It's no Masterpiece

It's no Masterpiece.

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The Town was making him stupid

I hated how they spoiled everything in the trailers. I was legit expecting some surprise worlds we hadn't seen but nope...

It's literally a game design encyclopedia. There are gameplay ideas everywhere. If you can't see that your IQ is in the double digit rank and you should return playing western blockbusters.

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I hate this trend recently in general. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spoils every unlockable character in the opening. Even if you avoided the spoilers for new characters up to that point, they all get spoiled right at the start. Even then the menus have new characters as well so it's unavoidable

It's not masterpiece, however it IS the best 3D platformer ever made

It is, /thread

Yet it still doesn’t hold a candle to galaxy 2

I've never watched the video, what points does he make?
Does he just rant about the amount of moons?

it's not as groundbreaking as 64 or as much of a spectacle as galaxy but it's fun and there's a lot to do. i also liked all the call backs to mario history. great game, would play again.

in terms of pure mechanics it does. galaxy 2 had the benefit of being a direct sequel so they could focus entirely on making levels. it's good but it's basically just an add on to galaxy. a really big add on.

97 10/10 GOTY FUCK YOU

You've been seething for two years now, give it a rest.

>tfw they kept one of the best worlds/bosses a secret
>only ends up lasting a few minutes
fucking Nintendo man

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Well you can't argue with that

It's a perfect platformer.

I agree I wouldn't call it a masterpiece either. Very solid Mario game and a great game by all metrics but you shouldn't just call every good game a masterpiece. A masterpiece should set a new standard of what a great game should be.

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It's art. It feels more impactful that way. Trekking on a land far gone, only the ruins of what once was.

their are gameplay ideas everywhere, but their all either bad or just rehashed from other parts of the game

Why doesn't his BOTW video get as much attention? It didn't get much less views.

It doesn't matter if you like them or not. The simple fact they let the game designers do anything they want and put any idea they want makes that game better than 99% of the other videogames. With the industry standards these days the game designers have to obey to the guy who write the scenario of the game and they can't do anything creative. If you want to study game design Mario Odyssey is a mine gold.

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>Fails to walk in a circle

2019... i am forgotten

it should've been bigger, there's a lot more they could do with a ruined/destroyed medieval kingdom in a Mario setting, it's a great juxtaposition for the rest of the series yet squandered on just being a boss arena

>There are gameplay ideas everywhere
And every one of them is terrible

Yes ideas like jumping and ummmm... more jumping. Jumping from building to jumping! And umm..... jumping as a frog! Oh, and collecting coins.

would yall be upset if they announce a sequel at E3?

they pull a galaxy on us?

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Shit, I'll fucking take it if there's enough new shit.
I loved Odyssey.

I would be happy.
Especially if they added a Luigi's Mansion level

But its the closest you'll ever get to one

when you unlock the mushroom kingdom
I really thought they were going to announce a DLC with super mario 64 levels....any DLC really

>mario odyssey sequel that adds kingdoms based on past games
>delfino, luigi's mansion, etc.
Sounds pretty sweet actually

you can know if a mario game is good or not based on its wall jump. odysseys walljump is garbage unfortunately

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No. Not even the best Mario.

This isn't a Ratchet and Clank thread nigger

it wasn't even as good as a 3d indie platformer that came out in the same month. Was even worse than a sonic game that year too, which is just absurd

>game about exploring the world
>never go to any places from previous games except peaches castle
>instead go to different asset flip kingdoms
thanks nintendo

it was forgotten two weeks after the release

I loved Odyssey. It rekindled my love for Mario games. I want a sequel with bigger worlds. It'd do wonders for the balloon game.

It would be weird if there was sudden lore in the next game, like if they introduced giga beasts, which are monsters that have the power to rule over other monsters, and Bowser was one of them the whole time.

a hat in time is better

I can't believe we've gone 12 years without a top tier original Mario. (Galaxy 2 is good but it's a 2)

Are there any other documented instances of a franchise dumping every good idea they had left into a single installment and then falling off a cliff?

