only Burakh's

Only Burakh

>cinematic movie sjw game 2 releases today, don't forget to Pre purchase and buy the deluxe edition for extra steam avatars, only 89.99!

Kys shill cunt

lmao idiot

>slav game
>OST and artbook is the only dlc
>cheep af

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>sjw game

downloading now, worried about reviews so far mentioning all the survival bars are annoying to keep track of

>obviously didn't play the game
>has the attention span of a 10 year old

Maybe these threads aren't for you. I'm sure /vg/ has a Fortnite and CoD thread you can post in

First game I'm legitimately hyped for in fucking years, just launching it now

Wait, where's my key? I kickstarted it!

Sad to hear. Hopefully they come out with the other two at a later date.

Lara is cute! CUTE!
This post is extremely low quality.

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did danganronpa just rip off this game or did this game just rip off the Truman Show?

>jap devs ripping off slav devs
Probably. Most likely.

It's more in the theatrum mundi sense than Truman show sense

Pathologic is a game for adults. Go enjoy your nintendo games.

>Lara is cute! CUTE!
been a couple of years since I played HD but iirc she was pretty much the only good person in the game, perhaps apart from some of the other children.

and honorary mention: the rat king



It's time

actor what are you doing

My PP hard.

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>The very first line is probably a meta reference to game's production and the original one
I love it already

lol baited get owned


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You know it’s a very very old device, right? The good thing is that it can be used in a lot of ways. Plato uses is as a metaphor for the human limitation of our senses, Shakespeare uses it to talk about life itself, The Truman Show turns it into a critique of telerality and media as a whole, and Danganronpa... well I’m not quite sure but it was pretty fun.

t. Retard that got BTFO by the "happy" ending he worked so hard to get only for it to spit in his face for being a pussy

Post soundtrack

is it an "horror" game featuring jumpscares? if yes, I'll pass

seed more motherfuckers
>6h left

If you're not even going to read one paragraph about the game to know what it's about then fuck off.

Not jumpscares, incredibly done atmosphere of infinite pressure and tension

There's not a single jump scare in the original and I've yet to see one in this from Alpha streamers.


Kys fag, normally I'm not a person to shit on pirates, but these guys need and deserve every penny they can get. It's a good price for release day anyway

Worth playing 1 at all?


If old graphics and a bit of clunkiness aren't an issue for you, then yes, definitely

if you're asking this question you can just leave the thread

No jumpscares here.

This sure smells like a shill thread

>They fixed the optimisation
Praise be to Bos Turokh, after the alpha I was certain my toaster wouldn't run it at all

Agree, but I'd rather have more money than imaginary ethics and morals.

>he doesn't know

It's atmospheric horror and unlike modern "horror" games you can actually lose, so there's that sense of survival when you fuck something up because it could mean you're a goner

Don't spoonfeed retards their brain is too small for this game anyway.

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>t. watched a video from mandalore or another e-celeb and based his whole opinion on that

yeah, blow your money on shitty fast food, alcohol or weed like you normally would instead of keeping one of the few developers with vision alive.

Will probably get it on GOG.

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Imagine being such a weak hearted cuck you think a game about pervasive melancholy, regret, and despair might have jump scares.

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Might as well share a few first impressions
>The atmosphere is still amazing and thick as hell, although slightly different than in the original. same goes for soundtrack
>The dialogues are still top notch and generally have a similar vibe to original, although they seem a little bit less cryptic, but maybe this is because of my experience with the first game
>The city looks and feels much more natural, organic and alive than it used to
>The gameplay is mostly similar, but it received many quality of life improvements and some new elements, generally it's much more enjoyable, although the whole thing feels a little less "game-y" and more cinematic than it used to be, not in the TLOU sense though. This is possibly more because of the next point
>The game seems to have more scripted segments now, which is something I'm not entirely convinced about. They're good in quality, but I feel like it breaks the flow that the original game had a bit. Most notably there is a lengthy intro sequence, which also serves as a simplistic tutorial.
In general I love what I've seen so far, although it's a slightly more different from the original than I expected

ay ay ay

Estoy usando el internet.

>lengthy intro sequence, which also serves as a simplistic tutorial.
>RPS reviewer still sucks at it.

Odongh for Smash when???

Seed faster, faggots.

Suok's thirst must be sated.

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>gave up already
>complained about walls of text

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This game (now series) is a fucking awful walking sim with shitty dialogue and 2deep4u themes thrown up in the most haphazard fashion and its slavic internet defense force needs to fucking go and stay go.

The town is a living organism.

The tower is stuck into it like a long nail.

This causes the sand plague.

You knock town the tower to save the town, or fuck the town, or it was all a children's playground erotic roleplay session.

All three protagonists are boring as fuck to play as and the plague mechanic is easy to avoid. Survival is a joke too, very easy to load up on lots of food and bandits are no challenge whatsoever.

Shit game is shit.

>The tower is stuck into it like a long nail.
>This causes the sand plague.
Go back to bed Aglaya.

The amount of brainlet cucks who watched the "good" ending on youtube and never actually played the game is hilarious.

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reddit spacing, didnt read lol

>20 hours
You don’t HAVE to speedrun every game, noob.

This. Cut the crap and you get an okay novel.

I cannot find a torrent for the life of me


Can you actually find the warehouse thieves the executor talks about?

its really hard and even more tedious slowly walking around town. and if you guess wrong on where to go you've literally wasted 30 minutes of holding W.

i doubt they have improved the translations, either. so an already schizophrenic plot is harder to understand when the english is fucked up.

#2 should have a different story altogether(?iirc?) so don't feel the first is required to play.

