God I want to pin one of these little mana addicts down, nibble on her ears from behind and cum deep inside her womb
God I want to pin one of these little mana addicts down, nibble on her ears from behind and cum deep inside her womb
Other urls found in this thread:
Me too
Are ears erogenous areas for elves? What would happen if you bit them really hard?
I'd let Lana abuse me.
And here we go again, daily softcore to hardcore WoW-based shitposting thread. At least 400 posts before 404.
You get mana aids from their blood
I want to marry and impregnate a Blood/Void Elf.
>Edgy as fuck art
>Is actually level headed as a sith and sometimes a complete softie
Also horizontal elf ears > vertical elf ears
I want to BE a Blood/Void Elf.
a MALE elf. And I'm going to fuck all the FEMALE elves (and only the female elves)
They're a good choice. I prefer space goats, but Belfs are a close second. You seem pretty cool user, I like your moxie.
i'd use the force to sexually bully her.
based belf chad, they get all the thots they can handle. Another Patrician user in this thread.
Based and elfpilled.
have sex, oh wait you never will have
Im glad the Alliance got objectively better Blood Elves this expansion.
has it ever been confirmed or revealed if elf ears in WoW are, canonically, an erogenous - or however it's spelt - zone?
why would it be. this is a game about killing dragons and wasting your life.
there is nothing sexual about wow, no matter how much you wank to it
Hey remember when flirt was an emote in wow, I wonder why?
I got sexed on by a girl a little older than me and her mother when I was 7, now it's weird to think about.
Still, that's once more than you will ever get.
Twice, if you count them as separate acts.
there's also a train emote, whats your point. would you call it a train simulator? stupid cunt
Goblin ears are canonically fully penetrable and also the only hole big enough for other races, one of the writers tweeted about it
You said there’s nothing sexual in wow, that’s obviously wrong if they made a jab at people who go around Rping
from what we've seen in the lore, your best shot at fucking an elf is if you're a human male
Considering the small amount of actual half-elves compared to the actual amount of full-blooded elves that have both parents being elves: nope.
Have sex.
The world (of warcraft) is changing rapidly, dude.
Would if I could... bitch!
I'll have sex with your character
Why is there so little male elf x fem human? Human girls being insecure about their racial inferiority is what i call based
Because no one wants to fuck effiminate elf men lmao. Why do you think female elves are paired with other race males?
>sometimes a complete softie
She is like the opposite of most women, soft on the outside, hard on the inside. It is something you rarely see. There is one mission, and after you finish part of it she is like, "by the way you should probably kill that dude by betraying him, kthx"
She goes to dark places if you let her.
belf players post discords.
Because WoW has shitty lore. Female human elf male pairings would be as common as the other way around, if the writers would actually think these things through. But most of these pairings are written by shitty self-insert writers.
Of course a tall, long-lived, magical, experienced, confident, good-looking elf is exotic but also conveniently attractive enough that many women would fall for that. Couple that with a lot of sexual experience while also being physically young and virile. And night elves are huge, feral supposedly at least and even more exotic! And probably have massive dicks
Damn I kinda want to but.. nervous haha
God I wish that was me
She's practically evil, which is nice. And then she's prepared to tear apart the galaxy when you vanish if you're fucking her
literally the only reason I play horde (and I can't be a void elf dh or pally)
Have kids
Because in WoW elves are the submissive race, not the other way around.
Degradation/corruption/cuck fetish material wherein fantasy races serve as stand-ins for real ones...really makes you think...idk male belves could be construed as homo but that’s pretty much just derived from their /joke emotes This is pretty obviously true, it’s just an odd combination of fanfiction Windrunner x male human from blizzard and muh dikk orc and human x elf commissions from the degenerate fanbase
Post yours.
w-why user
Based tribute/ erpfag
suckd that belves are all sticks and you can't have those milkers
Fuck now I really want someone to tribute my belf.
Post her
No bully
Pretty cute. I think mine has either that hair color or the slightly lighter tone. Not at home atm so cant post.
Me on the left
>More than 50% playerbase is blood elves
Thanks, she's probably the one thing that makes me miss playing
Isn't that perfect then? The other 50% should all have personal fucktoys.
