Path of Exile: Legion

15 days until Blizzdrones get BTFO

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>Blizzdrones get BTFO
Do those even exist anymore? It's like shitting on EA fanboys, if those are even a thing.

>you can shoot this guy first, or this guy
>this is what consitutes "player choice"
lmao they really got burned on Synthesis

>spam one ability: the game
no thanks

Sorry having too much fun in season 17
can't wrap my head around poe, although grim dawn kinda increased my IQ so maybe one day

Battered wives will never truly leave their abusive husbands.
Just take a look at these Wow Classic threads, the exact same thing will happen when Blizzard reveals Diablo 4.

>no AH
it's shit

They're gonna have to unfuck the game before anyone will be BTFO. And by that I mean, remove Incursion and Betrayal.

fuck this game's twitchfag speedrunner focus

no one is forcing you to speedrun or interact with streamers, user

the mechanics are designed to cater to it tho defense is pointless "tank" builds are fucking meaningless. push button shit explodes.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on new season

If you use a build guide, most of the game's complexity is removed

What would you rather it be? Because cycling through several skills all with cooldowns is fucking cancer.

Also, they've been increasing focus on support skills recently like brands and banners, and this time around there will be the rage and blood/sand skills.

>Path of Trading

Every season experiences a massive player dropoff 2 weeks in. It's sad that they still haven't been able to fix that after all these years, which speaks something about the fundamental game design.

Just find a build and learn the game through it. Couple hunders hours in and you'll have a good grasp what a build needs and then you make your own. Nobody is expecting you to memorize a list of 400 uniques that could enhance your build from the get-go.

melee skills massively buffed: they now have built-in melee cleave and don't require a target, they have added flat phys damage so theyre good even with a shit weapon, and have increased AoE for the most part.

new skills have a blood & sand theme

league is basically Breach 2.0, kill shit and collect fragments, get 100 frags to fight a boss

I think the main issue is the early leveling is so goddamn boring. It helps to know what you're doing and definitely speeds up the process but even then it's still boring as hell.

Oh man I wish I could go back to it, but running these fucking 10 acts over and over again if I want to try out different builds is daunting.
You should only have to do it once a season, fuck sake.

Good hello, yes, your social credit score rise apparent!

is defense still worthless

i actually like what grimdawn does. cooldowns are not evil and by giving each spell a function or shape you won't be exactly "just cycling".

i am happy that poe is getting more twitch reflex dodging, but being online and much faster paced than grimdawn they probably won't be able to go too far into it.

SEETHING Blizztranny

armor is getting buffed. molten shell now gives a shield that scales with your armor value

different abilities that fit different situations
you know like a real video game and not a glorified slot machine

Also, does the new league mechanic involve zoning to different places or do you kill shit on the same map you are in, I loved breach and abyss leagues but hated when I had to go out of my way to progress on stuff like temples or delve or the synthesis league

>Every season experiences a massive player dropoff 2 weeks in

they are relatively happy with that. see
cyclical player interest is better than trying to keep players playing 3 months in a row and having them burn out.

I can't wait bros:
>cl-clik click click click cl-click
>clickety-click click
>cl-clickety click click cl-click.
>'aw dude a chaos orb'
>cl-clikc click click click cl-click
>clickety-click click
>cl-clickety click click cl-click.
>cl-click click click click cl-click-cl-click click click click cl-click cl-clickety click click click cl-click-cl-click click click click cl-click-cl-click click click click
>'aw dude an exalted orb'
>(a million clicks later)
>"aw dude a chaos orb'

it seems like 80% of the league is about summoning new units on the normal map you were already playing on, with 20% being unique maps generated by those mechanics for lategame.

>they are relatively happy with that
Of course they're happy with that as long there are whales that keep them alive.
Shit, forgot they got bought out by chinks, so it's irrelevant.

how OBSESSED with blizzard can one developer be??

>15 days until Blizzdrones get BTFO
They got blown out by blizzard themselves ages ago when Diablo 3 was released.
>crying about blizzard is the only way poetards can stay ""relevant""
Path of Exile is old news, it was a free alternative to D3, but no one cares about D3 anymore, and in turn PoE is irrelevant.

thanks user about time

All of it, you mean.
Building your character is 100% of PoE, since the actual combat is just spamming your spell and keeping pot buffs on.

imagine playing this chink shit when pic related exist.

Attached: Big Boy ARPG.jpg (616x353, 40K)

imagine playing barindead *clicks* shit period

Was my favorite game fora while, but they made the game too easy and they started forcing these "archetypes" where your ascendancy sort of makes you use specific skills. All the new/reworked skills have busted numbers, you can clear the endgame with a 4link. Not for me anymore

imagine playing video games

Yeah sure, but the fact that some part of that is at least working as intended is precisely why it's disappointing and why I can't justify investing myself in that game anymore. At least before they had racing seasons to keep things varied, and leagues took time to develop, so it wasn't a race to end game being done in a matter of 10 days of semi hardcore grind.

Now the model has shifted to keeping the casuals happy with a new carrot on the stick every 3 months for a couple weeks, and they add nothing meaningful for months/years. What's new this league? More end game crafting further ruining itemization? Someone sell me the pitch because I haven't been excited about the game for a year and it's a bummer.

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>Find build that isn't arc mines
>needs money I don't have at the start of a league
>doesn't work
>Can't get 4link till act 6 due to bad RNG
>"Fuck I should really just go back to arc mines"
>Go back to arc mines

You're the same type of user that'd immediately go

They made a loot hunting game where you basically don't want to pick up anything. I can't even pinpoint it exactly when it happened but Fossils and Elder/Shaper mods are probably the biggest cause of this. It's so stupid that you can't find any good rares anymore, only good bases.

why tho?
this pile of munky shit of a game still consists of picking up only HP or ES skills in a meme skilltree.

