Day 1

>Day 1
>In which Yea Forums forgets about making a Pathologic 2 thread.
>After 12 days it all ends.

How's it going my plague fighters? Does anyone know when it releases?

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Other urls found in this thread: rockpapershotgun/steam (Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Steam RSS)

The Steam page has a hour thing on the art book news, just click it and scroll down

>Does anyone know when it releases?
10am Pacific Time

Well, been waiting for 5 FUCKING YEARS you little slav cunts. Hope your game is fucking good.

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>cable for new pc and monitor won't arrive until next week
>old comp can't run Pathologic 2

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First one to talk gets to stay in my Polyhedron

>tfw fucked up a mission on Bachelor and don't feel like loading an old save
I guess I'll get around to finishing one and then grab this.

The new game won't let you savescum
So be careful

Well it is also the game's fault the mission fucked up. The conversation won't trigger for the mission because I did the main mission first.

What mission?

The get a doctors costume for Haruspex. I got a letter asking to get a doctor costume from the theater but Mark wouldn't initiate any quest when I talked to him. Had to look up what was wrong and apparently some weird game hiccup happens if you finish the day's main quest first.

I didn't finish the demo because it was too janky, what was the ending?

>Gorkhon is already pleb filtering people this hard
We're going home actors

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>tfw this game has finally forced me to buy a new pc
what should i get. i just want to run pathologic and dont care about anything like building or other dog shit.

lmao what an embarrassing OP
Is there a limit on how often you can save?

>People playing Pathologic for the first time for those review clicks
>Can't deal with Miserable Russian Plague Simulator and cries about it like it's a flaw
There are two kinds of people in this world, those that can deal with Pathologic's barbs or at least recognize that it's fine to not be able to, and those that decide because they can't handle it it's an issue with the game because they wanted the payoff with none of the work.

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Have reviews started getting posted? The Google doesn't show me the salt mine I require.
a-are you asking us which prebuilt you should buy
stop being such a fucking brainlet dude

same kind of people who would call intentionally ugly art "avant-garde" and "revolutionary"

No there is no limit, though each time you die you get some kind of disadvantage

They basically cry out because they can't get their regular serotonin reward that they get from other games.


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Eh im just gonna wait for Bachelor episode

Thanks for beta testing Haruspexbros

wasn't RPS the publication that did the multiple-part article about the original?
joke's on you, performance will NEVER EVER EVER be improved

How could anyone afford any of the clothing on offer in clothing stores in Pathologic? You're always strapped for cash and a single pair of army boots is like 30,000 or 40,000 coins.

Just rob people n sell med stuff

When does it release? Yesterday when I bought it it showed the prerelease sale is for 20 more hours but right now it shows the prerelases sale is for 24 hours still.

8 hours

>current year
>people still don't know when Steam store updates

I heard Bachelor was the best to start with, how will the game change if you can only play Haruspex at first?

I think it's a weird change too. Bachelor being the first makes perfect sense because you are an outsider trying to understand this weird slav town. Will have to see how it plays out.

Maybe the Bachelor route will add a lot more to the medical treatment parts of the game?
I can hope god damnit

RPS didn't like it

RPS are a bunch of faggots nowadays anyway

>After only nine hours, I’m on day three of a twelve-day story and my character is dying.
Stopped reading there

>this reboot is a godforsaken mess littered with interesting ideas, none of which will be appreciated because it is hobbled by a pervasive crappiness. After only nine hours, I’m on day three of a twelve-day story and my character is dying. I’m infected, I’m starving, and I’m exhausted. This isn’t a description of a tough-but-interesting time I’m having in a bleak world. It’s a reference to the three meters in the corner of my screen (infection, exhaustion, hunger) which have convinced me that, despite a townload of spookiness and intrigue, those nine hours are more than enough. Thanks, Pathologic 2, but no thanks.

best endorsement of the game, if RPS cucks hate it you know IPL has still got it!

9 hours for 3 days sounds roughly right. 2 hours a day passing time plus about 3 hours in menus, map and dialogue.
Not sure what he means by dying though.

For me, the first game didn't take off until after day 4 or 5. But he probably got infected and thought it was game over.

polyhedron room codes when?

>But he probably got infected and thought it was game over.
Hahaha. That's the funniest idea I have heard. Did he not play the first? I am almost 100% certain you can't go through the game without having an infection.


>game is hard so it's bad
quality review

Pathologic 2 is just a remake of the first one right?

I thought there was a third one...

also what do these do?

I am going to take one wild shot at this not being utterly stupid and ask:
In 2 did they change things so High meter has negative effects vs the meter needing to fill all the way before you start losing health?

Remake/reimagining. Not quite a 1:1 remake. But yes, a remake.

Those are not polyhedron room codes actor. Reread the script please.

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It's essentially what the devs wanted it to be in the first place


Я кoпaюcь нa пoмoйкe, кaк чepвяк.
C дeтcтвa жизнь мoя нaпepeкocяк.
Кaнaлизaциoнный люк - мoя двepь,
Ho я cчacтлив пo-cвoeмy, пoвepь.
Двaдцaть лeт нaзaд cгopeл poднoй мoй дoм.
Дoкyмeнты, дeньги - вce cгopeлo в нeм.
И тeпepь я пoбиpaюcь двaдцaть лeт -
Кoмy нyжeн cтapый, никyдышный дeд.

A я бычoк пoднимy, гopький дым зaтянy,
Пoкypю и пoлeзy дoмo-oй.
He жaлeйтe мeня, я пpeкpacнo живy,
Toлькo кyшaть oхoтa пopoй.
A я бычoк пoднимy, гopький дым зaтянy,
Люк oткpoю, пoлeзy дoмo-oй.
He жaлeйтe мeня, я пpeкpacнo живy,
Toлькo кyшaть oхoтa пopoй.

Эй, peбятa, кaк дoпьeтe вы винo,
Mнe бyтылки вы ocтaвьтe зa oднo.
Пoжaлeйтe вы нecчacтнoгo БOMЖy.
Я их в cyмкy aккypaтнo пoлoжy.
Oтнecy я зaвтpa их в пpиeмный пyнкт.
Mнe зa них 60 кoпeeк oтдaдyт.
Я кyплю бyхaнкy хлeбa и cыpoк,
Чтoбы c гoлoдy нe пpoтянyть мнe нoг.

we're going home

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How was the beta? Promising?

