Why'd you stop playing?

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I don’t have the amount of free time to get better in SC2 as I did in high school for Brood War. Shit sucks.

Nothing worth replaying

>Maxed out every Commanders in Coop
>Most of acheivements completed in Campaign
>MP is too stressful for me

Was never really into it in the first place.

Plus you guys did sort of drop a nuke on the whole custom mapping scene by trying to control it too heavily.

Because I'm slow as hell and loved to build my base slowly and same for my army. Literally would place turrets and bunkers and defend my base for fun and love to see my large base and army build and do an all out attack. But I wasn't korean skill doe, literally point and click and watch the cool building and army being build. I even used cheats to beat story mode and used it for A.i battles when i was a little kid. Custom games was my favorite and played the crap outta it

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Because no flux economy and very powerful unit abilities being able to turn the tides of a fight completely (in a game where the loss of a small army means defeat) makes it a shit game dominated by gookclick.

It's an extremely stressful game to play even on a casual level and you have to dedicate so much time on a regular basis to not lose it all after a week of drought. Waste of time for anyone who's not doing it for a living.

Don't care for competitive MP because after years of Quake I just don't care about the ridiculous investment required to play these sorts of games, competitively it just starts to become too stressful to be fun.
Wings of Liberty was absolute fucking kino, level design, progression, replayability, and objective design is the absolute epitome of the genre, the story shits itself at multiple points and the ending is complete shit. Later campaigns don't compare to Wings of Liberty, with many of the levels being just worse versions of the ones from wings of liberty. As far as the story goes it does nothing to relieve the pressure built up from Kerrigan being an absolute monster and everyone seems to just give her a pass and the actual game does nothing to build up the final crisis which is extinction level, as if the writers just didn't care outside of the side stories in Wings of Liberty. I also hated that you were right no matter what in Wings of Liberty.

It's funny that most people I've talked about RTS games play them this way but RTS games haven't ever pushed towards this and have increasingly appealed to e-sports faggotry

They are still making commanders for co-op, so a large number of people are still playing it.

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I don't care for "whoever clicks faster wins" rts

Co-op is unironically the best thing they've added to the game post launch
>not fucking stressful
>objective based gameplay
>can use the vast array of units not available in standard mp

Rather play Wargame instead of cookie clicker. Maps are too small, engagement distances are fucking meters, lol. Game is too fast and build orders matter too much. Since the maps are small you're stressed at all times as a Terran can easily drop units in your eco if you aren't watching. Or as a Zerg you have to inject manually for whatever reason.

I enjoyed the campaign tho.

Because they stopped releasing regular coop commander updates and new characters.

Literally released a new one yesterday

TvP broke me a year ago. The game made me realize that i like competitive 1v1 stuff but trying to play bio was too much for my nerves. After that i learned to play baduk and didn't look back.

need more maps in the coop

>no coop for HoTS
>comp play almost killed the game like it almost killed SC2

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Because I moved to bw remastered that looks,sounds and plays better than sc2. If only it was more accessible to normies and had a larger fanbase to play with. Also Kerrigan looks like a dangerous bitch and not like a waifu

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I only play team 4v4s or 3v3s (like in WC3 years ago) but SCII team multiplayer is hilariously unbalanced due to the autistic fine tuning and design centered around 1v1 from basic units to the ground up.

Certain units are outright useless in team multiplayer, and victory boils down to who rushes who successfully first and who techs to mass air (especially toss air) first.

Overbalancing for e-sports ironically made the game's interaction braindead simple and it's boring to do the same strats again and again to win.

SC remastered looks like complete shit, it's art design hasn't held up on any level.
>pretty boy jim raynor
Nah, that games shit, shows that Blizz has no integrity on any level, they took timeless characters from the original and made them to appeal to the Korean market instead of just updating them. Complete fucking joke.

Yeah but why would I give them money for them is the big question.

Ah yes, i also dislike "whoever has better aim wins" shooters and "whoever has better reaction time and reading opponent abilities" fighting games. Even games like chess are shit from the whole "whoever has the better foresight and strategy wins" aspect of it.

Jim was always a pretty boy

>took timeless characters from the original and made them to appeal to the Korean market instead of just updating them
Are you talking Starcraft remastered or Starcraft 2?

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>flux economy
look at this idiot

Dude are you blind? The visual upgrade in the remastered, setting aside some minor bad choices, is kino as fuck. Units look detailed and distinctive while they retain they old school aesthetics. Remastered looks ages better than the ugly sc2 with its bloomy graphics and the toy like units.

The original potraits of jimmy raynor an kerrigan were looking like shit, but it was acceptable due to tech limitations. Im glad they have upgraded them.

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thanks for letting me know we have a new one but the pacing of content has been shit.

ill reinstall if he is fun

They released that shitty expansion that was somehow worse than WoL

my battlenet got stolen. It's long story.

How's the playerbase? I thought it died.

They looked like shit but Jim actually looked gruff, look at his fucking jawline in the new portrait, he looks like he's from a korean cartoon of sorts.