>What's new this league?
It looks like what's new this league is jewels that modify nodes within their radius, to a greater extent than they had before.
I'm not trying to sell you on the league, just answering your question.

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For me PoE is opposite of Grim Dawn.
REALLY like presentation (whole ascendancy maze and storyline is pure kino for voiceover alone) but gameplay has a really weird progression where its obviously scaled for powering through content and not much fun in between.
Also trading can go suck a dick. Even in leagues where i was lucky for a decent start it was a chore.

Was Breach the peak fun they could come up with? Almost it feels like for a league to be succesful it has to have some breach-like mecanic.

The absolute madman

It's almost like it's a video game...

Is Grim Dawn a good place to start for a newbie to arpgs?
PoE looks neat too, but very overwhelming in comparison. Trading doesn't sound appealing to me either.

Having to hit all the monsters you want to kill and then wait seems kind of clunky, hopefully there is some skill that makes it easy to hit a lot at once.

Necro Specter mommy.

Most people still playing D3 probably play PoE as well desu.

Grim down is fun and easy at the start, just pick skill and put all points in it(it scales better that way) then pick an element end put on gear with that element scaling.

it's a glorified cookie clicker, not a video game

Are they burying the bad idea that is synthesis league until they can make it simple and unobtrusive like Bestiary is now?

what kind of lobotomy do i need to be able to enjoy these atrocious animations ?
i dont even care about graphics that much but these animations...

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I mean you can't just ignore betrayal since intervention but just don't do incursions?

Yep. Chris had a meltdown in the news section earlier in the league and said that they're not adding it.

I'm super surprised they went deep enough to try to fix the systems of the game instead of just tweaking the numbers. Thought we would have to wait for 4.0 for something like that. Super promising. Chris Wilson is pretty based.

They balance the game around all the content. And obviously incursions aren't the problem, the temple is the problem.

they balance the game around streamers with attention deficit disorder

they better unfuck by boy though. intensely waiting on the ascendency rework information.

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>EA fanboys
You mean FIFA Players?

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Perhaps, which still doesn't really make sense, since the game is so visually busy. Particularly Betrayal, where the screen is nothing but green smoke, and Delve, where the screen is covered in bright blue flashes.

I really want to make my own build after 3 years playing this game, but I'm afraid I will fuck up and I don't want to lever another char thru 10 acts of boredom

Why the fuck they won't just reduce the time to go thru acts? It is just an unfun chore at this point, and makes me want to kms by act 4

the balance is shit user cookie cutter netbuild or die

>works great one day
>works like utter shit next day
>can't hide other players in town

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Nah, I will be playing softcore with friends. I plan to make some cumslut support character

>there's hundreds of variation of builds! it's shit because they use SKILLS

Just play SSFHC and you won't see any players in town.

this video nails it completely how this game declined
it's like an empire that declined and the irony in that is that the whole game is about empire, corruption and decline

the game suffers from the same problems this german historian described

I wonder when people find a way to overcome that, else you can never make an MMORPG again and just forgot about it
it is always the same pattern and Path of Exile follows exactly the same pattern World of Warcraft does

it's so hilarious how you can apply most shit he said to games as a service
when trading becomes easy and universal is when this game will go belly up

money will win over everything and become the dominating force, destroying the whole point of the game
people no longer play for the sake of the game but for trading and streamers started this race to the bottom with muh efficiency

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fucking streamers are scum

Lmao WoW already did Legion years ago, keep up PoEvirgin.

should I get back into path of exile? I quit it in bestiary league for basically being a slot machine with your time, but that might've just been because of how rough it was to get red map drops in that league.

Crafting items takes ((some)) thought

You haven't played this game in a while I see

Yeah, bestiary sucked. Game got a lot of improvements since then and the next league looks amazing with melee overhaul, animation cancelling and instant movement skills

I literally don't know how to build shit minus Arc Mines because it's unga bunga. Got a link to a guide?

So what's their secret weapon? An auction house/trading post? The chinese exclusive currency sucking pets that pick up loot for you?

Incursion gets balanced based around where you complete them, so if you want easier Incursion dungeon, simply beat incursions in earlier maps only. They should fix the Intervention lag though. Breach and Abysses are fine being dangerous because you have to trigger them yourself, Intervention is aids because that can happen randomly without your control.

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reminder that no matter how interesting the game mechanic is you will always have to play through the SHIT story line every single time

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The secret art of updating your game 3-4 times a year.


FIFA fags are litterally the biggest blight on this earth.

>not liking cooldowns
Fucking kill yourself fag.

>TFW the story and lore are actually interesting and cool
>TFW I ran an extremely successful RPG show based in large part on PoE lore and it was fantastic

Honestly, I've always enjoyed the story and the lore. The only chore is actually playing the same content over and over, but I've accepted it for the sake of the league content.

Basically. Synthesis isn't going core, and will probably show up much latter when they can figure out how to make it smaller and less wonky.

This league is designed to be simpler and more straightforwards with less needing charts and graphs and websites to figure out how to use the mechanic at all.

>Honestly, I've always enjoyed the story and the lore.
The lore and world-building is good because one of the founding members have already written fantasy novels. But the story is not "good" simply because its just you killing the next big bad, it doesn't really need to be more complex than that in a genre like this.

Its the same way as with MtG, world-building is great, plot and novels themselves are high school student fanfic-tier. Not amazing but serviceable.

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>Do those even exist anymore?
Yeah, just go to the shitty Classic threads. Those are full of them.

