Thoughts on the Playdate?
I'm thinking Nintendo is in trouble.
Thoughts on the Playdate?
glad this is going to flop. something to look forward to
>pay $150 for a metal square with a shitty dpad and no backlight and we are also not disclosing anything about any of the games on it.
No thanks.
>literal who console
who even made this? What company? Is it just some nobody conpany like the ones that make off-brand nes plug and plays?
Also where’s the retweet numbers that you purposely cropped out?
>only 2 buttons
This is a joke right?
I think it might actually be an elaborate ruse this time.
Pretty problematic.
millennials are so fucking pathetic
>oh and... there's a crank????
Why do you dig through twitter just to post some nobodys opinion?
Who the fuck are they expecting to make games for this? Do they even know majority of male are the demographics for this thing and not female kinds?
>Teamed up with teenage engineering
No wonder it will be overpriced as fuck.
>I’m not paying money for a console because none of the workers/developers are trans/women/minorities.
They weren’t going to buy it anyway. Saying your not going to buy a product because a white straight guy made it is just stupid. Your not going to look up who makes your toilet paper are you?
probably because he thinks it's funny. why are you so offended by it?
And they all turned it down.
>crank electronics
God no, I've used enough crank flashlights in my life to know that it's such a stupid gimmick and I'd rather just bring batteries.
It's probably for self-recharge, so you never run out of battery.
>, I've used enough crank flashlights
That's the one thing for witch I see it being useful. What's the issue with it ? Better than the lamp dying on you.
I hope they go bankrupt
>a dpad, two buttons and a crank
The retro emulation crowd can't even save this piece of shit. At least you could do something with an Ouya.
It depends on how long you're expecting to use it for.
Going on some wilderness exploration or something? Yeah, it'll be useful.
Camping for the weekend? Not so much.
>Shit is like 3 inches wide
>Black and white screen
>Games are a secret
>Gimmick crank not even used in all games
The only thing I like is the desing but only because it looks like a neat MP3 player, and fuck I would prefer this thing to be one.
It's going to be great. Imagine the shitposting from nodaters trying to cope with the fact that they missed out on the pre-orders and will never ever get to play any of the games. Boy are they going to tell us that they're bad and they don't really want them but I'll know that they know that it doesn't matter what they want, because even if they wanted to play the games, the literally can't.
>unironically saying yikes
Millenials should burn. No other generation has become this shit so quickly
After checking the official site, i think it's pretty neat. For starters the little crank looks stupidly satisfying, and the guy behind katamari is making a little game for it. I don't really get the general outrage. Also I like that it embraces the toy aspect of vidya.
The crank isn't even for recharging, it's a gimmick controller for the games.
>For starters the little crank looks stupidly satisfying
No, it's a control method. One game has you walk with it.
This is an insane product, made by crazy people.
It's not
It should cost like $30. Not the same price and in some cases more expensive than a 3ds. The pricing makes absolutely zero sense and they are shooting themselves in the foot before the race even starts. Its baffling.
I'm all for new control methods but what fucking good is a crank on a console with two buttons on a black and white screen.
>massive companies with basically unlimited budget have trouble shipping/selling hardware
Something something green energy and sustainability, buy our consumer product to fight climate change!
The crank is for games not for recharging the battery. That would actually be kind of cool at least.
It's alright as an emergency flashlight but they really don't last long at all. With how cheap, light, long lasting, and powerful LED flashlights are these days you might as well just have those scattered around with an extra set of batteries as your emergency flashlight. Not like LED lights drain the shit out of batteries like old flashlights did. I got a cheap-o 5 dollar LED flashlight that takes 3 AAA batteries and I use it rather often and I've only had to swap the batteries out once and I've had it like 3 years.
I guess if you really want to prep and have as many JUST IN CASE options as possible you might want one but these days you might as well just throw a dinky little LED flashlight and an extra set of batteries in a plastic bag and tossing it where ever. One in the car, couple scattered around at home, just where ever you can think.
>don't look clementine but there's that kid who cranks his gameboy
What? I'm all in for new input methods. It looks fun.
>It should cost like $30
I don't know what it should cost. I don't personally see myself buying the thing at 150 bucks, but I like the concept so far a lot. I'd also think that at that price the thing will have neat materials and feel and so on. It's obviously a very expensive toy, but with proper marketing I see it working.
All generations are shitty just in different ways
The real redpill is that humans are trash
>I know right tangerine, what a pathetic incel
Being trans is becoming a very successful career booster
>Soulja Boy steals this idea since he can't ride off of Nintendo anymore
>calls it the Soulja Boy this time instead of Soulja Game
>Youtuber reviews it
>we can watch them crank that Soulja Boy
it looks like a dumb gimmick for 5 year olds. never said how much it should cost either. but i wouldnt pay 150 bucks for that piece of shit
the real red pill is that humans don't have to be trash. did you even see The Matrix?
got it u fagala
I knew where you were going on the first sentence, but I still laughed.
Is that arnold in a wig?
>wh*Te w*omen
I smell the Ouya Twouya
which letter were you censoring in women?
better start cranking NIGGA
For real though, what the fuck is handball?
I REALLY like the design but there's no way this is going to be anything with 99% of anyone's time.
Like, man, the yellow/white/silver scheme is so nice, I really enjoy the flat, rounded edge look, it's really simple. if this was like a video player or some kinda gimmick design android device, i'd spring for it
How the fuck do you make a videogame handheld in 2019 and not backlight it? Why would you NOT at least go 4 buttons? How quick do you think that crank is gonna cause the thing to break?