If I could I would decompile the first game and read all of the dialogue scripts~

cool softlock
fucked scared me too

Attached: Pathologic 2019.05.23 - (1280x720, 2.95M)

>Walls of boring dialogue
>Poor transitions when dialogue ends
>No quicksave system
>Plays like a 90's neckbeard cult vidya


based forsen dabbing on the text simulator autists

t. Zoomer

This combat is fucking HARD

I would have honestly rather read pathologic than play it but even the story is shit. It's like those shitty russian fiction novels where you fuck pikachu while fighting duke nukem in hell.


fuck slavcucks and their shit """"""""""game""""

Wait isnt this a remake?

Fucking based.

I'm with this guy
Ice Pick is one of the few devs that make avant-garde games that are still very much games
Not your shitty walking simulators
Like The Void is still up there with the most clever and bizarre trips I've ever experienced.
I guess because Putin is doing weird shit with the economy, they had some finance issues.

Ladies and gentlemen here you have the most identifiable specimen of criticism for this game: An underage zoomer shitposter that probably hasn't read a book in years.

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More like a reboot.

So nice looking fuck

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Sup. How much it's cost? Ask coz i live in Russia and we have much lower price. Wanna roughly found out how much Ice-Pick get from 6 position on global top sellers of steam.
Also, Alphina, one of the developers, says on russian stream that if game will be poorly sells anothers roots wanna be for price.

Danganronpa ripped off Umineko

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I wish I could play this, I'm genuinally curious about the lore and what the fuck is happening on the background, but it fails to keep my interest due how long and boring it can get.
Shameful confession: I simply googled all the lore and information on Pathologic 1

Go ahead and lynch me, I deserve it

>when the Whistler kills your playthrough before it begins


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Did they say on the Russian stream if Haruspex and Changling will be DLC or free updates?

How's the game running so far? Any hiccups or stability issues?


GOG has it for $34.99

Free update for backers anyway. If game have shitty sells - DLC. If it's will be okay than free update for everyone.

>3.4MB/s top download speed

Tell me more.

>reddit watches a review and pretends to understand the game

I've played a bit of the first one and really enjoyed it. Should I continue and beat that one or just go straight in to Pathologic 2? Isn't it a remake and not a sequel?

that was my old speed too, no bully

>I simply googled all the lore and information on Pathologic 1
Like trying to enjoy a t-bone steak dinner by gnawing on the vertebrae.

Most streamers who already tried it quit on the tutorial

>100 IQ minimum required to complete tutorial

Jump to Pathologic 2. It just "better, bigger and so on" remake.

never played it, I was a bit intimidated by reviewers basically saying "either you'll hate it or love it". Exactly what are the pros and cons of this game?

>Isn't it a remake and not a sequel?
I'm not far enough in it to know all the differences but here's some I know from the Alpha:
1) Character personal relationships have changed. Lara Ravel, Bad Grief, Stakh Rubin, and Artemy Burakh were all childhood friends.
2) New characters are introduced along with river ferries for fast travel.
3) Twyrine now reveals hidden shit on the map when you drink it.

its shit but if you have shit taste you'll like it

This is okay

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This is not okay

How long do I have to beat the shit out of this guy in the stone circle? It's been minutes, is it bugged?

More like, I rather eat the delicious, tender, fleshy inside of the vertebrae without eating the whole steak in which I don't particurally like.

>trying this hard to fit in
No upvotes here, son.

I've just started, an I already have no energy to continue

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Pretty unique experience.
Obscure dialogs and characters.
Depressed atmosphere of fatum.
"Quality of life" things was be roughly fucked in throath .
Obscure dialogs and characters.
Depressed atmosphere of fatum.

same user, just refunded

Y'all niggas fell for the hype, then.
It's not for everyone.

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You know the one scene that every brailet understood as "wtf the author is insulting me?"
It's basically the exact same scene and got the exact same reaction, both scenes killed a big amount of the fanbase
There are also some lines across 2 and 3 that could be taken as subtle references and one of them comes out of nowhere and directly spoils the big mystery, but they could still just be coincidences
Himiko is basically Maria characterwise, and she says she used to be bullied(just like Maria) and Tenko suggests her to use magic to get revenger on her bullies(a thing that happens in umineko to a red haired girl)
The "Ultimate Mystery Novelist" from the Danganronpa fake game april fools joke looks like a danganronpa version of Uminko's MC Battler who loves mystery novels
Also Kodaka's best friend Uchikoshi knows Ryukishi(Umineko's author) since they both did an untranslated interview together on youtube

This could all just be coincidences but sometimes they are too strange and some of them like the Ultimate Novelist thing are very suspicious
It's not just me either, many people have pointed it out in the past

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he's cute

Any optimization tips? I'm on a GTX1070 + i5 8400 and the game is very inconsistent even in "Good" settings

>only 18 reviews

Thanks anons, going to go buy it now.

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I read them both and now i see everything.

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it's a novel and you are not sure if any of the dialogue choices you make matter

SO how is it? I loved the first Pathologic but it had some serious issues
>Walking was too slow and there was no fast travel so the whole thing was painfully boring
>Combat was laughably bad
>The interior houses were all the same
>Game objectives were a mystery at times

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Here is the big spoiler I mentioned, it comes out of nowhere and is completely unrelated to the entire danganronpa series
For all we know it could just be a coincidence but it's just so strange that it's hard to believe it isn't intentional

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So the weird-ass grumbling?
If you stand-still roots come out and you feed them blood for herbs? That one titty chick showed me

>>Walking was too slow and there was no fast travel so the whole thing was painfully boring
Fast travel for price now. Also they added sprint.
>Combat was laughably bad
Still a thing but much better than in original.
>The interior houses were all the same
Dunno yet.
>Game objectives were a mystery at times
You will have kind of markers for obj.