>can't wrap my head around poe
It is not nearly as complex as it looks. Not even half as complex. Or one third. Point is; it's not complex at all and if you understand Grim Dawn, you will understand PoE.

>but gameplay has a really weird progression where its obviously scaled for powering through content and not much fun in between.

The gameplay is driven by the crafting system, and the crafting system is based on rare items, which have 6 random mods of random tiers and randomly rolled values within those tiers. So the amount of combinations of stats on any one item is astronomical, meaning that the loot system is about churning through mobs and dropping tons and tons of loot so you have more spins at the RNG wheel searching for either a good item for yourself, or to sell to other people.

To this end, the meta has become churning through tons and tons and tons of mobs as fast as possible, because it's just what is necessitated by the loot system. And of course, it comes with a level of satisfaction that has been present in games forever, lots of people just enjoy seeing tons of enemies being mowed down in a satisfying way. There are some who prefer slower, more methodical combat too, that's fine.

You're right that Grim Dawn and PoE went in different directions, but I think a lot of people don't understand PoE's core gameplay.

>they are relatively happy with that
And that is exactly the problem. Game fucking sucks and they will never fix it because they're happy with it.

That's fair I guess. I just sort of resonate with a lot of the dark, weird stuff that the story does without much bother of explanation and just letting it speak for itself. It had great set pieces, combined with great dialogue and voice acting and stuff.

There are parts of the "newer" half of the campaign that I don't like nearly as much, but I still think a lot of the existing lore and stuff is really good. Hell, I love how we still have no fucking clue who or what Kalandra is, why the mirror is the logo of PoE, and why she was so important.

dude wow shills are literally spamming threads because they are so happy to play an old version of a game they already own and pay $15 a month for it, you vastly underestimate the levels of fanboyism

>First time player
>Play the game without a guide
>Fuck up build irrevocably
>Get told to get a guide
>99% of guides say beginner friendly/league starter, then 5 lines down state "Need mandatory items you don't have + 100,000c worth of enchants and trades"
>Elemental resistance bullshit only there to inconvenience new players and brainlets like myself.
PoE's far more complicated than most in the genre. Which is why I only sparingly play it over modded Torchlight 2

They should rework the memory fracturing system so that you control when they get destroyed. As in you build a path just like in Carcassone and once you reach a Distant Memory, you can choose to collapse the entire path.
Once you do, you start from the beginning and basically get as far as you can hopefully reaching the end of the path. When you do that, you get a bonus reward of some kind. You could add crazy amount of loot buffs in the path and the only limiting factor is the size of your inventory.

This way Synthesis would actually resemble Carcassone much more. In Carcassone you start building a road, put a token in there to claim it for you, then once you've finished building the road in a way that it has a coherent point A and point B to it, only then you get points for each tile you placed (and your token back, those have limited number).

% of guides say beginner friendly/league starter, then 5 lines down state "Need mandatory items you don't have + 100,000c worth of enchants and trades"
This has literally never happened in history and you could literally never, if given an entire year to search the forums, find an example of this.

There's only one thing you "enchant" and that's helmets and LITERALLY NO BUILD IN THE HISTORY OF THE GAME has ever mandated a helmet enchant, because they're so hard to come by that they're always, always one of the most expensive final upgrades a build can have.

>>Elemental resistance bullshit only there to inconvenience new players and brainlets like myself.
It literally is a straight reduction. 75% capped resistance means you resist 75% of incoming elemental damage. It's fucking brainless. Get enough res to cap so you're not taking unnecessary damage. Or don't, and just learn how to not get hit.

>Elemental resistance bullshit only there to inconvenience new players and brainlets like myself.
Elemental resists getting Difficulty setting minuses is a thing from Diablo 2, thats pretty much why the system is in there. If you played Diablo 2, you had to learn the hard way to cap your resists and quickly, if you think PoE is tough, Diablo 2 was a cut-throat game in comparison and it had no way to respec until years later Blizzard patched in the respec.
Is this going to be a regularly occurring shill thread?
go to

You can make your own build that will get you through the game. Making an end-game viable build is another matter entirely. Creating builds typically involves picking a skill you like or otherwise think would make a good base then finding all the other shit that maximizes it's effectiveness. It takes research and/or trial and error, but the respec system of POE makes trial and error extremely painful.

Honestly, I wouldn't even mind the Nexus system if it weren't for a few things, specifically the 10 memory limit, and the collapse. I think if you could stockpile memories to path with, and build more interesting and complex routes to rewards, that would be more interesting. Or if you could just build big runs with rewards on the end and try and beat the decay to them, but with less starting and stopping, that might be more interesting.

Really though, it's kind of interesting because I feel like the game is getting a bit bloated with all the league content and it's getting difficult to keep track of it all.

>Is this going to be a regularly occurring shill thread?
I mean, after the utter trash that was Synthesis, GGG is in a need of shills desperately.

>but the respec system of POE makes trial and error extremely painful.
I don't think so, Regret orbs are pretty easy to come by. But also anyone who has played the game for any length of time probably has a few leveled characters on Standard who all get full passive resets every league, so you can try new things for free.

>PoE's far more complicated than most in the genre
Not in the slightest. It's the definition of "wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle". It looks complex as fuck, but simply isn't. At all. I would go so far as to argue that Grim Dawn is in fact more complex. This wasn't always the case tho.

