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like the vita was

Considering that PS5 is set to release next year, 3 years after would be a decade since 2013, so PS4 would have the same lifespan as PS3

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So 10 years of support

Pretty good imo better than the Wii U at the very least kek

For me, it's Sony.

bs i give it 6 months

After PS3 and paid online with PS4 there is no reason to support Sony anymore.

But isnt it backwards compatible? Save money poorfags

So the exact same as last gen? That's perfectly reasonable

I'm fine with that, I'm ready for next gen to come out swinging already. I've played every game I've wanted to. Still remember when I first got my ps4 and played PT, alien isolation, lords of the fallen (ik it wasn't very good) memorable gen.

What a fucking shit gen. It still feels like it has barely started. Selling my PS4 soon before the rush

>all the absolutely braindead son(y)ggers ITT
What new generation you fucking retards? The PS5 is a Pro 2.0. It's not a generational leap of any kind like all the previous gens were. Also 10 fucking years of ps4 and what does sony have to show for it? A handful of good exclusives and that's it. And its not as if things are going to change with the next 'gen' given sonys attitude toward having less games. You'd have to be some sort of ultra gullible dickhead to buy a PS5 at this stage.

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Thanks for the news, Jordan


Whats sad is you're completely right.
Whats even sadder is the other 2 consoles are worse.

Go to PC and drop the console meme

t. cynical faggot

Did you see the leaked demo? Next gen is going to be incredible and fags like you will downplay tech leaps like you always have.

>10 fucking years of ps4 and what does sony have to show for it?
What does Microsoft and Nintendo have to show for it? What does the Ouya and Sega have to show for it? Let me get the camera...

fact of the matter is tech jumps for consoles have been getting weaker and weaker

What demo are you talking about?

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>a-a-all they have is good games and one of the best selling consoles ever


What the fucking point of a next gen system. What's there to improve on?
More grafix?

>muh sales

No they really haven't. The leap between last gen and this gen was big, and the next one is about to almost completely eradicate loading screens. You'd have to be a brainlet who only sees grafix to not see the many improvements made from each gen

How powerful is this thing gonna be? Not more powerful than a 1080ti, right? Probably gonna upgrade when the new consoles drop and might buy a used GPU now that the crypto meme is dying.


>The leap between last gen and this gen was big
No it wasn't.

ESPECIALLY compared to the jump from 5th gen to 6th gen. Games are still mostly 30 FPS on consoles even after all that.


The PS5 will have 5x MORE GRAFIX than the PS4!!!! 8K!!! Don’t worry, it still struggles to render 4K natively and even 1080p at 60fps but 8K!!!! GRAFIX!!!!

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>supported for 10 years and then all it's important functions shut off
>meanwhile, PCs keep going forever
>mfw my computer will outlive FOUR console generations, still running games new and old

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I'm genuinely surprised. Normally the fastest way to sell a next gen console is to lock exclusives to it

8K ray tracing 3D audio eight zen2 cores

>It's not a generational leap of any kind like all the previous gens were.
The 360->bone and ps3->4 was barely a leap as well. The only relevant generational leaps have been in handhelds with psp to vita and 3ds to switch.

Yes it was. Graphics were greatly improved as the consoles were more powerful, have much faster install times, network is faster in general. Last gen every game took forever to install, digital gaming was shitty as fuck and not worth the effort except for maybe a few games.
>muh fps
At least every game works out the box

>leap between last gen and this gen was big
Yeah, I agree. Look at amazing titles like GTAV. Some of the best graphics, most demanding rendering, amazing physics and textures, and so on. Do you think the ps3 and 360 could run that? No fucking - wait.

translated: PS5 will get PS4 """"remasters"""" for 3+ years

>3 years
Jesus fucking Christ, Sony. Sony is dead.

100 million

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FIFA alone will go on until 2030

Its more that after 3 years they will stop going through the motions of downgrading textures and making a last gen release. MK11 runs on the fucking switch in handheld mode, even if it does have serious frame dips. Do you really think it the ps3 would somehow fail to run it?

The one with the Spider-Man ps4 game comparison on a ps4 vs the new console

New console loads retardedly fast and there’s no loading in the open world at all unlike on ps4 when the game would stop for a few seconds to load another part of the city


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Yeah, user, just like PS3 was, right?

Death Stranding won't be done by then.

FIFA is literally a best selling game on PS4 4 fucking times
FIFA 2015-2019 all of them

Faster loading times is great, but will they fucking make 60fps standard? Or are they banking on console fags forever being content with 20-30fps?

Jesus Christ, we’re already hitting next gen? What a fucking shitshow this generation was. Too few genuinely good games.

>only bloodborne
Yeah sure

GTAV was one of the earliest titles for this gen, and it's leagues better on it regardless. Stop acting retarded.

FPS is a game developer issue, if they don't prioritize that then it's on them.

The PS4's prime is Late 2013 to late 2020. That's 7 years (most gens are ~6). Add in the 3 years after that and you get the solid decade Sony usually supports systems for.

We'll probably be getting backward compatible PS4++ games for the first two years anyway, with a focus on 1440p gaming thanks to diminishing returns.

>4 more years of devs optimizing games for shitty outdated hardware
god i hate sony

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Another internet day, another lie. The PS4 only started to warm up in 2015. That's only three and a half years so far of good games. Prior to that, the 'best' games of '13 and '14 were remasters and cross genners.
>to late 2020
Fucker, you don't even know what's coming out at the end of 2019, let alone 2020. The other guy is right. If you compare the overall output of the PS2 and PS3, the PS4 was trash. And this is coming from a PS4/PC gamer only this gen. Don't make me bring out proof.

