C'mon user it's CURRENT YEAR, how are you not gonna have politics in your vidya!?!

C'mon user it's CURRENT YEAR, how are you not gonna have politics in your vidya!?!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw i finally realized that major media sites basically just try to write something that will piss off someone so much that they HAVE to click on the article
it's honestly not even about an opinion anymore.

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Oh no no no!

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How are people supposed to enjoy a game if they aren't absolutely livid?

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Ubisoft are styling on George Soros shills. Nothing new.

He's an idiot sure but what "tyrannical" thing has he done?

>Historically unpopular
He has a higher approval rating than Barry O did at the same point in his presidency, despite constant bashing by propaganda mouthpieces around the world

ubisoft looked at wolfenstein bombing and said, you know, our moral highground isn't as important as earning money

Have any of the Tom Clancy games ever been that directly political?

That's how news roll now. Nobody will click or buy your paper if it only has nice news.

He didn't build the wall!

>inb4 "it has army guys so its political"

>we aren't forcing politics into your games you stupid fucking manchildren stop bitching about """"le sjw boogaymansss"""""""""
>*puts fucking politics into your game or claims that your games are political*
>woooww stop complaining about nothing you racist white male nazi incel have sex gamers are dead

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>I don't like the current president so I refuse to help my fellow man
I bet they live in a city

splinter cell touched politics a teeny tiny bit but most tom clancy games devolve into stopping terrorists/insurgents

clearly it's missing something since everyone forgot about that shit the week it came out lmao

Story having politics elements doesn't mean the writers endorse certain political views. Like if the story had a monarch and their kingdom is thriving does that mean they think current year should return to monarchy. Or when they make a story and slavery is legal and your character doesn't try to overthrow the system to abolish slavery doesn't mean they think we should have slavery in current year.

Every day I grow more sleepy...

It's missing the part the part of actually being a good game, something ubisoft hasn't done in over a decade.

It's okay user, just take a nap, maybe this get better in ... eventually.

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>games need to be political !
>game dosent take the stance jounos want
>games need to stop being political !,politics shouldnt be adress via video games !

i can see that happening

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It's the exact same thing that happens on Yea Forums


>remember when obama was "literaly satan"
>remember when Hillary was "literaly satan"
>now Trump is "literaly Hitler"

i dont see how this country will still be whole if every opposite candidate to the white house is seen has "literaly Hitler" or "Satan"

OP directly linked articles meant to inflame you. Twice. If you reply to this thread without saging you're doing exactly what Polygon wants, mentally deficient subhumans.

wow no 300lb dykes and muslima head scarf wearing operators with thinly veiled drumpf fascism le resist references? ugh...

I feel like sjw culture is finally dying.

are they both under polygon now?

Reminds me of Jason Scheier.

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Why are game journalists such detestable and unwanted people? What can be done to help them find gainful employment that is a net positive to society?

Oh no, someone has an opinions on a mongolian shadow play forum!
This has the same pressure of journo publication!

politics is such a shitty "hobby"

>Yea Forums's intense focus on politics makes it hard to enjoy

>What can be done to help them find gainful employment that is a net positive to society?
Nothing. They have zero useful skills

>mfw playing this in a group with 3 Japanese trying their best to pronounce Potomac Park and District Union Arena

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The whole game is political statement, What else do you want Trump burned at a sacrificial alter to progressivism?

Good, I don't live in the Estados Unidos, why should I care about their politics? Besides, it's a video game.

Most likely yes. Remember when journos were disappointed when Far Cry 5 wasn't white Christian Trump supporter murdering simulator after all and had conservative gun nuts friendly to player?

>video games need to be more political
>but also they can ONLY include politics that *I* agree with, you fucking racist alt-right nahzees

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I literally can’t imagine living life so fucking obsessed like this.

These same media entities keep complaining that ubisoft is remaining too neutral with their recent games. Outside of the disclaimer in the beginning of recent games I haven't seen too much wokeness from ubisoft.

sounds cute and fun

Even Sterling was visibly let down.
That day was swimming in "Mechanically good but lacks (((good story))) 6/10" reviews

>the post-gamergate world

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Problem is that journalists are nothing more than moral busybodies these days, the only reason they want politics in a game like division 2 is because they're hoping for either some anti American, anti capitalist, or anti trump message just so they can circle jerk themselves over their personal political beliefs

I mean I dislike Trump as much as the next mildly-paying-attention-to-politics-left-leaning-person but this is just fucking stupid.

>tfw you realize it's actually quite good

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They know what is going and for like last 3 years they have a policy of outrage marketing.
It goes like this
>trailers are "Love. Peace. KILL DRUMPF" (like the BREAK THE THAT WALL for watch dawgs 2)
>journos in tolerant high make glowing hype articles calling gamers nazis
>Yea Forums is spammed with same borderline /pol/ thread
>release hits and there is nothing of sort there

I hope more and more beloved game series inject identity politics in games all the way up to 2020. What Tranny faggots and SJWs fail to realize is that people aren't purchasing these games because of the identity politics if they weren't already going to buy the game, they're merely tolerating it because their favorite IPs are literally being held hostage.

You better believe that many of these people are fucking SEETHING and can't wait to exact their vengeance at the voting booth on 2020. Trump is going to absolutely annihilate the Dems in 2020 thanks in large part to bullshit like this spreading in people's hobbies. Tranny faggots and SJWs are going to collectively kill themselves.

Get Woke Get Rope

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>everything is political
>also this game isn't political, and it should be

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Never thought I'd see Ubi refuse to be political for once.

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When do we start killing these subhumans

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This is why it's better to just post the screencap of the article here if you wish to discuss it or not link to it directly. Maybe using an archive website like the waybackmachine or something like it. These fags exist for clicks and people like OP just gave them their 5 cents.