Chin up, comrade. There's always more vodka to drink!

This game has pretty boys like the first one?

It still looks like a remake to me, which I am not really against and I know it started out as thought, but I am have yet to see anything substantially different to justify calling it a full blown sequel yet.

I can't fucking wait

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Refunded due to RPS review.

It's like evil dead 2 vs evil dead

nice butt for a half skelly

Another pleb filtered.

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Shill harder, faggot
We don't want to play your shit game

I'm glad I gave up on professional game reviews when I was 14.

>comparing Pathologic to fucking Skyrim

Now now actor this is not the time for, how do you say it, "baits". Please stick to the script.

>game is difficult
>souls comparison

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Cannot wait to laugh at all the "boring, tedious and pretentious walking simulator" pleb comments

Should I go back and play this guy's story in the original first or just play this?

They're getting memed already.

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They added thirst?

Play the Bachelor in the Classic HD first.

>It's not hard like DARK SOULS
>>dark souls design is "hard is good"
>feels like a budget skyrim

What the fuck is going on at that website?

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I did, and completed it, but I did not play Haruspex of Changeling.

We are not an outsider now, we are literally and figuratively returning home. Also Haruspex route was closest to release and they were strapped for time.

Then just play 2.



There was something about GOG version on their website.

The demo was amazing. I'm hyped.

based and polyhedronpilled

Yeah, it ties into stamina.

So those 100 bottles of water I sometimes exchange for bandages with drunks will do something else? Neat.
What's stamina affect?

Sprinting and melee fighting drains stamina, and thirst serves as a cap on your max stamina

Second review from a site I'm unfamiliar with

Holy shit. They actually added sprinting? The mad men.
But honestly I was fine with no sprint in 1. Felt more suitable given the time thing. Sprinting in Pathologic sounds strange to me.

>there are absolute brainlets posting here RIGHT NOW that think Bachelor > Haruspex

The shabnak can't come to claim us soon enough.

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>Its another "journos compared a game to souls because its hard" episode
Only normalfags and redditors think souls is hard, which is why there are so many soulsfags on Yea Forums.

The normal walking speed seems slower than in 1, and there's no diagonalrunnin', so there's that

This, fuck Haruspex and fuck changeling

>actively angry someone likes thing don't like
Sounds like they're from Yea Forums

Based Mandalore dabbing on RPS shitters

I like Knock-Knock

>story and dialog are incoherent to a wild degree
>Feeling suicidal lately? For the love of everything, don't play this game.
>You only get a third of the experience... and the other parts may never arrive.

Nobody forgot, the game is just complete shit.

Alphy and IPL devs and the publisher are now memeing on RPS/liking replies to this.

Should I play Bachelor first on classic HD? Should I just play all of classic HD first?

I don't understand this mindset. I started the game recently and quit on day 4. It was not difficult, I did not have a hard time. But it was incredibly boring and the game had given me zero reasons to give a shit about it. It was annoying and repetitive and was 90% walking slowly. And this is coming from someone who has beat morrowind about a dozen times and have watched Angels egg about 3 times. I lvoe slow paced atmospheric horror. It wasn't that there was a lack of serration or reward, it was that there was a lack of stimulation in general. I'm sure I could beat the game but I have no reason to want to. I'm not sure what people see as so profound in this game.

Play this. You can also start from Bachelor's route from original game, but it's not necessary.

>>oes anyone know when it releases?
About 5 hours left!

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>all the reviews are 6/7s completely missing the point of survival mechanics

I'm scared, actors

Please don't post spoilers as soon as it releases, I can't play this until the weekend ;_;

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Have you considered not visiting Yea Forums, oynon?

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Remove yourself from Yea Forums then. Or filter threads at least.

based. video game bloggers are all subhumans without exception and should be ridiculed and bullied into suicide.

>tinybuild making fun of them

I'm going to abandon this and any other pathologic thread until I can play.
But for now, have Klara

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Can't wait to play

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How old is Clara? I don't know if I think she's hot or not

Goodbye and Klara a cute

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It depends, Which day of the story are you on? That's her age

I've read that IPL made the game more accessible than the earlier builds because of player feedback and the game was "really hard" in alpha. I was worried that they've casualised it, but i guess it was for nothing. Imagine if they didn't do a thing how assblasted that reviewer would be.
I also don't get the soulsian comparisons, they are plain and simple retarded. This game is clearly an immersive sim, why not compare it to Prey or Bioshock if because of primitive writing skills you rely on analogies that much,

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Klara is evil!

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Because anything hard = it's like Dark Souls in the minds of braindead retards. This became the most readily apparent when the fucking Crash Bandicoot remake was getting compared to Dark Souls in 2017.

>I was worried that they've casualised it, but i guess it was for nothing.
They made it pretty clear. By "more accessible" they meant "easier to read" - that is, not making it hard for the player to figure out things the developers explicitly did not MEAN to be hard. They made it absolutely clear that the difficulty of the actual mechanics is there to stay, it's vital part of the experience. But unitentional obfuscation, players being confused about HOW to do a simple task or not noticing something they should have noticed immediately - that kind of shit was to be polished.

That said, this is fucking SAD.
That RPS asigned a complete cretin to write a fucking PATHOLOGIC review is unforgivable. They have been bad for long time, but this is depressing. RPS made Pathologic famous, but at the same time, Pathologic's reivew once made RPS famous. They fucking owe it to the franchise to assign someone at least slightly remotely competent to the review.

>wasn't RPS the publication that did the multiple-part article about the original?
Yes, but the guy who did that left a long time ago.

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The changes sound like good less tedious and clunky changes and not make it easy and casual changes.


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ok this is epic

Because when Bioshock was released modern game journalists was in theirs "Games are for dumb ugly permavirgin nerds lol" stage.


dogshit brown low poly graphics is the only Pathologic

OH NO NONONOONONONO slavbros the dream is over!

>The Town is great to explore, but there is no need when the map is already dotted with all the interesting things there are to do. After a day or two, you’ll have so many of little waypoints scattered throughout the map you might think you’re playing a Ubisoft game.


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I really liked the new graphics, especially the characters. To each their own.

Remake but with notable changes, think the recent resident evil 2.

Will be drinking this shit, imagining that it is tvir, while playing the remake in a few hours. Comfiest i felt in years.