Crank sucked
>tfw cheap, half way decent LED flashlights has nursed an addiction I didn't know I had
>Have flashlights EVERYWHERE
>One in the glovebox, one in the trunk
>At least one in every room of the house
>Crawlspace under the house has one right inside the door
>One in a waterproof box on the breaker that caused a shitstorm last time the electric company came out because they thought I was trying to steal power by fucking with the meter
>Like 5 in the garage
>One in every bag, back pack, and laptop case
>It's also my go-to gift for people I'm not sure what to buy shit for
>"Oh.. another flashlight. Thank you, user."
based men being better women than women
Go ask crackwatch
For a thing that costs 2 cents to make?
That can't be a real name
>it looks like a dumb gimmick for 5 year olds.
I disagree. The demo so far looks like it makes good use of it. You could replace that kind of input with buttons or joystic, but the little crank is so much better for what it shows it does.
Games included.
>a season of games
>no backlight
zoomers make millenials look almost sane in comparison
for some reason they really took the gender thing
i like the idea of one game per day, exciting little thing to await for the next day to see what they'll launch. like a christmas calendar. but $150...
Why are you gay?
Why should anyone be gay?
Who is gay?
I can't tell if you're an actual shill or just pretending to be retarded.
You sound like an interesting sort, user.
I am glad you have something that makes you so happy
>*any handheld shows up*
>*fails miserably due to lack of support and profit*
Looks and sounds like complete shit.
Hipster faggots will buy the shit out of it.
phones are taking over, even nintendo is walking away from mobile and will drag its core with pokemon, the competition in mobile is brutal.
Who is this for? I honestly can't think of any reason to buy this.
>that caused a shitstorm last time the electric company came out
Were they not completely satisfied by "it's a box with a flashlight in it"? What the fuck.
it's always gotta be something with these people
Nintendo is literally back to the drawing board, because these guys came first with the crank
The Crank™
It's probably getting patented right now
>Be a man
>Demolish your body into a girl
>Enter girls sports
>Win because your still a dude’s body
I can't tell what's wrong with the thing other than the price.
they lost in that tournament
he wasn't even their best player
>It has twelve games!
>w-we don't want to tell you what they are ahead of time though! it's a surprise!
>mfw retarded hipsters buy this and find out the games on this won't be better than $1 joke indie games you find on Steam and will barely be more complex than a Tamagotchi
So retarded, okay.
It's a bit of a long story and it boils down to no one at the electric company ever talking to each other.
>Answer the doorbell
>"Hey, I'm with the electric company. Your infrared receiver is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced. Mind if I sneak into your back yard to run a cable back to the meter?"
>Go for it dude
>He sees the box stuck on the side of the breaker next to the meter
>Instead of, say, opening it or asking he puts 'strange device' in his paperwork
>Start getting threatening mail, warning me how illegal this and that is
>Don't use a lot of power anyway because I know how to turn off the fucking TV before leaving.
>This looks fishy as fuck. Low power usage and strange device? CRIME!
>Threatened with fines and all kinds of shit
>Finally call them up and ask what the fuck is going on
>The person I'm talking to has no idea
>Get a call back the next day
>Whines about a meter cheater device
>Thought they were talking about the infrared thing they replaced
>"What the fuck are you talking about? Send out a technician. If anything is on the meter you guys put it there."
>Okay be home from 8am to 8pm sometime tomorrow.. or maybe monday. Tuesday too just to be safe.
>Same tech comes out
>He points out the box
>Don't even say anything. Pop it open. Shine it in his eyes.
>"... oh."
>Rinse and repeat like 4 times, threatening letters, techs sent out to look at it, not actually clearing up the confusion when they get back to the office.
It was lots of fun.
Care to explain what's wrong with it other than the price?
>working on a smaller scale than other console attempts
>doesn't have to immediately resort to crowdfunding
>dumb gimmick that will at least be memorable
>could be pushed as a status symbol on social media with "lol cranklets" kinda similar to AirPods
>Companies involved are more familiar with social media and can shill it easily.
I can see this being somewhat financially successful for whatever company is actually making money off this. I'd imagine they don't have to sell a lot to break even. They're not selling these at a loss.
might be good for fishing games
not even Playmate is safe from the circus.
>might be good for fishing games
>2 (TWO) buttons
I'd play this in public. Only if it's like 40-50 dollars. Anything more, even if it's 55, is a deal breaker.
>3DS at the end of a moderately successful career.
>Vita, while not as mainstream, got its shine with the niche market at its core and prime.
>Lets release this unknown shit! We'll surely take some of the scraps and be successful!
Dumbass mentalities like these don't allow new players into the industry.
150 dollars
normies will make this a thing for some 4 months like they did with ouya won't they?
Fuck that shit. See you guys when they fall and they start selling it at 20 a pop to break even.
This generation needs a war, a real one, so they can learn what problems actually are.
You ready to play the GOAT? Circly spinny dude in black and white looks amazing.
>the opposing team are all wearing headscarves
>game developers are mostly white and asian dudes
>but no one else is making games so how is it-
Yeah it's expansive but all its games are free from what I understand.
Fuck off back to
How's the lineup looking? Solid developers or?
>Oh and...there's a crank????
KYS faggot Playdate. Named your fucking product after the thing toddlers do when their moms want to fuck Jamal.
this is so stupid I'm actually bit impressed. I may buy one when it's marked down to like $29.88 in a walmart bargain bin.
>crank to start
I don't know. I kind of liked those fishing games with a goofy controller.
>12 black and white indie games with varying degrees of crank gimmick and a maximum of 2 additional buttons available for $150
An appeal to gameboy nostalgia by people who don't really understand opinion among people who avidly play videogames.
It will sell poorly, and the only legacy it will have is the occasional "remember this piece of shit?" thread on Yea Forums.
truly rebellious...
yeah but its got a crank, how cool is that?
I will use this product as a benchmark for the credibility of the reviewer
I will watch all the featurettes and reviews and blacklist from my sources everyone that clearly shills this abomination
Yes. A thread has died for this.
