What happened to the SOUL?

What happened to the SOUL?

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looks like one of the best pokemon games

It's certainly not there, or in anything after RBY.
>inb4 le KANTOOOOO u a meanie genwunner ; n

Is this a lucktiles thread?

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It was drained out with Gen 5

It came with Silver.

GSC had more soul than RBY

Gen 4 was so much fun despite its issues.

le KANTOOOOO u a meanie genwunner ; n

>gen 5 was the last gen to use sprite art
I really hope you meant to type 6 there

Gen 5 had those ugly as shit animations that were absolutely not soulful.

Compared to gen 6, I’d say it’s not that bad.

I'd say it is.

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Looks Soulful to me. Better than just standing there in XY.

>it's less shitty than this piece of shit!

I hated gen 3 and feel that's where everything started going wrong.

>it's shit because I said so!

The switch to 3D
> Is this even a debatable topic still

Rated purely on soul
Gen II>Gen I>Gen IV>Gen V> Gen III> Gen VI>Gen VIII

>aimless NPCs meandering because they're ultimately pointless

Worst part of Pokémon to be honest. They should have more complex NPCs that do multiple tasks and can interact with th eplayer meaningfully. Like KC:D or TES/Fallout NPCs. Maybe even have some optional in-town friendly battles?

Sprites don't automatically guarantee soul though.
Gen 5 introduced and was plagued by way too much cancer that eventually metastasized to future gens to ever be redeemable.

The standing there sucks, but at least there are other animations when they attack. The Gen 5 sprites are permanently doing those stupid animations and it feels completely inorganic.

>Everyone bitch about pokemon look dated piece of shit.
>They finally switch to 3d.
>REEEEEE bring back sprites.

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No idea what "cancer" you're talking about. Gen 5 introduced the least amount of new features.

Reminder the series peaked with Emerald and Gen IV, specifically Platinum and HGSS

Emerald wasn't good. The Hoenn games are just inherently flawed.

Wow, it's almost as if..... pokemon battle animations were just starting in Gen 5 and was a stepping stone for attack animations in Gen 6.

The animation relies on tweening 90% of the time which is normally bad to look at by itself, but when combined with the smearing of the individual sprites (since all they're doing is rotating/stretching/squashing low res sprites), it looks like fucking vomit.
Crystal's minimalist approach was limited, but looked way better (since they were done frame by frame).

Yeah and Gen 5's battles looked like ass as a result. What's your point?

>forced story bullshit
>friendly """"rivals"""""
>handholding out the ass
>previous gens' features dropped left and right
>National not-Kantodex of not-Kantomons

We had this same thread yesterday.

Eh, the tweening is not that bad to look at for me. And also do note that those sprites are supposed to be looked at on DSi.

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Beautiful looking grass, if you ask me.

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They don't make em like they used to

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>we're onto gen iv nostalgiafaggotry now

In a few years we'll have kids posting about the "good old days of Unova"


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gen 4 objectively has the best games and the only flaw is they're slow

HGSS is probably one of my favorite games ever in terms of graphics. Excellent sprites combined with clean lowpoly setpieces and beautifully colored textures evoking Mega Man Legends.

Where did you record this I kind of want my emulation to look like this.

which can be partially fixed with hex editing being able to make FPS cap at 60, huge HP bars reduce instantly and so on.

That's been a thing throughout Gen 7. We're already starting to see Kalos nostalgia.

>pokemon battle animations were just starting in Gen 5
Except they weren't. Pokemon Crystal had better animations 20 years before it.

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>game has Soul
>doesn't have Heart
explain this SilvNerds

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It's ALMOST perfect.

If they just fixed the level scaling, it would be the best game in the series.

Black and White are some of the best base games.

Heart Gold and Souls Silver are the games with the most soul in the entire series.

Many people are already nostalgic over Gen. V. It was nearly a decade ago.

To be fair user, friendly rivals were a thing in Gen 3 with Wally and the other protag.as well as Gen 4 with Barry.

I put it all inside my Espeon

Blue grass looks retarded and neither of those are particularly accurate. Ideal fantasy grass would be a spring green like a lawn or riverbank, whereas actual natural grasslands are more gold/straw color, but not quite yellow.

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Define soul so I can make a game with soul

Is it just "juice"/polish or is there more to it?

And yet we didn't have continuous animation till Gen 5.