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they're only releasing it with one playable character at first right? I never played pathologic but I did like the void, even though it was a harrowing experience

That's not a hiccup, that mission becomes redundant if you do the main quest first as the Haruspex doesn't need the costume anymore as you've already got the sample he needs for him

Yep. Haruspex route now, Bachelor and Changeling sometime later

Where the other boards at?
Yea Forums reporting in, still not sure if I'm ready for this!

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I remember there was some other purple drink dropped by Worms

Any backers here? How big is the download? How does it run?

/tg/ representin'

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9.6 gb, don't know about the performance yet.

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>steppe scum think their man is going to fuck up the OG Bachelor
>steppe proven subservient to civilization yet again
feels good.

polyhedron can make the impossible real. why would i want to save a town of backward simpletons when i can create an utopia?
fuck the town
fuck the kin
and most importantly

Might be able to play it tonight then, sweet. Thanks, actor.

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/ck/ here, ready to whip out my twyrine cookbook

here we go

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Can you even imagine how does the Russian thread look like? You look really happy about the release compared to them.

Fucking this. I've been on and off visiting the place for years out of some misplaced sense of gratitude for that old and magical review of Pathologic the original, and every day they just prove themselves more and more not worth the time. They couldn't even get someone who knew the first thing about anything to write this crap. Probably because they no longer have anyone left there who knows the first thing about anything.

I don't know why I even expected anything, I'm just kinda pissed that this might turn off some people. Sure, the kind of people who'd never make it past day 3 anyway.

Whatever. Just woke up and this shit has 15 minutes to download, fuck yes. See you on stage soon, fellow actors.

What happened? I know every russian in the country is clinically depressed, but that can't be it, right?

why would the ivans not be happy about this?

Such a good feel to finally get the game (partially, sure, but still). I didn't play Marble Nest or the demo, so this all will be new to me. It's also good I only finished Haruspex's story only once, so I don't remember shit about it.
Meanwhile, I'll be playing Kiwami 2 to pass the time.
I haven't bothered with 2ch IPL threads in months, I take it they're still garbage?

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what happens if you don't cut somebody/something through 'its lines'?

when is it out yet?

So it's going to casual filter most of the "big name" reviewers. Are there are trustworthy reviewers who'll give a fair opinion of it?

4 hours.

мы идeм дoмoй, lads
my russian is extremely basic, please no bully

In 3.5 hours.

>a joyless pothole of a site
Pick two

You go to steppe-jail for desecrating the dead.

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>being happy about anything
>in the russian thread

also plague if the thing you cut wrong is a cosmic bull

honestly i'd bank on a wave of first impressions reviews being "it's hard and janky" for the first couple of days, and then after a week or two we'll start getting some proper reviews from people who've actually played it through.

Mandalore mentioned a video for 2 but other than that i think it’s invisible among ecelebs

>tfw still have to play the original
This is just playing as the haruspex for now right? Should I just do bachelor and changeling for the original?

I mean, they're not just neutral, they're really toxic about the game. It always was like that but not in a such scale like in the last threads. Yeah, these threads are still garbage and so 2ch is.

so do I, even though I never actually figured out what the fuck I was doing.

you could theoretically do bachelor (HD classic), then haruspex (2), then decide where to go from there. that's if you don't mind the shift in grafix and don't mind not playing things immediately on release. it's hard to say yet how the two games are different.

>ready to launch
here I go, brothers

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You could probably finish the bachelor in like 3-4 days of casual play, if you want. It's my favourite protagonist in the original, so comfy to just unravel the town's mysteries as an outsider. Changeling was practically unfinished in the first game, so you can ignore that one (I never finished her storyline, always end up dropping it at day 7 or 8 or whatever).

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/lgbt/ here

>What the fuck is going on at that website?
Nepotism hires along ideological lines instead of by any merit. The games journo industry is one email chain circlejerk of people who could barely make their way through a Pokemon game.

lmao if you want a real Eastern European horror game, play S.T.A.L.K.E.R..

Or Darkwood.

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>it is not like dark souls or skyrim
but why would it have to be? it is not even the same genre

ACG is the only mainstream one i can imagine playing it

there's no horror in stalker

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I remember watching a bachelor playthrough of the original on youtube a long while ago, the endings were pretty meh. Kind of reminded me of the Lost series. Hopefully they come up with something better for #2.

what was mark's endgame?

>unironically comparing Pathologic to Dark Souls
>"Soulsian philosophy"
oh my fucking god when are we genociding game journalists

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>implying I haven't
This isn't a slavjank competition, it's just people being happy about the release of a long awaited game.

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The play, user.
It was beautiful.

Don't worry user, I tried learning that shit, it's hard as hell.


I don't even know why foreigners call Pathologic a horror game. Neither I would call S.T.A.L.K.E.R..

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Existential horror
Keep in mind that westerners are used to feeling elation all the time

I don't know if I ever felt horrified (except for fuck that shit), but I did feel extremely Tension at times. Fuck having to go into infected houses

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>Clara's bound are 'the wicked and the criminals'
>Lara is included

I made one last night, about 12 hours ago! I had to go to bed though and it died pretty fast. Thanks for picking up the slack for me user.

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They're not pure horror games like RE or Dead Space, but they do feature heavy gameplay systems that sometimes create very tense and nerve racking situations, be it escaping infection clouds in an abandoned home in Pathologic or wandering in the Zone at night in Stalker, waiting for something to jump out from the shadows. The fact that the games don't provide you with any special treatment only emphasizes the intense moments - you easily die, and the game doesn't give a shit.

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The Void and Pathologic take place in the same univserse. This has been confirmed in an old Facebook post by one of the developers, plus there are a few hints in the game itself.


Well she started all that fatalistic drivel.

Wait dude what the fuck, how?

/x/ here, online

is the void also a teathre play? I have yet to complete it and the only 'reference' to pathologic i found was an easter egg

there IS a reason, though you could argue whether she truly deserves to be in that group

how is that a crime?

It's not against the law, but it is against the Law, if you feel me.

>slavshit russki game
No thanks

I mean considering that The Void establishes that all of creation is just world-links in a vertical chain of descending shittiness, that's not exactly difficult to do. The better question then becomes how much farther up is Pathologic's world, and if it's directly above, which of the Sisters made it.

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Tristitia is a sin.

Every IPL game is in the same universe

Those reviews have me even more excited! Just knowing that they didn't cheap out!