This woman should have her tongue cut out
Fuck that noise, give me a start button.
I unironically agree.
>play game for 5 minutes
>have to stop playing to recharge it
>turn a crank for 5 minutes
>repeat the process 5 minutes later
>Crank to start
>Press B
>Game starts anyway
Wait, if the crank isn't to charge it why the fuck does it have one? This whole thing seems like bait to rip off the first batch of idiots who bought it then run away with the money and never support it.
>Press B
>Press A
>It doesn't start and you really do have to crank that shit
What exactly is this supposed to be
elevator gameplay
Based spastic faggot
>crank that
is this the real soulja boy console?
to laugh at it
She doesn't tweet with her tongue. Maybe. Probably.
Chad demolishing Muslims so we don't have to.
Someone explain to be what this trash is.
>A season of brand new games
Hope you like paying monthly for a constant stream of shitty games focused around the only gimmick this thing has going for it.
Looks even more onions than the switch. Didn't think it was possible but here we are
>resetera already jizzing themselves over it and begging for a subscription service
A bunch of Chinese children probably did. There's your diversity for you
how quickly are people going to figure how to emulate it
Oh look, it's the N-gage 2!
This has to be bait
>12 games, one a week that are going to be some shovelware tier stuff
At $150, I could buy 2-3 games today to play on my Switch that would give me as much entertainment as Playdate's entire first season catalogue.
I can't imagine why.
Is it just cause 'le quirky gimmick'?
I don't get it.
I mean KAtamari was cool as fuck and I'd be interested to see what this guy comes up with but it's just going to be POC type games, nothing extensive
Literal who opinion. But I’ll bite and say: how does she know they’re cis? Is it because she assumes they are because not being a tranny is the norm thus acknowledging that being trans is a rare occurrence and they don’t even make a small potion of the population?
Or she just uses “cis” as a derogatory term regardless like people here say nigger whether or not you are black or not
It looks nice desu. Why not.
We shit on literally everything that doesn't fit in our small autism bubble.
Are you really suprised that mentally unstable trannies are doing the same?
Eh, fair enough
>marginalized folks
like who?
I'm sure there are some but I can't really think of any auteur devs who are nonwhite/nonjapanese even, let alone nonmale or LGBTQ+
Is that not what the Matrix is trying to show though? Humans scorched the sky and were instrumental in their own demise
This is why arabs are winning.
Panic made it. They aren't really gaming company. They published a couple games like Firewatch but are primarily an OSX/ios app dev.
>Why not.
I might pick it up but mostly as a distraction when all the games are out
Why the fuck would this be a homebrew system?
who cares? go back there and fucking stay, faggot
>I'm thinking Nintendo is in trouble.
You actually don't think this at all and wanted (you)s.
>this will sell out instantly and become a huge homebrew system
What the fuck is wrong with this moron.
>2.7” black and white 400x240 res screen with NO BACKLIGHT
>Your controls are a d pad, two face buttons, and a fucking crank
How in the ever living fuck would this become a huge homebrew system. Name one god damn advantage it has over all the other homebrew systems, and don’t you dare bring up the fucking crank
Imagine a warioware game using that crank
>remember the NINETIES?
>remember all the WACKY fun times you had with your Gameboy?
another nostalgic cash grab for mouth breathing retards who'll eta it up
Thank you for sharing this story user. I'd love to receive a LED flashlight from you
>black and white screen
>two buttons
>useless crank
>no mention of storage size
homebrew for fucking what? So you can put a couple of Gameboy games on it?
do game "journalists" realize how out of touch and retarded they are?
Literally in every news and Twitter feed getting praise for having a crank like a fucking Tiger fishing game. I've never seen something this shit shipped so hard.
this reminds of those fake nintendo nx prototypes with the swappable controllers.
Shilled I mean. Fuck phone posting at work.
How much is this thing? It looks like lil cute cheap thing I can give to my 4 year old niece
women are instinctively drawn to identity politics and cultural marxism because on a genetic level they know they can't compete fairly in a meritocracy .
If it need hard the crank controls no one would buy it.
what is wrong with these people?
150 burgers
This is the kind of person who unironically types "yikes".
>"it's like........yikes"
150 crankerinos
Only $149.99 MSRP
While supplies last.
Yea Forums pretends to understand society and constantly makes these statements because they want to pretend they haven't wasted the teenage and 20s they should have spent getting this knowledge first hand instead of relying on social media screencaps and poor infographics.
the memes are real
>mfw screencapping all this praise to juxtapose the inevitable butthurt for my collage when it comes out
These shitty gimmick electronics keep coming out and flopping, yet people never learn
that's so stupid. They must be making it for less than 20 dollars, and people legit want it for themselves too. I wish I could get easy money
der boomer
So she's not only a misandrist but also a racist against her own kind. No way this isn't some kind of mental issue.
Who the fuck would want this? Just be a retard like me and get a flashcard for your GBC. At least you'll be playing actually good games.
Based flashlight user illuminating our lives
It comes with 12 games so the pricing may end up being fair. It all depends on how fun the games are though
Quit fucking spamming this thread, you queer
>works at riot
$150 is pricey for thot repellent but still worth it
Why do millennials have this obsession with speaking like 5 year olds?
>oh and.... there's a crank???
Wow. What will they think of next? Seriously though, what goes on in those board rooms? How do they arrive at these decisions?
I miss when Quentin ensured you fedora tippers got called out.
>Riot Games
checks out
I’ve seen this a few times. Some sort of gang symbol?
what the fuck are you talking about
Incels BTFO.
Millennial autism about genders.
Why the fuck do people keep saying this, how complex and content-filled do you think the games are? This is a game boy sized screen on a system that's the size of 3 stacked floppy disks with a dpad and 2 buttons. You'll be lucky if there's more to these games than the average $2 steam game.