Are you girl irl?
>tfw I use to erp all the time as a magic addict belf slut and helped over 100 men get off.
Sorta miss it
I aspire to be like you.
No I'm not.
do you literally know of only 3 elves?
Easy, you look at art that actually depicts an elf male.
Thanks! It felt great just seeing how erotic some guys get, plus being used as a device so they could cum was really hot.
user please, all these erpg-fags here are just guys and trannies.
I hope to find men into my most depraved kinks, I want to help them cum.
You will, they're around.
>i want to have sex with attractive women haha im such a sicko xD
>She is like the opposite of most women, soft on the outside, hard on the inside. It is something you rarely see.
Fell in love with one of those irl. Don't do it.
Oh I'm sure, I've just yet to find any. Vanilla stuff is fine but I need more...
You use MRP or any kind of RP info mod right?
Garithos was right
post discord
Yeah, of course. I look around a lot but the most depraved people always tend to also be findoms. It's annoying.
Ears are erogenous areas for humans, FYI.
with mods you can make them into thicc mommys if you desire
I mean male belfs are pretty buff,but they do look thin and feminine compared to the other horde races.
look at what they actually look like instead of faggy fanart
I want a Panda wife
AND AGONY........... dink
What do we do!?!?!?!?!
I want to be a panda wife
Do you now?
>racemixing isn't degenerate
What kind of kinks?
the worst things you can think of. No exaggeration.
You are a attentionwhore, please fuck off
is there more to that set?
>WoW faggots
So a bunch of 30+ boomers, out of shape because the body fat stays at that age, are in this very thread spouting gay RP shit and sharing fetishes.
How have you NOT kill yourself yet? You will never be a women you ugly basement fat fucks.
Belfs are small
All e*ves deserve the rope
Taller than humans.
Why is every girl bald there?
let him, then thank him afterward.
Have sex
>elves and humans are 6 feet at a minimum
>be 14
>want to do this
>now 24
>nothing has changed
I hate being manlet.
It should not be allowed to let people under 180cm to breed. Even kids are taller than me nowdays.
Its such a shitty feeling.
So what you're saying is you're a healthy man? Keep it up bro
Elves are for trolls
I know that feel bro, it's especially annoying because for some reason I'm the shortest man in the family
>Great Granddad was 6'3
>Granddad and Dad are both 6'1
>Younger brother is 6'2
>I'm 5'6
It's not fair, bros
>no panda wife to spoon you in bed
Elves are for wolf dicks
Elves aren't picky
>remembering all that old azazel art
Far as I know he does jack fuck these days and the last Warcraft related thing he did was when someone commissioned him to make unit icons for a mod.
Reminder that all races on Azeroth can interbreed. There's a chance if you fuck the right wolf you could get pregnant.
I hope it will at least be three days.
Where did it all go so wrong?
woah bro
I miss my getting dicked down by huge worgen knots desu.
As you can see in this thread: Gay trannies erpging on their way to autogynephilia as female elves and then came the porn. Also shitty writers shitting on elves at every opportunity.
based alori
Is this the daily WoW totally not porn thread? I’m not complaining but it’s like day 5
I wish I could do that.
Then came the elves, then came the porn, then came the neckbeards, blowing their loads.
And the dirty old track was the telegraph road.
Just whip it out
I will not whip it out to WoW porn. Draenei girls a best
Stop posting this picture of me
I really really like this picture. Not only does it make the pop hard, it makes me nostalgic towards the hours I spent circling that one area with a targeting macro trying to get a blood elf bandit mask
t. tranny
>comissioning a bunch of sfm vids
>then comissioning someone to make a fap hero of them
Until I find out that it's a guy who is doing it specifically to sate his own cuck fetish, that's a resounding based from me.
Post more of you
>but they sell for like 45g each
>all i have to do is find like one every hour cant be that har-
I'ma fuck those thighs.
Ah-hem...Have Sex.
I'd like to see you try
Valeera should be illegal, slut doesn't even wear pants
with you?
Is this part of a larger pic?
vidya isn't ar-
What does Yea Forums think of Worgen?
even though both look female, right one looks more feminine to me
what the fuck
>tfw no blood elf shit in classic
feels great man
why was illidan eating a banana?
