>game has an absolute trash soundtrack
what's his name?
>game has an absolute trash soundtrack
what's his name?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dragons dogma
Any of the Ys games
>dude electiric guitar so badass!!!!!
Completely kills any atmosphere the game had going for it. It also just gets annoying to listen to after a few minutes. Garbage.
every western AAA game ever made
Breath of the Wild
What's wrong with him?
Audiophile boomer listening to music through terrible headphones.
He's mostly joking. Mostly.
he listens to Youtube fan-remixes @ 128kb/s
>Timothy Treadwell lived ahmowngst da berrrs
Either that or he was receiving a blowjob under the desk and didn't even last a minute.
literally me trying to take a shit after being 2 weeks on painkillers
all videogames
anyone that thinks a videogame has a good ost is a deaf tasteless faggot
weak bait
every game after 2009
I thought it was that the headphones produced extremely fine quality sound and the blasting of the brass instruments were piercing his eardrums.
Why he is toturing himself?
Worst soundtrack in the entire world goes to this PS1 JRPG called Beyond the Beyond. The only reason I didn't play through it was because the music was so shit.
guys, which one is best for "phat bass" type of music?
ATH-A550Z, ATH-M50x, HD569 or DT 770 ?
>why haven't you found yourself a girlfriend yet user, your brother got promoted at work you know, your aunt margaret has piles again, i hope you're coming for dinner on sunday, make sure you get a haircut, grandma needs to you to fix her computer
He's not.
10/10 fuck
God I wish that were me
Adsense revenue
what are you blabbering about
truth hurts, i know
thread over
everyone go home
end yourself
Devil may cry 3
Beats by Dre
A lot of Japanese games like Bayonetta or DMC have this acid/progressive/muzak jazz type garbage that sounds like notes have been thrown into a blender and then recorded
Every Pokemon game other than Gen V.
its the single thing that made the game hard for me
I have a pair of a900x, an older model from that same line. They have deep silky bass that's present, but not excessive. Comfy as fuck too.
The classic
look good but sadly above my price range
I fell for the M50x meme and I have to say it's pretty good. There's strong bass response but it's not so overwhelming that it muffles the mids and highs either.
Oh hey, I didn't know they gave the guy who did Evergrace another job
Jesus Christ.
this ATH-M50x is the best headphones I've ever had.
Just don't play video games on them, honestly you can a better pair of headphones for gaming.
that bad? I was kinda hoping to do both, predominantly music and a bit of playing.
I only play vidya at home so it's either on PS4 with a surround sound setup or on my desktop PC with proper speakers.
overpriced headphones
>that bad?
I used them an entire year for gaming, while they aren't awful for gaming but I personally feel like you can have a better sound experience with an another headphones or even a cheap pair of good earbuds for gaming.
People have recommended me amps to make it sound better for gaming but at the time I was limited on money and got the m50x as a gift.
M50 is weak as fuck, something you'll realize too late
look and laugh at this wattlet
>I hate it because it's popular
vanilla Dark Souls 2
>something you'll realize too late
a bit overdramatic for decent headphones
maybe he doesnt like the sound, I've read dozens of reviews where some people exalt a pair of cans while others give it 1 star and claim it sounds like an actual soda can
>normies are falling to the m50 meme so they dont make fell special
Anything with dubstep. Only exception i don't mind is weed burning missions.
You wanna try that again in English this time?
well I haven't fallen to any meme yet, I'm just clueless and overwhelmed by all the polarising information and can only go off of things I've read/watched.
>best for "phat bass" type of music
A spike to the frontal lobe.
Plebian taste
that's not really dubstep, my dude
The headphones are ridiculously expensive ($2-3k) and apparently sound worse than Dr.Dre's Beats.
I came to this thread specifically to call you a faggot.
Don’t have a specific game but these songs are pretty shit
You don’t know pain until you’ve listened to them
What you posted is more of a banger than anything those onions lattes come up woth, they don't even compare
Most tracks on the GBA are shit and filled with crackling trumpets
last one unironically hurt
>comments for the last one
/pol/ 0.5 ruins everything
But they have some that are really good which kinda flattens it out
>no one has posted this
This has my vote..
Geothermal is not that bad
binding of isaac rebirth
>Completely kills any atmosphere the game had going for it
The hell are you on about?
what? who is paying 3k for some headphones?
Dragon Quest 11, shockingly bad
that shit is a fucking meme
dragon quest XI
Audiophiles are one of the most delusional hobby-groups out there.
DQ had some really nice songs, but they were so overshadowed by the bad songs, christ is the owerwold music horrible.
This song is like telling to you:
see my micropenis! Cool isnt?
which were all taken from better DQ titles with better music.
This track actually causes me discomfort
Dude... Do you even STAX?
I was about to say something, but then I remembered that I modded in the old soundtrack
What are some good headphones if I listen to weeb shit exclusively?
All targets down. Good work, Agent 47.
sony fans...
Wow, just because the headphones don't spam your skull with cheap bass doesn't mean they sound worse than literal Chinese trash.