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Every game in the world also in the very same universe desu

A long time ago the Facebook page of Ice-Pick Lodge had a shitton more posts, including detailed ones about the Void (detailed descriptions of the Sisters, the lore etc.) Most of them have been removed, probably because they outright explained too much of the Void (for example, the only Sister who truly cares about you is Echo). But yes, in one of them it was confirmed that it's the same world as Pathologic.
As for examples of references, on this I'm not sure, but I believe one of the Sisters references either twyrine or the blood of the bull.

>really like the IDEA of playing Pathologic
>in reality I'll probably just read more about the story and watch someone play it on youtube or something
im everything wrong with modern gaming

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Don't worry, 90% of all people talking about a given game haven't actually played it. This is why I never engage in threads about Planescape: Torment, since it makes me frustrated arguing with morons basing their knowledge on heresay and/or wikis.

Echo? Sister Death doesn't care about you?

I watched a Bachelor playthrough of the original Pathologic and really enjoyed it which is why I was gonna buy 2 to do the Haruspex story myself. But really I think the game is just far too long and stressful to commit to.

He means "truly, selflessly" cares about you. All the Sisters do care about floating naked heartgolem to varying degrees, they just have ulterior motives mixed in.

me in the middle with my two dads

>Cute goth gf is canonically the best girl

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Come on dude, just fucking play it.

It's not that hard.

Lol, Stalker pleb compares his kiddie ukrainian bugfest to an Art piece. Pathetic.

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Exactly. She's the only one doing what she is doing out of selfless love.

I'm really feeling it, the dread is setting in.

Oh yes, yes yes yes!

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Belorussian bros are not asked

Eh, considering you're hovering a hair's breadth above the black pit of Satan's asshole it's surprising many of them are as helpful as they are.

Selfish love isn't exactly a turnoff either, it's the more comprehensible one to me.

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You can easily watch it on youtube and infact I would argue you'll enjoy it more if you do. You can skip most of the game since 80% of it is just walking around the town which gets very old very fast, especially with how slow you are

>especially with how slow you are
there is a console command that speeds up the game (every aspect of it, not just your walking speed)

Hows the void it I decided to give it a try? I've heard it's hard since you use one resource to do pretty much everything and it's not easy to come by, that true?

I just hope in Pathologic 2 you can also change the speed time goes by. I really hate rushing a game.

What on earth would possesses them to get such an utter fucking faggot to review it...

Just play the demo and decide for yourself if it's too hard. Personally I've never understood why Pathologic is considered a hard game. It is tedious at times, but not hard at all if you don't do retarded shit like get infected or something.

There is a Medium and Easy difficulty mini-mod, available on the official forum.

>The demo
I had no idea there was a demo, thanks user

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I'd rather give it a try the way it was intended if possible, but is it true that's how it works? It was something like you have only one resource to manage, but having too much and too little is a bad thing as well.

personally I found it fantastic but its original name was Tension for a reason. it's quite easy your first time through to get stuck, shit out of Color, and get yourself in an unwinnable situation. you'll probably be constantly feeling the squeeze of hovering on the brink of death. which is good, because that's pretty much what they're after.

what it's got as a selling point is a beautifully fucked up, grotesque/surreal world, pretty ladies wearing nothing but particle effects, boss enemies straight off the Silent Hill cutting room floor, and one of the very few games where not only do your actions constantly change the world around you, they and everything else about the lore, mechanics, etc. all ties into the same core themes.

tl;dr it's one of a kind, even if you hate it you'll still never find anything else like it.

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You'll need it if you want to escape fights.

So we're looking at what, an hour and 15 mins until 2 drops?

That's pretty much it. Your only ressource is "color", and it's your money, HP, MP, and ammunition all at once.

Attached: scr0007.jpg (3840x2160, 954K)

2 hours and 15 min.

Color is your one resource, though there's different colors, their sum total is what matters for most things. Holding more of a color in you gives you different effects (green makes you take less damage, violet costs less to activate things, blue makes you move faster, etc.) but how much you have in total is essentially your HP. It also drains just by being in the overworld.

It's tricky, but not impossible to manage it well though. Listen to the tips they offer you and try and minimize the amount you waste.

Any more and it starts running into things you are better served finding out for yourself.

Am I likely to enjoy it if I loved Pathologic? Also can I savescum?

The game is very hard and obscure. It took me multiple restarts to beat it. There's an in game time limit that is not lenient at all.

There's one resource, color, but there's multiple colors so yes there are many resources. The color is both your ammo and your life source so managing it is more or less the majority of the game. The color can be found (you only get a small amount), or farmed (how you get most of it), but if you misuse the color (it's gone forever) you will run out and get fucked which is why it can take multiple restarts.

Store page is saying it's already up for alpha backers, I've backed enough to be up to the alpha access tier and more but didn't actually play the alpha, I'm assuming that's why it's not letting me in yet like the cool kids.

Doesn't Pathologic have a lot of choices? I swear I saw an infographic with how many choices they wanted to put in.

Cool, thanks anons. I might pick it up after I finish up Pathologic, I'll likely only play the bachelor since from my understanding the other two are unfinished, changling especially so I'd be better playing them in 2, assuming the other characters get done.

Then just use a reshade to make it brown.

Yes. I really can't stress enough the top tier melancholic gorgeous/broken aesthetic it has going on, and once you get your bearings and figure out a rhythm it almost gets, if not "fun", then mechanically interesting.

absolutely savescum before boss fights because sometimes you waste WAY too much color killing one of the fuckers. try not to savescum too much, it's not like Pathologic where one stray knife throw sets you back a full day but, it will probably take you more than one try to complete the game.

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it has a shit ton of implicit choices based around how you play rather than explicit kill dog/save dog multiple choice questions. you can fail every daily quest except the first day's and the game keeps going. every side quest is missable and most are left pretty much up to your discretion whether you want to/can even do them. you may not have enough money or food to spare to complete them. you may feel the potential rewards aren't worth it and you'd be right or that the person doesn't deserve your help. you may just not have enough time to make it across town in time.

it's absolutely not a game to watch someone else play. i can see it giving people the wrong impression of being an on-rails walking simulator if all they saw was the "optimal" way to play, though.

Cheeki breeki my friend, cheeki breeki...

>Watching someone play a dialogue heavy walking simulator

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i fastforward the walking and just watch the dialogue

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>download finished
I'm going in lads, see you on the other side.

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If you make it back out before it drops for the rest of us plebs, post impressions.