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I think this game could use the same treatment to be honest. Odyssey's gameplay is so good and I think putting all their resources into making more levels to play would result in something similar to Galaxy 2.

*raises paw*
I thought 3D World was a stellar Mario title.

imagine ACTUALLY thinking this.

I agree with you, I know it's not a "TRUE" 3D Platformer like 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey but as a traditional Mario Platformer it's very good.

>thinking galaxy is any good compared to 64/Sunshine
Literally how to spot a zoomer.

I liked it a lot more than galaxy 1, 2, and Odyssey, but that could just be the "fun with friends" aspect of it

I really didn't care for Galaxy.

>snoyfags still clinging to the tranny in time

is it even on the ps4?

Mario controls the best he ever has in Odyssey but damn are all of the worlds and music super unmemorable. Sunshine has best levels/music

>but sony
it's a 3D platformer primarily designed around PC with modding support, why try to twist that into a console wars shitpost

>2 years later
>no dlc worlds
For fucks sake, if Nintendo decided they wanted to get into the DLC game, why are they doing it so poorly?
>Super Mario Party has no extra maps
>BoTW dlc was shitty

Odyssey got overshadowed by BoTW so badly it isn’t even funny

Odyssey had good music and New Donk is pretth memorable. Sunshine has the least memorable music of any 3D mario imo.

Even Mario 64 has like 3 times more different jump than Hat in time. Westerners just can't into platformers.

>Nintendo fans even fantasize about rehashes in their hypotheticals

Why'd he title the review "Its no masterpiece"? None of his other reviews have a clickbait title like that.

I guess it’s subjective. I just played Odyssey for the first time about 3 months ago and can’t remember the theme to New Donk yet I can hum the Delfino plaza music despite not having played the game in like 7 years

The weirdest thing about that title is that it implies his opinion is "it's good, but not THAT good", whereas in the video he argues that the game is damn mediocre

His BOTW review is similar where he says in the first 30 seconds its one of the best games hes ever played but spends the next two hours shitting on it.

Pretty sure his BOTW and GOW had "masterpiece" in the title somewhere
When I first heard of him I thought that was gimmick calling everything almost or not a masterpiece

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>ignoring Splatoon 2 and XC2 DLC
>Odyssey 2

They probably decided to do a sequel instead of wasting original kingdoms on DLC

As long as it's not Breath of Shit.

Was never interested in Splatoon and XC2 is gay

It's far from perfect but it's pretty good at what it does. It's probably my favorite 3D Mario game. I've still yet to play Sunshine, though.

If it isn't then what is?

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I prefer sunshine because it feels more like a natural world than a theme park
>Village connected to the plaza
>Amusement Park
>Ancient Ruins
>Second Village
Opposed to
>fire level
>water level
>ice level
>desert level
People say the sunshine levels are too similar but I never thought so

He wanted to pander to snoyfags on Yea Forums, that's all.
And considering that is the only video of his people ever praise, I would say it worked.

As a fan of the earlier Mario games, Odyssey was a huge disappointment for me. 99% of the game was so easy that collecting the moons felt like a chore. I'm not saying the game needs to be ridiculously hard but I expected a level of difficulty comparable to Super Mario World.

If Yea Forums is actually full of "hardcore gamers" this is not a game that should be liked on Yea Forums.

>it's basically just an add on to galaxy.
This isn't to the detriment of the game in any manner, nor is it a valid argument against it.

The amount of moons, the ease at which you find them, the amount of repeated moons, and other things like
>Sit on a bench and get a free moon.
>Now you're conditioned to sit on every bench with a guy nearby, expecting a free moon.

>Either of the Galaxy games
>being better than anything other than 3D World

>Odyssey is the best game ever!!!
t. underage zoomers with low standards and ADD focus on le colorful shiny new graphics

>Odyssey was my favorite, but it has some flaws
No one here.

