Can we all agree,
FF7 Remake will Suck Balls!
Can we all agree
>Deeper relationship with Cloud.
>No longer annoying
One or the other.
>Aerith looks older to avoid age gap
She is already 2 years older than Cloud in the game you retard.
not sure who wrote this, but hes a collosal faggot
All that Enix blame when Squareoft is the one with the history of bad changes and flirting with bankruptcy
Enix wasn't doing so hot prior to the merger, either.
Is it worth playing FF7 on iOS mobile? I’ve never played final fantasy 7 and am on the go this summer.
>Vincent not in main game and just shipped off to his own DLC that's like Episode Prompto
I hate how much this sounds like something that'll actually happen.
Tifa will suck my balls.
No way fag
She is only one year older.
I'd suggest the Switch because it fixed the music problems. Could always just mod the PC Port on a laptop if you have that.
How? Dragon Quest was selling gorillions. VII on PS1 was one of the best selling games ever at the time.
The fact that the sound glitch hasn't been patched on ps4 should make more people angry. The fuck is square doing?
It's so weird that they fixed it on both the Switch and the Xbox One of all fucking things but not the PS4. I don't get it.
this is legit cute though
How can one supposed human being have shit shit taste.
the endless unfounded doom and gloom is getting so tiring
why be so fucking pessimistic until you actually have reason to? hurr they're gonna change this, they're gonna ruin this, she's gonna be ugly, this is gonna be soulless, etc etc
maybe it will be good and faithful? just chill the fuck out until we actually see more than a trailer
Aerith is older than Cloud you retard
These people have probably been burned before.