Why is it so hard for burgers to just not bring up politics for 5 minutes?

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For once? I recall how on the pre-release for Far Cry 5 people were anticipating redneck/christfag bashing but on release they don't really get that and you got the hey this should have been more political complaints from the rabble rousers.

Hey hey hey politic is fucking gay.

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please understand. Jernalism is hard

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-02 Eurogamer on Twitter Nah, we're making too much money from your hate clic (1280x635, 52K)


Instantly makes that person boring, uniteresting, dull, pladitudinous, and quite frankly they should kill themselves.

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There are, and have been games with politics in them. The entire Metal Gear series for example.
But that's in game politics, which is fine.
When you insert real life politics into games, I can't name a game or a series where it's been done well. It's always a hamfisted half assed attempt. It winds up dating the game or worse.

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Im not even gonna play this but just bought a copy cause based devs.

Non-white terrorists being bad is a political statement these days.

Video game journalists aren't people

yo this nigga said pladitudinous LMAO FUCKING LOSER

>historically unpopular
What, did everyone just magically forget about George W. Bush's administration? By the time his second term ended, even half of his own party hated him.

Why does this look like Tumblr but isn't doesn't contain standard tumblrspeak or tumblrthink?

>having clear intent to harm something
>"whether intentional or not"

Imagine being paid to just shit out whatever retard opinions cross your mind

It's like being a twitch streamer with somehow even less responsibility

Tumblr is to sjws as what Yea Forums is to /pol/

I swear to god, these people have this whole process down to an art. There are so many aspects of just that screen cap that exist to infuriate so many groups of belief. It's seriously uncanny. Who reads this tripe?

Also, fuck
fuck off I dont even go on pol and this shit has infected me

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>post gamer gate

This, and judging by the constant twitter and screen cap threads on Yea Forums it’s working

Tumblr hasn't really been SJW haven for a long time, they've migrated to Twitter and forums like Resetera. Tumblr was mostly for porn until last year, and now it's pretty much irrelevant for everything.

gamergate was 9/11 to game journalists

>Tumblr was mostly for porn until last year
I'm still mad they shut that down. It was a good way of keeping up with the SFM porn scene.

Literally zero self-awareness

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Anything is a political statement if people want to look at it that way, you can't do anything in a video game without some kind of political criticism

>post-GamerGate world

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>Video games are political whether you like it or not!

>Having the audacity to make the statement that your game does not make a statement
Imagine bitching about not having something to bitch about


200 hours division 2 player reporting in, the game actually has lots of leftist vibes considering how you're helping settlements to grow all rainbow and to do their own things apart from the government. Also one of the two white males "big characters" is the antagonist of the game but the story is so bland and shit it doesn't matter anyway. If you wanna yell at ubisoft, just complain about how the loot is crap and they can't code AI behavior for shit.

>Calling a hack a hack is illegal now because of Gamergate.

What a fucking hack.

Nigga I bet you don't even know were that word comes from
>he doesn't suck trump dick 24/7 he must be a billary supporter
Thanks for proving my image correct user.

>how are you not gonna have politics in your vidya!?!
It has begun.

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Retarded tripfag. Nobody was talking about you.

The fact that this post exists just shows how fucking far gone and ridiculous this shit is
Imagine seeing this post 15 years ago it would be fucking gibberish
I'm so fucking over hearing about politics but it's impossible to get away from
I'm fucking Australian and just voted in an election the other day but I still know more about american politics than I do ours because it's all I fucking hear about
I reckon I need to get off the internet it's fucking scrambling my brains I'm so over it

>complain about no politics in game
>devs puts politics in game but make regressive leftists look bad
>now complain about politics in game

videogames industry is the cesspool of regressive leftist loud minority influencing big capitalist companies to ruin franchises that were successful until leftist politics got to them.

Do you think there's some kind of connection between people who study journalism and being a fucking retard?
Or have these game "journalists" not even studied in the field they're working in?

God that was the worst campaign symbol ever. "Hospital This Way"

Imagine being a career politician for your entire life and losing a political campaign to fucking Donald Trump.

Everything about her campaign reeked of hubris and entitlement. What I would have given to be a fly on the wall on election night.

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Hey come on now. Journalism in its most purest form is something publications and reporters all should strive to be.

The problem is hyperconnectivity essentially eviscerates that notion to the ground.

I'm starting to second guess about whether Trump's victory was worth the butthurt it caused. It's absolutely fucking broken almost everyone even outside of America, and has only cranked the forced politics of everything to 11 (I'm not pretending that this culture of forced political injection didn't exist in the Obama or Bush eras but it wasn't ever this fucking constant or obsessive).

>rescuing the President in a video game is a bad thing because le orange man is the current POTUS

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That is the main reason why the vision of leftist journos is shit, nobody would get their games 10 or even 5 years from now.

Do you really think things would have been different if he hadn't won? World is going full retard regardless, user.

>its okay when the left does it

We have more reason to talk politics when people dont want current politics in our games. Im playing a game, i dont want some agenda being forced on me.
>everyone has to be gay
>look at strong empowered women
>minorities everywhere

the content of the game should be relevant to the story/plot/and setting, not pandering to a small minority that thinks they have control over an entire industry. Ubisoft is the last bastion
>my face when they get sued and cave
this is how the left fights they attack you until you give up. why let them win?


[runs away to closest neutral gender bathroom to cry and dilate while dying xer hair purple]

The only thing that should be done with journalists is dragging them into the street and shooting them like animals in front of their families

>hurr just ignore it and it will go away durr
Fuck off, the reason it got this bad is because of faggots like you

to what extent has espn become ridden with politics? that's not something i've heard mentioned before. not american so i don't watch it, just curious

Politics are for those who look for it and see the worst in humanity... which is really sad...

The real people who love games enjoys it's best moments and points out flaws and ridiculousness of them as well.