>Odyssey was fucking shit, filler moons, worse level design than 64 amd Sunshine
t. most actual Mario fans on Yea Forums

There is no inbetween.


The devs expressed interest in making the worlds feel real and lived in, but the immersion is broken due to most of the objectives feeling like test level objectives rather than something that would actually happen in those worlds.

For example, Shiveria's idea of a main story mission is to funnel you into 4 3D World style levels that feel completely disconnected from the rest of the world. It would honestly feel more welcome without context like Super Mario 64's abstract levels

All they did was throw a dart at an IRL globe and replicate it with a slight undertone of "Mario-ness". For all they tout about taking Mario out of the norm and exploring new worlds they did a piss poor job of doing that. Tostarena is just like any other basic bitch desert level, Snow Kingdom is just like any other basic bitch snow level, Bubblaine is like every other basic bitch beach level, Lake Kingdom is like every other basic bitch underwater level. Cascade is like every other basic bitch grass level.

Only levels that really stand out is Luncheon, Ruined and Wooden. Too bad Ruined is a glorified boss arena. Also New Donk isn't anything new, Donkey Kong on Game Boy already had a city level in 199 fucking 4.

>years from now people will still remember and talk about Noki Bay but draw a blank when bringing up Seaside literallywho Kingdom

The absolute STATE of Söydessyfags

>Donkey Kong on Game Boy already had a city level in 199 fucking 4.
Are you fucking autistic?

ATTACK DRAGON and WIZARD DRAGON were true masterpieces


Why is this t-rex in New Donk? What part of New Donk even is this? It honestly feels more like a level with a New Donk City theme than a mission that's a part of New Donk City itself.

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But it's really comfy.

There hasn't been one since 64

But thats the only bench with a guy sitting on it though?

What an absolute based reply. I always get shit on when I say I hate the “theme park” approach to levels like
which is why I always say Sunshine is better. The levels felt natural and flowed together and felt like they belonged and ironically “lived in”

none of the New Donk levels make sense
>go into a building
>suddenly in an alleyway surrounded by other buildings
>go into a different one
>now in a skyscraper surrounded by girders and catwalks

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I liked the cook lavaworld.

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I don't understand why people like Galaxy so much. To me the more open levels and the movement having so much to it is what made 3D Mario 3D Mario. The planet gimmick just wasn't all that enjoyable either and kind of got annoying after a while.

Literally nobody talks about Noki bay wtf?

As if sunshine's levels are your basic water levels in their purest form.

>The levels felt natural and flowed together and felt like they belonged and ironically “lived in”

How the fuck does that matter in a mario game, when the best games in the series have no context for the environment other than "its a platoforming video game".

Fuck off shill

Are you really looking for realism in a mario game? The entire city of New Donk is on top of a giant sky scraper.

You're boring. The tyrannosaurus appearing out of nowhere in New Donk was utterly terrifying, 10/10

He actually goes into a lot of points. The only one I flat out disagree with is how the game should have had each of the possessions do more were as what it should have really had was higher necessity to jump between the possessions.

>Girders suspended by wires that just disappear into the sky
>Front door of city hall leads to a fucking stage

I don't get you, Nintendo

People have lost any creativity in them, best seen in those fags.

that doesn't mean the world to level transitions have to be the way they are, or that they couldn't have incorporated the themes of the levels into the area you enter them
>mini level takes place at the top of a skyscraper surrounded by clouds
>entrance could have a giant skyscraper stretching into the sky that disappears into the smog instead of a random 3 story building

Yea Forums only likes sony movies.
No hardcore here.

It's a great game but it is too fucking easy.

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How does any of that actually matter?
It's the most stupid complaint about a fucking Mario game I have ever seen.

Its a reference to Jurassic Park you fucking pleb.

Why is this thread filled with such "No-fun-allowed" autists?

Do you complain about every mairo game that makes no sense?