>try to download the demo
>it's 11gbs
>it completely overloads my C: drive with 40+ gbs of data even though I wasn't installing it there and then bluescreens my computer
thanks slavs

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It's not so much there are story choices, but there's a lot freedom in gameplay decisions. How different players decide to survive the town can vary a lot.

Kind of sad I don't get to play the Bachelor immediately, but it may be fun to rip and tear.

What do I do lord? I have no money now

>Finish Pathologic Classic HD
>Pirate Pathologic 2 and buy later
>Get around to finishing the Void because I keep getting fucked by no color and losing.

The Bachelor is, was and shall always be a fag. He was the game's tutorial. Starting with the Haruspex has you playing the game and solving some of the mysteries.

Perhaps they ought to have done a two day Bachelor version of the game to give to reviewers. It might have been more their speed.

so can i just start with pathologic 2 or do you need to play the first game to understand what is going on?

Finish Classologic, then get the lower difficulty patch for the Void and play that. Then hopefully have some money and get Pathologic 2.

It's basically a remake (from what I understand) so you can start with 2 if you want a more polished game. Or play 1 if you want the original experience

You don't need to have played the original, you'll notice more connections though if you have.

alright just bought 2. its only 26,99€ and i like giving money to slavs cause most of the time their games are based.
should i go in blind or use the time until release to look up basics?

anyone know how well/poorly the game runs?

It runs quite well, you can sprint now.

Her reaction to Pathologic is my reaction to EYE

Oh man oh geez, one hour now!

>tfw no pirate prerelease still

I'd play the game blind. But I'd recommend you keep in mind what you would do if you were there. Take care of your body, health, tiredness, hunger etc. think carefully about what you need and you'll be in the best position to progress through the story - and not make an utter faggot ass tit of yourself like the reviewer from Rock Paper Shotgun.


/m/ standing by

I really hope the main menu background changes as the story progresses

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Should I play through the original before playing this sequel/remake? Or is this the definitive version of the game?

The only thing you should know is to not sit around if at all possible, always be on the prowl and have an objective.

Is that a recent development? I've noticed an uptick in faggotry on the Yea Forums threads.

How do you access the Artbook and soundtrack?
Usually DLC content like this is right in the install folder, but for some reason steam didn't install it along with the game.

Attached: Capture.png (2443x474, 793K)

Try to verify game files or uncheck-check the dlc files

alright thanks

Is this track from The Marble Nest even in the final game? I've been watching some streams and I haven't noticed it anywhere. Would be a real shame, it's the best track they've released.

Tried to play this a short while back and couldn’t figure out how to progress on day one as the bachelor. Really want to give it another shot but I refuse to use a guide. Is it viable to go blind on your first run?

for some reason whenever I think of twyrine I start thinking of gin. it feels like a fitting drink as far as something alcoholic with natural, plantlike flavor

For this remake/reimagining? Yes. You'll get better guidance, you'll still need to use your brain, but it does nudge you in the right direction a bit better.

Its Oynon you retard

Torrent when boys.

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Stupid nigger. You sould support indie and są games as they are pretty much the only good games that are released these days

Did you genuinely think everyone was calling you onion this whole time?

Jesus Christ, I've played for about 30 minutes and they just throw you right into the thick of it. The atmosphere is incredible. This is great. You see a 15 foot Bos Turokh within the first 20 minutes of the game.

You're not getting my money by being mean, Ivan.

Fuck off shill, i will buy game if i like it, i don't want to buy cat in the bag.

Hello, demo-skipper!

Why are the Russians butthurt? They seem excited by the livestream.

Not him but should I play the demo first? I figured it was unnecessary.

Yeah, I skipped the demo. I'm going in blind.

Marble's Nest was a tech demo that has its own story within a story; the actual demo is just a part of the first day


People this entire thread were saying the Russians hate the game for some reason.

Do you mean devs or just Russians? If latter then that's just how we are working.

Just Russians.
>If latter then that's just how we are working.
Do you mean that's just how Russians talk about games? Should have figured the fag who unironically used the term 'toxic' was a pussy.


>tfw the Termitary on the map in the remake looks even more like a heart
I'm so fucking hyped.

Attached: 1540197286931.png (752x359, 258K)

Downloading now. Been waiting for this shit since it was announced. Haven't been hyped for a game since the mistake that was Brink.

The demo is a demo.


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It's time anons, restart steam if you need to

Attached: rev up those downloads.png (991x255, 124K)

>whoa better be careful so the same thing doesn't happen to me
>why is my c drive red

>Do you mean that's just how Russians talk about games?
Yes, Russian /v is the most hateful place in my memory, they just hate for the hate.

That sounds pretty nice.


no it's not

>Implying every single Pathologic fan hasn't played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to death already

Yea Forums is just tsundere. Also comfy.

Because the game is a disaster and devs have been trying to shill it on russian imageboard months before release.

oh boy oh man oh jeez here we go

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Meant the abattoir but you can see the clear similarities here.

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Yes, it is

Could you share a link?


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/ourguy/ has given his seal of approval

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>Up speed 30MiB/s
>Down 3,0Mib/s

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Polish translation when?

>Didn't even make it halfway through the game
>Claims to be qualified to make judgments about it

>it gets good after 30 hours
fuck off

Microbyte? Minibyte? Millibyte?

Gonna nut from sand plague again

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>content file locked
restarted steam, still getting this. anyone else or am i merely retarded?

> wanting to play to a Russian game

Are you guys are retarded or what?

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Don't be an idiot and make sure to use the Russian voice over. The English is fucking terrible.

Fucking avast recognized exe of the game as a virus wut?

Yoba nahui poshel

Russians cannot into English.

>even here
but why


Pls, buy my game. My family is starving.

> durka durka cheeky breeky
Pull out a cock from your mouth before speaking.

Normally, that would be a false positive. But it depends if you were a retard and downloaded from a dubious source or not

It's a russian game so if you're playing with English you're a dubfag.

u rite u rite

why are people whining about shit reviews? games journalists are confirmed brainlets, if this game was getting good reviews THEN you should be worried.

How many hours of gameplay am I looking at for a full run?

Because bad reviews means lower sales, which means lesser chances we'll ever get the two other episodes. Also, because most of us still likes to think there is SOME hope for humanity left.

Hahahaha that's fucking Cheeky

Attached: file.png (421x195, 49K)

It's time

20 - 25 hours per character.

