Play Path of Exile or you will be sacrificed to Kitava.
Play Path of Exile or you will be sacrificed to Kitava
Can I have Atziri instead?
it's a shit game
>path of life nodes
>absolutely garbage balance
>developers don't even play the game
>developers think making the content only accessible to 1% of players is good
>developers keep having to retro actively buff content appearance rates because they're retarded
>developers keep nerfing mechanics the 1% of players abuse to play their retarded designs
>nerfed mechanics collaterally strike the entire playerbase and make everything worse
>stagnating uniques, skills, left in the dust for years
>support gems are just MORE mods now
>Flasks are just MORE damage sources now
>like lmao what even are life flasks
>boss invulnerability phase design because they're bad
>flipping is unironically the best way to play the game
>it's incredibly easy to flip in a """economy""" based game - Chris Wilson economics PHD is a retard
>literally garbage trade system/market because they don't want to add any in-game market/auction house
>mfw rigging prices
>mfw no sales tax
>mfw skimming chaos
>mfw getting 2 chaos per 100 chaos is better than playing the game
>mfw getting 20 chaos per 1000 chaos
>mfw repeat ad infinitum for literally free effortless chaos in an incredibly short amount of time
people pay for convenience and Im the one that gets paid, every fucking time, flipping is fucking retarded, the game is SOLVE D if you know how to flip because 99% of builds are good not because of whatever but because of FUNDING IT
oh yeah
>3.0 patch
>pantheon was supposed to be big shit, hyped as important as ascendancy in choice
>it's fucking nothing
>cut content
>they obviously took dev resources to instead make Chinese servers and Console versions
>mfw all new skills have a console perspective now - if it's not playable on a controllable without an accurate mouse it's shit!
>skills are now screen deleting, no need to aim, no skill shit
>mfw the visual clutter is fucking insane
>mfw dropping to 20 FPS in towns from overpriced cosmetics
>mfw China server has an in-game market but english doesn't
where's your face nigger
>not being a SSF chad with no care about how well other autists progress
I go back and play 1-3 characters every major content release and i never suffer any of your 'problems' because i don't bother with trading.
I can't even imagine how people play anything other than Hardcore Solo Self-Found, because otherwise it's so easy to just break the game and/or it turns into a social shitshow obsessed with shit-eating e-celebs and cancerous economics. Who cares?
Kill shit, build your own characters, die a couple times, clear the game with your own found goodies. Bunch of cancerous zoomer faggots.
right here faggot
>people found a dupe exploit for 6L Shaper/Elder Astral plates
>devs let everyone who duped them for cheap off scot free
>people who didn't abuse it and could have lose out because they were gud well behaved boys
t. has never cleared Uber Elder or done anything of note
>never suffer
lol so you don't build over 200% life, stack MORE damage in every link? fucking bullshit, you also probably use some screen obliterating skill because of their shit design, and a lot of these
were fucking design elements, not optional player choices, retard
only if the next league is good
>of note
>playing a social shitshow to be gifted and/or extort literal internet autists in a chatroom for blatantly gamebreaking items for prefab builds they didn't even come up with
t. considers this meaningful and playing a game
>imagine being this much of a fucking zoomer trashcan
>everyone I don't like is a zoomer
imagine being this bitter at having no youth
I pick a starting class, putz around with build ideas and come up with what i think might work. I generally haven't learned what works and doesn't until I die once or twice.
I can't even imagine what kind of person you are to not want to play hardcore, blind and SSF. Do you enjoy or feel good playing something you already know? Using some theory-crafter veteran's prefab build from some forums somewhere? Extorting autists in chatrooms for their shinies? Is this the game to you?
Honestly curious, as it sounds horrible. I understand why you hate the game if that's how you 'play' it.
I'll just be over here HC SSF'ing each new content release and enjoying what they create. Sure, i die some, and i don't mind that. More to learn. New builds to try.
I have no idea what flavor of the month hyper-optimal bullshit e-celeb fueld faggotry you're crying about, and i never will. I just find your diatribe sad.
imagine playing hardcuck trash and having to waste even more time with utter shit like leveling
can't think of a more cucked way to play
why are there so few Kitava lewds? i need more
as opposed to playing the same maps over and over? generally leveling is more indepth
>3gb updates every 2-4 days
Thanks Im fine vanilla d3 on consoles is as much replayable as this shit
What is this retard on about? He is acting like trading makes you a streamer with thousands of viewers.
I'll check it out again when 3.8 comes.
Busy with Grim Dawn.
hey hey people, if you play on hardcore you're literally a vegan
Fuck the Dalai Lama
Call me back when they put asynchronous trading in, coach. I'm ok with doing garbage side content from time to time but I can't be bothered to stop playing every 10min to sell some garbage 20c item to be able to keep playing later down the line.
where can i read the deep lore of this game world?
that's only because their Steam launcher is shit and it downloads enormous chunks from the depot for no apparent reason whenever the devs do a 3 mb update through their stand-alone launcher
You know you dont have to trade?
>getting sextants, chisels, frags and a t+0 map back instead of items of similar or higher value
Teach me your ways
You know you don't need those unless you are trading?
I play this game on and off every so often. but I dont retain any useful information and am clueless each time I play.
how do I start recognizing good shit
its fun tho.
My computer can't run the game anymore.
It's nice, but it doesn't have the same visual spectacle and combat impact as Diablo 3 (yes, which is a shit game otherwise) or Diablo 2.
And as pleb as it sounds, that is really something that I miss.
No. My character outleveled the basic bitch campaign end boss Kitava by 15 levels and it was still a clusterfuck of 2 hit KO damage flying all over the place which resulted in a hollow victory via attrition relying on 30 consecutive deaths. I'm not going to grind. I'm not going to trade. I'm not going to buy stash tabs. I'm not going to look up builds and minmax to get the minimum out of the base game content. With one full playthrough I'm done and I'm never playing it again. You can have your endgame maps and your 4-titted demon queen who's recycled boss bodyguards before you even meet her will hitscan one-shot a level 100 character. Fuck this game. If you're a shitter like me, you have dignity. If you git gud at it, you are sucking Tencent's cock for hundreds of hours straight and paying them for it.
Oh yeah thanks for reminding me why I stopped playing when my computer was still able to run it.
i just fucking hate how there's no real classes or class aesthetics because of how it's all open and microtransaction based
just play grim dawn with the two dlcs