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Kingdom Hearts has a plot?


Bioshock Infinite
Metal Gear Solid 5
Trails of Cold Steel 4
Final Fantasy 15

Soon to be Death Stranding

Sheep gotta sheep, nothing new here

don't curse death stranding

Why did they have to wait to be disappointed by terrible story writing

>Bioshock Infinite
It's time to end this meme.

Go back to facebook or reddit you waste of fucking oxygen.

None of those were marketed as the end of some decade long arc. KH3 was.

I'm waiting for the KH3 dlc before writing it off as a disappointment, there are a number of inconsistances and odd moments that can be solved with minimal additions to the story.

>mfw finding out about "world lines."

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Nothing wrong with the ending of Game of Thrones

Nobody uses fb but parents

But Dany going crazy for no reason was kino.

>crickets chirping

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>when you aren't fan of any of those
Damm I love being me

Who the fuck ever gave a shit about KH plot?

I love how the only plausible explanation for him appearing like that was that his replica body got hot-dropped from low orbit as his heart yeet'd out of sora.

got fans are one of the most entitled fanbases ever

Mass Effect 3 is worst you crybabies

>one was widely regarded as one of the best written fantasy series of modern times
>the other had fucking Goofy


high estrogen will do that

You see it was, until they ruined it after they ran out of source material to ride the coat tails of.

>stopped playin for the night after starting Monsters Inc. world
>haven’t started the game up since
Is it worth finishing? It’s just so easy and dull even on proud

I'm not. From my perspective they'd need to do an almost complete overhaul for the game to stand as anything but "the least worst post KH2 game." And honestly I'm not even sure it deserves that designation since DDD, Coded, and BBS didn't squander all their potential on some of the most baffling choices I've ever seen Nomura make.

You can try restarting on critical but it's not a huge difference beyond getting one shot from off screen more often.

>waiting year for got
They took only 1 year off...

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>Death Stranding
but is it written by Hideo or Kojima?

>caring about GoT
>caring about KH3

I don't get zoomers..

I was okay with most of it, epecially the aftermath with all the org members, that was pretty cool, but trying to turn Xehanort into a sympathetic villain at the last minute was the real ball bust to me. What was Nomura thinking?

Nobody cares if you dislike popular things, it doesn't make you more unique or special.

>expecting anything from Kingdom Hearts
I always thought it was a discounted Naruto

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I like plenty of popular media, but I don't see why people like these pieces of garbage.


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This, but there were clezrly retarded decisions for season 8.
>Kind of Forgot
Arya killing the night king

I feel this way about Harry Potter too. When did this gay nerd shit become so popular?

People honestly should have seen kh coming and from what people have told me about got the writing was on the wall for that show for a while as well

>Metal Gear Solid 5

Which entry isn't terribly written? I only played 3, GZ and PP, and only enjoyed one conversation in 3 and GZ. 99% was pretty poor, kinda like cheap bollywood poor.

Which MGS has a non-terrible storyline?

who expected good writing from KH3? the series has never had good plot, only good characters and moments, and it goes full fan wank which is what you shouldn't expected after DDD.

True but fans waited 10 years for FF15 just to have cancelled story DLC

KH and HP are largely fueled by nostalgia and people sticking with shit they liked when they were younger but I can't speak for GOT.

>it goes full fan wank
I wouldn't call that half assed trash fan "wank." It was the laziest shit they could possibly have put on a disc.

Arya killing the Night King wasn't bad it was just handled poorly.
Jon should have made it to Bran, in time to fight the Night King and just barely hold him off from winning, and THEN Arya could have come in from the shadows and kill him. Reframe it as Jon and his closest sister working together to save Bran and win the war and it's instantly much less shit.

GoT has been disappointing since at the very least S4 and KH was never good, certainly not in the writing department

>Watch a show that has terrible story writing, shit-tier characterdevelopment, incoherent world-building and is written by a writer who is universally regarded as a hack
>surprised it is disappointing
are GoT fans really this retarded?

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>Arya killing the night king

Man, I loved how a woman doing something important triggered all the /pol/tards

It triggered everyone that watches the show. It's not the fact a woman did it you virgin, it's the fact Arya did it, it's the fact the night king strolled up to Bran unarmed for no reason, the fact he didn't snap her neck the second he had her when he can hurl a javelin into the stratosphere at mach 10. The fact he was even fucking there at all when he could just swarm all of Winterfell.

And also that all of the white walkers died when he did
>eternal winter turned into mildly inconvenient evening

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Starcraft 2, kind of. Starcraft isn't a game you play primarily for the story or anything, but I was looking forward to seeing it continue either way.
And boy was it disappointing.

The DLC won't add back in stuff that is just glaringly missing-- like that gif you posted, you were supposed to go there and fight enemies outside the tower, it was in trailers and everything, they even give the Tower its own World title card, but it's just for a handful of cutscenes. Really odd. Maybe originally they intended the player to return to the tower in the same manner as KH2 but figured that would be too much work.

Don't forget taking all the women and children into the F U C K I N G C R Y P T S

>if I dont like thing anyone who does like thing is brain damaged

>they even give the Tower its own World title card
>but not Radiant Garden
What in the actual fuck was Nomura smoking?

Fact: people who "like" objectively bad things are mentally handicapped.

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MGS5 wasn't even finished. Konami slapped and ending together out of existing assets because they were sick of spending money on it and then fired Kojimbo and cock blocked him from showing up at awards and events.

you wish, cuck

Based gogo poster

>got fans are one of the most entitled fanbases ever

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