Is it a sequel, remake or both?

It's a straight up improvement

To compare for Burakh who's playthrough was released first, his first day in the original pretty much consisted of Lika's trial, sleeping around and scavenging until enough time passed for your name to clear, and then realizing you can't enter your father's house

For the first day now there's a tutorial section, multiple dream sequences, the trial of Lika, watching the town actually lynch people throughout the day trying to find the killer, meeting Lara, Grief and the Bachelor, meeting Saburnov, meeting Fat Vlad, among other things; the first day plays like a mid-late game day of the original instead of aimlessly wandering and killing time after completing your 2-3 objectives for the day

The game is much clearer when it updates your journal, map and information on important people, combat is skyrim-tier instead of morrowind-tier, and houses are a bit more unique. Also sprinting

Big remake. New scene, characters, mechanics and so on.

>Yea Forums is defending and hyping walk simulators now

What did Nagito "Fuck Gamer Girls" Komaeda mean by this?

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It's both, the game starts at the end of the first game

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That would take a miracle for this to be a coincidence.

Sounds good! When you put it like that it just makes me want to see how they will handle the army days
>When the army arrives and they start setting anyone infected on fire
So fucking good
Shit, really? Now I want to buy it.

I wish someone English / was quiet was playing I am stuck at work

how the fuck does that work.

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The writing is good. It's one of the few video games where the writing invokes the feeling of "real" literature. There are moments where the prose legitimately impressed me.

>it's another indie shit soulsian walking simulator

>Is it a sequel, remake or both?
Both. Literally, it's both at the same time. Given the first games meta-narrative, this comes as absolutely no surprise.
But the bottom line is: it's very much designed for new players at least as much as the veterans. Maybe more so. Playing the original does not feel needed.

Extremely brief test of the core game (about an hour and something) + alpha + Marble nest exeperience talking here:
It's good. I have some of my own issues already with it, but most of yours are actually adressed. The combat is still pretty bad, but it's better. The interiors are somewhat more varied, though not that much (the game STILL has to generate an entire city, every single house with interiors, in four different states, so... yeah, similar looking houses will have similar interiors.
The game is FAR clearer about giving you direction. That is actually the biggest difference. They really do hold your hands a bit this time around.

Oh yeah, and you can sprint now (though it comes at a cost) and there are fast travel posts, but they come at their own cost as well.

You literally posted the same post in the other thread few minutes ago. Why?

Almost finished with the first day, oh man it's such an improvement but still somehow just as atmospheric.

Also - don't start fights with groups if you want to run away, they can fuck you up hard, better to stand and fight.

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guys can i run it on my toaster?

GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
AMD FX 8320 Eight-Core
8GB Ram

Low-tier bait based on the RPS awful review
never played but this song is great

cut off your own head

of course

i already played through it , the ending is pretty mindblowing

You know very well that you can run it, autist

I do get that, it does not explain what makes him think it's worth posting in the first place, or reposting since clearly nobody takes it seriously in the next thread.

>reddit posts again

You're not looking hard enough

Savage af.

>Exactly what are the pros and cons of this game?
Pros: some of the best story, and more to the point some of the best NARRATIVE and use of videogame as a narrative tool ever done in the medium.
The story is incredibly rich and really on a whole different level compared to most games. Hell, it's on a different level compared to most well-recieved literature. And the game (the original at least) takes an exceptional good use of the medium to tell it. In other words: this is a story that can't be told other than through this format.
Which is quite... admirable.
Also, it was (and the sequel seems to be equally as good in this regard) an exceptionally immersive game.

It's not fun. The sequel/remake seems to improve on a LOT of the jank the original game had, but at it's core, it's a pretty gruelling, exhausting experience. It's like reading Kafka: you don't do it to have fun.
The game is harsh, hard, unfair, and very, very frequently dull, tedious and frustrating. For good reasons (most of the time), but you know... you should know what you are getting yourself into.

It's a misery simulator. It uses frustration, pain and often tedium as part of the process through which it communicates it's point. I think it's well worth it but... most people won't.

We'll see how the sequel/remake fairs. But I don't think it's going to be any more pleasant to the player than the original was.

Do i have to play first one to enjoy the sequel?
Oh boy its like two games in a row

>But I don't think it's going to be any more pleasant to the player than the original was
It definitely isn't, but at least this time there's a short tutorial and you aren't dropped into Burkhas story and forced to fight a decently difficult fight.

jesus fuck, this is the most pretentious defense of a game I have ever read
off yourself

>complaining about that tiny amount of text
I know that all streamers are absolute subhumans, but holy shit


Think about it, Do the actors only act once?

I had played it - about an hour and a half so far, and it is obvious it's making a LOT of things a LOT easier for new players this time around: it really makes objective clearer, guides player visually, throws so many tutorials it's a little bit obnoxious at you, even reveals shit that was a complete surprise in the original game.
But the real challenge lies in the gruelling resource management side of things. That is what eventually is going to weigh down on you. I know how much they changed the economy thanks to the Alpha. It felt like it did not become easier in this regard.

>jesus fuck, this is the most pretentious defense of a game I have ever read
You must live a very dull life then. Also... ever considered talking to a profesional about that serious insecurity issue of yours?