>tfw no human gf
Best race/nation in WOW
>going to an anonymous imageboard and screeching as intensely as you can that you wanna fuck
>not going outside to do it where someone else who wants to fuck might hear you
every single bird is smarter than you
>oh boy, I love elves in warcraft so much!
>posts exclusively females
I wonder what the reason for that is... Shouldn't you like all kinds of elf characters?
This but i want her to cum in me with her big furs horsecock
>No goats either
>tfw I'm exactly the same height as human female
I'd post more than what I have, but most male belf art is fucking trash.
t. virgin
>tfw no panda gf
Elves have no shame
YES please.
male elves are usually pretty bad desu. only enjoyable one was illidan in warcraft 3
I have taken basically the same screenshot
I wanted to wear her outfit so badly.
The Forsaken should've Final Solution'd them all
they get rid of piccolo bread they are coming for us
based janny
because it was drawn to be more feminine
In game WoW belfs basically have just human male heads with sharp chad chins
That's not Kael'Thas
I want a Blood Elf wife.
imagine having this bad of taste in fantasy woman when drainia exist
I'd rather be one of these little mana addicts so a big strong draenei can do just that to me.
cute nighporne
fuck TBC, it absolutely destroyed the lore
I mean, the easy thing is to just go to Goldshire, but I always enjoyed hanging around Duskwood with a provocative trp.
TBC was a fantastic expansion, but they really mangled the lore. What they did to Kael was tragic. They not only made us kill him once, but twice.
Burning Crusade released 12 years ago. You're VERY late to the party.
>draenei and night elf females
>over 2m
ooof, this makes all the porn just hotter
how to fix the problem of blood elves not procreating and dying out
invent a potion that turns your cum into mana
Rang#8559 Add me if you want some BIG WORGEN KNOT
She looks like she fucks tauren guys.
I want to marry and impregnate
Yeah but I want it as a blood elf.
Provactive trp might be fun, I tried it once while questing but no one bit
Even now we don't have a proper pimp cowl and shoulders like that ingame.
When we will finally be able to abandon the Alliance and the Horde so all races could finally achieve piece?
Hopefully never. This Horde/Alliance drama is well past it's expiration date, but it's all WoW really has going for it right now, it's established lore. It'd be fine if the writers weren't absolute trash.
>achieve piece?
I want to marry and impregnate a Human.
You can always leave a note that you're looking for xfac fun, it's worked for me.
I adore having things come together in the wild, but it is very rare.
Spaceship and blood elves getting their homeland back somehow because the lazy devs couldn't make their zone in Outland.
5 major lore character getting butchered and turned into loot pinatas cauz wow players are incels who wants to be the ultimate champion.
I think I may have ate my cum by accident so I jacked off and went to grab a brownie with my clean hand and I ate it and I felt something slimy and snotlike
I didn't check because - brownie. I'm not spitting it out.
That’s a sexy drawing
No its not you dumb fuck. It made no sense at all and it destroyed the lore forever.
I can hope then. In about a year when this expansion is over with and the next one is out.
What are you talking about? The Horde and Alliance being at war? It's been that way since Warcraft up until the new Horde formed with Thrall. Or the lore for this expansion? I said that it'd be fine if the writers knew what they were doing, but they clearly don't.
why are undead males taller than humans on average ?
gfycat com/newlikelycheetah
god i wish i was her
Dranei>Blood Elves.
so do i brother
Pandas are our wives
I want to be a panda wife.
You have shit taste lmao.
Wc3 ended the faction bullshit with the alliance destroyed and the horde fucking off to kalimdor.
Tft is good because it resolved around character and races each having their own agenda.
Forcing factions again for no reason makes no sense, destroy the scale of the world, makes the races/leader dull and act like retards ("lol we are going to attack the blood elves for no reason than pushing them into the horde cauz ugly players don't want to play horde" ).
Oh, you're just angry because you wanted Blood Elves on the Alliance, I bet you want High Elves too. Talk about shit taste. Yikes.