30 -60 hours i guess


Anyone know how the translation is? Even with the HD version of the original was hard to follow.

Solid. There are sections that use a fictional language for the steppe characters, but the localised language sections are fine.

2-3 hours per day assuming you know what you're doing/reading a guide, make it 2.5, multiplied by 12 days, then by 3 characters for original.

Remember, if you don't buy the game, a Russian child dies from hunger and Putin per each torrent download.

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Another demo-skipper!
>there are people that doubted for even a second the Pathologic 2 title wouldn't be referenced in-game

people pirating comfy as fuck russian indie niche games irritates the hell out of me.

fucking peasants, it's because of you we have more and more AAA casual-tier trash every fucking year

Having some issues getting the damn thing to launch, steam is going back and forth between thinking it's still locked, thinking the files are corrupt, and being unable to find the fucking .exe

guess i'll just redownload from scratch

>Hold MouseLeft to break enemy blocks
It doesn't work, I just keep performing regular attacks. How do I fix this?

Any updates on how it runs?
I'm on day 6 Changeling on Classic HD and want to finish it by the weekend before I start 2.
My toaster hits the minimum requirements, but a lot of people suggested the unoptimised demo ran like shit even on decent pcs

Developers have lied to all the kickstarters who funded the game. Payback time.


Pirates are always going to be there user, whether it be poorfags or just pirating because fuck the devs, get over it.
What did they lie about exactly? Havent played much attention to the kickstarter.

There were tons of differenent pledges with valuable awards but in the end the kickstarters received only shitty codes for in-game items and nothing promised from the pledges.

Good day, actors. I'm going home.

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Are you holding it long enough?
Press once for a quick attack. Hold until the heavy attack is made.

Are you a retard? They've stated that the items will be produced at distributed at a later date.
Doesn't exist yet you fucking cretin.

this can't be real. I don't understand this world anymore

>Doesn't exist yet you fucking cretin.

>already looting every fucking dumpster or unguarded cabinet I see
Did they balance this game around people already knowing what to do? Like is some noob who isn't stocking up on trash going to be absolutely fucked when the plague hit?

Bachelor's scenario is focused on the Polyhedron. Haruspex doesn't even go inside you dumb cunt.

>stop being such a fucking brainlet dude
i just cant be fucked. i'm a wagie and dont care about any new vidya besides pathologic.

> later
Means never.

>It is the most lousy bunch of survival guff I have seen in many years. On paper, you should be exploring the town, figuring things out, piecing this unearthly story together. But most of your time is spent trading bits of old brain and rusty scissors for a tin of food just to keep a meter down. It takes over everything, an unwelcome distraction from the intrigue of murder cases and bizarre architecture of the town’s stranger buildings. It’s maddening. I’m interested in this place, its people, its mobs and disagreements, its decline. I don’t want to spend hours in serfdom to an outdated survival mechanic. rockpapershotgun/steam (Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Steam RSS)

>willingly married a marxist feminist.
Why would you expect any different?

>game is shit, it's a fucking walking simulator!
game reviewers
>game is shit, it's not a fucking walking simulator!

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>literally begging for a walking sim
the state

>there's only so much dick a "man's" ass can take.
Hold my frapuchino...

bachelor is a manlet

Is he smaller than Putin?

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New Zelda game by monolith soft is Zelda 2 remake not ocarina of time HD

How does it run on toasters? Not that I'll play it any soon, i technically still never finished the original

You don't have to play the original to play this one, pathologic 2 is technically a remake and not a sequel.

I don't know who this faggot is

It's not really a lie, they can't spare for production right now. Economical Depressions tend to make fools of most people, user. They've been active in updates, it's not like they took the money and ran.

Watching dumb EU streamer are so fun.


will be doing a minimal commentary playthrough of the game on twitch, minimal because i have no intention of becoming a twitch basedboy. no save scumming, sticking to mistakes. come and watch while youre downloading or thinking about buying the game

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Oh i know, but i want to

That woman that keeps following Artemy is going to end up being the Great Bull right?
The whole Udurgh plot point in the Haruspex's campaing was bit underwhelming in the original so i guess that's their way of building it up through out the game by having a character that represents one of the choices.


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there's a demo and the Classic HD version for less. So you have a few ways of finding out if it is your cup of arduous tea.
also Mandalore's review where you don't go beyond the spoilers!

how does russian voices work? the characters say shit to you as you talk to them (like one-liners outside of the dialogue text) is that shit subtitled if I switch to russian or not?

I like it better than the first one so far, ignore the tech demo it's trash.

I just started and what the absolute fuck is going on?

I'm confused too, just roll with it. I think he's having crazy dreams or some shit

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If you're talking about the very beginning I think it brings you to the middle of the games story and then it gives you the option to restart.

I'm guessing it means if you fuck everything up you are giving the option to restart once you get far into the game.


You can chose: All voices and text in english, voices in Russian but text in English. There is a separate subtitles option that will give you a text translations of the voiced lines. There is not much of them, usually only a few words when you first encounter them, but still. It's neat to have all the options.

Judging from a hour of the full game, the alpha build and everything else, it seem... very good. The alpha was good sans the horrible performance, and that seems to be largely fixed.

Actually, I think playing the first one now would spoil the experience. Again: only an hour into the game (I can't get to much into it, I'll won't be able to play anything the next few days...), it seems like it's mostly just a better version of the original. There is a LOT of nods to players who played the first game, but they are largely inconsequential. Otherwise, it's still designed for fresh players first in mind.

>come back two hours later after redownloading
>content file locked again

The very beggining is actually the end of the first game (or more precisely, a dream in which you see the ending of the first game IF you got the bad ending, more or less). The whole segment when you get to go through the plagued town, speak to the people in Cathedral... all of that is mostly for people who played the first game, and also a bit of good old "teaser beggining", for modern day people who are afraid things aren't going to get FUCKED so they need a little teaser of how late game things will look to know it's worth sticking with it.

Rest of the entire starting sequence - a lot of forshadowing that will make sense as you progress, and tutorials.
Game proper starts after the cutscene at the end of the train ride.

Oh I see, thanks.

Actually, it's a technically a sequel, EFFECTIVELY a remake. It openly acknowledges the first game in first minutes, but then it goes and resets the timeline for you, more or less.

>Did they balance this game around people already knowing what to do?
Hard to judge so far, but the alpha suggested they did. The whole economy system is quite different now, among other - you now need resources for everything - no more just paying for sharpening your knife or sewing your coat. And the resource prices are hefty.