Back to smash faggot.

alright you've got my attention

not him but the game is intetionally oppresive and not very fun so you can immerse more into the role of the characters that most of the time are fucking sick of the shitty town and the people that live in it
I agree about that line being 100% retarded, but it really doesn't apply to this game since it was intentional for a good reason and if you actually try it it does its job perfectly
If you want to complain about a game that is intentionally unfun for no real reason other than "dude what if we make the game as shit as possible on purpose" then check out Flower Sun And Rain, a game so bad that only mentally retarded Sudafags defend it and claim you need to be very smart to get the genius of making an unfun game

the worst part of your smug response is that it is apparent that you genuinely believe in everything you are saying and think yourself higher than others.
keep smelling your own farts.


No, the worst part is that nagging fear of yours that you might actually be inferior to someone. And truth be told, it's probably not unjustified. After all, you are leashing out in fury at something that is actually quite normal talk and quite normal reasoning. Half of the things you got angry about - you imagined me saying. And of course, that kind of paranoia and insecurity will inevitably make you into a pretty worthless person - making your worst fears actually become true.

So again: consider talking to a specialist.

Should I play Marble's Nest before starting Pathologic 2?

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Don't have to, why should you?
Maybe, but it would be a retread.
No need!

My mouse is fucked so I accidentally doubled clicked a tutorial
what's the interaction between The growling and bottles of blood?

No need to, really. You might want to try it just for kicks because it's actually surprisingly good on it's own (for a showcase prototype at least), but I'd recommend first playing the actual game, getting used to it, then maybe putting aside two or three hours to play through Marble nest.
Remember that Marble nest is REALLY rough around the edges, and you CAN'T SAVE in it, so you have to finish it in one go.
It takes about 2 hours-ish so it's not horrible, but it's something to keep in mind.

Cringe and sandplaguepilled.

I'm making fun of the RPS review, it's not meant to be serious. It's a completely absurd statement.

Ok, thanks.
The description of it being a self-contained short story that familiarizes me with the world or something along those lines confused me into thinking it's something like a non-obligatory prologue.

>sounds european
>has the attention span and IQ of the average American
Where is this faggot from?

Anyone? ;_;

The game just came out, boo
Give it some time then people will figure out quick fixes and optimization steps
Also, works on my machine ;)

you forgot you're on Yea Forums where people say shit like that unironically

What are your specs? And did the game run like total ass in the prologue? a.k.a. when you leave the theather for the first time and it's a total hellscape
It seemed to normalize a bit after that, mostly just microstutters

Just wait a little bit for a patchs or try to make your swap file on ~16 GB. It's help a lot for demo.

No. In fact it is really kinda hard to make sense of it if you haven't played original Pathologic, it's more tied to that than the new one. And it certainly does not provide anything that the main game would not tell you very early on: you learn next to nothing about the town, only very few of the actual important characters make brief appearances and not particularly informative ones either... It's a showcase of the game's design and tone, but nothing like a prologue or anything like that.

>try to make your swap file on ~16 GB
What? This sounded like total gibberish to me, could you rephrase it? Sorry I'm an ESL

2x RX 570s
i7 8700k 3.2GHz
32Gb RAM, don't remember the frequency

Yeah. It was mainly in the prologue. Even then, it wasn't THAT bad. Probably never dropped below 45 and still managed to stay around 60 most of the time

wow someone downloaded the steam page game banner which is always the same filename, they must be shills!

I played the alpha and holy shit the ending of the second day was great, I hope I can get back to it now and do better

I'm fully convinced that the devs and a small dedicated cabal repeatedly shill this game in the hopes of convincing people it's worth the money.

Honestly, it didn't dip below 40 for me either, but this isn't exactly a fantastic looking game, for it to run like thatusing the 'Good' preset is almost inexcusable to me

punch his griefing ass

Yeap it how it's work. U caugh us, Holms.

>Yea Forums - Pathologic is a russian walking simulator with extremely large flaws and is not going to be enjoyable to most and not recommended, but what it does well, if it appeals to you, you'll love it and the sequel/remake is likely to be the same

>autistic shitposters - Pathologic is a russian walking simulator REEEEEE

just pirated it

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You're absolutely right.
t. Dybowski

Do I set Initial Size, Maximum, or both to ~16?

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The original forums had a thread left up with a torrent link to the first game

Have fun user

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oh shit nigger you got me

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Ist this supposed to come out on PS4 also? I could swear i already see this at the ps store at some point and watched even the trailer there, but now I cant find it there anymore

>buy 5 copies to own tranny kumbat 7
ah yep, it's gonna be a good weekend

Underage b&
Pathologic is as Yea Forums as VTMB, Dood Sex, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, God Hand, Ghost Trick, and Katawa Shoujo

both. It will help if game have trouble with memory.

your way of writing betrays the fact you're not fluent with the language.

I'm not saying your game is bad. It's just not very good.

Devs gonna make version for PS4 and Xbox. Sometime. Maybe. Probably. It's take a week. Or month. Or months. Or year. Or years. U 'now.

It's supposed to, but not anytime soon.

Pathologic has been discussed on Yea Forums for fucking years, even before the game was officially translated. Most people were pirating it back then. As another user said this is pretty much one of the original "Yea Forumscore" games that have been praised for a long time.


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Block. Punch. Block. Punch. Repeat.

Get a real weapon.

Daily reminder that the Haruspex ending is the objectively correct ending

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Maaan. It's game DRM-free in GOG and any torrents. Crackers haven't any work there.

But I don't want to kill anyone

Enemies gonna trying to get away or surrender on some point, don't worry.

Then die.

Hey man, I liked DMC and pathologic.


>half a decade of threads stating kickstarter is a scam!