This is a tranny, right?
Might have been interested in something like this during the '80s, and it would've been appropriately priced for the type of games on it too. But these days? I couldn't even see getting this for my kids when I could give them a new 3DS bundle with some preinstalled games on it for a similar price. From what we've seen, like the time rewinding game that uses the crank, this looks like a waste of time, money, engineering, and marketing. Perfect for spoiled millenials that love lighting their wallets on fire.
They are only making one "very limited" batch of this thing. The sour grapes are going to be out of this world.
This isn't a AAA console, it's basically a bunch of European hipsters got together and made a toy. It's just goofy
ClockworkPI is on Amazon
I've got two of these. They're not bad.
Do you think he dilated hard enough that gross man could put his limp dick inside his urethra?
This is so gay and reeking of onions
>cave story
Here you go. Chin up.
Without the crank gimmick, it's just another Chinese Tiger Electronics knockoff. The crank was born out of necessity to market the fuckin thing as something different and sell it for $150, because otherwise it's functionally just another $5 Tiger Electronics toy.
You're incredibly boring
Because they have sex with little girls?
Looks like a real girl. Could be wrong though.
Right, I think I’ll live
What is it with these faggots and adding Race, gender and sexuality in literally everything?
Everybody is so quick to go "So COOL I NEED it" and I'm like why? Why do you need it? What's cool about it? Just another consumable product to spend your hard earned sheckels on?
holy fuck, this has to be a Yea Forumsirgin using a fake account
Don't think, goyim.
Looks like they lost in that pic.
Not with that man jaw.
Based Illumanon
Looks fake to me, user
We are all black in here, man
You two sound outright enlightened.
I think that was the love interest from the garbage pail kids movie
Oy vey my fellow countrymen, we have much work to do yet still it seems.
Also the Goose game that hasn't released yet
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yet another social media addicted dumb thot
>1-bit screen
The actual redpill is that some humans are trash and some are not
telling my dad about Yea Forums was a mistake
stay seething, m'nigga
I think it is more of a toy that anything, the kinda shit you see a kid on Walmart playing with an think: neat
I don't get the outrage really, is not like they saying it is gonna be the switch killer or some shit
the marketing for this shit is insane. how much did they waste on that?
Trannies pretend to shitpost on Yea Forums because they have nothing better to do since their entire existence is detrimental and thus doing anything productive would go against their way of life.
What marketing?
of course a id pol feminist who has no skills or talent would get a job at Riot a decade after men built the company and then complain about men being too involved in gaming
the irony is too much
Who are they competing against, tiger electronics?
If this was 50 bucks it'd be an amusing novelty I guess but what kind of drooling fucking moron is going to drop a hundred and fifty god damn eaglebucks on this shit lmao
So tamagochi made a comeback? Cool
This was a fun story to read, sincerely thanks for posting
They are not people.
I think this is probably a better deal than those irl lootboxes that were all the hype at one point among onions
>it's a white woman.
you dudes need to stop breeding with these folks and get with delicious brown like your forefathers
Is that a pocket Dreamcast?
what the fuck has this world come to
Is there a bigger red flag than "We love video games."?
It's a slow news week.
>One in every room of the house
opinions are gay, right? me and you are too badass for that bullshit
it will be built like a tank teenage engineering makes super solid stuff, unfortunately it iwll probaly be about as powerful as an arduino or graphing calculator and i dont see any indication youll be able to get your own software on it, so it sounds like a piece of shit in a nice case to me, and that crank is just going to be annoying, it should have been removable and i doubt it is they would have shown it
actually maybe its as weak as a VMU w
We love the television
We love Diablo
>t. fatty ineligible for military service
It's because we're superior to you in everyway.
Doesn't matter if we're white, black, arab, or asian, or whatever. Men>>>>women.
What the actual fuck.
>Muh Crank
No way in getting this, I'm gonna get an Arduboy for like 50 burgs and make an 8 bit titty game instead
>Music player
would be neat if the thing wasn't so damn big.
God dammit I miss the iPod Classic.
Is the current migrant crisis not a real war?
We the citizens of first world countries are fighting for our culture, rights, and tax increase prevention from large, never ending swaths of poor, dark skinned people who come from corrupt failed states and politicians who are not acting in our best interests but their own, and our own countrymen who take their side.
A war on the battlefield would be much easier to handle than something like this.
This thing looks like shit. The b&w screen is just lazy to make making games easier. Full color would not change the price. The crank is a gimmick and and a form of planned obsolescence.
Its going to flop.
>Leftists complain about /pol/ not playing battlefield 5 because of the SJWs
>They will also refuse to buy a system if the devs are all normal people
Systems like that have existed for years.
but what about a crank? im gonna catch all the bass on this bad boy
Don't kid yourself, they were never gonna buy it anyway
ITT: cranklets in denial
this, its like these zoomers havent even gone bass fishin' before
>tfw haven't heard this song in years
I always forget how good Weird Al is when he's doing his own shit.
Based, any flashlight pics?
>blatantly cheat and get away with it because no one can call you out on it
What a world we live in
based and chinkshitpilled
What a condescending name for a console
These are the retards who backed the Ouya, aren't they?
Don't normally say things like this, but it seems super niche, gimmicky and hipsterish.
I kinda want one for collection purposes.
>song about consumerist anticipation
>Al low-key names the jew
Way ahead of his time.
Thank you.
Umm, sweaty, no.
Of course the use Cis like nigger
It’s a straight up slur
>Look at me! i'm a phoneposter AND I browse resetera!!
haha YES
Imagine unironically pulling this ugly ass thing out of your fanny pack on the bus, train or airplane. Can't comfortably put it in your pocket due to the dumb as shit fishing rod crank, and can't be seen as anything less than an autistic child because of the bright yellow color of it. Looks like a Barbie's first Calculator toy at first glance.