I really like DQ, but after the years some of the staple songs are getting real tedious. But I think 11s more sad and somber songs were good.
pretty sure most people will say ATH-M50x, but it all depends on what you're willing to spend
Sennheiser. Something that used to cost at least $150 at one point in time.
are they that good? I really want my untz
and I thought MK fans were delusional
t. zoom zoom
Based STAX poster
>Doesn't know about Oblivion
If skullcrushing bass if what you're after there's no substitute for an actual subwoofer. Stop chasing after what doesn't exist and get a real speaker system.
All of the Orchestral ES games have pretty good soundtracks
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Why even bother with covers?
street fighter alpha and zero series
Kind of subjective in the end, I suggest watching/reading a few reviews and then go with the majority opinion. Buy it, try it and send it back if you dislike it. Some people think 100€ headphones sound better than 600€ ones.
Sounds like a cross between the Seinfeld theme and a rejected DOOM track
i just realized what this was supposed to be. jesus christ they fucked up
thats almost as bad as the resident evil track
What the fuck are these names
Resident EVIL dIreECTOrs CuT
DMC I can understand but how the fuck do you get that from Bayonetta? Bayonetta's OAR is pretty jazzy and even manages to make bagpipes sound great.
OP said games with a soundtrack, user
This honestly.
>Want to kiss Wakako
>She has a boyfriend
Audiophile cable management is the gold standard for delusional autism
post the magic pebbles
I have neighbours
this shit always cracks me up
>anacondas touch the floor
cum on, step it up
>he doesn't have rocks..
What's the point of insulating the cables if the connection is still exposed?
What are they supposed to do?
>no risers to protect from floor interference...
good point, anyone got an answer?
Terraria's soundtrack is good until you keep hearing it over and over in-game
>grinding simulator
>music is horrible
>can't even mute the music
stopped playing because of this
>When I switched to Volcano I heard more resolution and heavier bass that contained more texture
>more texture
help me
This is so much better with the sound turned on. Holy Christ
>Audiophiles are one of the most delusional hobby-groups out there.
I'm convinced it's all a big, very dry joke, like flat earthers and wine tasters.
Holy fuck
If they only called their stupid beliefs objective, they'd be /pol/tard tier deluded
>he doesn't know
>$160 for curling stones
What are some good headphones for gaming? Please help Yea Forums
>music is horrible
You have shit taste
It's Australian dollars but still
those look tasty
I bet you listen to anime soundtracks in your spare time
>no one can hear better than me, I absolutely refuse to accept it
Grow up
>cable stan
fucking hell
DOOM (2016)
i take your mansion basement and raise you one-man-band clown falling down a massive flight of stairs
>he doesn't have snakes
Drakengard 1 has a soundtrack that I would never willingly listen to because it makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable, but that's sort of the point, it fits the game perfectly. The game's score starts out discordant and just becomes a fucking mess by the end.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
>not using Mikro Brilliant Pebbles
nice shitpost tranny
>check random 3
>all have mlp porn comments
I don't think you chose those tracks at random
Banjo Kazooie
Luigi's Mansion
any Animal Crossing game
I'll see you and raise you
Do you seriously expect a rational explanation for anything in that picture?
You might as well ask why they pay a fortune for "audiophile grade" power strips when the current eventually always comes from a common wall outlet.
This isn't rational, it's what happens when your hobby doesn't make a lot of sense anymore (because now you can get proper audio equipment for relatively cheap) so to cope you convince yourself that your extremely expensive piece of custom equipment is somehow worth it.
I could probably build those myself for 100 dollars depending on how much gold is on them.
>Banjo Kazooie
>the original glass bottles for Brillant Pebbles have been replaced by clear zip lock bags, which have a more linear response than glass
Absolute geniuses
Well as you can imagine for the price they are asking for there is probably fuck all gold on there.
then listen to it again
oh and that retarded bear will never be in Smash you dip
>Mamoru Samuragochi, 1998 (Colorized)
>diamond ethernet cable
>Where's my fucking fantasy orchestra???
Kys yourself
What atmosphere? it's a series of games about a red-haired anime guy running at hyperspeed while slashing demons to rescue anime girls.
If you used anything other than electric guitars then something it quite wrong here
what a pretentious tosser.
Most h-games have really shitty music. Dunno if the nips buy some copyright free ones, but they sound like these
holy fucking shit
Don't even compare them, the evergrace ost was unironically ahead of its time.
it's a joke/hyperbole mate, lighten up
What's the point of these threads? It's always the same 5 songs each time, never anything new
literally madness
There isn't one. Reduce it even further anons: if "cables" caused the problem you wouldn't spend $$$ cables that cost more than the system, you'd build a system that didn't fucking use cables, or vastly reduced the distance all that naughty noise has to escape to, or literally anything except this.
I kind of like this version, am I cancer?
Sekiro desu
Okay this one made me laugh. Somehow i imagine this is what it sounds like when australians argue.
This man's name is Koji Kondo. He composed the soundtracks for all the older Zelda games. He did not work on Breath of The Wild, which is why the music sounds like tracks ripped from Minecraft instead of a normal Zelda game
I honestly think it's the opposite desu. No idea which games you're talking about, but I find some real bangers in H-games oftentimes.