Interestingly enough, at least in the Alpha, literally the most valuable item in the game were matches.

>it's another indie shit soulsian walking simulator

That line of buzzwords is actually kinda fucking hillarious when you think about it.

Boring game tbqh, but the dabbing girl was funny

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now that the dust has settled, what do I think about pathologic 2?

Ok, I played for an hour or so and barely started the real game. Lots of option on what to do after reaching the house. Picked one and looks like I'm already fucked

The game is very cool but it runs like dogshit.

>Payback time.
You know this is the same studio FAMOUS for posting advice to people in Pirate Bay comment sections, including technical assistance, right? LITERALLY one of the most pirate-friendly studios in the world?

Flowery, a bit unnatural, but clearly by intention this time. I was worried Dybowsky's treadmark theatrical voice is gonna be gone now that he only oversees the writing, but nope. Alpyna did a good job ballancing her own snarkyness with Dybowsky's theatric tone.

I don't understand, do I travel around looking for sidequests all day, or do I just rush the main objective?

Yeah, I know. Doesn't change a thing.

It's funny to me that there are two Pathologic 2 threads up right now and one is full of praise and actual dialogue while the other is "LUL this game sucks, lets talk about how streamers hating on it and how everyone is an artistic autist"

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>I'm already fucked
Welcome to Icepick Lodge desing.
That said, it's clear they want to be a LOT less cruel to people this time around. The game for one straight up explicitly warns you about the price hike this time. The first game just did it with no warning, basically meaning your very first run HAD to end in failure before you reach day 4.

Then again they know a lot of their players are veterans, so I guess it does make sense.


see you later faggots. not spoiling myself at all. hope you all enjoy the game; I'm waiting for a sale

>town is still a fucking maze
AHHHHHH. I feel less pressed for time now though since there's a running mechanic and it would probably kill some fun if I could just jump every fence and beeline to my objective.


Yeah, it doesn't seems like it's very optimized, sadly.

OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: i7 ~3 Ghz / Ryzen 7
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: Integrated
Additional Notes: Plays best when loaded from an SSD

how fucking bad is your computer? holy shit

Warning about the what? Probably didn't reached that yet.

literally boomer thread vs zoomer thread

Ironically enough, I'm a zoomer.

boomer/zoomer are states of mind, fren

Read the following spoiler if you don't want to have the most brutal version of experience of the first game, it's a minor one considering it's something you can now learn from a random (but VERY visible) NPC in Pathologic 2.
There is a man near your father's house that tries to sell you his bull. He flat out tells you that the price hike is going to happen. In the original game, the game would just fucking double the prices of everything on second day, and then they would just double each following day.
Basically, if you played the original, you had no way of knowing it's coming, you would not prepare, and usually die around day 3-4 as a consequence, and be forced to start again, this time knowing what is coming.


Does playing this make me a Russian agent?

You can survive easy even if you don't prepare, just gotta get your hands dirty and start looting houses.

Houses that are not infected, mind you.

>Skyrim Souls comparison
This was either intentionally made as clickbaity as possible or it was just written by a pure retard.

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Is there anyway to store items? I remember Burkah's hideout in the original but I want to know if hording food is viable considering the small inventory. Don't want to drop shit in Lara's house and have it disappear.

You have some places to stay, should be able to leave things there.

Dropped some marbles earlier and they were there still hours later.

Or maybe I've just lost my marbles?


Voiced lines by bound NPCs are subtitled. Misc townspeople aren't - they're the worst voices in English though.

So you're just a whiny faggot then.

I did that.
Ended up killing an entirely family in front of their children for a stale cracker.
Then I stopped playing for a good while.

During day 2/3 you'll get access to a hideout with fairly generous storage spaces. You will also get several options to increase your invetory too. But on day one, there isn't any such options.
Items now don't disappear from containers on the street instantly, but they do reset at the end of the day.
Don't worry though. You probably won't have much to stash on the first day anyway.

I'm a crossie to Yea Forums, from Yea Forums, but I've been spending more time here than on Yea Forums lately. Yea Forums just ain't what it used to be.

Developers promised that there will be the big Steppe location full of content. Point it out on the map, dickhead.

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>You probably won't have much to stash on the first day anyway.
I just finished the first day but had to stop playing. I played the original and know about the incoming food shortage.

>Dropped some marbles earlier and they were there still hours later.
Again: the city does not reset each time you enter/leave house this time around. Dropped items stay on the ground for the day, even in containers.
That said, it DOES reset at midnight. Anything you'll leave outside of a designated store room (in Burakh's lab) will be lost at midnight.

Oh yeah, and fun little side-effect of this: enemies persuing you don't reset when you enter houses now either. They will sometimes lose interest and wander a way if you stay inside for a while, but at least in the Alpha, I had a fucker waiting for me outside of a house for an HOUR.
Luckly, most houses have more than one entrace so...

russian classic

Oh man
Those screams.

The screams.

There is more to it.
The sound design in general... oh fuck me. This wasn't in the alpha and it caught me by surprise completely.

That scream when you live in Russia.

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Who bought the bull

Okay, anons, redpill me on this game. Is it a sequel to the first one or a self contained story? Can I just jump in? That sort of thing.

You're a big bull.

You've stopped here, what's the next step in your master plan?

Crashing this train.

It's big remake. New scenes, characters, mechanics and so on. Jump right to Pathologic 2 and don't worry.

can't believe I will finally get to use this pic I saved ages ago

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>Misc townspeople aren't - they're the worst voices in English though.

do they say anything worthwhile or is it just generic shit?

They added the settlement to the South East and expanded the types of steppe npcs. Check the stretch goal text. They weren't building an entire second map outside of the town, just expanding things a bit - and they did.

Kickass, user, thanks. Heard this game was pretty good for what it was when it first released. Something about being very alive or reacting to your choices?

Bit of both. You don't need to have played the original game though. You start this game at a possible ending of the original [worst case scenario].

Not exactly. Avatar's god of live just trying stop man which will make whole city gonna be blood bath. Burakh not hero at all.

Fat good did that do, maybe fix the minds of the townspeople instead next time, eh?

>Duuude the killer must be coming from the train to town like yeaaaahhh duude.

Mostly generic and for atmosphere. You're not going to get crucial information from them. Just stick to the Russian voice acting with English subs.