If Trump wins 2020, people can say nothing, I'm not from America, and I'm not one to support him, but if he wins again, bitching will get nowhere.

Yeah I'm afraid he's right, it probably would be the same shit if Hillary one
I think World War 3 needs or something needs to happen to shake up the world, I think all this bullshit is because of life being too easy for all these faggots who need something to complain about

Instead of reevaluating themselves they double down on their bullshit.

You mean it took you that long to understand the concept of clickbait?

i just want a AAA game made by dudes, for dudes, with kickass violence and sexy bitches.

why is it impossible to get such a thing these days? Why is it impossible to make a decent duke nukem game today?

>I think all this bullshit is because of life being too easy for all these faggots who need something to complain about
Pretty much. First world problems and all that jazz.

I still don't get the hype from both sides behind Trump, he seems to just chill in the white house and do nothing that people thought he would do, I was promised a fucking apocalypse/new golden age for USA dammit, not an average president

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YAS it would be so much better if you played as a right wing gun nut mowing down libshits I agree Wired

"journalists" are actually the worst people imaginable

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>Yea Forums - Videogames

Good job fighting back against le enemy by giving them clicks, monkey. The archive used to be a thing, but an electionfag like you wouldn't know.

no, anita blew up because you morons couldn't shut up about her

He's just another puppet to keep the status quo while releasing the pressure valve for the right-wing he's essentially the republicans version of Obama.

government good
people who criticise government are bad violent psychopaths

>the primary goal of the news media is to make a profit
Did you just realize this? Welcome to the real world, kiddo

Apparently he delivered on a lot of what he said. He didn't get his wall but economically the US is doing better, their unemployment rate is pretty low and his approval ratings are pretty good.
He didn't bring forward any sweeping changes but his chances of winning 2020 are good it seems.

I get the feeling we'll have another civil war within the next 50 years

Anita blew up because Kotaku couldn't shut up about her. And they will keep pushing this shit, so what's your plan? Let them create the only narrative that exists and provide no alternative? This will end well surely

literally no one knew who she was before gators promoted her non-stop

I'm still waiting for concentration camps that liberal's actually believe he would do to people of color. Also, I had coworkers aka women at my work crying over him winning. Haha

Ok. Lets say they do. "Orange man NOT bad." How do they like it now?

reality tv-craze ended eventually, same will happen (or is already happening) with clickbait bullshit journalism. Only thing you have to remember is who and what media organizations practiced it and never let people forget it.

You can tell whose 2020 campaigns are going to be successful or not based on if they bought in Hillary staffers or Obama staffers.

Those people will still hate him even if Trump somehow managed to cure cancer or something.

>haters see you walk on water and say it's because you can't swim

Isn't the game about a fucking civil war in usa? It fucking should have politics.

So he just did what president is supposed to do, but not as much as everyone thought he was?
I dread what this site will look like when when he starts another election campaign

clickbait has existed literally since the first piece of paper was printed.


>supervirus pretty much destroys America as we know it
>(You) are activated to contain the mess
close enough

Shetland in Chaos Theory wanted to make America great again by shaking the old order with a WW3

We're seeing a return to the way the world used to be. Everything in media was about creating outrage to get people to buy your product/look at it. TV shows (See: every tv show sticking in a black character in the 60s because it pissed people off). Regardless of your personal opinion on this shit, the fact of the matter is the general populace will look at something they're particularly outraged by. It's happened since forever. Newspapers did it for YEARS before subscriptions were a thing and they had a guaranteed income flow to justify fair reporting, or reporting of actual contents and not just fluff.

Shit we even see it on youtube. IT's all about the clickbait, if you don't have clickbait, even with good videos, you don't get clicks, and you don't get views. So everyone has to play the game.

The division 2 doesn't talk about politics because it's set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where politics do not fucking matter. But even though there's actually NOTHING about the division 2 that would lend itself to politics, because people will see this content and either say "Yeah it should talk about how stupid [OTHER SIDE] is!" or "Jesus christ why d o they want fucking politics in everything!" either way you're engaging with the content and doing exactly what they want.
>they're not getting muh clicks muh archive

well yeah he's an asshole, that's a polarizing trait
also he's the president and every president is scum

>approval ratings pretty good
They're okay. Trump ranges from "Just okay" to "Why the fuck did we elect him" on any given day. A lot of his supporters are disappointed with how unproductive his administration has been, and he's manage to singlehandedly ignite the left-wing movement we're seeing from the Democrats.
That said, I still can't bring myself to vote for a Democrat. Unless they nominate someone really batshit insane I'll probably just stay home next year.

It's because despite being from New York City he really enflamed the rural-urban divide. Most city folk think everyone out in the country are white nationalist retarded sister fuckers, so obviously Trump winning on their back is bad, and most country folk think everyone out in the city is a smug elitist that would happily ruin the entire country if it meant they made more money or looked good, so of course Trump winning was gratifying for them. That's essentially what it's come down to, although recently there's been other stuff like the new tax plans, potential abortion bans, and refusing to listen to congressional subpoenas, but none of it has changed his standing much.

Nigga. They dont mean "nope war isn't political" when they say "we aren't making a statement" they are saying "no we aren't going to use our video game as a platform to discuss real world American politics as of 2019, in particular Donald Trump and what our stance is on him. No we aren't going to make anti left or anit right statements in regards to 2019 America."

How do you not read between the lines?

>literally can't run a campaign based on anything but the fact that you're a woman because of how much of a war hungry flip flopping psychotic pathological liar you are
>still loose to the guy who practically made a deliberate effort to torpedo his own campaign with help from everyone else in the world every day
I'm surprised she didn't kill herself.

This is modern video game journalism now and why its so garbage an needs to be reported on sight the moment its posted here. Its basically pic related.