My $20 early bird backing says otherwise

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Now that's that I call kino

Get to cracking Denuvo games instead of shit that releases on GOG anyways you fucking cucks.

seriously. one dude squared up and i take one swing at him and the entire town rises up against me.

Redpill me on Flower Sun and Rain user, I’ve only heard good things about it and how it has deepest lore

Was thinking of just playing the bachelor in the HD version and then try 2 since Haruspex and Changeling are apparently unfinished as fuck in the original, would that work?

>you fuck pikachu while fighting duke nukem in hell.
Pretty much this, actually, but everything tries to be Silent Hill.

>$50 on kickstarter years ago
>keep getting [internal server error] when trying to redeem my code
At least the code for Classic HD worked.

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Redpill me on the void Yea Forums

You know it's like 1 out of 100 games that turn out well.

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You didn't encounter booby girl by Lara's house? The blood on the roots produces herbs which can be used for tinctures

>"tiny" amount of text
>every fucking minutes

Craziest trip you will ever take
Well, 2 only has Haruspex right now...

Coloring with your waifu simulator and the game intentionally omits and poorly explains mechanics so that you fuck up a ton but only realize you're making things worse 10 hours later and might not be able to complete the run

I did, but my mouse is fucked and keeps doubling clicking, so I accidentally mashed through it, but I did read enough to realize I fucked up.

Man seriously? I always thought the soundtrack was unbelievably bad

Ah, I see

The Void 2 when?

boi i sure love me some walking simulator that i pretend to enjoy to fit in!

Ahh shit, I missed her.
I was chased to the house so I...

Speaking of OST, anybody got a read of what that first song is during the prologue

Shits good

But it's not the same version, I think.

The prologue whirred up my fans to such a loud volume I bet my pc temp hit near 70c I’m afraid how much the rest of the game will go.

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should I buy the bull? what's he do?

fucks your wife

Dougs faster

>Craziest trip you will ever take
Am I gonna need to be high for this shit to really appreciate it or something? I dont really smoke weed. Not that I've had many opportunities to try it but it was okay when I did.


Once you get the hang of it though it’s pretty good

So I shouldn't try to figure out the mechanics before hand and just go in blind?

I dont get people saying its not fun
It much more fun than brainless shit like mario or uncharted

the game is intentionally 75% meaningless backtracking so in the small chance someone is retarded enough to actually like the story and gameplay then it will make them not have fun anyway
all puzzles get solved by literally looking them up in the ingame guide and finding the page that says the code you need to input
story is intentionally nonsensical
characters are shit
"people" call the game a masterpiece

>get a journal update
>fps dip
>open a map
>fps dip
>somebody wants to beat my face
>fps dip
>come close to a door
>fps dip
>play for more than half an hour
Just me?

So is the pacing and stuff the same when you compare it to the original?
Is the music as good? Did they nail the atmosphere?

Best help you’ll find on it is a walkthrough on gamefaqs that helps explain the mechanics. Even if you read that first expect a lot of restarts

>Is the music as good?
its more ambientish, havent heard it all but seems decent
>Did they nail the atmosphere?

Mad? Your favorite slav game developer will see no money from me ;)

What do the backer codes give you and when in the game do you get/encounter them? Wont be able to play for a few hours

>t. am*ricoid

Some guy tried to kill me, I beat him to death and harvested his organs and then looted him.

forgot pic lmao

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Suda mocks you for expecting a good game. That's FSR in the nutshell.

I didn't play the first one is this a direct sequel

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pretentious as fuck
i can see how he stroked his dick while writing this

The short answer is Nope, it's a remake
No one's played long enough to give the Long answer

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Based, organs sell for a lot.


>mfw the very first dialouge with Immortel starts and you realize why the game has a "2"
This is gonna be so fucking good.

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>tfw no patience for the first Pathologic and certainly no patience for this one

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Big deal, fuck off then.

Make me.

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the music is fucking kino


Plagued and Butcherpilled

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>doesn't appear on the top selling

I'm not really sure normies can even play this at all

Your sentence literally reads like a foreign schoolchild attempting to write english.







Someone's being hitting ctrl+shift+f4

what does that do, reload the game?

my computer chugs along but its pretty good
started out hating it but now i like it
also them steppe girls arnt too hard on the eyes

debug console, they've been enabling invulnerability

nope I was just on the brink of death

Never played any Pathologic title, but I've read somewhere that this game is actually like a remaster and not an actual sequel? Should I start with this game or the first one? I enjoy most walking sims so I don't think I would have much trouble with the pacing people seem to point out itt.

If you don't have the patience to complete a 20 minute tutorial you should just shut your fucking computer off and never use it again.

The most despicable of nations: Sweden

yes to all except crashing

Yes, play the 2nd one. Also this game isn't entirely a walking sim, it sure seems like it though.

>but I've read somewhere that this game is actually like a remaster and not an actual sequel?
Then you've read bullshit because the REMASTER is the remaster, which is called Pathologic HD Classic. Pathologic 2 is a reboot.

lodgebros, which day is the one i can pick my personal herb bride?

>so many fucking cucks not getting what Pathologic is and calling people excited for it "shills"
get the fuck off my board, I don't want you here

classic suda51 project before people started using his name more as a marketing tool than anything. it's the worst game i ever completed, makes pathologic feel like a rollercoaster by comparison. worth playing only if you have an infinite amount of patience and want to play a truly awful game with a unique but practically non-sensical story.
bonus points; the game was a sequel to another game that wasn't translated, so the final twist and a lot of the later plot points had absolutely no meaning. silver case is translated now, but skip it and play FSR first for the experience the localizers intended.