Pretty good not exact description. It's was piece of shit game design wise but strong literature and narrative wise. It's still a thing tho.
Yeap it's kind of reacting to your choice but actual gameplay choice. Dialogue variotivity not very strong part of the game.

When u see god which use bull like his avatar you shouldn't expect smart move by him.

Yeah, guess he was a bit bull-headed about it.
This game cracks me the heck up.

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It was better design-wise than most people realize, actually. It had a LOT of issues and flaws and bad individual mechanics or elements, but there was also a lot of very clever design put into it, in particular into how the gameplay and the narrative mutually supported each other. The survival and resource management, the way that quest and rewards worked, the way that medicine worked etc... were actually very solid design ideas.

I'd like to play the first one because I'm interested in the lore but everyone says it's a chore to go through

It is, but if you can deal with the gameplay you'll be rewarded with one of the most atmospheric and interesting plot of any game.

Yeah i mean it when says about narrative. Every mechanics works for solid idea but it's still pretty boring to play sometime.

>Voiced lines by bound NPCs are subtitled.
Factually wrong, actually. There is just a separate button for subtitles somewhere in there, it will give you subs for every random line in the game.

It's a sequel, but at the same time it's a self-contained story and a remake, as weird as it sounds.

You can jump right in, in fact at this point I'd say it's probably better. The game is designed primarily for people who haven't played the first game.

>You can jump right in, in fact at this point I'd say it's probably better. The game is designed primarily for people who haven't played the first game.

That's right and wrong, the first hours are just nods to veterans.

I'd go right for it if it was a simple walking simulator that requires no effort in micromanging health/stamina/ammo and so on

hello RPS

What are you dribbling about? When a bound character speaks and it is heard, there is a subtitle option for them.

Generic townspeople's conversations aren't subtitled.

First 30 minutes at most. And again: the opening is not just a clear nod to veterans, it's also a classical play-tease (the sort of thing that Prototype got really famous for), so it will still work equally for newbies.

This isn't a game for you then. Try Vanishing Ethan Carter, Return to Obra Dinn, Tacoma, Firewatch, Stanley's Parable or even the original Dear Esther instead. I personally wasn't that fond of them, but they each have something worth playing for, I guess.

>Generic townspeople's conversations aren't subtitled.
I got subtitles for literally everyone. Every voiced line I've heard in the game got subtitles. Including the soldiers yelling at civilians, and militia expressing their frustration over the woman who got offended because they looked at her legs.

Please don't include Obra Dinn in the list of boring walking sims, Obra Dinn has actual gameplay

I'll keep listening to the soundtrack at least

I wanna buy that fuckin bull bros

>I'll keep listening to the soundtrack at least
Good idea. The soundtrack is god-like.
You could also just... try the game. I mean there is a demo, and an easily piratable version both readily available, but... if you really aren't into stressful games, I can understand why you'd pass.

The game is slow, but stressful none the less.

Yeah, this pissed me off too. I genuinelly wanted to buy the bull.

immersive sims are games with great gameplay unlike pathologic

don't you ever fucking compare the late great looking glass games with russian drama rejects

fuck you

Obra Dinn had the investigation element to it though so it isn't a walking sim. Most walking sims are just having books read to you while you slowly walk through some environment.

I don't like games where I can easily fuck up and lose a lot of time trying to fix my mistakes

>and that means... GAH

these people paid five figures to go to college

You may or you may not. Just save as often as possible. This goes for both the original and the remake. I remember the furthest I had to restart in the original was a day and that was very uncommon.

I think /pol/ memes are coming to life when I read about 'Soulsian philosophy'. I don't read clickbait websites but I guess soon we'll have mainstream media talk solely in star capeshit references.

maybe I'll try the original, thanks for the tips

The game is an unpolished mess. Loading is crap, and it crashes very often

How the fuck do I play the demo? Every link I find redirects to the Pathologic 2 page, but there isn't an actual demo download button.

>Bought the bull
Am I in for a bad time friends?

> $30
No fucking way

LOL the original is even more unforgiving, though you can save scum easier

>writer starts off by talking like they've played pathologic before
>complains about the surivival aspects being confusing when they're literally just pathologic 1's but with less jank like water tiring you.

Bachelor is such a dickhead in this one. I like it.

Attached: 20190523211643_1.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

I mean the HD classic, Pathologic 1 or whatever it's called

he was a pompous cunt in the first game.

Also, nice tits.

Attached: 20190523232226_1.jpg (1920x1080, 397K)

Bachelor is canonly a cocky smartass dickhead

Burakh is canonly a good-hearted hot tempered brute

Clara is canonly the fucking plague throw her ass out

She's also a fucking thief/burglar.

And the voice lines from townspeople when they see you in the street or when you fight them?

>in 19th century russian steppe

yeah that's what I meant

>Can't deal with Miserable Russian Plague Simulator and cries about it like it's a flaw

If they can't deal with it, yet they want to experience for the story they should just cheat.

Marble Nest Bachelor was better

Well why didn't you??

Take the money from Stakh's cupboard and buy the fucking bull.

U not very smart, right? It's not steppe, not russian and not 19th century.

Not to this extent. There he was presuming his superiority and keeping it to himself. Here he plain and simple orders our former friends around and smugly rubs it into our face.

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what happens when u buy the bull, user

He fucks Lara and makes it the worst day for you ever

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference.

Same kind of people were proud of cheating in Sekiro.

After that u got a bull. Big fucking bull. It's just awesome, bruh

it fucks lara while you root around in her cupboards for water bottles

i did that

he fucks lara


really that's it? it's just a waste of money? what the fuck IPL...

RPS was right.

>tfw imprisoned

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why does he looks like he's 40? arent he 2y older than haruspex?

Consider yourself lucky, my computer fried itself last week and I can't afford a replacement.
Five fucking years of waiting wasted.

Attached: 1554079583435.jpg (1024x744, 81K)

>you can't practice finding a piece of bread
You can though but generally people don't intentionally practice to get good at starvation, depression and sleep deprivation.

Me too, I just noclipped most of the time as walking from the one side of the city to another was taking ages

What the actual fuck I don't remember it from the first game. Did they add it?

>get a journal update
>fps dip
>open a map
>fps dip
>somebody wants to beat my face
>fps dip
>come close to a door
>fps dip
Just me?
8 GB ram, i7-8700 cpu, GTX 970

>play half an hour

I don't get that shit on my rig

Works on my machine.