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Whole purpose of electing Trump was to mostly shake people out of the BS they have been smoking. Many of us just wanted to be left alone to enjoy our own shit. The minute you fuck with the one thing that keeps people placated, is the moment when people start asking questions of how far it goes. Never fuck with the bread and circuses folks.

>that would happily ruin the entire country if it meant they made more money
so they'd participate in capitalism?

>LOL Trump isn't a Tyrant
Donald Trump: I should get two more years on my Presidency because unfair, bogus investigations totally stole two years from me!

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Whoah you sound like a trump supporting nazi

The opposite is why shit is so bad now because youre are too new or dumb to understand "DON'T FEED ATTENTION WHORES OR TROLLS!"

>Advocacy Journalism was a mistake
How did those retards not see this from the start?

>Trump: I'm a billionaire lol
>The Left: He's full of shit don't take him seriously

>Trump: I should get those two years back amirite lol
>The Left: Trump is literally Hitler it's time for war

Holy fucking rent free. Can you imagine being so obsessed with Trump that you literally write hit pieces against studios for not going out of their way to be anti-Trump?

You jest but there's a reason Sanders and Warren do shockingly well in rural environments.

He clearly actually wants it but he's not going to ever actually persue it

What kind of fucking retard would pay for this dogshit just because some idiot didn't think it was political enough?
What did the fucking mongoloid known as OP mean by this?

Still better than Hillary "lets go to war with russia!" Clinton you faggot

That's what makes him so great to me hes a Republican lite who does nothing radical but the media makes it sound like hes bringing in the four horsemen. It's amazing watching people freak.

You need support of the military to seize totalitarian power. That's how dictatorships work. Trump doesn't have that. His generals hate him and you'd have a full-scale mutiny if Trump ever tried to pull any of that shit. Even active servicemen hate him for deploying them to the border on a glorified camping trip and taking away their funds to build his wall.

Black lives matter garbage and well payed afro half jew kneeling during anthem

Based as fuck. He didn't "Make America Great Again" and he didn't really fuck it up either. He did exactly what I expected him to do- spend his days golfing, tweeting out dumb shit, watching fox news and eating big macs, while delegating all the actual responsibilities to the same elites that have been pulling the strings behind the curtain for decades.

>spend his days golfing, tweeting out dumb shit, watching fox news and eating big macs
Is Donald Trump king of the boomers?

Like seriously imagine hearing for years loudly and constantly that hes gonna completley fuck up the US make it irredeemable and then his presidency ends with an average outcome. It will seem like the greatest presidency ever compared to what the MSM was saying it was gonna be.

the game's just tepid shit that twaddles with surface level symbolism and does nothing with it in such a way that boggles the mind as to why they bothered in the first place

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Kapernick, BLM, #metoo, etc.


Unironically yes. He's like a caricature of what every boomer wishes they could be

I know they don't cause they keep doing it but I wonder if they even have an inkling of how they sound to the average American who's life hasnt really been changed in anyway it just kinda kept chugging along. And then journalists running up to you telling you how bad your life is cause trumps ruining everything.

I don't say this often about Ubisoft, but they're based for not giving into sjw bullshit.

And Trump wouldn't have even come along if they weren't so hyper vigilant about shit. This is reinforcing that downward spiral.

I'm an American and literally the only difference I've noticed as a result of Trump is the changed political climate, with more crazy belligerent liberals and hysteria over how he's destroying the country. As far as I know his policies haven't affected me in any significant way

Based Ubisoft.
Their games might be mediocre at best but atleast they deliver "game journalist" tears with every other release.
I remember FC5 causing so much butthurt that they even broadcasted a review on German radio that criticized it for not being political enough. I don't listen to radio a lot but that was the first and last time I witnessed them talking about a video game on the radio.

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My family had to pay a little more in taxes this year, but other than having to put up with shit tons of wannabe political activists, life is exactly the same in my part of the country

>Break NDA

Why are city dwellers so automaton-like?
Does living in a big city makes you lose your humanity?

Still not buying it ubisoft


Based. Trump is a reactionary in the purest sense of the word. He's fueled almost entirely by people's hatred of the modern democratic party. He's a monster of the democrats' own creation. If they had just left well enough alone and ignored Trump, he would have fizzled out like a damp firecracker, but instead they heaped fuel on the fire by freaking out and going farther and farther up their own asses with whack job far left ideology.

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Spending 1-2 hours commuting doesn't help either.

>Jokingly say that you want 2 more years

This is what I mean right here. Now I think that most people are honest and not politically driven in sense that their party is always right. So when they come along screaming I think most people reject that message. That's why I think he still wins 2020 especially if the dems vote one of their crazies in the primary.

Why do posts like yours seem to come out like clockwork?

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He doesn't though



Just read every newspaper ever and you wont find any good news on the frontpage.

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My political stance is hang the journos, ship the niggers back to africa and cure trannies with shock therapy. One of these days they'll interview the wrong person.

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I wonder if people who honestly ask for "politics" in games would defend a political game of their complete opposite political spectrum.

Not a chance. The only people with the money to fund a secession nation is the tech centers are in coastal California, which are located immediately next to military bases.

waiting for that golden reply to this from somebody who takes shit on the internet seriously and wants a vent port.

>ship the niggers back to africa

>Pedophilia is still a crime
wtf bros, how backward can the society be!!!?

>remember when obama was "literaly satan"

I remember Obama's Republic of Hitlerstan

Why are these people still alive and not dead or in a camp ?

>Refusal to engage with politics
>People flooding into Mexico over the border in the Division lore
>Splinter Cell Blacklist villain was trying to stop the US involving themselves overseas
>Rainbow Six is a diversity death squad

Sounds like bullshit.
Tom Clancy games can't avoid it and were better off when they were more politically focused.
Georgia - Russia conflict was more interesting than drone island

Obama was despised by the right and those circles, but in the media he was practically the next coming of Christ.