I'm afraid it's been... 9 years

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Based, but unfortunately not first post.

soul = I played it when I was a kid

To make a game with soul, you'll need to seek the consul of Shang Tsung.

From what I understand, "Soul" means that the developer loved their work and was willing to make sure that it was very polished
Either that, or "I played this game when I was young so I am biased towards it."

Speaking of gen5 animations, why do the Pokemon on your team (closer to the camera) use larger pixels? It looks really bad, and couldn't it be fixed by just zooming out on the sprite more?

The enemy pokemon has 1:1 pixels whereas the close one is more like 4:1

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Just a moment. I must consult with the elder gods

>And yet we didn't have continuous animation till Gen 5.
Considering how absolutely fucking ass gen 5's animations were, I'd say that was a good thing.

Nah, they were soulless remakes that didn't fix any of the problems with the original GSC and most of the new stuff added was shit.

And that makes it good? Retard.
What Gen V did was take a Gen IV sprite, animate it like Jasonafex would, and make it horribly pixelated in the process.

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Because perspective? Then again it's Gamefreak, the same developers that made multiple Lillie models just for each scene she's in.

>What happened to the SOUL?
They took a toy company mentality when they aren't primarily a toy company. They kept making iterative and disposable shit instead of focusing on enrichment.

is it only applicable to single player only?

>made multiple Lillie models just for each scene she's in
No way this is true


Realism sucks. We are talking about artistic aesthetics here.

Post the huge tits you little bitch

it's still there in usum, it died in lets-a-go

Nah, Ragnarok Online had soul

Perspective has nothing to do with it. They're literally using 4 pixels in place of 1 for no reason. Gen 4 didn't do that, it was 1:1.

Look how much crisper the pixel art on the close Mon is here.

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I'd really like them to revisit watercolors, if not just for a few pictures

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Do you guys see that thing? What the heck is that?

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It's true but he's overexaggerating. It's 1 Lillie model per island.

shit it's him. It's cool guys, just play it chill and don't use Trick Room

Was Diablo 2 soulful or soulless?

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Holy shit, user. You are absolutely based. Keep being you.

It's getting closer! Is that... Is that Regice?

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Gen 4's battle background is not comparable to Gen 5's.

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They warned me pokemon would evolve, but I never thought it would go down like this

Essentially any labor of love with good and consistent artistic direction

Oh hey, it's Porygon Z.
What does he want?

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wait a minute where did he go?

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But Barry fighted you at the end of hard paths in the hardest pokemon game having a very good team

gen 3 is peak soul


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I'm talking about the mons not the backdrop

Battles in 5 use a dynamic "camera" that zooms in and out and since they insisted on keeping back sprites the same scale it ends up messing their quality.

But I thought you were talking about rivals that were complete assholes like Blue and Silver.

Cheren and N were both rivals, N did two jobs at once, and Cheren was a friendly rival who developed differently while N was an antagonist.

>zoomers and genwunners will defend this

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This piece of shit franchise naver had any soul to begin with. Just look at trade evos and the two versions at launch to realize this kusoge was soulless cashgrab from the start.

2 generations per system was the worst thing this series has ever done.
They already had a "let's fix it with a special edition rerelease" mentality from the very start.
Pushing two main games per console meant they basically doubled the amount of shots they have at delivering the right game.
And guess what? They still blew them all on the 3DS.

Sacred Gold and Storm Silver my friend. they're objectively the greatest pokemon games. Period.

I thought let's go is universally despised by anyone who's not a nostalgia fag who bought his first console in years because of GO.

The backdrop is part of the reason why the back sprite is larger than the front, though.

>has breeding
you're god damn right

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Attract is such a powerful pokemon move

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Where did all the moves go?
You mean that over 50% of them were already exclusive to gen 2+ pokemon back in gen 4?

Attached: eevee 4.jpg (800x800, 57K)

Those were subhumans user fuck you
The most I wanted was 2D overworld
3D battles

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Honestly even on the DSi it looked hideous

You really ought to wear your helmet before you post here user

>In a few years

You sure showed him


No doubt about that.

why didn't nintendo just invest millions of dollars into a high budget gamecube pokemon game? then the gamecube wouldn't have sold like shit

all the new pokemon from gold/silber are shit, whats there to defend?


stop posting the same thread everyday you fucking faggot


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Le Kanto indeed, RBY was a souless dragon quest clone, soul starts on GSC