This is exactly what I was expected : WoWincel is getting exposed for his shit taste and gives up with his "muh you are a Xfaction lover of you hate that character /story of WoW" typical ad hominem argument.
Where did I say that I wanted bloodelves into alliance you incel
Blood Elves are on the Alliance now.
Also I want a Void Elf wife.
This is another issue with the faction bullshit : statu quo.
Can't give some faction X thing without giving the other the equivalent.
Blood elf mutants for alliance? Quick give Night elf mutants for Horde!
Why are you so pissed off and hostile? I have played WoW since Cataclysm, I just follow the lore.
That didnt work out very well, because Void Elves are waifus and Nightborne are shit.
>holding any hope for WoW lore
You're hurting yourselves.
Factions should be story and PVP only. Blizzard can't do anything with the setting because players are locked to a faction.
Didn't Blizzard finally go full spergout and actively hunt down titty modders recently?
Because ppl like you who are responsable for the lore going from very good with lot of potential (war3) to absolute trash.
You know why we had tbc with stupid things such has blood elves in horde and every character killed?
Because that's what wow players wanted.
Same way we had Scooby-Doo villain Arthas.
I love Warcraft universe too much.
It may not be perfect but one thing for certain is that even if the writers we have nowdays are bad the y won't be there forever and there may come day where we will get someone better who would spark the joy anew.
Personally I don't have too much expectations anyway so I am satisfied even with what we get.
Warcraft never tried to be the work of fine arts.
Yeah, the reversed the initial bans because they underestimated how many people use titty mods
tfw no THICC panda gf
They didn't really hunt them down, and in fact undid a lot of the bans that were only for titty mods.
It's just to run them you have to actually edit the .exe even for booby mods which leads to actual exploits which they don't want.
Is this an elf thread or a misery poker thread?
big purple amazon elves > humans with pointy ears
They plan expansions in advance, or so they've said multiple times. The players are at fault for many things, but not what the writers decide to do with the story, in most cases at least. I just think as a first expansion, they really didn't know where to go with TBC, and unfortunately that just carried on. A weak start doesn't stop a story from being able to become good later, with good writing, but they just could never really pick up the ball.
ive been masturbating to wow elves for over a decade. how do i stop
I want to put a baby in one.
Elf thread
I meant haven't btw, I haven't played since Cata. Not like it makes much of a difference though.
My wife near the oar.
Don't be like that, there's no need to fight.
This is completely wrong especially for wow where feedback even modifies the dialogues of ptr.
What I said was confirmed by the devs. They always rely on feedback.
Another exemple is illidan getting rez and retconned because the fanbase was vocal.
man i wish humans existed irl
You can't, stop fighting it.
fuck fuck FUCK! It’s not FUCKING fair! I want an elf wife so fucking much. DAMMIT
That's the only good pic posted so far. This is still an attempt at your regular porn thread.
I would fight for my Blood Elf wife.
>those two in the back
So is it reasonably safe or do they actually look out for that shit now and the wave ban was basically a warning?
Me standing up
Oh don't get me wrong it's still bannable. It was just that they went and undid anything that was only a model edit or something.
Start a family
I wish wow porn wasn't so overwhelmingly trash.
post elves
>worgen arent even on there
Well they said they would ban them again if they use em again. From what I understand the current model edits do change the .exe file. Model editing used to be a lot simpler back in the day, you could just drag and drop files without using 3rd party tools or patching the client.
Back to "don't ask, don't tell" then? I remember as long as you didn't fucking flaunt it you were fine.
I wish she was my wife
Since we have the SAME EXACT thread again, might as well dump the SAME EXACT pictures again as well.
I wish you people would start posting discords.
Nope, see Thankfully FFXIV's modding community is acknowledged and flourishing.
>that quest where you have to escort prince farondis
>mother fucker escorts you instead
me wrapping my feets around the brunette's thigh :3
Those models need mods more 2bh. It's frustrating that the game has sliders but tits still go from board to A-cup, and butts don't exist. Thank god for modders.
What a sexy drawing
Cool, looks like it's time to write about fucking cats and tranny lizards. They're not nearly as hot as Warcraft elves and space goats, though.
glad you like it
Source please.
Where are the FUCKING vulpera?