Bush was lambasted to Hell and back. I don't know if he got it worse than Trump or not, but Trump has gotten more virulent rage from the left.

ポトーマク パークー
Poto maku pahku

ヂストリクト ユニオン アリナ
Distoriku union areena

God when is the pendulum finally going to swing back Yea Forums? I want this media generation of endless irony, extremism, and hyper connectivity to finally end.

Bring back to the comfy times when enthusiasts/hobbyists were left alone and not everything was a cluster fuck of finger-pointing who has which agenda.

t. city dweller

>tfw Ghost Recon predicted the Russo-Georgian war.

>47% is lower than 11%
I guess this is proof that common core really does need to go.

never until white people are bred out of extinction

All these stupid articles when Ubisoft is doing something sensible for once and not including any sort of political bullshit in their game. People bitched about Ghost Recon Wildlands too way back when for similarly stupid reasons.

The internet was once seen as the greatest and best invention in human history. Now we can say that it's actually the worst invention in history and is an unmitigated disaster.

I am fine with politics in video games even if it's something I disagree with. Killer7 is probably one of the most political games ever made and it's also one of my favorites. The thing is though if you're going to have politics in your video games you better have something fucking interesting to say because I'm not going to sit through six hours of the same shallow safe shit I hear every day.

I liked it better when almost all war games had a reference to ragheads and definitely not jihadi terrorists. Why did media stray away from that hilarious shit? And why didn't it get revitalized when ISIS happened?

Remember when sustainable energy rocket science guy became Literally DrumphHitler?

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Please stop being mean to global minorities.

To be fair, Elon is a bit of a shithead but then again it's twitter. Everyone becomes retarded when using that horrid plague of a site.

>Adam Rosenberg

Elon accidentally redpilling himself on Jewish media control was the best thing to come out of last year.

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I'm apolitical with a minor dislike for Trump's personality but lmao "first bona fide despot". People who write things like this should be forced to spend a month living in a third world shithole.

Division 2 is FULL of politics, they are using a special magic called LYING.

Attached: division 2 propoganda.jpg (652x805, 349K)

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Basically, Ubisoft know gamers hate politics so they put it in there and just say it's not there.

Kind of like when Jamal says he DINDU nothing. The sad part is many gamers just buy it.

Attached: division_2_mexico_text.jpg (640x827, 205K)

That's their problem. They aren't satisfied with a game pointing out "These political influences might lead to the situation you're playing through" and give you something to think about, these journalists want games to decide for the players what's the right and wrong point of view. I wouldn't be surprised if Breakpoint has something interesting to say about how unmanned drones change the nature of war, and these same clickbait writers miss that too because Ubisoft doesn't spell it out for them.

Oh you didn't know? Every president in the past few decades has been Hitler.

this is really really reaching. Whoever wrote that article is a seething.

>Jokes are tyrannical
Not surprising considering the left has no sense of humor.

But let’s be honest here. The Division 2 is a game about a civil war. Our characters represent soldiers of the old government, which fell to pieces when The Dollar Flu, a smallpox pandemic that spread on money distributed during Black Friday 2015, wiped out much of the United States. They are coming to Washington D.C., our country’s capital. Our avatars are people who have the supreme authority to do whatever they want to take control of the country, no questions asked. They are one side in a civil war where the opposing side came up to power when the current government failed, and our hero is being painted as a patriot with a flag on their back. Every single detail there is political. It is like trying to say Donald Trump making opinionated tweets from the official President of the United States Twitter account isn’t political. It doesn’t make sense.

Why does Yea Forums always fall for clickbait?

I mean, let’s go over this. The idea that this plague was spread on the most capitalistic and materialistic day of the year, on money no less, makes a statement. It suggests The Division 2 offers an anti-capitalistic view of the current economic system, which while mixed, leans more towards capitalism than socialism. It is set in Washington D.C., the hub of all political activity in the country. This is where all major decisions happen, suggesting what happens in The Division 2 impacts the entire U.S. Our avatars are actual government agents. Their mission is political in nature, **since they are there to wipe out the new sitting government**. **Their job is to restore “order.” Which is order according to the old laws. Not to mention this is happening during a civil war.**

Let's actually be honest here, Ubisoft games are dogshit and pretending they have any meaning beyond selling shit to casuals is disingenuous at best and a marketing tactic at worst.

Who's Barry O? Only person I see close to Trump's is Bush.

Attached: nield-presapproval-2.png (1150x1000, 80K)

What's worst about leftist types is that they tie every fucking thing to present day American politics. When most recent Hearts of Iron IV expansion was released, P*lygon wrote an article about how problematic it is that game allows you to form Confederacy as USA now, because muh "current political atmosphere and literal hate groups".

So basically it's a game pushing socialism and encouraging people to take part in a civil war to get rid of the new sitting government.

That's not political!

Attached: tired.jpg (207x244, 8K)

>bona fide despot
The left has lost their minds. Have they already forgotten it was Obama that greenlit the extrajudicial killing of a US citizen?

The only outlet those morons have is video games. They are unimportant outside of that. They have no social leverage. So they have made themselves determined to make video games a serious thing to grant themselves more pomp. They play video games for a living but the cushy life of doing such isn't enough. They feel they shouldn't even have to play video games. People should heed their words and kneel, for they are they priests of a new religion. Publishers should bow and developers should nod their heads lest they be marked in fatwa.

It's a computer game, you're overthinking it.

real journalism hasn't been tried yet


Listen, I hate trump as much as the next guy but vidya shouldn't be politicized. if I want to be a bad dude who wants to rescue the president, then I should be so without being belittled by these "journalists"

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This. Trumps desire to demilitarise/pull troops out scares the shit out of Israel/Generals and they would hate him to become a Tyrant

these journalist has been harping about russian collusion for the last 2 fucking years.
And when fucking nothing happens, they've been telling us to wait for the muller report for the past year.
Now that the muller report is out and there's no fucking collusion... why the fuck should anyone still listen to these journalists unless they're brainwashed retards.