Galaxy probably does this the most. None of the "Galaxies" actually make any sense as places people live in.

Yes because going through a warp pipe and finding yourself in a giant pachinko machine in the sky is so realisitc.

All of the 3D Mario games are easy. 64, Sunshine and Odyssey make up for it by letting you get autistic as fuck with their movement if you want to.

Best 3D platformer ever made and the best Switch exclusive. It's a masterpiece

>It doesnt matter that Mario 64 is borderline unplayable to modern audiences, it was revolutionary at the time and should be recognized as the king for that
>It doesnt matter that Galaxy 2 is a direct sequel that adds nothing to the core gameplay, it beats Galaxy 1

It’s just what I like nigger. The whole theme of the game was tropical island and the levels fit in that theme while each being unique still

Nah dude the sleeping tyrannosaurus in the Wooded Kingdom was scary as shit

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you know how when you play a platformer and there's a mini version of the level you're about to enter represented on the map screen? It should've been like that, since the worlds themselves are basically giant level selects with other optional goals placed around them. The DKC games excel at that sort of thing, Mario shouldn't get a free pass just because of the name attached to it

when the theme of New Donk is 'realism' it wouldn't hurt to apply that to the entire area rather than just an aesthetic style for the NPCs
>warp pipes
they have 'warp' in the name, they get a pass

Besides the retarded Pachinko level, yeah its easy as fuck for like 99% of the game.

I'd argue that getting levels to make more contextual sense would take more creativity than just re-using assets


The only hard parts of the game stem from tedious bullshit (Watermelon level, Poison River), Janky physics (Pachinko level) or poor level design (Yoshi fruit mission).

Theres no actual intended challenge. Its why its the weakest mario game.

the Witness video was pretty dumb and clickbaity

The only real flaw with this game is that its way too fucking easy.

>If you want to study game design Mario Odyssey is a mine gold

How to create 800 filler moons out of 100! For beginners!

How to create a video game world with the atmosphere of a blank sheet of paper!

How to decrease the difficulty of your already easy game!

Yeah, it's a gold mine alright

What kind of levels would you want in a Mario Odyssey 2?

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just reuse old concepts that didn't go into the first one

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People talk about it all the time, its one of the best Sunshine levels. Sunshine has a tropical theme but you say its a "water level". No. The water is just dressing. Water is punishment in Noki Bay. You dont actually traverse it like a water level. Youre on a fucking cliffside and tightropes for 90% of the level. This same throughline applies to all levels in the game. Its funny because the only true "water level" is with the Eely Mouth boss fight and a few shine missions after that. Saying Sunshine is only "water levels" is disingenuous and shows how low IQ and desperate you Söydesseyfags are. Next you will tell me Tostarena is unique because it has shitty out of place poison lakes in a desert. In fact 70% of your shitty game spams the poison puddles in tons of areas because they can't figure out how to make their crappy playground levels offer any stimulating challenges.

>64 and Sunshine are elaborate Wipeout gauntlets with real punishment and interconnectivity
>Odyssey is just a shitty flat playground for kids to play around in

What do you do in Seaside compared to Noki huh? Slowly swim in and out of cubby holes looking for moona in seaweed?

Odyssey = 64 = Galaxy 2 > Galaxy > Sunshine >= 3D World > 3D Land

Holy shit I wish they went with this for New Donk instead

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I still want these at some point

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Odyssey was okay at best. I'm really happy I had someone to borrow a copy from instead of buying it myself as I would have very much regretted my purchase.

What is this? Candy Kingdom?


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seems like it, I imagine the hard candy rocks near the middle of the image were the basis for Luncheon Kingdom's rocks and walls

We get it, you don’t think it’s perfect, that doesn’t mean it’s not GOTY material

Nintendo announces Odyssey 2 with the new Kingdoms in the image. How do you react?

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64 is a bad game

>No one here.

>le snoy

Nice "argument".

