
How am I supposed to get past this door?

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>tfw didn't know the pattern was on the claw my first playthrough so I just bruteforced every one of those doors that I came across

Use no clip like everyone else did

no you noob you spam quicksave and quickload like a normal person

Majority of witcher 3 fans switched over because they couldn't figure out Skyrim's puzzles

Not by playing Altmer.

Pick up a small bowl and phaze through the wall like a wizard you dumb sorcerer.

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27 possible combinations, get cracking


The solution is in the palm of your hand.

Get it? The palm of your hand because you are a DRAGONborn. Hehe.

I had 11 claws by the time I actually did the quest, and I'd put the right one in storage someplace. Spent way too long trying everything before just leaving

Simple. The door instances the same way. Since this is Bleak falls barrow, it's all three circles twice.

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You should have picked up a golden claw by now. Go into your inventory and examine the claw. You’ll find the combination etched into the side of the claw. I had a lot of trouble with this too, it’s alright.

Haha yes I get it now!

Same. One of those times I felt like a genuine retard after figuring it out

Smash the door down

Not after installing so many mods.

H.. hi what if. What if you use dragon words on a dragon and he corrects your grammar and then like you laugh at him for being a nerd Haha wouldn't it be funny heh

hey it actually worked. Thanks user!

>Skyrim came out 8 years ago already

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Why do you want past this door user? There are no mods that change what's behind it to my knowledge.

The first time I encountered it I just brute forced that fucking door

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>Read journal
>Palm of my hand...
>Obvious claw insert
>Open inventory
>Look at claw
>No item description with a clue
>Brute force it

I didn't know you could rotate items in the menu and felt like a complete retard once I discovered it

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Just turn each slot twice

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>there are no good moddable games that came out since then
The real crime right here.

even if you don't know it theres only 3 things it could be just try them all

Wow, no fucking shit user.


tfw I learned that I could turn it around from the gameplay trailer or whatever it was that showed the first dungeon

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>make so many toons that you remember every enemy and item of bleak falls

No problem user!


It's such a fucking stupid "puzzle". It's the only thing in all of Skyrim that makes use of viewing items in the inventory like that. And there's nothing to indicate that it's the case.

> look here
> no, HERE
> now use your witcher vision
> what I meant is: press this key
> ok, now move here while you press the key
> see this? Yes, this. THIS. Pick it up
> in other words, move towards it and when you're facing it, press this key
> congrats user, you solved the riddle!
Based Witcher 3

Punch it!

obligatory the doors are meant to keep the dead in not the crypt-keeper/grave robbers out

Maybe the new doom game will have a good amount of mod support, they got a lot of criticism for how limited snapmap was so maybe they will go all out this time.

I'll hold him down, you get the Dip.

Pattern was on a fucking wall nearby, though

>And there's nothing to indicate that it's the case.
The problem is that the game never tells you you can rotate items. They should have made you look at the back of a map during the dragon escape or something.

Haha homo

damn. About time it was remastered eh


>look at replies
>people didnt get it

Don't bother ever trying an adventure game.


Do you go to the cloud district very often?
What am I saying, of course you don't.


hit it with your axe until it dies.

Never should have come here!
seriously coming to Yea Forums was a mistake why did I ever come here??

it's actually quite smart, or at least it would be if they didn't reveal the solution at the e3 demo long before the game was released. also what a missed opportunity, it would have made for a great gameplay element, and also added to the adventurer/treasure hunter feel.

cant wait to COUNT OUT YOUR COIN

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There's only 27 combinations if you rapidly pressed them it would take like 3 minutes. Also a lot of them are based on the structure of the dungeon that you just went through.
For the purpose of clipping through the door, on PC you can press this key "~" on your keyboard and then
1.) Type "getpos x" into the console move around a bit and do it several times to calibrate
2.) Type "setpos x" near the door, when you calibrated your position, you can set your character on the other side of the door, or anywhere you want really.

It would be cool if it was a well integrated mechanic but it's a one-off poorly explained/hinted gimmick

Everyone either got stuck because it's obtuse or already knew the answer because they watched gameplay published by bethesda

How long have the draugr been coming back to life? Why do none of the nords try and reconnect with their dead ancestors? Why are the tombs unguarded and also filled with riches that any grave robber would love to plunder? Why don't the proud and honorable nords guard their dead at all from grave robbers?

and who lit all the fucking candles?!?!?

Apparently the Nords are massive pussies. I remember one of them complaining about mages excavating a tomb, because it's supposed to be a resting place for the dead, but nobody ever does anything about it.

With all the handholding the games does a shit job explaining how to examine objects. Hell, I wouldn't have thought about turning the claw if I hadn't previously played Phoenix Wright games and accidentally figured it out out of "muscle memory".

>How long have the draugr been coming back to life
Load screen says they were cursed bc they followed the dragon priests but some in game evidence points that they actually sort of give their life force to whomever theyre protecting.
>Why do none of the nords try and reconnect with their dead ancestors?
They pray, and talking to draugrs is pointless bc theyre not humans or have any traces of humanity left.
>Why are the tombs unguarded and also filled with riches that any grave robber would love to plunder?
Have we played the same game? The tombs are always full of undead and traps. Theyre filled with riches presumably for the same reason the pharaohs were- to help them kn the afterlife
> Why don't the proud and honorable nords guard their dead at all from grave robbers?
Bc the draugr protect the tombs and the hall of the dead kn each city IS guarded

Probably the draugr, it's pretty dark in the tombs.