Trump did nothing wrong. Anyone who disagrees are retarded leftist sjws still living the 2016 election and still trying to get back at Trump for winning. Trump lives rent free in their heads.

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The problem is, many developers and especially writers are Marxists so it's almost impossible to tell them not to make propaganda.

So the publishers are forced to lie, you'll see them do this with every ubisoft game from here on out. They will say there is no politics in it when there is and the far left journalists will play along because propaganda works best when you can get people you dislike to consume it. Gamers.

Tom Clancy writes political war and spy novels. His shit is political. And as user demonstrates, the game is already political.

What these chucklefuckers are claiming is that it’s not the correct politics.

>Tom Clancy writes

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Contemporary current year politics is lowest common denominator trash anyway, the domain of knuckle dragging faggots. It has no intellectual prestige and it's disingenuous to pretend it does.
I mean the whole idea that politics makes media more highbrow is a fucking joke. Take what you want to believe, look on the internet for some talking points and you too can piss into the cesspool of public discourse! No wonder game journos talk about it so much, it's the only thing they can even pretend to understand on a deeper level

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Reminder that game journalists never stop working.
They are some of the hardest working people in the world.

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I think I heard something like that before...
Ah, right.

Attached: Fuck da police.png (682x748, 406K)

The reason he thinks he's done thousands of hours of unpaid "work" is because his work his dog shit. Making up bullshit is not a skill.


nobody gives a fuck when your work skills was shit from the start

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Anti Drumpf socialist game says it's neither, please buy game goy!

Copy and pasting shit from NeoGaf and ResetEra are very important skills.

That's a joke article, right?

Attached: Trump Laugh.gif (480x270, 2.64M)

yes. it's called the Industry of Outrage.

fixed version*

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>Trump is America's first bonafide despot

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>i enrolled to fight to protect israel, not the US!

Trips of truth. His greatest skill is saying such banal shit that people can't help but look in his direction, and companies pay him to wear their ads so said people end up getting exposed to them. In the end, you're just a circus animal.

/pol/ shitposting aside, plot that does not dare to carry any message usually has zero weight to it
it is like the bit where far cry 5 explicitly refers to trump, without actually having the guts to say his name

>first despot
that's funny

Is that a fucking parody? Are they really defending fighting offensive overseas wars but disapproving army guarding borders?

wtf is this supposed to be?

Attached: beamweapon.png (875x666, 104K)

a laser canon from destroy all humans

it's science, because really smart science people (like randall munroe!) support Hillary

John Sneed was referring to Obama, not Trump.

Firearms are okay when I use them.

>plot that does not dare to carry any message usually has zero weight to it
plot that refuses to acknowledge the first game is what has zero weight in the division 2

>those replies

Man, all you have to do is play a video game and review. How much of Piss Ass do you have to be to be this pessimistic about doing basic shit that doesn't require heavy duty work of any kind? Because you're getting paid for it now means its not a hobby anymore? Its a fucking video game. Its sounds like he had no interest in the first place and is there because he couldn't get a better job with his "skills" in "journalism".

Attached: You cannot be serious.png (673x465, 201K)

>trumpanzees playing the victim again
Go back to /pol/

Pfft, yeah right

Tom Clancy was a Reagan-voting Republican.

Division 1 had some fairly right leaning stuff. The entire mission about the black women ex con gathering cops and kill was about as pol as you get. Nevermind the fact that it's a game that puts value on gun ownership which is very right leaning.

Is the Division 2 any good? I wasn't really thinking about getting it since I never really got majorly into the first one, but seeing as how it's pissing off these sjw fuckheads kind of makes me want to support it.

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no, it's a legit tweet

Basically all the plot of Division 2

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it was, because people are paying more attention to politics as a whole, so alot of shady shit is getting seen while in progress now.

no one really questioned how slimy the media was until he stepped up to the plate.

even if he ultimately doesn't pull off that much, he changed things forever in many ways.

I wish, user. I fucking wish.

1. Trump is at 40%, and 2. Obama was never at 11%. Nice try, comrade, you'll get 'em next time.

40% is pretty damn good for a non-black president.

not really, especially on the first term. Obama's approval ratings weren't ridiculously high, either, so race doesn't seem to be a factor here.

that's why I don't link to anything. we talk about a subject and I assume anyone with any real intellegence can pick up the keywords and search from there. Fuck helping journalists channel their views.

blacks make up like, what, 5% of the population? So that's a 5 point benefit if you're black. I can probably safely bet that even if obama only had a 15% approvial rating, 1/3rd of that was strictly because he was black.

I assumed as much after he started fucking with grazing right of westerns/midwesterns. No one with money would like that asshole unless he was born in some 3rd world fucked landmass and were benefiting from his onesided trade and enviromental policies. I'm black as hell so I get wanting your own in positions of authority, but that man was a douche

13%, jesus how do you not know that with all the "despite being 13% of the population..." jokes?

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>tfw Yea Forums is a right wing board

Don't you forgot it.

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>First bona-fide despot

Why do liberals pretend Andrew Jackson, Woodrow Wilson don't exist?

linking to a news outlet should be a bannable offense
here's the archive, kill yourself OP: archive.is/un62B

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Everyone forgets about based Woodrow

Unironically based reply

speak for yourself. You don't have to be right wing to hate the politicization of every fucking thing.

The only time I've ever been excited over politics was for Ron Paul and I've disassociated myself from politics ever since then. I just want the government to go away at this point, they operate on a non-voluntary basis and do far more harm than good.