>pathologic HD (1)

>Russian code jankiness
>very slow buildup if you play the recommended first character
>terrible graphics
>2deep4u story
>very difficult missions to follow because they're oblique in terms of telling you what you should be doing
>will end up spoiling the game for yourself by looking up a guide because you will fuck up and kill off most important NPCs

>pathologic 2

>less Russian code jank that we know of
>good graphics
>4deep8u meta story for the people who suffered through HD
>less oblique in telling you what to do
>can't spoil the game for yourself when you fuck up and kill half of the important NPCs

how well is the game running for you, lads? consistent 60FPS? what settings?

im on a toaster so im getting pretty big lag when i enter new areas but i dont mind its still pretty neat

How is it so far lads?
Is it any good?
Was my hype misplaced?

i have to admit, during the longass intro I really feared that the slavs went insane and turned the game into a cinematic walking simulator

yeah me too, it takes some time to load but apart from that it runs quite nice

very good, i'm still at the first day but there are very unique additions.

>walking into the bar for the first time
>music kicks in
>its a remix of the old twirene den song
>pictures of naked chicks all over the wall

god its perfect

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Thanks, doc.

game runs fairly choppy regardless of settings.

At least this survival fps turned out okay so far
We Happy Few was a bit of a disappointment...

kill yourself autismo

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boo fucking hoo, the original literally induced headaches in me and I still finished it easily

god some of you are such fucking cunty casuals, I knew Yea Forums wasn't an elitist board for years but it's only now started setting in

where the fuck do I go on the internet now, you fuckers literally disgust me

Should I even bother with this if I couldn't get into playing the first one around a decade ago?

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Are the HD version's graphics actually good?
Because I've seen so many "HD" editions that pretty much kill all the magic and soul of the original game

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She already chose you.

HD version is pretty much the original game but with just a better translation

Dawww the backer event is sweet.

>implying anyone expected that

What is it?

The HD version is the same as the original except with ugly DOF and SSAO settings you can turn off.
Pathologic 2 looks different but it isn't meant to be a 1:1 remake. It's very similar overall though.

2 eases you in a bit more, but if you didn't like the 1st one, I don't think you'll like the 2nd

So when Is it coming to Xbox one (game pass) Bros?

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So what day are you on?

Thank you guys

Should I save my finger nail or just fast travel to lara?

Related to an invisible animal.

a smash thread died for this

Does it give you half a soul?

Don't be a pussy lad. Scavenge those fucking bins on the way, so you barrel through her door with a bulge in your trousers.

Thank fuck.

I got four fingernails by the end of the first day.

It gives you gratitude. You might get your "half" another way though, maybe not in this performance either.

>A brand new video game is being discussed on a form for video games
>it's like, some kind of conspiracy!

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get a job you niggers


>i watched the mandalore review of pathologic so i know what im talking about!

It is true that most of the gametime is walking though

get a suicide gayboi

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lmao, I bet he's from stockholm

>Am I gonna need to be high for this shit to really appreciate it or something?
Nah, this game seems like it would be way too confusing to play while high. I played the entirety of Bloodborne stoned as fuck back in 2015 when I was blazin erryday and it took me months to finish it. The big spider in the nightmare of mensis almost gave me a heart attack, I literally screamed like a little girl when it swung down from the roof

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There's like no music in this game

Just turn your ears off, bro.

based the entire development process was all worth it just for this moment

You aren't just walking around doing nothing though.

Excited to play the one videogame made this year with any semblance of artistic intent and literary competence.

>if game will be poorly sells anothers roots wanna be for price

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seriously what heppens if I buy the bull

>where you fuck pikachu while fighting duke nukem in hell.
holy shit that sounds fucking awesome for a videogame

You get the bull.

and what can I do with it?

Have it.

Fondle its fully modeled balls.

So is an actual sequel or a remake? I've been hearing that it's the latter but the fact it's called Pathologic "2" is pretty weird then. Mainly asking because Pathologic HD is £0.99 on steam right now, and wondering to get this game or the original.

fuck you ppl dunno why i expected a serious answer, thought pathologic Yea Forumsros were different

it's all the same, just actors reading from a script

Here you go pal.

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>fuck you ppl dunno why i expected a serious answer
Because you're not very bright. The game came out seven fucking hours ago. People aren't even done with it yet.

that's a tiny bull

For you
Only 200 coins

What are its functions? That seems a bit steep

I'll buy the game if you tell me what the bull does

You can pet it when you're lonely.

Any magnet links?

Based as fuck.

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Texhnolyze was better.

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They're giving you a serious answer. You get a bull.
It's both. It's a continuance of the original and a reimagining of it at the same time. Think about it as though a theatre troupe puts on a play [Pathologic] the lead actor has to drop out and an understudy takes their place, a new performance takes place with the understudy [Pathologic 2] it's the same play, but their performance is going to be inevitably different.

>he didn't buy the bull

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>pathologic is on sale
>but not the void

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Ahh ok. If it's not a straight up remake and has some continuation on top of it, I'll pick up the original to start with.


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>all the zoomoid subhumans and streamer animals who can't handle any game that isn't fortshite or instant ADHD dopamine releases
What went wrong with video games?

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>in town ten hours
>already drenching kin pussy

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>Pathologic 2 - CODEX

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>for GOG games
Literally int 1

fuck you
this is literally the first game i ever pre ordered

Great job they cracked a game with no DRM.