>narrative designer
Haven't played any of their games, but isn't Riot only made one f2p ASSFAGGOTS?
Why would they need a narrative designer?
>had one of these as a kid.
>remember playing it while I was sat waiting in the car outside the hospital, for my dad who'd gone in to see my grandad. He had lung cancer.
>Dad comes out and gets in the car.
>Tells me Granddad died.
The crank slots inside, it is definitely made for the pocket
Lore, I guess.
Thanks Yea Forums shilling this product and company nonstop for the whole day, without you I wouldn't have known this crap existed.
How does it feel being a slave to the basedboys you hate so much and doing their work for free?
sorry i reminded you of that, i just wanted to do some fishin' :(
A crank? For what?
user review? How is the emulation on it? Looks really cool
I think it's a neat toy, I don't really care
Not your fault mate, came into this thread expecting some fine shitposting and got hit with the feels instead. Made me realise I need to spend more time with my family so I guess that's good.
>Keita Takahashi
you can't even do that, the original gameboy not only has more buttons, but more colors. The playdate only has 2 colors, so it can't do the shading that the original gameboy can. Also, unless someone can map start/select to cranking motions, the device lacks a start and select, which for games like pokemon, is necessary.
I came her to make fun of onions and get this based and redpilled post, good shit.
I mean, couldn’t you theoretically map Start and Select to button combos? Like A+B together = Start or something? Not that anyone in their right mind would ever use this god damn thing as a homebrew machine
>I fought in the meme wars; I know what it's like
Except at Handball, apparently.
Can I have one?
would suck for any action game because they use things like run+jump
well something like that would have to be a game-by-game basis. Super mario land, for instance, pressing b and a would be a run input + a jump input.
So its by the faggots who fill bogus dmca claims
California makes a console
My phone emulates way better games with no crank and millions of colors without giving money to hipsterfaggots.
>This is the hipster microbrew of the console world, mixing in weird gaming flavors and unique controller ingredients that the Sony/Budweisers and Nintendo/Millers of the world can't. Playdate is aiming to be the console you buy more as a statement about your refined and eclectic gaming tastes and less as a workhorse that will be a central point in your gaming life. Fashionable indie darlings like Celeste or Into the Breach might be fine for the gaming masses, Playdate seems to say, but truly experimental gamers play with a crank on a low-res black-and-white screen.
What is ''the video game''?
A fate worse than Ouyia's
>Limited Edition
So accurate it hurts. Secession when?
>marginalized folks whose work would be a wonderful fit for this
tell them to apply then?
>white liberal is angry that whites made something
i fucking hate kikes for ruining these generations, you didn't see this shit even 10 years ago. what a joke
That's a lot of (you)s.
>tfw not sure if people are teasing or not
No. Tell you what, you have any of those CFL bulbs that are burnt out? Those goofy curly abominations? Give me that. I'll salvage the toroid core from it and turn it into a joule thief that lights an LED with a dead battery. I put them in frosted baby food jars so they just gently glow away on the table. My niece calls hers a fairy jar.
I just can't figure out how to make a solar powered version. I want to make little sunjars that you place on the window sill and charges up during the day and glow all night. I just either need batteries that are kind of expensive or little brain boxes that I'm not sure how to build or program. Some day I'll sit down and figure it out.
Can you recommend me a decent LED flashlight that i can use to spook people on the street out of my apt window?
>these actual good smalltime indie games are too popular for us faggy showoffs
You sound pretty based flashlightbro. I'd give you my bulbs. Just wondering, are you an electrical engineer or this is just your hobby?
You have an interesting mind, Tell us more
>tfw you will never be gross man putting your limp dick in her rotten, pus filled open wound
Thanks. Stay based bro.
Cringe af. Kys my guy.
Art is 90% convincing rich people to spend excessive money on stupid shit.
what's that about amazon letting poorfags and shitskins have high end gaymur PCs?
Looks like pure shit. Looks like some chink shit Soulja Boy would put out.
>black and white screen with no backlight
>extremely basic inputs
>games are (probably) not demanding in any way
It’s crank powered. Like an emergency radio. Calling it now if it hasn’t already been announced
where did you see that?
But they described the specs as "real beefy", so they might just be insane.
Wouldn't a laser be more fun for that? I dunno. I'm not really a connoisseur of flashlights or anything. Just any time I'm at Lowe's or Harbor Freight I end up buying another flashlight. I'd try a few out and see which seem to be nicest but I'm at work. I only have four flashlights with me.
Well, the flashlight thing just kinda happened. The fairy jars were just a goofy little side project. A while back I got bored and decided to mess around with an arduino. It was fun and got me interested in some goofy DIY for fun projects. I like that kind of stuff. Anyway I hopped on youtube and stumbled across a channel called BigCliveDotCom and he's an electrician. I took his joule thief video and just stuffed it in a jar.
>Tells me Granddad died
>user keeps crankin' it
I'm going to wait for the Soulja Playdate
Is this the juicero of vidya? Pretentious wank
are there any maglite sized led flash lights
the fuck
the ouya literally had more potential
Thanks, they really are insane.
>Black and white screen.
Yea Forums is seething and triggered, but she is 100% right.
>Black and white screen
What a joke.
If you look past the pretentious exteriorr, it looks like a gimmicky toy.
It might have a few charming hours of fun, but for that pricetag that simply won't be enough.
From the looks of that picture, they're losing.
And this is why I will emulate old stuff till I die
this is why i come here
Is this an elaborate prank? I genuinely feel like I'm being gaslighted at the fact that people are discussing this thing seriously.
Is it not obviously stupid?
I can understand wanting something minimal. I can understand wanting higher quality. I cannot understand how this is a unique experience or in any way "experimental". QWOP and Katamari were experimental. This isn't. Just lazy.
A challenger appears.
