>The human eye sees at 60 FPS. Anything above is placebo
The human eye sees at 60 FPS. Anything above is placebo
Other urls found in this thread:
>30 FPS is more cinematic
what do you need 24 FPS for? here's your 16 FPS bro
These nigger dogs are still ugly even as puppies.
I mean it's true because 30FPS is closer to the FPS in cinemas, but games aren't movies so the comparison is retarded.
>casually using the n-word
could you fucking not?
>posting shitbulls
Well you have something in common then.
So is your mom's vagina.
I could see how some people might have a bottleneck somewhere after the eyes.
>video games are fun
What's the actual limit though? I remember reading studies showing that top military pilots can register shit up to 200-300 FPS.
Tangentially related, You know how there is latency between your eyes and your brain? How do I get rid of that?
Holy shit please fuck off leave Yea Forums entirely. I can't believe how fucking autistic some Yea Forums users are becoming.
I am off Yea Forums. That's why I'm on 4channel. How about you go back to Yea Forums?
Your nerve imuplses move at like 200kph or something, there's input lag with wiggling your big toe. Meanwhile, computer circuits move at the speed of light.
Yeah but can you overclock your nerves to make them go faster?
by becomign one with ur ocular energy
nigbulls belong to the fucking oven
Seriously stop fucking speaking retard.
I use this for a higher refresh rate. I haven't figured out latency though.
>speed of light
Imagine being ass blasted about a breed of dogs
aww she's smiling :)
>enemy spawns out of nowhere
pits and other nigger tier dogs are the biggest reason why I always carry a knife
nothing at our current level of technology
Not that user but fuck shitbulls
cats forever.
Not sure, but it doesn't really matter. Once you pass something like 140 FPS it's so far into diminishing returns that you're not going to notice.
Lurk more fag, clearly haven't been here long enough or are trying too hard to bait.
Whats more important, getting assblasted about a breed of dog on a Korean basketweaving forum or getting assblasted by the rampant corruption of multiple governments as revealed by sources like the Panama Papers? If you say that latter then you're cringe.
I know the human eye can detect pretty high frames per second but I honestly can't tell the difference past 40.
Why do incels hate pitbulls so much?
Chads and women love them.
Been here since the 2016 election, so I'm a bit of a veteran around these parts.
>computer circuits move at the speed of light.
They move at the speed of electricity, which is extremely slow as far as particles go.
Based and Carterpilled
>enemy can follow you up ladders
>friend comes to visit
>i show him my 60 hz/60 fps setup
>he complains about my outdated shit
>tells me how awesome his setup is, and how much differend 140hz+4k does
>1 month later he visits me again
>tell him that i finally got myself a 144 hz screen
>show him league of legends, since i can set the fps above 60, even when it doesnt make a difference
>he tell me that he sees the difference and how awesome it is
>i explain him that i lied, its the same screen
all these people with their 4k144hz are so full of shit
Ok, this is epic
>Chads and women
Groups with the least intelligence among humans. Checks out.
It's not because of your eyes. It's because of your brain. Your eyes just receive a constant stream of light. Your brain does the job of interpreting them.
Nobody actually fucking says that, fuck off
>women love them
White girls love all dogs.
Because the breed demands a certain level of responsibility and dedication to raise successfully, neither of which are traits exemplified among incels.
It's not just white girls, I saw this one video of a pitch black chick getting fucked by a dog.
I'm normally not into dogs or blacks but something about that video was hot as shit.
thats a really interesting way to say "I dont know what a placebo is".
google deaths by dogs by race you double reterded double nigger
nigbulls were created for sole purpose of dogfights and that makes them least predictable and most aggresive breed by a far margin
or most of the people who own the breed, for that matter
Pitbulls are too high t and dangerous for incel losers
>makes another pitbull thread
same shit desu
>pitch black chick
>parents considering getting a pit/bloodhound mixed puppy because my mom's the biggest fucking pit apologist you'll ever possibly meet
Please tell me that the bloodhound half of this monster will keep its behavior in check, right?
>60 FPS?
>what do you need 30 FPS for?
>i cant believe youre asking for 24 FPS!
>help! my son is trying to rob me of my 16 FPS!