>a game that came out on last gen consoles can run on them
Wow fucking really? WHo'd've thought?

I'm sure it's also a hardware issue, since almost no multiplat games, or even exclusives for that matter, run at 60fps

There's no fucking way it's almost been 10 years. I remember waiting outside gamestop with my mom begging me to take her home but I valiantly waited in line for 2 hours and came home with my prize like it was yesterday.

Console going 60 is entirely up to the developers, and the vast majority of them realize 30 FPS with bells and whistles gets you sales, no one but the diehards actually see the difference between 30 and 60 or care about it unless it actively hampers their experience (Which it doesn't in any meaningful way).

what a rushed gen. I still have games to complete here fuckers

They dropped support for the PS4 4 years ago when Bloodborne came out and they called it a day

this is it for me i'm not buying a ps5 or anything next gen just going to play "old" games from then on out

Yep, this is why it got GOTY last year.

what does that even mean

It means your mother is a whore...


Ah good. I'll be able to keep my ps4 just in time for the ps5 pro release

2019 minus 2013 is 6, and we're rapidly approaching 7 years since launch
It HAS almost been a decade mate


>10 years of PS4
>Only games I played was Bloodborne and Persona 5

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>he didn't play the last guardian
Why is this so common here? Why is the average Yea Forums user so dumb?

>game unironically called the last guardian

I think I'll pass.

>I'll pass on a sequel to Ico because ummm I don't like the name
Cool opinion, faggot


Well yeah. Just wait for the PS5 Pro

Just looked it up.

Looks like faggot shit.

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>soulsfag and personafag unironically says this

>We live on an age were there are so many video games produced it even becomes a problem for completionist/hobbyists to keep up with all releases.
>Were even the nichest of genres has games constantly coming out, thanks to the internet, steam and consoles digital stores that have allowed smaller developers to self-publish.
>Were most of the videogames are released on almost all platforms, giving the consumer more choice on where to play, without having to buy additional systems or having to sacrifice the ability to play on the systems he doesn't have.
>Were the industry as a whole has grown to absurd levels, bringing in a huge amount of talent from all branches.

>But let us focus on searching for the next tortanic meme and how everything is shit.

It's only good to be critical as an exercise to better things and reach deeper enjoyment of something that inspires interest. If all you do is shit-flinging, contrarian retardation, that's all you are.
Yea Forums started as the first, and has turned into the second.

>bringing in a huge amount of talent from all branches.
too bad the quality of video games doesn't reflect that

is that "news" worthy? it's always been around 10 years with playstations

>Another internet day, another lie.
>Don't make me bring out proof

I can tell you watch a lot of anime

>Graphics were greatly improved
yeah, nah
early PS4 games generally looked worse than late PS3 games
>have much faster install times
PS1 games load faster than PS4 games
even fucking PS3 games on average loaded faster than PS4 games
>network is faster in general
has literally nothing to do with the hardware put into the console

>leagues better
>literally worse framerate and therefore gameplay

Le problem?

golly can't wait to play all these thousands of indie pixel roguelites gaming is sure great now

>PS4 and Xbox One were released 6 years ago

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I still buy PS3 games. I'll be supporting PS4 til 2027.

>has literally nothing to do with the hardware put into the console
some time compare devices with wifi. some are better and some are worse. it's literally build in the hardware

They put a PS4 game on an SSD and everyone lost their shit.

>Sony does something pro consumer
>Yea Forums spins it into a negative
>Nintendo does something anti consumer
Yea Forums spins it into something positive

Ps4 still shits all over xbox unless you're a brain braindead retard that thinks yearly racing shit and trash like letdown 3 are 500 fucking dollars. I'll take a ps4 over that any day.

They did it with PS2 and PS3 too so why not. Their platforms typically have a long life even once their new one comes out due to the larger casual audience. Something like 30 - 50m of the 150+ million PS2s sold were after the PS3 had already come out.

it all comes down to if publishers want to release games on a platform anyway.
Pretty sure that wii and ps3 still had game or two released like a year ago.

that seems shorter than ps2 and ps3

60fps will never be a standard unless the public demands it, and you need to realise that Sony, or Nintendo, or Xbox can never make 60fps a guaranteed standard.

60fps is possible on literally any hardware, but it depends on the developer and what they want the game to run at. Most AAA developers want 30fps and to use the rest of the systems power for graphics because a prettier game at a frame rate most of their audience is historically okay with is what they want.

There's no such thing as "hardware that guarantees all games run at 60fps for next six or seven years" because some developers will make a game at 30 for better visuals on it.

I still played my PS3 for a year or 2 after I got my PS4

Oh fuck, wtf happened to the time I’m nearly FUCKING 30!!!!

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Delightful. You have nothing to say. lmao.

lets commit suicide together!

>game is loaded on an SSD

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I remember in 2013 they said shit like "who the fuck cares about your SSD"

It's a mix of both but more from the developers side.

They prefer to push prettier effects, graphics, bigger maps, etc. over FPS because saying this game runs at 60fps doesn't really sell it to most customers, so they prefer to cap it at 30 and focus more on the rest, obviously another part is that PS4 and Xbox One are already outdated from like one or two years ago.

is the ps3 still supported? I think it still is.
man fuck that is short.

So was the PS3 when the PS4 released. This isn't surprising.

user, consoles as cheap as dirt so any nigger could by it. Of course it will have garbage hardware and run games at 20fps.

Kek, based.

PS3: 0 games
PS4: 1 game
PS5: ?