>but i'm at work
>I only have a few flashlights with me
I'm not teasing you btw. You're p cool bro
Could some zoomer explain to a boomer "a season of brand-new games" actually is?
A season like a season pass in DLC.
is this what peak san francisco faggotry looks like
Based and illuminated
Someone screencap please
That's what pisses me off. It's obvious that the media & journos are either being paid off or has ties to the company in some way, because every article is the same shit about how new and innovative it is.
Yeah dude I love being atomized by nuclear explosions
>First week of college
>Go to church with my family that Friday at the school chapel
>Grandpa comes up to me mass
>"Hey user you want to go see the tall ships at Navy Pier tonight."
>Know of a party and want to go hang out with my new friends being the stupid fiend I was.
>"No thanks Grandpa we'll go see them next time."
>"O-okay user, you know they only come in once every four years?"
>Go to party anyway
>Barely remember anything that happened, other than a general me being a fly on the wall as usual.
>My grandpa died three years later.
I fucked up so bad. To this day I imagine what it would have been like to go see the ships and hangout with my Grandpa. Now all I have is a shitty memory of a mediocre night out with people I don't even hang out with anymore.
they love video games so much that they can't actually come up with specific reasons why they like them.
>designed by rebels
against what?
>backed by superstars
if by "superstars" they mean "keita takahashi and a bunch of literal whos," then sure.
I came for the shitty gameboy knockoff. I stayed for flashlight user.
I don't even think they're being paid off. Journos always jump at the opportunity to fellate anything they consider "innovative", because journos are novelty-obsessed retards.
You're a cool guy flashlightanon.
you sound like a metal gear character
many of the journos admit that they have friends working on it.
its just the same crony bullshit as always.
the crank isn't for charging thouhg if i am correct, it's basically a hipster scrolling wheel
>against what?
But can it run doom?
>2 buttons
>a d-pad
>a crank
Oh boy, can't wait to play some shovelware garbage.
Crack don't recharge battery
Is the crank for controls or charging the battery?
>black and white screen, worst graphics than NES.
>games like links awakening suffer greatly because of the lack of buttons
>games like SML2 are worse off because of the resolution limitations
>literally every dev embraced the fact that they can use colors in handheld games
>everybody rejoiced when the GBA SP came with a proper light
>hurr lets shit on all that arent we special
>spending all that Firewatch money on a fucking EDGE cover
And in the era of smart phones no less.
Can't wait to laugh at it's inevitable failure.
This. And it doesn't even have some kind of unique dot matrix screen such as the original Gameboy that at least holds more charm than black and white.
That's fucking retarded
It already looks insanely uncomfortable to hold, that crank's gonna make playing any game torturous
>lack of buttons
but the crank!!
Counterpoint: it has a crank
Checkmate crankless-incels
it's just 3 onions boys and a jap. what's the fucking problem.
so the same niggas that made firewatch are making this?
holy SHIT
But I own a dozen fishing poles. And they aren't monochrome. Real check mate, San Fransisco atheist.
they couldve added one analog stick and that would open up way more gameplay possibilities INCLUDING spinny crank faggotry.
the brick GB has 4 buttons, this has two+crank which I guess could be used for two additional buttons (spin forwards and backwards). its even AT BEST which is pathetic.
I know the two on the left, but what was the right one from? What made this guy >literallycryingrn ?
>Get into fight with dad
>Uncle that gave me a part time job when i was a neet and helped me get off my ass comes over to watch a movie with my dad
>Still mad at my dad at i dont even remember what, that I dont go into the same room to say hi to my uncle
>Uncle passes away from a random heart attack a few days later
Yeah, but can it run Crysis?
>game journalists calling this stupid thing innovative when it's literally, demonstrably regressive
What is wrong with these people
he's reacting to the star wars episode 9 teaser
>Episode 9
Oh, they already put a trailer out? Neat.
My favorite part about this design is that they Love Games So Much that they reversed the A&B buttons as if they were a Japanese company.
There hasn't been a good flop in a while, good to see that there's one to look forward to. I'm hoping it will fail harder than the Ouya. Sorta like how Lawbreakers failed so bad everyone forgot about Batteleborn's failure.
Twitter is truly an asylum for the feebleminded
It's destined to fail for sure now.
Cave story has a fucking fanmade port to PSP, of course it has one to ARM linux
>homebrew on a black and white screen with 2 buttons
what about the crank
I fucking hate white women.
>not wanting to play original Gameboy games
>game has crank controls
Reminder to go fishing with your dad/grand father while you can.
I mean the idea of an indie handheld is charming in itself until you realize that there are hundreds of cheap handhelds that can run android and are thus already inherently much more accessible to both players and developers. It's like those people want a closed system to be back to the "eat up piggies" phase where you had to play what was available since there wasn't really a choice
Can't wait for the fighting game with CRANK CONTROLS. People thought hitboxes would be the new fad.
Repent. Some day head out to the piers. Kick back, have a beer, watch the boats come and go. Reminisce about him.
Got a working playdate here, ama
just gas everyone with a twitter. please.
Why do sandwiches taste better when you cut them corner to corner rather than straight across?
>narrative designer
>Riot Games
What fucking "narrative" does League even have?
The crust bites are less concentrated because the amount of corners is cut in half.
Petty problematic.
Not him, but that is easy. When cut into triangles the hypotenuse, being the longest possible side for square piece of bread that is cut in half, is pure bread and not crust. If you cut it down the middle, you're left with a equal side of crust and then the sides are also crust.
>4 corners
>3 corners
I struggle to believe these people are real.
They genuinely seem mentally ill to force their identity politics bullshit into EVERYTHING without fail
Why does it hurt when I pee?
Write/reply to emails and does workplace activism to help women, minorities and LGBTQ workers.
Its a fucking joke, right?