The actual mind state of these soul-raped lefty NPC husks.

I still will never stop finding it funny that Ubisoft, made the most political game of the year, then just played dumb and said "nah no politics here" and half this fucking board lapped it up.
>The media
Fox News is the most watched """news""" there. And Americans are too retarded to read newspapers.
This. He is just a senile old retard. That is bad into itself, but we can stop pretending otherwise.

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I'm the guy you're replying to and I have no idea who that is

I enjoyed FC5 a lot more when I realized it was just an apocalypse story with no reference to the outside world besides a (relevant) comment about Russia and America beefing up a conflict.

Division 2 is boring as fuck, it plays well and the graphics are nice
but I see the point people make about the game's apolitical stance, after the game's right wing "Do you own a gun" NRA doomsday preper intro and the game proper doesn't really follow on that nervous vibe, the bad guys are just bad guys with no depth

narritively playing it safe is disappointing.

I voted for Obama in 2008 when I was 18, then I realized how much of a dumb nigger he was. Seriously, the guy justified modern day islamic terrorism because of the crusades

It's not just Americans, nice try. You can't play any online multiplayer without some foreign asshole bringing up yet another "bash America" talking point, just like you did.

to be fair, bush actually was that bad. I don't think any president before or since has done as much lasting damage to this country in a single term as dubya

youre a fuckin fag

Considering that real non-white terrorists both exist and operate for political reasons, so?

this. Don't forget
>muh legacy
when he realized trump actually stood a chance.

I'm not the guy you are replying to but that is clearly Woodrow Wilson the 28th president of the United States you mongoloid.

it is going to happen again. There are literally 0 democratic candidates that stand a chance in 2020

Well, if they weren't such absolutely trashy sellouts, they wouldn't have reason to be offended.

If you think those are bad wait until you look into Lincoln past his pop culture image

I wonder what they'll think if he gets elected again. It would be hard to blame it on Russia again since surely (assuming it was enough to sway the election) we wouldn't fall for it a 2nd time? That only leaves the fact that around half of the country did vote for him and that they are wrong in their assessment that "everyone hates him".

The Democratic party is already splintered with in-fighting

The Dems will lose in 2020. They are already fracturing themselves deciding between biden, warren, Sanders, etc.

He doesn't write these, and if you'd ever picked up a fucking book you'd know that the politics are always back seat to the action/intrigue. They're about spies and about the spooky shit they do, or about soldiers and the violent shit they do. They're not about trans black foxkin identity politics. He'd roll in his grave to hear you say that, but then again the fact you probably only read Kotaku says a lot about your ability to actually process and synthesize information.

Mueller already disapointed many with no muh russia. Now the screeching is obstruction of justice which makes no sense, but it's never about logic

Will we ever return to pre-2012 internet?

once all the trannies are sent to the farms

Hillary Clinton: I'm a war criminal, perjurer, murderer by proxy, real estate fraudster, unethical lawyer, and rapist. ELECT ME.

>I really believe some of our talent was confused on what was expected of them.
>If you fast-forward to today, I don't believe they are confused
This sounds ominous, like he took them into a back room and beat the shit out of them.

its hilarious really, but we finally found the limit of what the common people will put up with, and its with someone as corrupt and void of charisma as Hillary Clinton.

Trump will probably do something minorly stupid and they will blow it up.
I also expect IMPEACH to come up literally a month into the election and for it to get squashed and Dems to scream TRUMP IS REFUSING TO LET US IMPEACH HIM, VOTE HIM OUT

Modern western politics are a literal pile of turd, and using em on your game just make it stink.
If i was going to add anything modern to the game, i probably would use the south korean politics because it's pretty much a final fantasy.

It's fucking hilarious, she really has no personality at all, she's like a robot.

this shit is so tiring, the billions of hyperbolic false claims spit right out of elected officials mouths is infuriating.

never have I wanted people to die violently so much, watching so many people who are supposed to run out country turn it into a fucking sideshow, a fucking drama play.

Now we got Biden coming in and it'll be a shit show if he wins or loses.

also tfw no giant gf

oh she does, her aides and whoever else that handles her just rears all of who she really is in, and all you get to see is the creepy robotic shit leftover.

her real personality is of an absolutely hateful, terrifying monster, she'd make Caligula fucking blush.

>there was backlash from Polygon's audience
gasp. Say it isn't so

Does the division even use a real president? This would be an actual trouble if say, it was actually Trump they had you rescue but you presumably aren't.

it has its own made up timeline and president, who's dead, and the vice president who "killed himself" AKA got whacked by CIA goons or someone similar, most likely connected to the Chief of Staff who became the new President, and is essentially the secret badguy of the series/this game.

you even rescue his ass and once you reach max level he dips out with some important chockey.

>touchy biden
another disaster waiting to happen.

just think, this is the guy the democrat party likes the most, none of them seemingly understand or care how creepy he is, how weird he is with the shit he says, or how no one can even fucking tell what his political stances even are.

and he's the frontrunner.

What the fuck happened? 20 years ago the democrats were the good team.

I expect a large scale media brainwashing to either normalize his behavior, or claim its because of some "disability" he has and that are an intolerant bigot racist nazi lover if you don't accept it.

I'm a big fan of the qt brown grrl dems like AOC and the kawaii muslima cutest girls ever and deserve to be president for life monarch type deals imho.

they'll be the good team 20 years from now, then republicans, then democrats.

oh yea, the Bill Clinton times? are you on drugs?

they were just more saavy, the Repubs were even dumber then, Demo's were always savage sharks.

AOC and that muslim are just puppets to the Justice Democrats, a small group of aspiring puppet masters who will just insert another Puppet once one of them gets ousted.

AOC is essentially an actor for them, she's nothing, a proxy.

oh yea, 20 years ago where they spent all their fucking time covering up Bill's sexual assaults, and they many people Hillary had buried or barbell'd.

