Women objectively hate manlets though
Manlets are cute though.
>lanklet incel mad he can't get pussy on easy mode
all women are whores
prove me wrong (pro tip; you can't)
I can't
Vid gam
Unironically based and redpilled
Everyone hates manlets. Number one sign of bad genetics is lack of height
>Women are whores
>Also, why wont women sleep with me
its the patriachy wots don it
I'm 6'3, but i never understood why western women hate short guys so much?
Like wtf? I knew a local dude who's like 5,4 and he was swimming in pussy.
He wan't even rich or anything.
Will i have sex today?
will manlets ever learn?
>i want the attention of shallow whores that wouldn't look at me if i was shorter
ok, faggot.
I'm a 22 y/o female virgin. :/ Being 6' tall as a woman really sucks.
Women hating short guys is a meme. Its probably true for some women, just like some guys absolutely hate women with small tits. Some human beings are just autistic like that.
Really whats the bigger issue is women literally hating any guy who is decent and loving. You literally have to LARP as a degenerate bad boy if you want women to pay any attention to you, and then pretend like they "converted you" from being a scummy lowlife. Girls are weird
Let me climb that mountain.
we need to stop asking questions shit
One of the cutest girls i've seen was 6'. When I first met her she immediately brought up my height saying "it's nice to meet another tall person".
When I made a tinder profile, I inadvertantly let all the roastie thots know I was extremely tall since I posed for a photo with a female relative. I got a lot of 6'0"+ females message me. But they were future "cool wine aunts". All they talked about was drinking and barhopping. They clearly wanted to meet a guy who was taller than them, and I would be happy to make freakishly tall babies with them. But they all wanted me to like, be a bad boy Chad around them. Was weird.
"I fucking hate short guys." - Former 16 year old coworker
Am I gonna get my shit together this year?
>somebody as ugly as projared can both find a wife and then find someone to cheat on his wife with
>incels think they have any excuse
Will E3 be shit this year?
an hero?
Do not believe their lies.
>all women are whores
>whores will reduce their worth by sleeping with the nastiest and worst of men
>still won’t fuck you
will i make it
But you are short compared to me
Will it happen?
Should I move on?
will I get a gf this or next year?
me on the left
will it be any better?
That doesn't help.
just get your own manlet
Will I get a cute bf this year? >///