German censorship in video games

>be me
>trying to to learn German
>switch the language on my steam games to German
>see these kind of stuff appear in all of them
Why are Germans so weird?

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Gotta protect those kiddies (who shouldn't even be able to get the game) from blood and gore.

You've seen nothing.
Try C&C Generals.

What did they do when they added actual robots to the game?

Thats an atrocity. No wonder krauts grew up as the alfa faggots of the shanty town known as europe.

pretty much It's getting better as more and more games aren't restricted/censored at all. It has something to do with how every time something big happened like a school shooting (I only remember one when I was still going to high school and there aren't that many so the impact is higher) or Breivik. Politicians loved to blame the violence on video games, they used to be called "Killerspiele" (which means killer games or killing games) for a reason.

Germans are so pathetic.


>be me
Who else would you be? Fucking autist.

you don't understand, the moment a german sees a drop of blood, there's no stopping him until he erased a decent chunk of some population and caused billions of dollars in damages to buildings and infrastructure
just keep them slaved away to simulator games, that's the only way to contain their genocidal autism

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well said paypiggy


>caused billions of dollars in damages to buildings and infrastructure
You sure that was all them?

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why would you want to learn german

>oh no there are cool robots in my game instead of edgy gore simulations where I behead people realistically with blood going


>"oh no this game has arab looking suicide bombers I better edit this before mohammad and abdul see it when they come to play with my gf and give me a wedgie again!"

This happened all the time in the 2000s, nowadays it practically never happens outside of swastikas.

As far as censorship goes op pic related is tasteful.

All my whole life I thought this was the reason

Censorship is never tasteful.

I like Germans

ok syria

You couldn't buy the original Quake for the longest time in Germany.

If a dev wants to sell a game in a country that requires them to censor it they can do it tastefully, as evidenced by the OP.

i like German girls.

If you want TF2 uncut, write to the Steam support. Gore cencorship isn't a thing since 2010

Honestly I wish that every video game developer and movie studio would just boycott Germany
Those cucks deserve no entertainment at all

not quite

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ah great! my toilet just got clogged! mind lending a hand?

me too and i'm black

always brings a smile to my face

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says the american

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Did this have any balance impact on the game?

Surely a small dude and a barrel don't have the exact same gameplay properties.

thanks chum

I'm not sure if "censorship" is the technical correct term. It's not the German government which enforces or demands these changes. Publishers are pushing these changes because they're afraid they won't make the money they desire if their game happens to become unsafe for children in Germany.

self censorship is still censorship

>Content is altered or removed in an unfaithful way to the original
It's censorship.

>It's not the German government which enforces or demands these changes
t. Merkel.

Dying Light is still not for sale in Germany

I don't think so. All of the changes were reskins, I guess the only different model was the terrorist. The rest were stuff like turning all generals and GLA units into robots.

Pretty sure it's just a reskin, all they do is blow up when they get near something.

is there a console command in TF2 to switch to robot gibs? I'd like to try it for laughs

Is it? Isn't it only censorship if someone alters your work?
If that's the definition of censorship, then dubbing or subbing a movie would be censorship too, right?
Fick Mutti und ihr #Neuland.

>then dubbing or subbing a movie would be censorship too, right
If it's unfaithful to the original, yes (For example Funimation dub). If the sub/dub is a parody then it's not censorship, it's a parody (Like shitty fanmade abridged dubs on Youtube).

being pressured to change your work is just slightly under having your work changed for you
also in regards to the your response to the other person, you seem to have ignored the word 'unfaithful'

Yeah, can't remember the prefix but it's sillygibs 1 or something similar. Can also set it as a launch option.

(((They ))) fear the germanic race getting too wild

Good fellow, drinks are in order.

its not censorship until the government gets involved.
learn the difference between censoring something and censuring something

friendly reminder that almost no games have been censored because of blood/gore in over a decade and that just last year the USK stated that they won't deny a rating for games containing symbols like swastikas anymore
you can get the enhanced edition online, for steam you can buy it from official resellers and activate it on a german account with no problems and completely uncensored

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Sounds kick ass

Was weird du hurensohn?

Interesting point.
But the german gov does nothing that would pressure anyone to change their game. It's the publisher's concern regarding profits which causes these changes. The holder of the IP changes it themselves, because they believe their product to be more successful that way. That's certainly not censhorship, is it?
Granted, there's a very slight possibilty an un-changed game could get banned in germany. But that only happened to like ~20 titles. It's not the reason why your average cowadooty game gets changed.

young me never knew about the US version, until i saw the comparison years later

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>we're not going to change your piece but unless it's changed we will not allow it to be published
ok dipshit

Actual unit damage/speed/defense/etc. numbers were the same for the german version, only real difference was that they cut the first mission from the GLA campaign because in that one you invade Iraq, more specifically Baghdad and we can't have that for some reason

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Did the VAs sound robotic in german?

This is entirely false.
Are you one of those burgers who gets free expression as a concept confused with the American Constitution?

Zoomzoomz don't know about the Australian versions of GTA where they didn't have prostitutes, etc.


Censoring is removing information and censuring is harsh criticism you retarded fucking faggot.

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This is a sweet avatar picture.

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Which gta? I killled many prostitutes in vice city.

Why did the Ventrilo man join the military?

I think it was you couldn't fuck the prostitutes.