Belf tummy
Elf-hater please fuck off.
>Not going for a superior female Tauren.
Homosexual. Still hard over loyalty level 6.
I miss the Warswords so much. And Legion. I know all the skins can be transmogged but fuck, I couldn't last a month with BFA and somehow I played for all of Legion.
Most old and decrepit people get smaller
Who the fuck makes these kinds of things? So fucking laughable and pathetic
My nigga. I loved the pvp appearance the most, but the mage tower one was great too.
I played.. two months? of BfA, but that was it. I can't take that crap, even if it really was the same as Legion. At least Legion had my order hall.
spotted the disgruntled male elf
Lor'themar has had a rough life.
More like this please.
>Death Knight covered in tattoos
>Phone selfie
>Contraception in a world where it doesn't exist
Pretty much the proof that whoever posts this shit isn't an elf-fag.
Superior Lordaeron genetics.
never understood the appeal of ear biting
if someone bit my ear while we were doing the nasty I would kill them
nibbling isn't biting
I love futa, thanks.
what makes elf apologists so pathetic, Yea Forums?
more like Dork Iron
God I wish I was her.
The most based elf in existence
t. virgin
>She is like the opposite of most women, soft on the outside, hard on the inside
But user, 99% of all women are like that
I really want to start a family with a Night Elf wife.
Why are human girls so boring? I want to live in a world with 7 different sexy races of women
for me, it's draenei
based. Fuck I love Draenei girls
The Blood elf BVLL is the epitome of masculinity
Really cute outfit.
I need to make halflings with her while holding hands and being leglocked and kissing.
wheres the penis
>janny SEETHING and deleting the cropped porn
Why don't they just move it to /aco/ at this point.
this thread got me like
no thank you i'm not gay
>Those "do me" eyes
If some divine power exists in our world and a form of paradise exists after then please, PLEASE, transport me after death to Eversong Woods, Silvermoon City and into the beautiful, warm hands of a blonde Blood Elf goddess!
Please God!
That's like a human fucking a chip
How is he based?
Kael was one of the best character and I stopped at tbc after they destroyed his character.
Please source me, I searched the characters and even yandex didn't have it on RIS.
worst race
ruined the porn community
mostly dickgirls and other weird fetish shit
leave the thread lmao
I want to be a little spoon to a draenei.
It's the absolutely right thing to do.
>vanessa's abs and little patch of pubic hair in the full version
Very nice.
With pleasure
Blessed thread
If cropped porn wasn't allowed, they should remove it from the site and board banners. They have absolutely no clue what they should be doing.
The HUMAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity.
Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his ruddy skin. This ruddy skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of Westfall, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The ruddy skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The HUMAN man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of Azeroth (e*F dogs)
The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The Human penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the HUMAN man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of elf women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent Arathor seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the HUMAN man impregnates.
In total, the HUMAN man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the HUMAN man is the epitome of masculinity.
Yes, I think that cropped porn should go too.
Elf and Draenei women are for Human husbands.
Literally build for BHC
>no Belf ethnostate server
why must we suffer to this day?
I want to impregnate a Panda
Other than the usual "big promise" meme that we so often see in fantasy as well as numbers, what attribute(s) do Humans have in WoWverse that can put them above the other races?
They have actual houses and run the Alliance.
Loved my lightforged. But cant stand BFA
why didnt they fug?
The absolute fucking dimorphism.
I'd do her desu
They're cute, but the horse cock can be a bit intimidating.
Would she marry me?
>there are wow players alive currently with Belf character that don't use the golden-eyes customization option
Did Anveena die for nothing?
I like green on certain classes.
I dont have Blood Elves because I only play Alliance
I have 7 Void Elves though (4 male 3 female)
Theres plenty, so who knows
Cool of Maiev to cosplay for Illidan.
Well they're all perfect wives.
Have you secured your autism by having single class for all those void elves?
Should I aim for her tummy?
>hates blood elves bc alliance
>plays the reskinned belfs for alliance scout boys
That's the best part though.
They can only be 7 classes, so yes. It's one of each class they can be.
Would you date and marry a Panda?