NO future game will be woke!
The last woke games are those currently in development.
This is the last wave of woke games.
Everything will be back to normal in 2021 at the latest.

He still left office with a surplus, rather than the huge deficit left by the republicans.

excellent pic
will pirate

he put in place many economic plans that eventually ruined us.

he rode the high of the various bubbles, especially the Tech bubble, Bill was an idiot and sold what little wealth generation we had to China.

there's a reason even Dem's don't talk about Bill's actual presidential choices anymore, because they were, almost 100% all fucking awful and are shit best left ignored.

Its supposed to be a really fancy walkie talkie.

Attached: Recreational_Walkie_Talkies.jpg (640x480, 105K)

Hillary Clinton: "I'm absolutely not full of shit."
US Citizens: "Bullshit!"

Trump: "Hey guys, I'm Donald Trump and I'm completely full of shit!"
US Citizens: "Well, at least he's honest."

is he though? guy is clearly a good negotiator, you absolutely do not get multiple skyscrapers if your a fucking retard.

weeb btfo


Shit floats. You don't float to the top of a cesspool unless the shit you're full of is providing you with bouyancy.

>The journo provided no sources for his statements.
Typical games journalism. They aren't even good enough at when sticking to games, but they are even more out of their depth when they talk about politics and internet reactions.
You can't find a branch of reporting that is anywhere near as incompetent as "games journalism." I am sure there are a few good ones out there, but I sure as am not going to look for them.

American propoganda has been upped to 11 to try and recapture the rowdy free thinkers. It must be excruciating to be a foreigner exposed to said propoganda.

The developer and the journalist are both equally retarded. Division 2 is very political. Did Terry not read the script or play the game? There's a lot of pro-gun and socialist themes, just because not everything is blatant politicizing doesn't mean it isn't political at all.

I straight up don't understand how Asian languages can work like that phonetically.

Like, shouldn't those characters represent something when put together into words? It's like if in English we said something like "Nip on ban sigh" to transliterate Japanese. Each of those words means something and turns the sentence into nonsense if you try and pronounce shit like that.

Oh god 100% this. Despite all the "this generation is ruining the world" shit over the years eg. the free love generation etc. the true degeneracy has coincided with the birth and growth of the internet.
All the SJW bullshit, games are worse, big data, social interaction devolved into "Swipe left, Like, Retweet or post random bullshit on a Uzbekistanian cotton picking forumincreasing big corporation power, the web has ruined everything its touched.
The internet was a mistake


The most recent president to have such a consistently terrible rating besides Trump was Reagan.

Attached: oof.png (1056x516, 86K)

He's not retarded and I very much doubt any president has been, even Bush. Watch this and let me know if you still think he's dumb. What people that think he is should be wondering is *why* they think he is; is it because he or someone else wants them to think that? An easy way for an enemy to get you to let your guard down is to act stupid.


The interest is a lot bigger than shitposting on basket weaving forums, it's not the internet's fault that's all you use it for. It's like you guys don't remember letters to the editor in paper publications before the internet, people shitpost back then too.

>the internet was a mistake
Interesting take, a lot of good points could be raised here. What did the internet ruin?

user you need to fucking go outside, and I say this solely for the sake of your own benefit. You've lost touch with reality.

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w/e, he's a businessmen, they are all underhanded if they want to win, its the nature of the game since the dawn of time.

he has a fucking skyscraper in New York (and elsewhere) you don't get to that level by being a fucking middling businessmen, I don't care if your uncle or dad gave you a million dollar loan or not.

>Bring back to the comfy times when enthusiasts/hobbyists were left alone
Stop fucking talking like Yea Forums hasn't changed in such a way that people here are responsible for this changing. We could be exclusive hobbyists who ignore everyone around us if we fucking wanted to but nigger zoomers just spam garbage Vice/Kotaku articles to stir the pot and get a boatload of (You)s.

It's not the media's fault that Yea Forums isn't as comfy as it once was, it's all the election tourists using video games as a springboard for their politics, and I bet you're one of them. All of you need to fuck off.

Looking back it, It's surprising how little actual politics Tom Clancy games have. Meanwhile MGS games are political af and yet they amhave much more unrealistic elements than Tom Clancy games.

I dunno, the dialogue and voice acting of the baddies in Division 2 is so jarring that it could make Metal Gear Solid look more belivable.

I mean its basically sounds like college girls and hipsters are voicing this hardcore drug gang.

please don't pirate reaction images. You are stealing from content creators.

People signing their twitter pics really grinds my gears. Normies ruin everything.

>it's another OP posts a clickbait article headline 461 posts and 86 image replies omitted episode

>It's not the media's fault that Yea Forums isn't as comfy as it once was, it's all the election tourists using video games as a springboard for their politics
The media literally started it and is pushing it, the fuck are you talking about.

The game being shit filled with HP sponge enemies makes the game hard to enjoy actuslly

And obviously it's our job as Yea Forumsirgins to closely follow media outlets that we know we hate so that we can spend hours of our lives complaining about how much we hate them, right?

No you fucking dipshit. I keep Kotaku and Vice and shit so far away from me, and the only time I read a headline is because some zoomer election tourist posted it here. It is partially Yea Forums's problem.

you forgot Adolf Lincoln

don't say that. he still has time to be the next Hitler. All of that pro-Israel talk is just him bidding his time until the moment he drops the gas.

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>everybody is acting like a child

"Engage in politics" i.e. they want the game to bitch about Trump. That's literally all they want.

>US President
>Doing anything
From the outside looking in, there's precisely zero difference between the establishment of either party or the policies of subsequent presidents.
The fans and detractors, however, absolutely need to get gassed and I don't particularly care if it's the Q boomers or raging purple-hairs who get it first.

>mfw I know it won't happen

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