Its over

Its over lads
Sony is officially killing off gaming

Would you buy a mandatory online PS5?

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You don't want the ability to trade digital games to your friends, bro?

>always online


>killing gaming
more like killing themselves

>seamless feature
What is that even supposed to mean?

I wouldn't buy a PS5 even if it was only $100, BC with everything, and gave you a blowjob every time you turn it on

>Stadia 2.0
They can't be that retarded, can they?

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And that's a good thing! Fuck retards who buy consoles still. They deserve to be fucked.

Hell no

Funny because nips hate online so much they refuse to buy digital


it’s Xbox one reveal fiasco all over again

This is all find and dandy until you realize the majority of the market is in the US which has piss poor internet. So unlikely, a pipe dream that rabid idiots will buy into, slurping down corporate cum loads waiting for the next hyped leak that'll not become a reality either.

PS5 will be a console you can play completely offline but people who don't wanna buy the console can pay for a streaming service they can play on their phones

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Can't you already do that with psnow?

Playstation isn't nip anymore. Sony is packing up shop and moving to the US in pieces.

>mandatory online
That's not what it means. But of course, the resident Xgroids are going to spread fake news in order to (and fail to) make PlayStation 5 look bad.

post yfw PS5 is a hybrid you can take on the go (for about 30 minutes before the battery dies)

Exclusives will be built with the cloud in mind for "seamless high fidelity rendering"

Having nip devs is the only advantage they have over microsoft though

Hey that's a good idea

Nintendo has stolen the Japanese market from Sony in half the time the ps4 was on the market so they had to fuck off to America to save face.

Sony has already been chasing Jap devs over to Switch and PC. I would say PS5 is going to be the next PS3, but that would be saying that they would learn from their mistakes like old Sony would do, but this is modern Sony. Modern Sony is California based and the thing about Californians is that they will stick to their guns no matter how much it hurts them. Hell, they are dumb enough that they are about to ban toiletries from hotels as if it is impossible for them to chase away tourists.

fine if they are introducing some sort of online sync functionality but if the offline dashboard and menu drops even a single frame I will burn the Sony HQ to the ground

How's being blown the fuck out on retardera doing for you?

>moving to the US in pieces
They already moved all the control over to Commiefornia years ago. The only pieces left in Japan aren't important enough to bring over here and they still need to have some sort of fake presence over there.

Sony is dead, Xbox Anaconda all the way, baby.

BASED sony finally doing what unabsed microshit couldn't do.

Nintendo didn’t steal anything from sony, it’s an entirely different demographic

They ARE in the process of doing it now that sony is being retarded though

Yes, but the leaked investor showing of PS5 shows that this will be a major marketing point of the next generation

>OHNINONOONONK SONY IS FINISHED WITH NEXT GEN thread # 2747483647483827474838274
autism is no joke

Funny how moving to California coincided with Sony becoming full SJW and releasing games for women like uncharted lost legacy and stuff. Also look at the last of us 2 and its homosexual agendas. You can blatantly tell from that trailer they weren't trying to show off gameplay but their number one focus was to show muh stronk stronk womyn kissy kissy. Fuck Sony they're dead to me.

you would know lol


PC GOG master race here!

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Even though I'm an idiort, PS has always been my favorite brand... Thanks to California I feel dead on the inside knowing my favorite brand is unofficially dead now... Fuck, I even felt so special when I got an invitation to the Playstation Game Advisory Panel. It all feels like a distant dream and now I just don't know if I look forward to gaming anymore...

>buying snoy

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Well d'uh.
How can you stop those icky misogynists from playing their games unless it's always online?
Do you think those alt-righters deserve to keep their toys after spewing their hate?
Shameful! You make me sick! We're better than just letting these free speech extremists share our spaces with us.

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I'm glad Sony has let the success of the PS4 get to them that they're literally fucking themselves just as Microsoft did with the Xbone and also doubling down on censorship worse than Nintendo was with the Wii U.

I mean I'm grateful they're letting me know that I won't be wasting $500-/+ on a PS5 and can instead buy more Switch games and upgrade my PC.

>too distracted by Yea Forums to play games on PC
>lack of power and shitty online limits types of games that can be enjoyed on switch
With Sony's death, I honestly don't know what my future with vidya is going to be like anymore. Maybe if Yea Forums died I could get around to playing vidya on PC but I doubt that will happen... Nintendo just needs to spit out a more powerful Switch 2 instead of a Switch Pro. I want to be able to play 2 players in something like Fire Emblem Warriors and have more than 10 enemies on the screen at a time. Hell, I had one map that needed 2000 kills in the 7 minute time limit. Together we got just over 1000 kills. In single player I got just over 5000 kills...

Yeah, but whenever they fucked off to America it's because we wanted titties and explosions, and now they're trying to sell social commentary about womens' rights.

Is "disconnection" even a word?