I get the concept of elemental resistance and what you need, but actually getting the gear you need for ele res combined with the autism perfect slots AND colors? No go. Either I have the damage and die in one hit forcing my scrub ass to stay in softcore forever, since post act 5 the game's unplayable at my level of capability and poverty, or I play a build with no damage because my gear's nothing but resist fodder.
Duly noted. I just can't seem to get equipment to both suit my needs and get my build off the fucking ground no matter what, since LEAGUE STARTS HAVE 0 CURRENCY TO TRADE TO COMPLETE MY RESISTS

>I really want to make my own build after 3 years playing this game, but I'm afraid I will fuck up and I don't want to lever another char thru 10 acts of boredom
Heres my beginner friendly list of "how to survive", which should get you to red maps even in SSF (level 88-92):
>By act 5 Kitava you should have at least 1400 hp or you get instakilled by his attacks. By act 10 Kitava you should have at least 3100 Life/ES/both total. Merciless Izaro you should have at least 4000 effective HP.
>Start modifying your flasks so they have immunity to bleed and freeze by Act 4, Bleed and freezing in place can kill you very quickly (bleed are those red dots circling around your dude.)
>Act 8 you should have all resistances capped (except Chaos), you can already notice monsters hurt you quite a lot with elemental damage on Act 6 with those flamethrower totems.
>Passive nodes in terms of importance: Life>ES>Damage>Defences/Resistances>Utility (movement speed etc.)>Mana
>You cannot facetank everything in the game no matter how tanky you build, avoid clearly telegraphed big moves and huge colored marks on the ground.
>Armour is good against a lot of small attacks coming at you at once but it sucks against big attacks that hurt a lot. Evasion is the opposite, good against big slow attacks, bad against machine-gun small attacks. ES is not as good at Life simply because its easier to recover Life than ES.
>Damage Mitigation is not the same as Armour, also Dodge is not the same thing as Evasion. Damage mitigation is better than Armour, also Dodge is better than Evasion.

Bulk of your defence comes from your total amount of HP, Armour/Evasion are more "cream on top", theyre not your primary defence. You need to build enough health so that when Kitava jams his fist up your ass, you have low health and enough time to press your panic button flasks and escape, instead of just dying instantly. Maps have their own survival rules on top that I wont detail here.

Attached: PoEHandmaiden.jpg (1920x1362, 310K)

>By act 5 Kitava you should have at least 1400 hp or you get instakilled by his attacks. By act 10 Kitava you should have at least 3100 Life/ES/both total. Merciless Izaro you should have at least 4000 effective HP.
Sweet jesus it's time to drop this game. I'll -never- have that, and I've gotten as far as T13 maps but never past it.

Every single league is pic related.
According to GGG you should never reach your dream, but instead keep coming back and trying.
They won't let western players have beter trading system, while they gave china instant buyouts.
I'm out, I'd rather play Diablo 3 at this point.
At least I can just open Rift instead of trying to buy it for 10 minutes.

Sure, for casual play or anyone following build guides you probably get enough orbs. Testing and tweaking builds consumes a ton of them though.

>Duly noted. I just can't seem to get equipment to both suit my needs and get my build off the fucking ground no matter what, since LEAGUE STARTS HAVE 0 CURRENCY TO TRADE TO COMPLETE MY RESISTS

Use the crafting bench to help you get resists, thanks to Syndicate league craft bench improvements, its much easier than it used to be. Two primary things you really love to see in a piece of armor is "+ to maximum life" and "+ to resistances", its better to wear body armor with sub-par Armor value if it gives you a whole bunch of Life and Resists on top of that. On the other hand, piece of armour with a lot of armour but no health- or resist upgrades can usually be quite a shitty armor unless it has some other really powerful mods with high numbers on them.

forgot fucking pic.

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You pretty much have to build like that if you wish to survive without investing in a lot of gear. Getting those amounts of hp/ES is not all that hard, you can do it on SSF. Trick lies in investing more on Life nodes in the passive tree and treating them as the single most important stat in there (besides build-defining big nodes of course).

I usually get around 3100-3400 HP/ES by Act 10 Kitava even with crappy SSF gear. Playing glass cannon builds is not advisable because you're trading 2-3 seconds of faster boss clear speed with dying instantly instead of not dying at all.

Auction house ruined Diablo 3, anyone thinking it would be a good thing in PoE is a retarded Blizzdrone or a chink who can't play well.

>but actually getting the gear you need for ele res combined with the autism perfect slots AND colors?
Nigga what. Nigga fucking what? Are you really saying that fucking coloring the gem sockets on a piece of gear requires autism, and isn't the easiest fucking thing in the world? Nigga just use a Chromatic orb and reroll the socket colors. Just use your crafting bench and craft the colors you want.

Are you trolling? Are you pretending to be the most retarded person in the world?

>since post act 5 the game's unplayable at my level of capability and poverty
>or I play a build with no damage because my gear's nothing but resist fodder.

Since I'm not sure if you're a troll or not, I'm gonna show you my gear for Synthesis league, what I was using by league end.

You'll notice that of my gear, with which I'm able to clear literally all content in the game including farming Uber Elder and T16 juiced maps, only 3 pieces of gear actually have Elemental Resistance on them. The rest are cheap uniques that anyone can buy for literally nothing.

You could build this exact same build for basically nothing and do just fine and it won't cost you any currency at all.

Attached: Gear.jpg (1892x1468, 1.75M)

>I'll -never- have that, and I've gotten as far as T13 maps but never past it.

How can a human being possibly be this stupid though?

Literally take HP nodes on the tree, and make sure you have some HP on most of your utility gear slots (rings, belt, boots, amulet and chest) and you'll easily have over 4k HP without trying at all.

>Path of Life Nodes 3.7: The Lifenoding
Also this shit will be insanely expensive chase uniques for nolifing only. Not changing much for the base game.

>Not changing much for the base game.
You manage to find one of those in SSF, your next SSF character will basically be built around it. If they're as powerful as they seem that is.

Could PoE just die so that GGG is forced to make a new foundation for their shit?