I don't hate Blood Elves. I hate the Horde and nobody I know plays them.
Don't make shit up to greentext.
That asshole is way out of place and that art is terrible.
You guys are fucking weird.
They seem generally better at being leaders and diplomats than most other races thanks to not being as tightly bound to some racial culture or spiritual shit like the elves, tauren, and trolls. At the same time they tend to end up becoming larger scale villains or dying the most of any race. Also better eyesight than most races I guess but im unsure if thats a lore thing or just a gameplay mechanic they were given as race ability.
There wasn't mention of hate in user's post, it's one of these people who want more pretty elf races for the blue side.
Why would you marry someone you can't have children with?
>Blizzard keeps pushing the Horde as noble savages that want to change for the better
>Horde is still starting wars of genocide
Blizzard cannot write, the Alliance at this point has no reason not to wipe out the Horde it's dumb.
Better than every one of them being warrior only and located in same server. I know these type of players.
Pretty much all playable races can interbreed with one another. You're gonna get human-panda hybrids.
Mine's a demon hunter.
Kind of this. Theyre at least the best race to keep Horde and Alliance from kicking each others shit in at any meetings they have as well as keeping the alliance races from having reasons to defect.
What if they're intentionally writing them as dindus?
I need to breed a Panda
Problem is the noble savages like Baine and Saurfang wouldn't be able to be seen as ones delivering the war in Warcraft compared to what Garrosh or Sylvanas could come up with. They're too lazy with coming up with good conflict motivators which is why Vol'jin was killed off. I miss Vol'Jin, but Blizzard didn't really put him in good use after Siege of Orgrimmar.
That's disgusting and a big reason to NOT marry one.
The light protects them the more their skin is exposed.
They are simply more powerful and handsome than elves at a point where elves give them their wives and submit to them. Human mages for exemple are way better than elf mages despite being way younger.
If the heritage armor isn't like the one we see some nelf NPCs use I'm gonna be disappointed again.
I'm sure they're not coming for a while since Darkshore's Warfront armor sets are kind of represented as Night Elf Heritage. Same goes for Humans with Arathi Warfront sets.
Interspecies love and impregnation is the best
This. I'm so glad that any humanoid race in WarCraft is capable of breeding with any other.
If Anduin doesn't try to dismantle the Horde and absorb it into the Alliance by the end of the expansion I'll hate him forever.
You know it.
That dickless boy ain't gonna do shit.
She'll get stained either way
Did someone say interspecies impregnation?
He'd be more interesting if he tried to conquer the Horde for the sake of peace right now he's just a maximum faggot.
hey Tahk
>looking like a fit real-life human means you're a feminine baby girl
I don't understand this meme.
>You will never travel across Azeroth and cum inside a woman of every race.
Zaetar had some interesting taste.
I just want an Elf wife to hold and love.
Id much rather find a transmog I like for one. You'd think panda monk would be easy but just can't settle
>you will never seduce blood elf lolis in the eversong woods with delicous mana filled candy, and create your personal harem
Such a shame.
White Christmas | ホワイトクリスマス
Use fucking google nigga
I miss you Wakfu
>no cute femsaken gf
Why not just dig one up?
She'd smell like a rotting corpse, get a Panda woman
I hate the fact that Best Elves get 0 representation in cutscenes
Sylvanas is nothing but a smelly cadaver in the eyes of the Sin'Dorei yet she's treated as a stand in for Belf representation on top of leading the forsaken
Can I erp easily with a low level account? I read 'dicked down by big worgen knots' so now I'm interested but I dont wanna pay.
Just play with people on discord, fuck downloading that whole bloated-ass game to ERP. What did you want to play?
Something generic like a fHuman or fBelf
This is Kalec, right? Really great piece desu
I'm looking for anyone that wants to play those, add me on discord. Rang#8559
>>Death Knight covered in tattoos
presumably that is a helf demon hunter, which is far worse
I want Pharah to bully me and punch me in the stomach then show mad affection.
If we're gonna go even more exotic than Elves, why not choose a cute and tsundere Orc wife that will fuck your brains out in bed?
Male Blood/Void Elf x Female Kul Tiran. Nothing else is better.