Aren't the draugr supposed to be coming back because they served the dragons in their past life or something? Do you ever fight any draugr outside of a tomb? I can't remember. Maybe a few. The vast majority seem content with just hanging out in their tombs. I guess maybe they regret serving the dragons or something. I guess you could say they're guarding the wall things that give you new words, but the dragon born doesn't really need to learn any shouts to beat alduin, and the ones you do need are taught to you by the greybeards...

Nords are all talk they used to control most of tamriel but as soon as someone told them to fuck off they lost 90% of their territory

yeah i just thought that. just in time for your arrival. or it's game magic or something.

The draugr haven't ways been around. How could the nords fill up tombs with their dead if half of the bodies they put in there were violent corpses walking around? They came back to life when the dragons came back.
I guess the traps were to deter grave robbers. But all can be deactivated on the draugr side (ie, once you've passed them), and none seem to be keeping the draugr from leaving the tombs. They have the ability to fight, you'd think they would have the dexterity to pull a lever or chain... Especially if they're being controlled or directed by alduin.

I'm pretty sure the draugr problem is super recent. A few npcs talk about them maintaining tombs and they'd all fuck off as soon as the dead started waking up.

Wait a minute... that card


They arent brought back to life by the dragons though. Maybe some specific tombs like dragon priests are but the majority isnt. The tombs were filled with the dead comrades upon construction like ancient skandinavian ttombs or the pyramid owners were burried with their slaves etc. the main purpose of the draugr is to protect the actual normal dead which you dont see leaving the graves which is why draugr dont leave the tomb.

>They came back to life when the dragons came back.

wot, nah. hadvar mentions in the beginning of the game that he used to have nightmares about draugr as a kid. in think in the morrowind bloodmoon dlc it's explained that the draugr there are actually cursed by someone? but it's been a while since I played it, there's a part where you right a draugr sorcerer and I think he might be the one who cast the curse on solstheim's draugr in the morrowind game

...or just type tcl and fly right through the door in a second

>click on door
>type ‘disable’
Obviously, duh.

Real shit though I’ve done this garbage so many times that I just do this on all locked doors now because I can.

You go play a better game

doesn't work for these doors too well since they're technically multiple different entities, so to get through you'd have to disable it piece by piece
much easier to just tcl through it

Ring the bell with the scroll engraving on it once then ring the bell with the key engraving on it twice(two times) finally ring the bell with the sword engraving on it twice(two times) This should cause the door to open

Pretty sure it works. I’ve done it before.

I didn't sat it doesn't work, I said it doesn't work too well

If the dragons didn't bring the draugr back to life, then why didn't every dead guy in the tombs turn into one? Why only like half of them? How do you know if you'll get turned into a draugr when you die?
If the draugr are supposed to protect the tombs, why did they also put traps inside? To keep the draugr in? Or did they expect the draugr to try and get out?

I TCL'd through these doors even though I knew how to solve them because I don't like it when games waste my time with these retarded """""puzzles"""""

I had six of these in my inventory before I figured out the symbols were on the claw itself
Why not just make it unlock the door Todd? You can't open it with just the code

Ps5 and xbox anaconda will get remasters don't worry and it still won't run a 60fps

Ah look, it's my favorite drinkin buddy
tfw I killed brenuin to satisfy my murder boner at the time then a few days later I get his inheritance cuz he considered me such a good friend feels bad man

Attached: Brenuin..jpg (452x718, 55K)


I tried that and now everyone is calling me a nigger despite my class being redguard

>If the dragons didn't bring the draugr back to life, then why didn't every dead guy in the tombs turn into one?
Because not every tomb had done the ritual necessary and the spell lasts longer if you rotate a garrison that is not raising all draugrs at once
> How do you know if you'll get turned into a draugr when you die?
I cant source it but i believe i read kn the imperial library website that some were chosen and others offered themselves and had to swear an oath (some tombs even have non burried people protect it through their oaths like those ghostly apparitions that guide you) and i presume certain embalming techniques.
>f the draugr are supposed to protect the tombs, why did they also put traps inside?
Grave robbers and generally people that get past the draugr. Its like asking why egyptians made mazes inside pyramids if their spells were supposed to protect the dead, additional security.

Not all tombs are the same like i said earlier. The dragon priest ones sre probably filled with draugr due to the curse and/or dragons returning. Some tombs like that dragon priest with the sealed coffin had draugrs likely to prevent him from escaping. The tomb near riften had a priest that made his followers give him their blood sonhe might use it in resurrection.



You need to roll a character who has at least an intelligence stat of 70 to solve this puzzle.

Should I keep the wiki open while playing skrim or should I print out all pages and bind it like a book for maximum immersion?

of all the posts in this itt i think you should kys yourself

Oops forgot to (you)

That makes sense for some of the dungeons, where the claw doors block off basically the whole place. It doesn't work for all of them though, especially not the one in the OP. Bleak falls' door is basically only locking off the boss/wall room.


Claws are randomized every time you start a new game, but its guaranteed that each one will fit a door, you just have to keep playing until you come across the right one.

Ok gimme a rip in piece please

>This is the objective reason. I know because it's in a book.

Bethesda has said several times that books in TES are 10% truth and 90% bullshit. There's no point quoting them as proof of "lore" when the people that write them say most of the time they are deliberately wrong.

Half the time it seems like the draugr get killed by the traps in the dungeon. I'm not sure if it's just Bethesda being lazy or if they're canonically stupid. Seems sort of reckless to put traps and brainless draugr in the tomb when half the draugr just end up dead in their own traps.

ripe (You)

Find a radio then use portal gun out of bounds

You guys know this is shilling right? (sage)