You say that like it's a good thing
still too pricey for me
surprised you'd buy two of them at that cost
anyone have suggestions for cheap plates I can fit a pi zero into
Explain to me why the devs being mostly white dudes is a bad thing.
Unironically looking forward to picking one up on ebay for 25 bucks once it's clear it flopped and scalpers are looking to recover any money they can. Looks like an interesting little device.
Because there are potentially people who aren't white males who did not apply, did not express any interest, but definitely do want to be involved in the making of this console.
At least if it flops they can claim blacks would've done a better job.
I am kind of surprised we haven't seen any gimmick joycons, be it from Nintendo or third parties.
For anyone unfamiliar with Teenage Engineering this will be a twice as expensive as it should be, an absolute blast to use, and will sell out for months because of limited production and a well deserved cult following. It'll be a unique experience that people will describe as "a love letter to the medium and inventive". Whether that's worth it is up to you, I wouldn't say "I love Mario and Halo so I bet I'll love this!", depending on who you are it's going to be a weird lil treasure that'll make you feel like a kid again or you'll drop it in 3 minutes as a gimmicky piece of trash, neither is the wrong response.
Jesus Christ don't they ever stop?
They have to stagger out the releases of games because
a) if you bought one and decided you hated all the games at once, you might feel entitled to a refund, and failing that, a resale which damages the value of the brand
b) there's not that many games to begin with. a dozen released over a few months. no current plans for a season 2.
c) no actual specs available (dev team literally just says "real beefy") means it might not even be able to hold more than a couple games at a time. there doesn't seem to be a microSD slot or anything.
Godspeed user.
Please post more and recommend some flashlights.
I would expect a shill to be able to articulate thoughts a little more clearly than this.
What's that? Last time I saw that logo was in BR2049 for whatever reason.
>For some reason my bullshit senses tingle
>It is real
Goddamn man.
sounds like winning to me
Apparently Teenage Engineering is involved which kind of made me laugh. The most obnoxiously fucking hipsterish hardware synthesizer company there is. Supposedly decent sound engines, but their shit is purposely designed to have a toylike look and go for like 1000+ dollars while not even supporting velocity sensitivity.
>Thoughts on the Playdate?
>I'm thinking Soulja boy is in trouble.
You know that game company that's been producing successful handheld video games for 20+ years that's poured hundreds of millions of dollars into research and development and has a proven track record with systems we can literally just steal ideas from and nobody will call us out because the ideas are, at this point, considered to be bare minimum standard for a portable console?
Fuck all that lmao have a crank faggot.
Your doing gods work dragonposter
I unironically think if it had
>3rd party dev support
>A backlight
>A touchscreen
It could be a neat little thing.
But for this price? You can buy an SD Cart and a GBA SP for the same fucking price.
Lol maybe because I'm not one? I'm a sound engineer in the recording industry and use a number of DAWs, but Teenage Engineering's little calculator sized drum machine feels really good in hand is super fun to use. Can it do even 1% my software does? No. And I'm not going to bother picking up the others in the series, but I can't deny that they got something really right with it, it's a great toy. So I expect this will be the same. It won't replace your Switch or PC, it'll be a really interesting toy and I don't blame anyone for saying "that's not for me". Like if you're a srs producer only want to finger serious 100 pad samplers then yeah skip their 12 pad calculator sized toy sampler.
You keep calling it a toy, but the creators of it call it a video game console so...
this is the only playdate i know
What a stupid cunt. These people need to fuck off outta this hobby
It really shouldn't be interpreted as a mass-market console contender. It's clearly not in anyway... The backlash here is a bit bizarre.
Granted I'm a bit confused as to how heavy the media coverage has been. -But, I suppose some very loved designers are involved and it's an oddity, so will get hits.
Can understand thinking it's an overpriced, hipster gimick product. Fair enough.
Personally, I fucking love Teenage Engineering's work. Might pick this up as a pretty curio in UX design.
-As that's clearly what it is and all its intended to be.
>Panic - a studio out of Portland that mostly does Mac software
it all makes sense now
Somebody kills these bitches already.
this can compete against phones?
Also WTF is panic?
I'll never get the design nerds love for TAs stuff, it looks like cheap, non-intuitive, non-expressive shit. At least Elektron has some pretty impressive feature behind the rather opaque interfaces. It's original if nothing else I guess.
We stopped lynching, then we stopped bullying, and now creatures like this are everywhere. HANG these SUBHUMANS from a tree.
Actually we need a world war so we can kill all millennials and finally gas all the jews that programmed them too.
You fags can have your underpowered handheld with a crank, I'll be at home with the only console with games and state of the art technology. The Amico Intellevision.
Call it whatever you want if "videogame game console" makes you feel like more of an adult, but a Switch is also a toy, so is a PS4, so is an Xbox. Sure, it is literally a video game console, but it is also a fun toy, those things are not mutually exclusive. I assure you that this thing, like all their other products, will feel more like a toy than a "console" or "drum machine", not in a bad way, but don't think it's a good replacement for a Switch or w/e you play games on, it's a good complement.
Ill get it when its free in a garbage dump
Only semi-related but my lovely aunt just died and i barely feel anything. Should i be worried
so much bullshit speak to defend worse than 1$ indie game shit
I blame that faggot Steve Jobs and Apple for inspiring a whole cancerous generation of hipsterfaggots.
The Op-1 and POs are surprisingly intuitive and well thought out in terms of useability. OP-Z, admittedly less so.
Adore my Digitakt, don't get me wrong. -And I totally understand people thinking of TE's stuff as obnoxiously overpriced toys. They kind of are. But like the best toys, they're damn fun. Not always the most practical, but are a pleasure to have and use.
The crank should be for charging, not for play..