>worse level design than 64 amd Sunshine
odysseys level design is vastly superior to 64 and sunshine

>mario looked like this until he left new donk
deepest lore

fuck no, sunshine has shit tier level design

nvm I'm illiterate


I actually prefer the Galaxy games.

The lack of tiers to collectibles killed the game for me.
>Involved challenges and "literally just stumbled onto it sitting out in the world lmao" give me the same fucking collectible
>As I run around the worlds looking for challenges to do I stumble upon so many trash moons that I meet the requirements to move on before I even see the entire Kingdom, let alone do a satisfying amount of the content
>In most cases I have all my moons for the kingdom collected long before I take on the boss fight
Either take out the trash moons bloating the game so that Nintendo can reach the meme 999 count or make it so that there's important moons and standard moons.

Also the level design was way too open. Way too much of the game is just flat open spaces with playgrounds that produce moons dotting the landscape.

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anyone have more concept art for odyssey?

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Bianco Hills > Bob-omb Battlefield > Cascade Kingdom

Ricco Harbor > Whomp's Fortress > Sand Kingdom

Gelato Beach > Jolly Roger Bay > Lake Kingdom

Pinna Park > Wooded Kingdom > Cool Cool Mountain

Luncheon Kingdom > Pianta Village > Lethal Lava Land

Noki Bay > Seaside Kingdom > Dire Dire Docks

Tall Tall Mountain > Metro Kingdom

Lost Kingdom > Big Boo's Haunt > Hotel Delfino

Snow, Ruined, Bowser, Moon and Mushroom are either glorified boss arenas or shitty filler extras. Ironic because these would have been fun hidden levels in 64's castle instead of shitty filler on a linear overworld map.

Fuck yeah, dude

>Tall Tall Mountain > Metro Kingdom
This is how I know you're a tasteless faggot.

Tall Tall Mountain is one of the worst fucking 64 levels, it's painfully linear and with the exception of the slide there's nothing really interesting about it. Meanwhile Metro/New Donk is easily the strongest level in Odyssey.

The Galaxy games are atrocious. For a series that's so completely about moving around, they have probably the worst movement options for Mario.

I wish the game would force you to revisit some of the planets and make it so that more things within the world change as the story progresses.

Not him but metro kingdom was my least favorite in Odyssey

No, YOU are the tasteless faggot here, opting for spectacle over substance. Dp you know why Tall Tall is linear? Because if you fuck up you fall back down to a lower level or even die. In New Donk? You just scale empty boring tall skyscrapers, remember no fall damage so you have no sense of peril, unless you deliberately go out of bounds on purpose. The rest are just shitty minigame tier moons on the floor and long jumping over buildings without a care in the world. In what way does this constitute good level design? Just admit youre not a Mario fan and just a fucking faggot underage zoomer who plays open world Ubishit. Im so sorry your feefees got hurt when you died and fell off Tall Tall on your Project64 emulator.

What in the actual hell, it's easily the best in the game bar none. It's a study in how an open-concept 3D platformer should be built; there are tons of routes up and around everything, it's extremely vertically-oriented, and the way the level geometry ties into the moveset (with things like bouncing off cars, swinging from lightpoles, etc) makes special interactions feel like something other than a move-shaped key to an obstacle-shaped lock.

It's also one of the only Odyssey levels that doesn't lean painfully hard into the enemy capture mechanic as a mandatory means of traversal, with only the little flip-sticks being really prominent (and which barely qualify as capture-mechanic pieces anyway).

Well, I actually played Mario long enough to know the core of Mario is level design which is why Sunshine and Odyssry don't hold up

Looks more like a masterpiece than “how many early access features can we put stuff into one game: the game”

Literally none of your point is about the variety of the gameplay and the ideas of game design this game contains. You literally have to be 3 digit IQ to understand the purpose of a game design encyclopedia. It's amazing how so much people are unable to spot the creative game design work in a videogame.