>The parallels to Bela Tarr's films The Turin Horse, his seven hour adaptation of Satantango, and sociological sensibilities of Werckmeister Harmonies are, to my mind, clearly mixing with Bruegel, Bergman's The Seventh Seal, and perhaps especially Artaud's theater of cruelty. It's not simply that the Icepick folks are uninterested in realism, but that the aesthetic roots of their variety of "realism" is a lot more interested in portraying a world according to its own systems and logic, albeit one that does reflect - in a remarkably powerful way - a real world of hunger, illness, and misery, one where combat is never "satisfying."
Picked up

That's the joke

The joke is that you're retarded?

>I just pretended to be retarded

getting like weird framedrops randomly but never in a jarring way, not sure what's going on...

how much does the bull cost again? I have like 320 coin on me


needs a patch its dropping frames for everyone regardless of settings
200 my dood

Will they make the Changeling less of a shitty shoe-in character this time around? I heard her storyline was kinda mediocre because they ran out of time

Not reading the thread because spoilers so I'll just ask.
On Pathologic 1, I got kinda fucked on time because I fucked around looking for the orphans that stole drugs on day one. Now, I run out of time and die before I can do anything.
I started as Bachelor, should I restart as one of the others or is it mostly arbitrary?

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You need to play and finish Bachelor, then Haruspex, then Changeling. In that order; no deviating from it.

is it out yet

no, didnt you read the OP? in 30 minutes

How is it

Just refunded it due to garbage performance and clunkiness comparable to the original. I've been putting off beating the remaster because of this and can now safely go back to it.

>you can ask Lara if you should toss Clara out the window

based haruspex, fuck that bitch Clara

eva is cute!! CUTE!

Attached: eva.jpg (703x718, 47K)


based spoonfeedanons thanks I'll just start fresh and not dick off

Everyone is cute. Even the Bachelor.

Except for Aspity. Fuck her.

fucking everyone female in this game is top tier looking and that includes the twintails girls. except Clara, she's kinda spooky meth addict.

based fucking IPL knows how to make pretty ladies and I appreciate it

just made it to day 2, nighttime can be beastly if you get more than one mugger after you. also: love that anti-savescum mechanic, that's going to put some real fear into things.

I had this happen to me too. Runs perfectly fine aside from stuttering, but I do wish something could be done about it.


you dont want to know what life in australia is like, friend

>anti-savescum mechanic
What's that?

You can save only with special clocks, which aren't placed in every house, as you can imagine.

yulia is fucking beautiful.

> love that anti-savescum mechanic
? elaborate please. i played until the meeting on day 3 and will continue later. havent yet had to reload.

Attached: yulia.jpg (1294x1295, 96K)

Did they fix the graphics and optimization issues?


>no option to savescum to check all dialogue
this is awful, what the fuck were they thinking

aaaaaaaaaaand they ruined maria, what is that face

Attached: maria.jpg (1295x1295, 83K)

Compared to Marble Nest? Yeah. That shit was nearly unplayable on my ancient PC, but the full game runs well enough, aside from occasional stuttering.

does sprinting exhaust you exponentially quicker than walking?

The ability to sprint has already made the game more enjoyable. I liked the HD release but holy fuck is it good to not have default Morrowind character walking speed.

Wondering this too
Haven't really tested it

can only save at save points yes, but also
every time you die you get "weaker" overall, only died once so I think all I lost was a bit of maximum health but according to Immortell it gets worse the more you die, and reloading doesn't change that it still happened. so yeah, no more farming muggers for sick loot and organs unless you're feeling really lucky.

i havent tested it extensively but i think it does. the question is if the gained time by sprinting makes up for the exhaustion. i walked almost exclusively for the first two days and was scraping by on time just barely. i finished the days quests past 23:00. i think the game wants you to sprint.

Just finished my first day, I actually enjoyed it honestly. Much more than the 1st game.

If the game sells poorly, other characters routes would be sold for money.

speaking about imortell, i want ainsley back

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I mean yeah I miss his shit-eating oil-me-up grin but new mark definitely has his charm.

>heard about Pathologic from Yea Forums many years ago
>saw kickstarter
>funded $50, solely because "Yea Forums likes game so it must be good"
>still haven't played the OG game
>currently installing 2
>about to go in absolutely blind
What the fuck am I in for, Yea Forums?

Attached: eyes 2.png (194x186, 21K)

Wait woah, holy shit
Reloading prior to death doesn't rollback the punishments?

man its day two and im already living on the edge. i spent the entire first day foraging because i knew thats how you made the last game tolerable. I also wasn't sure how to complete the 1.5 soul kids quest, the marker takes me to the little rock formation but nothing was there.

oh fuckin' boy, am pretty jealous in a way
you're in for some shit. hope you're alright with putting up with some 7/10 aspects for the 13/10 ones.

Enjoy it or not, your in for an experience unlike any other in gaming.
For better, for worse

>funded $50, solely because "Yea Forums likes game so it must be good"
holy shit, good thing you weren't on Yea Forums during the bitcoin craze

Attached: laughter.png (356x256, 200K)

>>funded $50, solely because "Yea Forums likes game so it must be good"
kill yourself

>starting as haruspex
prepare your anus

if you died you died. i mean you could theoretically game it by quitting out from the menu every time you think you're gonna die but you'd have to be "i beat sekiro with cheats and don't feel bad" levels of garbage to do that.

ye same. i even bartered as much as i could to buy food on day one before the prices go up. looted and traded like a madman and am now running out of food on the end of day three.
> I also wasn't sure how to complete the 1.5 soul kids quest,
no idea either. notkin said to put the leash at the rock formation i think? the map marker showed like "drop an item". i searched for something to interact with and then just dropped the leash there. nothing came out of it and the day ended with me "having chosen not to help the kids".
anyone know how to do this ?

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he's hiding among the pillars, I think on the south side. give him the leash if you think he deserves to be punished.

