Grove street...home

grove street...home

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hesoyamhesoyamhesoyamhesoyamhesoyamhesoyamhesoyamhesoyam this is the power of brazilian autism...



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>that hud

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It's that GTA IV mod ain't it ?

Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies

no it's Patrick


Are those fences textures missing or do they look like that?



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them's solar panels cracka

no shit i was referring to how fucking blurry it is you mong

The death of the white race started here. The subversion of young white boys with nigger propaganda started with things like GTASA and Dave Chappelle.

Rockstar should unironically hire some modders since most of the PC ports they make are garbage, and you usually have to install mods to fix them.

OG Loc is saving the planet, are you doing your part user?

Really?It only taught me that niggers are psychopathic killers who do anything for money

At least this one doesn't make every surface all shiny and reflect like a mirror.

I think it's cute that you people think this is your echochamber.

The chromatic aberration isn't vanilla

I love you user

F is friends who do stuff together

Anecdotal. Look at all the other white men who grew up to worship rap and nigger culture. Millions have been brainwashed. Things like GTASA are a gateway drug to multiculturalism

This isn't reddit

It's literally been going on for generations, you're just too stupid to critically look at the culture you grew up with and figure out which parts were adopted from black culture before you were born.


Blame Eminem for that. Mechanically SA is the peak of GTA and CJ is a completely fleshed out protagonist compared to the memes we get in GTAV. Dave Chapelle is allowed to do satirical negro comedy without being morally responsible for stupid little helicopter parented white kids to internalize it. Eminem sounds like a whiny mumbly moron and set the standard for different dumb white kids to pretend they're black. Suck a chode

>The death of the white race started here
Based Rockstar

Eminem is definitely part of the problem but pretending the rest isn't propaganda too is foolish

White America didn't lose much by Black America assimilating its lowest of the lows, desu.

>whites are so pathetic they get brainwashed by video games
Whites deserve to go extinct.

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rockstar being based as always

Why do leftists try to pretend their propaganda doesnt exist and it's all just benign entertainment?

Don't give a fuck about identity politics. Defending GTA SA. Oh a franchise about crime?!? And ONE game in that franchise is about black crime? IS THAT A THING?? Surely there can't be much of that black crime going on to warrant a game in a franchise about crime. If there was no CJ people would bitch about GTA portraying whites negatively. Oh wait are Italians even white? Doesn't Rockstar typically portray all humans as negative, greedy, selfish pieces of shit? A return to GTA San Andreas game design would Make GTA Great Again. Piss off

bye, whiteboy

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Grow up and have sex, you literal child.

>all that chromatic aberration

Because Bible thumping helicopter parent single moms like you come along and call everything propaganda and try to ban it. I can play GTA and DOOM without robbing a liquor store or shooting up a school but you insist that for the defense of your "race" that they can't enjoy anything without it being subversive somehow. Worse it'll brainwash them.

>nigger culture is so cool guys xD niggers are just so hip and cool and gangsta I wanna worship nigger culture because kike-owned rappers are so badass it would be so cool if niggers just fucked my wife because niggers are just so cool xD west side yo! It's so cool to act like a ghetto nigger!!!

Cope, whitetard.

shut the fuck up faggot

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See what it comes down to? I can't enjoy San Andreas because this fuck thinks if anyone plays a video game they're gonna get cheated on or some shit. This motherfucker literally internalized blacked propaganda I stead of ignoring it. Yet he thinks he's championing white people somehow. Responding green text cuckshit is the literal equivalent of "have sex". Start thinking with your brain moron

>it's the jews fault that i'm a fucking loser who can't fuck

>stealing wow classic memes

Thanks for making blacks so hip, safe, relatable and cool for me Rockstar! I guess blacks really can be people! Diversity is our strength!!!

>This isn't reddit

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> he's still mad

>chromatic aberration

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Rockstar makes literally 1 game and a third of another black and the ministry of truth over here wants to shut it down. So are you gonna thank Rockstar for Red Dead Redemption making white people like cowboys again dipshit? I don't know how 2 turned out because GTAV sucked so much ass I didn't bother. BECAUSE THEY DEVIATED FROM SAN ANDREAS MECHANICS, GAMEPLAY AND STORYTELLING

Shit example. RDR2 had the character killing klansmen, more leftist brainwashing that encourages young white boys to kill other whites just for having racial pride.

I think the death of the white race started and ends with white parents being unable to responsibly raise their kids. Nobody told you to let your TV become a substitute for spending time raising your children.

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cry more, hick