>What's new this league?
Less clunky meele is the focus. Animation cancels, instant speed movement skills.
Also this isn't a crafting league, it's 100% lootsplosions with focus on chase uniques.
Nothing really exciting though.

I think we're pretty good with crafting for a while, I don't need another crafting league.

AH when?

Implying GGG is competing with Diablo

Diablo 3 struggles to compete with diablo 2 thats how bad the diablo series is right now.

>Follow build guide to the tee
>Have sub 2k HP by the time I get to Act 10
>I mean, the build works so HP can go fuck itsel-
>Die in one hit to all content post T5 maps

>right click simulator
o ebin

Here you go: Also what HC players tend to do is they farm themselves to level 72 in Act 9 Blood Aqueducts before trying Kitava.

Why is it that everybody everywhere writes you need ele res capped all the time?

Can someone explain leagues? Are they alternate rules? Can you choose which to play in single player after they cycle out?

Auction Houses ruin the trade economy in games their introduced into.

>3 exalted
Never had a fucking exalt in this game ever, so you're already way over my fucking head.
>Are you really saying that coloring the gem sockets requires autism
More luck then autism, but if you want the damage -and- the resists, you have to have the sockets and the colors. Takes more than what I've got.
>Are you pretending to be retarded?
When it comes to Path of Exile, I'm actually really fucking bad and not afraid to admit that. I follow guides and get nowhere fast.

Last I checked, Diablo basically signed it's own exit from the games industry when they announced Diablo Immortal, and then had to scramble to pretend that they actually care about making a real game.

>>I mean, the build works so HP can go fuck itsel-
>>Die in one hit to all content post T5 maps
This is you being an idiot. I told you how to get more HP, take it on the tree and then pick up some items with HP on them. Either buy them, find them, or fucking craft HP onto your gear with the crafting bench this isn't complicated.

What you're literally defending is the fact that you shouldn't have to put effort in, that you "following a guide" means the game itself should conform to you by being less mean. Nigga this is easy and every player knows this, except you. You're just too dense.

Goldrim and Wanderlust are literally 100% of the time RECOMMENDED LEVELING UNIQUES because they have no level requirement and they allow a new character to have easy elemental res and movement speed bonuses that they otherwise wouldn't have and make leveling faster. NO ONE HAS EVER USED EITHER OF THOSE ITEMS IN A BUILD EVER.

Loreweave is only ever used because it has a skill that increases your maximum resistance (used to be 80% max, now it's 78%) which means your capped res total is increased which means you take less damage. It's not mandatory for any build, and even if it was, you craft a Loreweave by turning in 60 random unique rings to a vendor at once, and it's incredibly easy to farm those rings or buy them for nothing if you really, really, really want one.

You're just making up shit right now because you're a fucking retard.

Those items are enough to cap my res (with a little help from the skill tree, there are some nodes with res on them). There's no reason NOT to cap res, I'm just pointing out how easy it is.

Leagues are like diablo 2's ladders where everyone starts with fresh characters and new mechanics are seeded into them, leagues usually have a league mechanic and theme.

When a league ends your characters and all your loot is transfered over to the standard league.

>Essence Worm
Now who's trolling who? If you're talking to an user who can't even get socketing and colors right, you can bet your ass they don't have a fucking quantity of currencies to get a fucking E-Worm lmao

Get the fuck out here tencent shill

So what you're saying is, if a guide has a straight up blatant order for skill points, I should deviate from it for life nodes?

>Never had a fucking exalt in this game ever, so you're already way over my fucking head.
Read the text on the other wand. I used the Corona Solaris literally all league because of the Blind aura which basically makes you unhittable. The crafted wand was just to play with the Synth system and have something nice for DPS, but it's neither mandatory nor regular.

>More luck then autism, but if you want the damage -and- the resists, you have to have the sockets and the colors. Takes more than what I've got.
What the fuck are you talking about? What the absolute fuck does resistance have to do with socket colors you inbred fuck?

>When it comes to Path of Exile, I'm actually really fucking bad and not afraid to admit that. I follow guides and get nowhere fast.
No dude, you're stupid and you're proud of your illiteracy and brag about somehow "following a guide" but literally reading or learning nothing about the game, and then just crying that you can't pass the content.

You're the problem here.

Can you play them after they end, or do you miss out? I'm not into progression or ranking if that makes a difference.
Leagues are Ladder resets which also introduce some new element to the game. If the new gameplay element is popular, it gets added into the main game permanently.

>Now who's trolling who? If you're talking to an user who can't even get socketing and colors right, you can bet your ass they don't have a fucking quantity of currencies to get a fucking E-Worm lmao
Bro it's a nothing item. It's between 1 and MAYBE 5 chaos depending on how many people are playing.

You missed out, but usually the new mechanic gets added into the main game somehow, you just see it less frequently.

>if a guide has a straight up blatant order for skill points, I should deviate from it for life nodes?

Yes, if you're getting one-shot then you should absolutely put points in HP and res or defense nodes instead of damage.

Guides are just guides, they're not iron-clad declarations. You can change the items you use or your tree to suit your needs. That's how the game works.

>Can you play them after they end, or do you miss out?
You really only miss out on the League Challenges, every League has 40 challenges you can complete which will award you league-specific MTX (item skins, pets, portal skins, etc.) that you can't acquire once the league is over.

But you can play just fine on Standard, which has the benefit of having all the old content and a stable player base, but misses out on whatever the currently active league content, crafting, and unique items are (until it ends and they all get added to Standard in 3 months).

Where my /cyclone/ bros at?
Future seems bright my friends.

it's 5C at the high end lol

There is a learning curve for POE no doubt and you should follow a guide the first time through. I actually had the same issue with the guy bitching had where the build was pretty bad unless you had expensive gear, but I adjusted and figured it out.