>you'll be hearing about that 60 FPS from me!
i'm sorry user, you'll have to make sure to reply to every "reply to this post or your mom will die tonight" post you'll see to ensure her safety
I would start saving money for the inevitable surgery
I'm gonna reply to this just to be safe
Yea Forums doesn't tolerate racism, can you like go back to stormfront.
I honestly don't want to go above 60 FPS because I don't want to be spoiled on 144 FPS and not be able to go back to 60 when my PC starts to show its age.
brain doesn't process visual feed in frames dumbass.
>hey you know what this hyperaggressive dog needs to be? bigger
enjoy you're inheritance op
Another thing about pitbulls is that even independent of temperamental issues, they possess a stronger bite force than most other dogs, meaning that a bite that would be less serious if delivered by another breed will cause greater injury to the victim if it is dealt by a pit.
I'm not concerned about her safety; it's her choice to have a monster around her house.
I'm concerned about if I have kids in the future and i'm gonna have to practice extreme caution if I bring them into a house with a 150 lb toddler-shredding machine.
>Please tell me that the bloodhound half of this monster will keep its behavior in check, right?
may make it even less predictable and more aggresive towards small animals
I'd just poison it while it's still yound and not as dangerous
or run it over in a car "by accident"
tell them their grandkids will NOT come to visit as long as they own a pitmix
your friend was being nice since you'd apparently spent all that money. he wasn't going to say 'ha, don't see anything, sucks to be you!'
your smoking gun is that you don't have the hardware for 144hz, you've never seen 144hz, and you think it doesn't make a difference.
you're an actual retard and apparently you treat your friends like dirt. fucking faggot.
Fuck off, nigger.
Have sex
>because my mom's the biggest fucking pit apologist you'll ever possibly meet
Its sad because the only way this will change is if she or someone in her immediately family gets fucking mauled by one, and even then it might not
She's even an ex-meth addict. The memes are fucking true.
The gulags aren't going to fill themselves, get going.
>cats forever
Onions overloead, instead of being an animal lover and respecting nature you release a walking nuclear holocaust outside for the native wildlife.
Catfaggots dont love animals, they love cats.
I would kill 10 shitcats before even hurting a pitbull
>parents considering getting a pit/bloodhound mixed puppy because my mom's the biggest fucking pit apologist you'll ever possibly meet
This is the problem, I own a Pitbull but I take care of it with caution and never let my guard down around him since I know Pits are stronger and more aggressive compared to other breeds.
that seals the deal lmao
nah he wasnt, he was a pretendious retard like you.
also you propably never heard of it, but there are electronic arts that have every setup prepared as showcase, you can literally go there and check everything out.
you people are just so fucking dellusional that you have to pretend on how much difference you see, so you dont have to deal with your buyers remorse.
seriously, why would you even try to convince me that it makes a difference? why would you care if i say there is no difference? does it affect you?
stop being such a tranny niggerino
catfags are literally under the influence of a mind controlling parasite
>implying the human eye captures images in “frames per second”
You’re a fucking idiot. Read a book.
>the way it snaps at the other dog at the end of the webm
>He lets his pets roam freely outside
Owners like that are at the highest risk for pitbull attacks. Chances are they'll coddle the pitbull like crazy and ignore any warning signs of it showing aggression.
>games aren't movies
TLoU would like to have a word with you.
Why the fuck do people keep making pitbull threads? Is there really that much to discuss?
Just don't. It's not worth the risk of taking your kids into a pit household.
What are you going to do about it?
Thank you for being creative. Just saying nigger is lame. Niggerino is fresh.
Just like jews need to constantly remind everyone about the holocaust so do pitbull haters need to remind people of how awful pitbulls are
good move - i remember being happy with 640x480 on 17'' CRT display (which was pretty good tech for masking all the jaggies), running my games at silky smooth 48fps, until some neckbeard faggot saw it, didn't like the blur and ramped up the res to HD of its time - 1024x768
I couldn't go back and had to find money for the upgrade.
As pitbuls go, they wouldnt exactly build a multi thousand year reich of enlightenment and peak human accomplishment, only to see it fall into ruin due to your son being incapable of doing anything beyond masturbating and shitposting on /pol/. That is to say that pitbulls are the shitskins of dogs. Becoming realistic about dog breeds is the best gateway drug for redpilling normies.
women fuck them
Go back to Discord and dilate, you anime-loving beta virgin incel faggot