You are quite possibly retarded, consider getting that checked.
>textures are overly noisy
>minerals are no longer see through and lack that touch up that they did in the original, water also lacks this touch up since it's now dynamic.
>lack of consistent sense of depth for objects
>low framerate animations maintained from the original for some reason but there are now more angles units can be facing
>ugly animation limitations held over
>flying units appear too close to the ground for some reason
Overall it's a fair bit of a mess, I only played Starcraft in like 2000s so I don't ahve the nostalgia for the game, but the remasters ugly. SC2 is well beyond it, units have nice dynamic movement, the move to 3d is very well leveraged with units that that can move and shoot in different directions, as well as units that are able to place their feet on different levels of terrain, the 3d obviously allows depth, and there is a nice wide array of animations for units depending on how they died. At worst the games materials have aged because it's a 2010 game, but overall visually it's extremely competent, even for it's time. Shadows are also very nice with lights emitting their own shadows in scenes, which can create moody lighting. The game may have bloom, I can't remember if you can turn it off, but it's surprising that it doesn't have that wierd piss filter that is strangely natural for a lot of games for the era, the lighting is surprisingly clean in that regard.

>look at his fucking jawline in the new portrait, he looks like he's from a korean cartoon of sorts.
I'm not seeing it

He's been redesigned to appeal to a distinctly korean audience, because that's who buys the games, he as a pointer jaw and apart from the facade of gruffness his actual proportions are very much built towards korean preferences, his nose, his beady eyes, his head shape.
He's dead.
Starcraft is dead

Too much busywork micro, not enough hard counters. Protoss being a-move is obnoxious.

>you had to pay monthly sub for this game, back when Wings of Liberty was released
>even if you were in only for singleplayer
That's why

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you are thinking of WoW

No he's right, when this game released it had a monthly sub, blizz has been trying to find a way to milk every single franchise they have for a decade now.

This isn't true.

It actually was a thing, but only in my country, since I'm a slavshit, and deserve to be hated worldwide

You can get a game in seconds if you are not in the top 0.1% of players. The minimum population for a 1v1 focused game to work is a lot less than people believe. Even though, if it were on steam it would still be in the top 10 most popular games.

Yes it is. Now stop being retarded, you could have googled it on the time it took you to shitpost two consecutive times.

Loved Coop but hated the direction they were going with it + customs are just the same shit over and over and over, other than a few exceptions. Multiplayer would've felt nice to play if it wasn't so competitive, just how the units move feels like competitivity seeped into them if that makes any sense

Stopped playing this game many years ago, I got to diamond with a friend of mine but back then there were many noobs. With time the skill ceiling skyrocketed and we were constantly getting stomped by pro players. It's a very good game but I don't have time to get better, not anymore.

>Giving blizzard money in 2019

No Co op commander is that fun

Yeah, and you could of stopped lying two posts ago, but you can't help yourself.

It seems you faggot dont really play ranked starcraft at all In sc2 the units blend in with the enviroment, giving you a hard time to follow the action. The clusterfuck of spells and the deathballing effect, are making the battles to look like a fucking mess. I never had that issue with bw and I can always follow the action and the units. Also the units look like fucking toys and dont have the the menancing look they used to have. Sc2 zealots look like fucking pussies compared to bw zealots, etc. They also sound shittier as well. Sc2 overlord sounds like a guy makes weird sounds compared to the distorted horse sounds of bw overlord. I couldnt unheard it when I actually noticed that, and ruined the sc2 zerg sounds for me. The sc2 soundtrack is inferior to bw as well. I had no nostalgia factor as I went from sc2 to bw when the remastered version was released, and noticed all these stuff. People cant really defend sc2 when it gets compared to bw. The only better that sc2 has is the amazing real time cutscenes and it is easier to get into

Several reasons:

>Blizz killed local vs ai. by making it still have to connect online to play
>Can no longer do me and 3 AI vs 4 AI
>HoTS expansion heavily favored Zerg
>Didn't have time to commit to playing more since I started college/work
>Youtube scene died down making me lose interest outside of playing myself

All I do is watch Falcon Paladin now since he's the only caster I know of. Game was great but killing local multiplayer was really a huge negative for me.

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Fuck no, it was a thing here in brazil as well.
There's literally a post in this thread proving you wrong you massive dipshit.

Crying about lan in this day and age where internet is everywhere is fucking retarded.

You're an idiot. The archers are shooting.

Don't have the time investment. I had been thinking about trying to get back into it this summer but with Reforged coming (assuming it's good) I'd rather deep dive into that.

I've actually been thinking about getting into starcraft2 for the multiplayer. I think the thing that put me off was the camera distance was too close for my taste but now that I have a different scale monitor it might be less of a problem.

Played the original, didn't like how zerg played compared to BW and wasn't interested in the other races.

>archers are shooting
? I'm not even gonna waste any more of my time with your trolling.

If Blizz's servers shit the bed for whatever reason you're fucked. There's no reason in the CURRENT YEAR to not be able to play locally if it's just you versus an AI.

This is bait

Co-op was admittedly entertaining for a bit, but it pisses me off how quickly it became pay2win.

>when you spend 200+ dollars on the entire starcraft 2 trilogy, and they decide that isn't enough, so you have to pay even more for commanders and nova missions

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like all of blizzard's post-WoW garbage, it's bland, cartoonish shit.

>literally had LAN feature
>literally removed it for no reason at all
>actually defending the removal of features
Zoomers should be euthanized


Stopped when Idra left.

SC2 was only fun when it was new and when it was the big thing. After all the personalities left I just stopped playing too.

This game ruined the whole RTS genre

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who here hyped for the reforged map editor?

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I'm enjoying coh 2 more. They really fixed the problems the game had at launch.

Are they actually giving us proper editing tools or are they still pretending to be retarded?

define proper editing tools
I dunno much about the features though

Didn't Idra run over to LoL? Please tell me he took his rage quit bullshit with him.

is he the greatest foreigner ever?

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He stopped wasting his time on vidya and got a phd in physics last time i heard.