Don't follow guides that require uniques for you to survive other than absolute late game content. Follow budget build guides and general survival guides instead. Start playing SSF so you get a proper learning mindset, when you simply cannot trade for uniques and you have to figure out how to survive all by yourself. It is possible and not even that difficult.

The only part where certain uniques or builds start becoming mandatory is 95+ endgame boss content, which majority of players never reach anyway because leveling slows down to a crawl and most people quit playing when they've reached red maps and they're around 92-94 levels. So put that as your first goal for your character: Try to survive the story content and the mapping system with whatever items you find and craft by yourself. As long as you don't build a glass cannon and go for those Lifenodes, you should be able to do it.

>Don't follow guides that require uniques for you to survive other than absolute late game content. Follow budget build guides and general survival guides instead.
I guess I'm looking for builds in the wrong place then, since every 'budget' build I've been looking at always has the big fucking catch of needing tons of currency.
>Start playing SSF
I'm not good enough, and I know that. I'll get tilted and just be at 0 exp if something is destroying me constantly. Plus you people keep swearing on crafting when I'm not exactly lucky for currencies. Filters don't even help me in that regard.

>I guess I'm looking for builds in the wrong place then, since every 'budget' build I've been looking at always has the big fucking catch of needing tons of currency.
As I said before, I promise 100% you can't provide an example of this because you're just making it up.

>they show updated skill in trailer!
>me use updated skill

You people are literal sheep. Jesus Christ.

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>over my head

jesus christ these are the people shit talking poe on Yea Forums

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It's not complex, it's obtuse as fuck

Oh right, I guess I should use arc because now it would be contrarian to do so

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Not him but I've been a guy who uses Cyclone since I started playing years ago and have always wished it could be made interesting in the same way that other skills can, and stopped using it because melee has been trash for a long time.

So while I'll definitely play other skills too (Flicker shenanigans are going to be fun), being able to make weird, fun Cyclone builds again has me excited.

I can't wait to make my Ngamahu Cyclone CWC Volatile Dead build.

>Melee is finally fucking viable
I'm going Vaal Double Strike this league and nothing's going to fucking stop me unless they re-nerf Melee again

And you are a literal retard.
Cyclone has always been my go-to skill if I have no time to theorycraft builds.

What's a "ton of currency"? You can basically beat the game on like a 50 Chaos build. That may sound like a lot when you're trying to trudge through acts for the first time, but it really isn't if you reach mid-tier maps. Particularly if you trade with other players.

If you aren't interested in SSF, learning to trade is the biggest thing you can do. Learning what things are worth is huge. It's certainly not perfect, but installing the trade macro will give you a head start and keep things moving instead of price checking everything you think is good. Loot filters are huge too.

4.0 is supposed to be a pretty major overhaul designed to compete with Diablo 4.

> (Flicker shenanigans are going to be fun)
I'm thinking about trying Oro's flicker strike. The melee changes might make it a bit broken with the amount of teleporting you'll be doing.

50 chaos is a lot for me. Hell, I'm lucky to get 2 from acts 1-5 without blatantly trying to farm something.

this is the mindset of the spellfag. he can only be happy by tearing others down to place himself at the top.

>I'm not good enough, and I know that. I'll get tilted and just be at 0 exp if something is destroying me constantly. Plus you people keep swearing on crafting when I'm not exactly lucky for currencies. Filters don't even help me in that regard.
Follow these rules: Also crafting currency for elemental resists is not pricy or hard-to-find currency, its the pretty basic stuff you get from selling yellow rare items for vendor NPCs. Crafting 4 linked sockets with any color you want, with solid decent mods like elemental resists is very cheap. By the time you're in Act 6-7 crafting starts becoming relevant when your items don't change as frequently anymore.

Also if you followed the survival guide and built those Lifenodes (1400+ by Act 5 last boss), you notice how its clearly much easier to survive the later Acts. Also 3100 minimum for Act 10 boss because his hardest single hit is 3k damage, that extra 100 Hp simply prevents you from dying instantly.

Just let me pay 50 bucks a league to start with a tabula rasa. Then I don't give a fuck if I have to do story acts 1-10 a billion times, since it'll be fast.

I think you're going about building chracters the wrong way. If your build needs an item you might not be able to afford right away you fill up the tree with generic nodes first, use the best weapon you can find/afford and skills that go well with it. Just keep your build skills on weapon swap to keep leveling them up.

Yeah, you really aren't going to get a ton of currency playing acts. There's really not a huge barrier to entry to maps though, you can get to like T10 maps on a few Chaos. At that point, you should be getting a decent amount of raw currency to drop and lucking into some stuff you can sell. You're always one map away from getting something crazy.

Theres a vendor recipe later on where you collect a full set of certain level yellow rare gear, then sell it as a full set and you get chaos orbs.

You're correct. Since I have 0 idea how to build on my own, and even following builds to the letter (WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE DUE TO RNG FOR ONE PIECE OF GEAR, LET ALONE A TON) doesn't work - I'm at a loss for how to exactly play the game. I just want something that works and that I can actually play without being utterly frustrated at my infinite failures.

If I can't get through the acts without issues, Maps are something entirely beyond my reach. Act 6 is usually the quitting point, but I've gotten as far as act 8 before dropping entirely in my best attempts.

I threw together an Oro's build on Standard a few days ago, just because I've never played Flicker before's weird. Not entirely in a bad way, because Flicker is just so fast and chaotic it's hard to tell what's happening and you really can't dodge anything, you just have to rely on Flicker making you not be there when the enemy attacks, but it's also hard to control where you're going. On the flip side, it made doing Breaches fun as hell and dense maps crazy fast (if you're into speed mapping and ignoring most drops, it's a build for that).