[angry menkhu noises]

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fug. whatever, im pretty sure getting a perfect run on the first try is impossible anyway.

Ice-Pick Lodge does not hold back when it comes to tits

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So, is pathologic 2 any good?
Is it a remake or a sequel?

>three thousand steppe bullburgers for this
I spent at least an in-game hour combing over the place where they burn the steppe girl hoping IPL had tossed us veterans a bone and left the revolver-carrying corpse in that yard. Guess what.

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Should i buy the big brown bull?

>So, is pathologic 2 any good?
If you have an attention span, yes.
>Is it a remake or a sequel?

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Read the fucking thread, retard
A retelling
My favorite part of Ice Pick games

IPL does fantastic tits. Yeah they do other things good too but damn, son. The dancing tywre bride in the bar is lovely.

Ask your wife

fool! i am a NEET.

>that moment when you enter your fathers house
i had plague ptsd from the first game, and i was expecting them to give me the clap right there again

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don't do it he makes mustard gas

Fixing an auto double-clicking mouse is easy as fuck.

It improved compared to MN, but it's still there, mostly stuttering

Is Yulia written out? Only character whose model I don’t remember seeing.

she is on the balcony of vlads house, singing sometimes

She's in, and she's gorgeous.

any drawfags willing to shine in the thread? lots of prime waifus to be drawn

The difference between the conversation portrait and the model on some character is sometimes unsettling.
Take aglaya for example. model looks cute but her portrait during conversation makes her look like a tranny

This game needs to be shilled a little harder

No, emshen, the pest has far greater plans for you. Go now. Suok waits for no one.

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Post-WW1 setting was better and souller than Post-WW2 setting. Don't even @ me

Who's the hottest chick in the game so far?

To be fair, there's not a lot of difference between "the world is a dream" and "this world is the imagination of two children".


srs i was checking corners with my fucking webly expecting some bedsheet ghost to try and give me SARS

>I'll cure the plague with science and medical knowledge

>I'll cure the plague with a righteous divine blessing and a miracle!

>I'll butcher the townsfolk and let loose rivers of blood to purge the contagion from the town

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how many hours did it take you to complete day 1

More like:
>I will take up the mantle of my father and save my people from Suok no matter the cost

and it was a vidoegame all along, can't believe people actually paid actual money to play a videogame that isn't actually real

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What makes you think the time period has changed?

Yulia for looks.
Lara for being a hot mess.
>snake oil salesman

>"Wow this gameplay is shit, but the story/world is really making up for it, I wonder where it will lead!"
It is possibly the worst thing they could've put in.
It's also why it still has a cult following.

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>that medicine tutorial

holy shit why did i get emotional at the end?
time to mix herbs and save lives.

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Because that's what the game wants from you.

It's a grim love story.

>medicine tutorial
what? is it after the """prologue"""?

At the least the schizo can spell correctly.

Wait WHAT?


day two

Day 3 when you get access to the hideout.

It's an obscure Russian indie game about plague, violence, and misery. There is no marketing. Also Three Kingdoms Total War came out on the same day so its ads are plastered everywhere on Steam.

What penalties do you get when you die? I literally just spawn in a different area

Maximum health takes a hit and there are some more subtle narrative and interaction effects that only reveal themselves when you don't expect them.

>Maximum health takes a hit
Oh no, I'm gonna feel I have to restart whenever I die

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I just think its extremely weird that I only stumbled on the release date of this game,which I‘ve been waiting for intently, only after it got fucking released.

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should I be worried about the time limit or is it long enough to not matter

be worried

You better not fucking forget Vladeworth's sacrifice, Yea Forums. You better fucking not.
The man worked on translating the first game and tried to contact the devs about it, but he got a fat C&D on his attempts. Yep, he didn't just go unaccepted, he got low key threatened not to release his own translation as a free standalone thing.

Attached: fukthis.gif (296x248, 1.63M)

Just believe that you‘ll be able to get yourself out of the pit you end up as your playthrough goes on. There‘s no point in micromanaging successes in a game where the enjoyment you‘re supposed to have comes with dealing with failure/the risk of failure.

I can't do it user, my autism won't allow it

Anyone uploaded the gog version?

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There's characters for you in the game. Please try to learn to embrace failure.

is the game in episodes

Yeah, the dev. If you want it, buy it you cheap cunt. If you can't afford it, wait until you can.

You want to know why so many people are convinced the first game ends with "it was all a dream lmao?" Because they saw the "perfect" ending on youtube that's basically making fun of you for not living with your mistakes.

Dude, there‘s so much fun to be had in getting into the worst situation possible, then getting out of it by coming up with an (inhuman) plan to escape starvation by whatever fucked up method you come up with.

You‘re supposed to catch the plague, you‘re supposed to do some fuckshit to survive. It‘s built into the narrative, and trying to avoid bad circumstances in this game is like playing MGS without even trying to stealth.

that's the plan

From what I heard, depending on how it sells
Sells like shit, they'll need extra money and the other characters are DLC
Sells well? Free DLC

what's considered good numbers for them?

Seeing as they are Russian, probably like 20k copies.

>wanted to get into the first game
>struggled to get past first day
>dropped it and never came back even though i wanted to like it
>patholigic 2 release
>remember i backed it
>downloading right now
I hope I actually like it this time

10k-30k probably. Anything higher would be a massive success for them

They're Russian
Hopefully enough that they break even, but not crazy unrealistic expectations.
Backers get the other characters for free but I didn't have money to back it at the time.
I'd hate to have to buy the others later



new thread

>clunkiness comparable to the original.