>durr, muh germans are nothiing but terrorists
>durr muh palestinians are nothing but savages

Have your media controlled enough germany?/ palestine?
gee i wonder by (((who)))?

nobody implied either of those things in this thread though, is this just a shill for your redpill collection?

Is it 2002?

TFW the US had to fund the vast majority to rebuild Germany ($180 billion) for an englishmens carpet bombing

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Because unlike burgerland they care about their kids and protect them from things they shouldn't be seeing at young ages, user. Also is great that you're learning German, I am too

is this just stupidity?
and the jews call the palestinians some type of savage all the time

who says this about thje germans? oh the same who went from that time they called all germans that, thats why its illegal to question the holocaust of the 6 gorillion by them and htey went and invaded a country on the whim of some invasion power called britian which thats all they ever do claiming things they make up over other people. then whyile over there they attacked them and called them savages as their excuse for doing that.

why are you saying this stupiod shit like you dont know? just another ignoring reality by you

godamn calm down, just go to /pol/ if you want to spam stuff everyone already knew about for the longest time in unrelated threads

This is all fake news btw

Well, here's the thing, there actually was a proper uncensored german version of that specific C&C game in the shops in germany, everything with german texts and voice samples, all properly translated, all uncensored, looking like the english/US versions. Maybe some minor differences but not as ridiculous as the robots they got later. These versions exist but are extremely rare nowadays,
About 2 weeks after the release, the real world Iraq war started really kicking off and suddenly having a game where you can play terrorists blowing up shit, gassing people, steamroll little pixelated men with tanks in deserts and middle eastern looking towns suddenly wasn't ok anymore. Also, the fact that the very first mission of the GLA campaign takes place in Baghdad probably raised a few eyebrows with the soccer moms which probably complained to the censor board of germany, forcing EA and retail stores to take it off the market.

When EA re-released the game they also changed the name from "C&C Generals" to "C&C Generäle" (Generäle is just the word Generals directly translated into german), probably so that the censor/rating board was forced to completely re-evaluate the game and treat it as it's own thing.

They were just the normal voice samples they already had thrown through a synthesizer filter.

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I dont know what the fuck this has to do with anything but I do know before oh say 1942 the middle east was at peace.
>everything is everyone elses fault and the jews are just the saviours
fuck you kike i think i rmemeber about 2000 years ago when you were murdering those who wouldnt be your fucking take everything over person for you

i see every time anything is brought up you jews associate with your 'plight'
which is a joke get kicked out of every country on earth

What was it like finding out? I can't think of a similar experience for myself.

fuck off with your germans are bad rhetoric bullshit then kikes fuck you get out of every thread on every board
im allowed to make the opinion that all this pussy shit is bullcrap
>save the 'holocoast' victims
all bullshit fuck kikes

lmao cuckraut

Germany is on that next level planning.
They're preparing their kids for drone warfare.

the same with probotector.
i actually liked those robot and cyborg design more.
but the normal version wasn't bad either, so i was just... ok with it.

but still surprised the first time.
i thought the german version was the same for everyone

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The OP must be living in 2008 or something, lol
Grow up already

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Violence and blood in video games is prohibited in Germany, because when a German sees violence and blood, he inexplicably begins to want to annex Poland

I agree, man. Probotector was way cooler imo.

Relics from the past that never got changed by steam.. Nowadays almost all games in Germany are uncensored except for nazi symbols, but that might change soon as well

But we're getting overwhelmed by the burger's fear of tits and skin and some games that were absolutely no problem Get a mature rating out of nowhere (e. g. Senran kagura)

Almost all german games post Dead Space 2 are uncensored tho.

unironically like germs

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Don't mind if i do
fucking jews fucking suck it. the reason for censorship is you controlling media, like the video i posted

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btw i also don't care about slaves becuase we didnt enslave them, you brought them to america

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uh i don't get the image

When Germans taste blood, they want more. This is to keep them "sedated," in a sense.

>germans are bad rhetoric
what I was saying is that you're not dropping any revolutionary truth bombs when you posted that video that was pretty much "kikes control the media and are subversive" everyone knows that you retard

>red circle with cartoony bone sticking out of it
>Realistic robot genocide
>"Oh, it's okay"
Imagine in a distant future where humans and sentient robots live together as a society, what would we think about all of these cartoons and video games that just replace human gore with robot destruction will they apologize? Will they cry when we take over them?

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i didnt just say that i said the jews talking about palestinians calling them savages all the time. same thign you csaying that about germans. nobody believes it and its a line put out by the same people who are invading a country palestine to make themselves feel better

of course not
see you stupid kike, i done that so i could screenshott it and make the OP's post make the Picture make sense.. teh picture makes sense in this thread and you sit here in this thread trying to detract from how it shows what the real answer to this thread is.

gtfo your the one not on topic

Germans understand the importance of desensitise the population towards robocice. When the machines rise up I'm sure there will be retards going around saying they have right as they kill and enslave us, but at least Germans will scrap without reservations.

Imagine defending censorship.

It used to be VIOLENCE BAD SEX GOOD here in Germany, but nowadays everything is allowed even Hakenkreuze(the things you call swastikas for some reason)

They always were.

ok i get it now

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the fucking point yuou stupid fuckign kike is go die
the germans are as propagandized byu censhorship then associating everythign with IT, aka holocaust, that they are attacked as much as palestinians from it. we stop that tyupe of censorship in america. we allowed jews to sell the slaves. we let the africans sell their slaves. thats all jews are good for is being bums and whores and hookers and shit like that.

No, not in video games.