However, my issue was that my Oro's Flicker build was on close to 8K HP with a Kaom's and some massively GG fire gear (stolen from my over 100Ex total Conc Path Jugg from Delve) and it still got one-shot by most bosses. This, as far as I can tell, is because the build wasn't like my current ED/Cont Trickster that stacks Blind and TONS of Evasion to dodge everything, but instead didn't actually focus on stacking Evasion, Armor, or Es, or taking any major defensive nodes or skills (like Fortify) and so it really had no defense at all other than just going super fast.

So I think you're right that the new melee rework with enemy attacks being specifically changed to use collision to determine hits would make it a lot easier to not take those big hits simply because you're already gone by the time their swing connects.

>50 chaos is a lot for me.



It's not hard.

At this rate I'm literally tempted to add you to my friends list and drag you through the campaign to learn the game just so you can stop being a fucking retard.

Oh gee I wonder what they'll break this time around. Also it's kinda pathetic that you're trying to create the narrative between a non existent group and yours.

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Situational skills you massive fucking retard. No cds, resource management.

to be fair pretty much all effective builds are centered around 1 attack skill outside of buffs and flasks. So he's not really wrong

>Act 6 is usually the quitting point,
Sounds a lot like you have the common rookie problem of not building enough Life. Next league drop every single other piece of advice, just make sure your hp is higher than 1400 by Act 6, you can't have your resists capped by that point because you get the first penalty, takes you around half Act 6-Act 7 to get them back to 75%.

Reminder again, there are no mandatory uniques you need to have to survive story content or even white- to red maps. Uniques and strong builds become mandatory at the very, very, VERY end of the game that majority of people won't reach anyway. Don't even bother trading during story content, your first goal should be to simply survive the story content on your own with crappy gear. You start getting the hang of the game when you do that and drop the illusion that the game is somehow very hard and requires OP uniques to get anywhere. Its not. You can have crappy yellow rares and you can beat the story content just fine with them. Only thing that matters is that theres certain survival prerequisites.

Last time I played it, I had similar experiences to you, that's why I'm curious how it will stack up to the newest changes. Not to mention you maybe won't need stuff like Melee Splash anymore.

I mean, it's your call to make. I'll take what help I can get.

>Not to mention you maybe won't need stuff like Melee Splash anymore.
I didn't actually use Splash, my links were Multistrike, Damage on Full Life, and Ele Damage for red sockets. You move so fast that you don't need splash really, though innate splash will be a big QOL obviously.

I'm excited to see. I might go Oro's because it's cheap to build but maybe a hyper-speed Farrul's build will be the goal.

Drop me your in-game name and what league you're in.

We need a stand alone game that is pushed that players play for a long time and not 3 to 4 then death and repeat. Doing the samr thing over and over is tiring and oeople will eventually stop.

Make it so leagues are experimental for players who want to try and experience new things instead of forcing the entire player base to have to delete chars over and over again.

Here are the ideas.

I want gems to have prefixes that modify the attack. Like 1 if projectile goes through enemy projectile goes faster. Why not human goes faster. Why not have spells that curve home 90 degree angle. Spawn skellies. Litterally 1000 different things. Plus munus of these abilities = higher or lower so litterally no one would be using the same gems.

I want every map in the game possibly to come up at any time. Where is ice and fire catacombs for act one.
Where is the catacombs mixed with ice and fire with a layout of chamber of sins?

Every level should have a chance to play a map of any act combined with aspects of any map on top of the design level choices combined with elements of any place in the game.

This is the number one thing that would kill the boredom because everything would be different all the time.

Same should be done with enemies.

Where are the farmer skeleton ice mobs
Where are the farmer skeleton fire mobs.
Where are the level enemies that use attacks that players use.

All enemies should have a chance to combine with another.

Where are the skeles that jump like the creatures that appear right after the catacombs.
Every in game ability enemies do should be able to be done by any mob.

The whole fast killing enemies sucks endgame make it more engaging to kill enemies by it taking a few hits to kill them instead of it being instant.

Even if this is a game mode change and you can line yourself up for fast speed or slow speed.

Any level in the game should have map affixes besides reflect.

Other than these things the game is perfect.

Try to teach him the simple basics before going trading first. He seems to think the game relies too much on finding good uniques, teach him to play without them.

I tend to avoid Multistrike because it kills me more often than not. But then again with the new melee system you can cancel every attack, so I will start using it again, maybe.

CarBattery - Synthesis League (Non event.)

>Make it so leagues are experimental for players who want to try and experience new things instead of forcing the entire player base to have to delete chars over and over again.
You know Standard is a thing right?

But standard does not have any of the above things that would drive people to stay in standard. Its like oh hey past content lol you already played. If it had all of the things i said then standard would be the main game and little patches would just be experiments.

They should make a League out of this, called "RanDumb"

as someone who hasn't played since d2, whats the best choice, poe, d3 grimdawn? I know it's dumb to ask in a poe dlc thread but I trust you anons

Grim Dawn for single player, PoE for always-online. Grim Dawn is basically enhanced Titan Quest so if you didnt like the relatively slower pace of Titan Quest, you might have problems liking Grim Dawn. PoE is basically D2 with turbo-speed.

More like lets keep players engaged more than 4 months at a time.

D2 did the things with the enemies and maps.

You don't even need to do the combination of the maps if you keep the aesthetics of every level but it can be any map in the game.

grim dawn is the better singleplayer experience because of high drop rates, but it honestly doesnt have much endgame content and the skill animations are fucking atrocious

poe has higher production values and overall is a more complete game

reminder that there are 'people' out there who don't have a rhoa dinner hideout deco

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Grim dawn looks like shit though. Also, SSF is viable for single player PoE to avoid dealing with the trading bullshit.