E1M1 sounds pretty D44My here. Why is this bad?
Amazing at 1.25 speed
Without being sure, I think that is the point. Especially considering how fucked everything in the game is
I actually really like the music in chapter 12
Rance doesn't count, the H part is just a bonus
Now get a load of this total banger
fucking hell those audiophile pics are killing my sides
Now this I could sort of understand since some materials do cause distortion in microphones, at least, but I'm pretty fucking sure you can get something that does the job for a dollar.
This is nowhere near bad.
Gonna have to disagree with you on that one, user
i understand joke
This is pretty good. It's not as metal as Doom should be but it's a fine remix.
>over 200 posts
>no manic miner
I think we're reaching the end of a generation, guys...
>being this much of a tasteless faggot
user just entering the thread here
i don't get the joke could you explain?
Dear user,
fuck you
>paying 5k for headphones and rock cable supports
yeah, you are so smart that I feel jelly
makes my eyes feel weird, anyone else?
weak bait
Look at all the comments for each of these videos to notice a trend.
Gran Turismo: worst engine and tire break sounds in the entire racing genre.
AssCreed games also sound the same past AC2, particularly combat with the boring blade against blade sounds, which is fucking baffling because the first game started out really well - think cracking in skulls with a hammer.
is there an anime for every fucking hobby?
were they used in banned from equestria?
that game actually had a lot of effort put into it
>kills any atmosphere
What atmosphere are you talking about? A red-haired anime guy runs at high speed and fucks up monsters. What kind of music do you want for that? Orchestra? You tasteless faggot
Farcry 5 had a great soundtrack tho.
There's an incredibly popular manga about wine tasting called "Drops of God" that was directly responsible for jacked up wine prices everywhere for years.
So, yes, there is.
No, that's a correct way to phrase it. Instruments have different textures to their sound.
Blood Dragon, too.
oh i watched this shit before
when he literally cry is the most cringe shit ever
Yes. Looking it up again after all these years gave me an unexpected rush of nostalgia.
>soundtrack is the whole reason why the game is being remembered
Realtalk, is steaming up your room improving sound quality? I remember hearing something about humans being able to hear better, when in fog because the water particles carry sound better than thin air.
did it ever get made into completion? when i checked it out it still had some places you couldn't go
Are you asking because your dog is an audiophile as well? Pretty sure 99% of humans wouldn't be able to tell the difference. This shit has to end.
>Advance On v2 instead of Rebirth the Edge
Absolutely fantastic and top tier taste
I dunno but that bread anime was kino.
Just not true. West has good orchestras, often good OST, and the best fucking pre-made IRL soundtracks.
nah, was just interested. Up until this thread i didn't even know about this cringy shit
Another banger coming through
Bravely Second
>t. filthy Fagt
Get fucking bumped on at dangerous speeds while wailing violins and electric guitars play in the background
Only tangentially related to this thread, but I thought this was neat
holy shit, the sounds you could have had back then if you were a richfag..
You can actually feel your asshole prolapse mentally with this
Putting on a blindfold supposedly improves your hearing too
The cult radio songs were so fucking good.
My first though when I read this was "nah, that's wrong, there's gotta be at least a few good ones" but then I thought about it and couldn't come up with even one. Literally all my favorite game soundtracks are either indies or japanese.
For a second I thought that was a snake or a really skinny seal.
that volume, holy shit
I've seen tons of people claim that random background ambience tracks from recent games are "so good", which is just mindboggling. Who the fuck listens to filler music voluntarily!?
>How to ruin the national anthem of a country
I don't get it.
The joke is the headphones are so expensive every note brings him pain.
horey shiet
that sounds amazing for MSDOS era
Imagine archeologists of the future discovering this shit.
>...our findings add further support to the Cable God Hypothesis, which states the invention of electricity lead to a few centuries long period in which religious worhip was granted to electric media and small shrines dedicated to electric conductivity were commonly found in western households.
There are actually people who unironically think Breath of The Wild has a better soundtrack than Ocarina of Time
I found this pretty impressing when you think about the capabilities of the Atari 2600
Halo says hello.
Chrono Trigger, Sonic the Hedgehog. I read that they are supposed to be good, but to me they aren't.
damn that's a world of difference
>>dude electiric guitar so badass!!!!!
Found the nigger.
>What is Guild Wars 2
>What is Witcher 3
>What is Icewind Dale
Those we're just 2 seconds off the top of my head. Try harder
Imagine archeologists looking at our ruins and knowing that it's 21th century and we still have fucking religion around.
The homeopathy of philosophy.
Based Mustaine
Depends which Sonic game since they kinda change musical direction every few games.
Dark souls
I prefer the original but I don't mind this version
>precursors of the AdMech.
FC4 too
>why yes I live on onions *wheeze* how could you tell?
So he spent $2749 and realized his shitty music didn't sound any better.
Ultrasone is pure garbage you turbo boomer
Please tell me there's an ice hockey anime/manga. I wanna see teams autistically explain their forechecks, backchecks, slap shots and shit
Yeah, there is. It's called "Go Ahead".