They make expensive, cheaply made shit with the same aesthetic, only a handful of products being worth it and nearly everything having QC/customer support issues. If they helped design more than the crank then it's probably going to have hardware issues somewhere.
You can usually find close enough substitutes to what they make for half the price. The only exception is their Pocket Operators (the calculator things) are about as cheap as anyone can get and aren't too bad, but they straddle the line between toy and gear.
Holy crap I had one of these.
fuck ur aunt shes gone now.
Shit. Overpriced and you don't get your moneys worth at all. Could be fun to emulate.
I am trying to get the sdk and some other manuals from them to post here so we know the specs to see where than money is going.
lol, just shedding some light on what to expect since some people think it's going to compete with Switch, it's not going to at all and I wouldn't recommend anyone get one if they're looking for an alternative to a Switch or any other console. I had fun with their calculator drum machine, but it doesn't replace anything, it's just a fun toy and it's ok to have fun toys sometimes if they're interesting and unique. That's all.
boy i'm shocked
That avatar is incredibly effective at telling you everything you need to know about the person behind it.
nobody thinks its competing with the switch you dumb retard.
people call it what it is, a shitty san francisco faggot scam.
Their QC can be patchy, sure. They're not a very large company. Haven't personally had any issues with support though.
>but they straddle the line between toy and gear
Agreed. That's pretty much the point. Toys are fun.
Yeah my only experience is with one of the Pocket Operators so everything I'm saying is based on that. I expect this to be like the PO of videogames, a little expensive but ultimately unique and fun toy and not competitive with any other videogame console, just a cute experimental toy and that's fun for some people.
>black and white
Yeah no.
...So don't buy it?
It's a niche product with a limited audience. Not everything is for everyone.
The pocket operators feels far too gimmicky for me, but I've seen some fun stuff being done with them. Like a gig with an Octatrack wizard who invited people completely unfamiliar with synths up on stage and had them make whatever noises with them, turning them into halfway decent tunes with sampling fuckery in realtime.
>it's just at toy guys!
>150 dollars
if they are going after the onions market, how do they know if those people will be able to operate the device and the crank at the same time?
yes, amazing conclusion, retard.
It's a toy for people who aren't poor.
150 is nothing idiot. It's for stupid hipsters
>gameboy ripoff in 2019
Is this going to be the Action 52 of this decade?
>muh stupid hipster boogeyman
>150 is nothing idiot.
Then why bring up the price retard?
What does Playdate-tan look like?
"A thread..."
I don't think there's a single more obnoxious phrase on the planet. You're making ten tweets in a row, don't treat that like a grandiose event.
I hope so, we’re due for another legendary blunder.
Last one was what? Ride to Hell?
Provide a counterpoint, friend.
She has a crank attached to her head
Like a hipster chick with downs syndrome.
An obnoxious hipster faggot, probably.
>A thread...
I don't get it. What's that supposed to mean?
That's weird because people can't stop comparing it to other
major consoles in this thread. If someone said "My Korg has 1500 voices and a backlight why would I waste my time with a 12 voice Pocket Operator?" then I would say what I said, they're not really competing.
>hipster boogieman
>It's being shilled as the microbrew of video game devices
I bring up price because it's black and white, tiny screen, gimmick of a control option are you stupid?
Not really comparable.
Very much doubt this will be in particularly high scale production and demand will dictate supply.
150 is nothing idiot.
True but you expect more the higher a price of something goes
It means you're going to reply to yourself on twitter several times to write a few paragraphs worth of text. Saying "a thread" is to encourage you to open the first tweet and scroll down the following tweets. It's generally done to give the tweets an inflated sense of importance, rather than for reading convenience. If you actually wanted to write a long tweet, you could either post a twitlonger or screencap text you wrote in another program.
150 is nothing so anything more than nothing is a bonus
its directly competing with any other chink handheld that plays indie shit, and this one is clearly not holding up at all.
True, I'm honored to support this
>You need women control in every space
Maybe if Yea Forums made fake attack on she as playdate fanboy, whole thing just colapse.
>"It fits in your pocket!"
>Has retarded crank thing sticking out to ensure it never fits smoothly into your pocket without getting caught on a hem or some keys or something.
Hipster shill.
Jesus Christ your fucking stupid. $150 is too much money for a shitty time waster that no one will ever pick up again after being nominally amused with it for the first 45 minutes. It has nothing to do with being poor, it has to do with wasting money on something that isn't even worth your time.
I can't help it, it's such a cool toy
150 is nothing idiot.
lmao this gayboy has lost his mind
YOUR fucking stupid. It's a shitty time waster that isn't even worth your time.
Oh. That's dumb.
That's cool.
I got a Tank007 flashlight some years ago, been wanting to upgrade.
Occasionally I forget that Yea Forums is populated almost entirely by children.
Ah, you're right I'm not going to bother with such a gay lil hipster toy
I beat it on my Dreamcast, anything's possible
send me $150 and I'll send you 12 ROMS worth your time instead of this pretentious hipster faggotry
Then this toy should be perfect for them.
Will it run Doom though?
>brainlet-sama proves he has no fucking idea what's being discussed
Check m8
Why would I do that when I could download those roms for free? Also learn what pretentious means faggot.
I'll never really understand how people can get so angry about how other people choose to spend their own money...
Horses for courses.
oh all of a sudden $150 is too much for you for the same amount of games with higher quality, go fuck yourself hipster retard
Pyrenees tend to slap your shit when they want attention. Your hand, arm, leg, just whatever is within reach. The community calls it "pyr paw"
Thanks doc
Your fucking stupid. $150 is too much money for a shitty gay lil toy that no one will ever pick up again after being nominally amused with it for the first 45 minutes. It has nothing to do with being poor, it has to do with wasting money on this pretentious hipster faggotry that isn't even worth your time.
I'm not paying for free roms. Take your own advice.
I'm glad your came to the right conclusion.