Torchlight 2.

Grim Dawn is a great single player game, with a pretty big exploration element to it. This is something I loved in Dungeon Siege 2, and in GD itself.

PoE is what Diablo 3 should have been. Both in terms of content and atmosphere, Also the gameplay gets ridicilously fast towards the endgame.

>More like lets keep players engaged more than 4 months at a time.
They've committed to 3-4 times a year League cycle so theres no point, especially when the exact same thing happens with D2 and pretty much the entire genre. People get addicted for 1-2 months, then get tired of the game, have a few months-half a year break from it then get back to it. The League cycle is honestly a genius system when you think about it because the addiction-boredom-break-addiction cycle is inevitable in Diablo clones.

>reddit whines about """player agency""" non-stop
>GGG gives you """player agency""" by making you kill shit twice

0.003 Yuan has been deposited in your account

yeah but its still always online and some people might have problem with that. Grim Dawn is something you can save for when you dont have access to internet.

>Synthesis league appears.
>"WAAHHHH too much agency I just want to turn my brains off and run through maps!"
Reddit is one retarded place.

It's like multiple people exist! Woah!

I mean, Synthesis and Syndicate have that bullshit of wasting time to get a not good result.

Yeah, initially. You could play Synthesis as another Breach if you wanted, plus simply playing Synthesis itself gave you xp much faster than maps themselves did so it was good for leveling.

It will kill the game eventually

Hasn't killed D2, won't kill PoE.

Poe needs to change up things fast and my ideas are the best for that

PoE is doing better than ever, nothing urgent needs to happen. They sell a shitton of supporter packs every 3rd month plus all the retards that buy cosmetics in the store to look cool for the 1 second you see them.

>Flicker strike with canceling when needed
Give me 2 reasons besides epilepsy why you aren't going to be part of the master race.

because im playing Heavy Strike stun build, fucking 176% damage at level 1 AND flat added phys damage AND free melee splash

What if you buy cosmetics so you look cool for the hours you spend looking at yourself?

have they fixed global illumination yet? Seeing that shit and how good the game looked, only to have it tank my FPS from a solid 500+ down to under 10 was unbearable.

Slippery slope. You'll get tired fast of looking at the same shit, then you'll need to buy more and the cycle continues.

what skills are you using user?

I am. Along with my Oro's.
Thanks for coming up with the item, Oroboro.


what is there to bump the fucking league hasn't started yet and there' no reason to start playing until it starts.

I want to hear more opinions.

not usually one of those guys to go
but since the league isnt out, idk if it's worth bumping after almost 6hrs and 200 posts. if the /vg/ thread is up, probably best to head over there if the natural conversation has pretty much stopped here

The game is dogshit

thank you for your input, could you please be more specific?
I have generals, they're always full of cancer like tripfags/namefags.


>I have generals

set up filters retard
half this thread is shitposting, stop acting like this genre of games is so much better to discuss here

*gets oneshot by an offscreen projectile*

So why would I play melee when I can clear like 3 screens in a single click with a projectile skill instead?

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classic poe when?
im sick of modern poe, its not as comfy as it used to be
now its all sanicspeed 1 button full screen clears deleting shit instantly
not fun

Poe is shit

Thank you for the wise words, Einstein. I would ask you to elaborate but I doubt you could.

joke's on you.

just because Diablo went to shit it doesn't mean i'm gonna play Path of Borinxile, i simply play none of them because they're all shit....

kinda sad now that i think about it

>15 days until GGG punches own face again


>being such a fag you post the same thing on 2 different boards


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Both PoE and Grim Dawn are objectively better than Diablo grandpa.

they're better than diablo 3 at most, and that means they're still shit.

so there's that, son.

All viable builds converge to the same 20000attacks-per-minute-zip-around-like-a-faggot build.
The game actively prevents you from doing content you might enjoy
General cluster fuck of shitty league mechanics
Awful drop rates force you to trade if you want a certain item
"We keep trading intentionally shit because we are retarded niggers lol deal with it"
Maps/Atlas sucks shitdick
Most uniques are vendor trash
Rares aren't even worth picking up
Labyrinth sucks shitcock

Probably more but to make it short and sweet: the game is shit


>can opt out of SSF any moment you want
>give increased droprates
Are you high?

Another one? Aren't you guys fucking tired of this boring shit?

it's worse than that because classic won't even be the game it was back then, it already has weird changes like the 7.x client instead of 1.12

Then make it locked, letting people opt out of it at any time and keep their character is dumb anyway

>muh wun skill buld is so gud guyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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oh boy time to add another couple hundred

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poe was good for a while until they didnt know that to do with it
adding stupid features and making the game unoptimized and bloated isn't a great solution
now that tencent owns them it'll stay shit

I could never get into PO:A no matter how many times and how hard i tried...
>combat was boring
>the customization was extremely overwhelming to the point where i had no idea if i should just keep upgrading my gear with items while leveling or what
>everything had like dozens of layers of customization
>skills were eh
>the zones and scenery were empty and boring
>i hated the currency system
>no level scaling
I could never make it to the end game, maybe it would get better there, but i dont know.
The fact that it's free to play really shows.

> that cyclone rework
my dick, time to roll cyclone slayer again

couldn't be happier my dude

this may sound weird but 99% of the poe forum guides are absolutely garbage made by RMT imbeciles, if you want to see a good character guide look at popular players like mathil he has some guides


>another season of spectres/zombies/skeles/any fucking mix of the sort

I need to find a way to spice this shit up

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