>Dp you know why Tall Tall is linear?
because designing open-ended levels is hard work and it's much easier to just wrap a basic-bitch straight line platforming run in a spiral and call it a "mountain"?

SM64 actually has quite a few excellent levels; Lethal Lava Land, Tiny Huge Island, Whomp's Fortress, Snowman's Land, etc.

TTM is up there with TTC and Rainbow Ride as the least interesting levels in the entire game.

I don't think any masterpiece games exist. All great games have some flaws.

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It didn't need to be.

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This why I hate the “you did naht really beat the game unless u got 116.65 pursent!!” that’s popular right now. Developers get lazy and ultimately just stuff extra shit into it to pad the game. No one should have to do that shit and no game should end up feeling more like a job than entertainment.

>angry toon mario
I would have mained mickey mario's costume. also that jr costume reminds me of pic related

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Yep, and it deserved to be that way since BOTW is a lot better than Odyssey.

>It's a study in how an open-concept 3D platformer should be built
You are so extremely daft. 64 and Sunshine already did this. All Odyssey demonstrates is how to wring out a small space of its content, of which none are unique and amounts to a neverending easter egg hunt with no effort or sense of rightfully earned reward. If you want to make a banal walking sim then I guess Odyssey IS a textbook example.

>there are tons of routes up and around everything
Yeah but what are you DOING? You just enjoy it for the hell of it? Going through the motions? There is no payoff. There is nothing. Tall Tall rewards you for the trek upwards.

>it's extremely vertically-oriented
And no fall damage so moot point.

>and the way the level geometry ties into the moveset (with things like bouncing off cars, swinging from lightpoles, etc)
The map is a big empty rectangular square with several skyscrapers jotted in between lanes. Its the worst designed level in Odyssey. You bring up menial shit like taxis and poles like as if it fucking matters. Might as well admit you like it for being a playskool toy with funny buttons to press.

>It's also one of the only Odyssey levels that doesn't lean painfully hard into the enemy capture mechanic

Yes lets ignore the tanks you capture why dont you. You tacitly admit the capture mechanic is such a lame gimmick that its absence is a good thing. Good on you.

Please, PLEASE stop embarassing yourself. I know you little zoomer shitheads think you know about level design because you mindlessly consume eceleb nonsense on Youtube but trust me, here on Yea Forums you won't be given an easy pass when you say ignorant dumb shit like "true open world concept".

That drifts dangerously down the DK64 path of just jamming a thousand million different types of collectibles into the game.

Odyssey already does plenty to force you to play through the game without just gassing up on trash moons:
>narrative moons which are required collection for unlocking parts of the level sequentially force you to play through "the right way" for the main story
>no matter how many moons you collect on a world, your required count resets to zero for the next world
>triple-moons for bosses

It does feel a little strange at first that something like coming in first on the second-run of the Bound Bowl races has the same reward as "hey look, I ground-pounded a glowing spot" but ultimately the challenge moons only exist for completionism's sake anyway, since you can just buy your way to Darker Side with 10-moon grabs after you beat the game once.

I'm with you on TTM but TTC is one of the best levels in the game. Rainbow Ride is almost ruined by the slow-ass carpet but its still a good level as well. The water levels are the least interesting parts of 64 and I don't see how anyone could argue with that.

2D Mario and 3D Mario are different things entirely and that is a good thing.

>Yeah but what are you DOING? You just enjoy it for the hell of it?
Kind of, yes. It's a Mario game, moving around is fun on its own.
>Tall Tall rewards you for the trek upwards
With what, a fucking Star? It's not like there's blowjobs waiting at the top. It's a fucking videogame, ultimately the only reason to play it is because playing it is fun, Tall Tall Mountain is not some Grandmaster-Galaxy-Tier endgame run designed to punish you. It's just a straight line with like 4 enemies and 3 places where you might miss a jump and die if you're retarded. Fuck's sake apart from trying to manage jumps on the mushrooms and that one log-rolling bit the entire level is just walking in a gentle leftward curve. Apart from noob-bridging your ability to long jump in the very beginning (with no death punishment) and that hidden slide, it does nothing at all of interest.

