Don't forget your daily dose Yea Forums

don't forget your daily dose Yea Forums

Attached: Dose.gif (329x302, 25K)

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Thanks doc

Thanks doc

Díky doktore

gracias doctor

Stop with this cringy new meme, its not funny

danke arzt

thanks doc

danke herr doctor

He needs more medicine doctor.

thanks doc

Go get your checkup, Vegeta.

Thanks doc

takk, doktor!

>new meme
fuck off newfag

Thanks doc


>daily dose
>new meme
Holy fucking shit I hate nu-Yea Forums so much.

Merci docteur


salamat doktor

thanks doc

>new meme
daily dose is an oldfag meme retard

Attached: 1557512692321.png (900x716, 124K)

Thanks, doc.

Gratitude to thee, medical practioner

>Daily dose
>Checking one's dubs/digits
What is the staying power of these two? Is brevity truly the soul of wit?

you deserve a medal, doc

Thanks doc

The staying power is their both bannable offenses on Yea Forums.

imagine being THIS new
thanks doc

thanks doc

thanks doc

Obrigado doutor.

Attached: demoman.png (350x352, 125K)

unironically SOUL

Namekians are asexual though? Piccolo doesn't have a bepis

thanks doc
kill yourself

Attached: 1557973701333.jpg (596x673, 44K)

Merci docteur

thanks doctor uwu

Thanks doc

Thanks doc

Thanks, Doc

thanks doc

Danke, Doktor.

Thanks doc

Literally fuck off back to where ever you came from

Mersi doctore

sugi pula