Why would I want to sleep with a nigger painted green?
He doesn't seem content with his position
i am not an ERPer, however, i've heard from other ERPers on here that they cracked down on trial accounts ERPing. something about they can't send private messages now or something.
Guess I'm fapping to blood elves today...again
What the fuck is that sword?
zombie elves need love too
Not after the bs blizzard did with her
What race would you marry and impregnate?
Green's fine too.
I played a male BE for years. You have no idea how much pussy I pulled.
WoW was like Overwatch before Overwatch became nothing.
fucking DISGUSTING thread
repent before it's too late you filthy subhumans
Wish she did official art for WoW. Game would probably be better even if they didn't change a goddamn thing about the gameplay.
Wide hips for birthing several pandaren-human babies.
I love my cute Warchief! Too bad Blizzard seems hellbent on going full Garrosh
Human, gnome, every elf, but most of all draenei.
It is humanity's destiny to fuck every other race
When are we getting more slutmog
Except disgusting furryshit
Don't be a hater.
Garrosh did nothing wrong, though, and Sylvanas hasn't changed. People act like it wasn't always an issue that undead were part of the horde in the first place. Probably because they're stupid.
I disagree
God I wish that was me.
/vg/ down or something? this is a thread straight out of wowg, go back
at least she's doing more cute warchief lately instead of more dumb jaina/tyrande shit
she based
garrosh did nothing wrong
sylvanas is doing nothing wrong
the all*ance needs to be eliminated by any means necessary
>comparing an Orc with a nigger
How do you even function?
He's still young and shy to the temptations of this world.
Remember to do your part to repopulate the Pandaren people
Wowg tranny furries showed up, time to nuke the thread
No draenei futaposting though
Buddy I want a Panda wife to make babies with as much as you do, but they're not low in numbers in WoW.
God I'd worship that tummy like it deserves to be.
>tfw no elf gf
I’m very much aware he did nothing wrong, but go tell that to Blizz. The way things are going we’re getting SoO 2.0 once N’zoth is dealt with
There's never enough Panda women
If you haven't fapped to that tummy atleast a few times, you are nothing
That's a long ways away. Even then, she will only be a victim of bad writing. She should be celebrated.
I felt for the gnome meme when l saw this qtie
I miss my 40x panda breast enlargement mod on WoW, loved her xbox heug nips.
Don't know about marry, but I'd strive to impregnate every WoW race. My dick believes in equality and inclusiveness.
W-what about alexstrasza
Pandas > Tauren
Reminder Nathanos gets to fuck this every night. Is he the luckiest bastard in Azeroth?
Fuck that sounds hot, any pics?
Who let the furries in?
J-Janevirus? Is that you?
those feet on the left
those all look like the same one
who the fuck told you to take your costumes off you dumb bitch
Don't be racist user
there's no chance they're going to kill sylvanas off like they did garrosh. even if she is deposed as warchief, she'll take on a different role in the story, she won't die. they'd sooner rehash the kerrigan story than the garrosh plot.
reminder that horde can be completely wiped out by alliance with a snap of a finger and only exists because actiblizzard is bluepilled
>implying someone wants to fuck me
I do
For me, it's the Draenei.
Calm down. Even if they existed they wouldn't want anything to do with you.
Threads about WoW females are better than threads about WoW as a game.
Why do Worgen have such big tits in game?
yeah because your faction is gay idiot
Human on Tauren is pure love
me on the left
>the absolute state of horde
Female tauren got so little love in vanilla that they're blinking in the little character portrait in the top left of the screen and have a seam down their backs that warps their underwear.
the absolute state of YOU
is there a single female dwarf in wow lore that did anything at all
>they live in a mudhuts
>brutal savages
>they want to destroy humanity, which mostly is a representation of european civilitation
>they still living in mudhuts
orcs are the niggers of every fantasy history, sorry green skin, you are a nigger
warcraft orcs are based off of mongols and germanic barbarians you retarded larper
meh, I bet anduin is enjoying himself more than sylvanas.
based, fuck greenskins
Oh yeah?
>is there a single female dwarf in wow lore that did anything at all
who's this
being a womb with a mouth doesn't count.