>And no fall damage so moot point.
It's a 3D Mario game, what the fuck does dying even do? It's not like you have to insert quarters to fucking continue. The biggest penalty of dying in a 3D Mario game is being sent back to the start and losing your progress forward in the level which, hey, falling to the fucking ground already does without you needing to take damage, since you now have to climb back to where you were.

>Yes lets ignore the tanks you capture why dont you
I will, because you do it literally twice in little side-run minigame content. It's not a frequent and mandatory part of navigating the level space, like it is in Cap Kingdom, Luncheon Kingdom, Bowser's Kingdom, Seaside Kingdom, etc.

Great game, would have been better without the cheevo moons and placed them in hard sublevels.
Oh also, the boss fights should have become a ton harder in the rematches (the only one that's that good is the harvest machine).

TTC is better than TTM but it suffers from the same basic design problem of "just wrap a straight-line level in a spiral and call it 3D". Except for one or two places there's exactly one way up/forward. I get that it's more challenging as a pure platforming exercise because of the amount of moving parts, but it doesn't do anything interesting with the 3D space.

What makes for a good 3D platformer level is that there are a number of ways and routes that crisscross and interconnect; it's a bunch of bite-size 2D platforming challenges laid out in a more-or-less free choice grid. Having those kinds of segments overlap and interact makes the level design interesting and feel fresh every time you run it. TTC suffers in an EXTREME way from "you got the first star, now do the first 90% of that shit all over again" fatigue. Made doubly painful by 64 kicking you out of the level on each collection.

it's not S-tier but it is A-tier

Galaxy is the worst 3D Mario.

>all of these people shitting on Galaxy

How is it any less a true 3D platformer than Galaxy? Take out the gravity gimmick and Galaxy is exactly the same damn thing as 3DW.

A+ tier

The only things wrong with it are
>belly diving tied to ground pound input so you can't dive and keep your momentum
>purple coins really suck because of the way they're placed
>too much mandatory waggling when there's like 6 redundant buttons on the controller, fuck even SMW used 3 face buttons

Use the A button for belly dive (instead of pound+cap toss) and the waggle commands for rolling and captures, and replace the stupidly-tucked-away purple coins with more filler moons (and use the purple coins the way BK uses music notes, to guide you around all the features of the level) and it's perfection.

honestly it took me months to form an opinion on this game (after beating story).
the idea is that its just 10 worlds but 50+ stars in each, which makes it a perfect game to play while pooping because you're guaranteed to find 5+ stars every poop.

the shorter worlds were a mistake though and only exist as world screen select filler

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Odyssey 2 should have playable Peach with Tiara instead of Cappy and give her a float instead of a dive

Attached: peach capture.jpg (2406x1638, 384K)
>Galaxy wins multiple generational awards
>Odyssey couldn't even get a notable Game of the Year

They value hype over the player experience. They're going to show everything they have hoping something in their trailers will get you interested in buying their game.
I miss unlocking new characters in smash and having my mind blown

It doesn't have to be. It's just a solid game.

What would be the difference between converting the lesser moons to a lesser collectable and leaving it as is?

They could have easily made it like any other 3D Mario: Have 7 core objectives and then change ever other moon into something like a "moon shard", collect 10 moon shards for 1 single moon but all that does is waste your time converting collectables into bigger collectables. Its no different than the blue coins in sunshine. It was an intentional design choice to standardize all the collectibles into one single thing.

I mean i guess people would complain less about "filer moons" if they werent categorized as moons but it really actually change anything about the game. People still complain about the blue coins in sunshine.

This, if you're going to do them as "moon shards" you still need them to be named in the list because half the challenge of those moons comes from understanding Talktatoo's clues, if you replace them with shards/bits/etc they become like Purple Coins and it's nothing but blind wandering trying to fucking find the last few.