You do choose your pokemon solely for their battle abilities, right?
You do choose your pokemon solely for their battle abilities, right?
>like that's why you chose yours
Neck yourself, furry.
thats the point of playing the game, to fuck everything up as efficiently as possible.
go back to >>>/furaffinity/
They have to be fun to use desu. You won't catch me using a Chansey ever.
>battle abilities
Why? Game's easy enough as is, use the one you think looks the best or you know has a moveset you enjoy. I sometimes take the grass starter because there's something I enjoy about dragging out otherwise tough battles with absorb moves.
I know this is a furry bait thread, but I choose my teams when playing the single player portion of the games based on which pokemon I think look cool or that I like.
Nah. I choose them by how big their asses and hips are.
I choose for both because I want them to be my PARTNERS. Not toys.
Of course battle prowess is important, but other things are also taken into account, such as their sex appeal.
Be honest, which pokemon do you want to fuck? For me its Charizard (male).
>for both
both what?
I choose Pokemon purely on either how funny or cool I think they look. My favorite was and still is far-fetched.
Fuck no. Use what you like. Only micro-dick cockeaters enjoy balancing EV numbers natures and all that autistic shit.
Step 1: Find a pokemon you like, even if it's shit
Step 2: main that shit
Onix main here. fite me.
No.... I choose them based on type.
I chose Lopunny for the view.
Even if a Pokemon is sub-optimal or a novelty, I still make an effort to breed and EV train those that I do like. Weird to go back on my older saves, look up their IVs, and see a whole bunch of them as 5-6 IV fuckers.
garchomp is good in battle and in bed
i choose pokemon that i like and win with those
/vp/ furry mods ruined the board. What a piece of shit.
>Choose Pokemon based purely on optimal competitive meta and use only the best Pokemon even though I hate them
Heh.. Nuthin personnel Karen..
No, I always have a cat pokemon in my party even if it could be replaced by something better.
Fighting and non fighting activities.
I remember when /vp/ first opened. It was almost entirely porn threads, despite being a blue board, and it remained that way until 2012 when they got a bunch of new mods. So it was already beyond redemption right from the get-go.
Answering more seriously, I tend to gravitate to multi-type above all else. Due to this, Alolan Sandslash is the first time I've ever had a Sandslash in my team in any context.
Is this the furry thread?
Not this time, everyone decided to pretend OP wanted a real answer instead.
It's cropped porn so what the fuck do you think
>playing pokemon
my nigga
actually no its a youtube video by plague of gripes
Naughty, naughty user. And so on and so forth.
Game is easy as fuck but in Gen 6s case in particular its just best to grab a froakie since they stomp everything and always go first
you cannot ruin something that was already ruined in the first place
>that guy with 6 eeveelutions
It was good before furry attention whore mods. We even had good pokégirl porn and furry porn got obliterated. Now it's the opposite. Dogfuckers can't even work with a containtment thread.
It's not tho
Which pokemon is that supposed to be anyway?
I close pokemon that I want to cuddle with.
Onix is literally shit though.
well if if it makes you feel better i only look at Poke porn on /trash/ sometimes instead of /vp/ so dont blame /trash/ users
I choose it because bugs are cool and a bug+horse is cooler.
I only play formats that allow me to use Gliscor and Blastoise because I like them
I don't really like bugs but golisopod is still one of my top favorites. The second I saw it in the leaked pokedex, I knew I HAD to have one.
good, fuck furry haters
>Fellow Onix-chads
Never thought I’d see the day so many of us were brought together. Rock-snake-dom-in-ate.
Uh guys.. that pokemon is giving me a funny look.. Any idea why?
This. The rules clearly says fetish and furry images aren't allowed and they don't moderate shit anyway because they think with their penises. Pokéfuckers are so fucking obnoxious.
>you will never have a buxom lucario gf who wags her tail in anticipation of potential lewd time
Who here chooses a type and sticks with it?
>You will never be a gym leader, getting paid to sit on your ass, test trainers to see if they got what it takes, guiding them on their journey.
I want to marry an absol
hell no nigga, I only use fuckable pokemon
good taste
I choose them based on how cute they are, and nothing else.
fuck the SS starters, they all look bad but I guess I'll pick the bunny unless he's fire fighting again
whatever looks cool to me, tho some of my tastes do line up with competitive viability
He really is a monster, all of those meme teams that strip off his ability show how strong he can be.
You have to eat all the eggs.
/vp/ was shit from the start
>hit by an ice cube
what the h are you gonna do now
I see you know Zinfyu's best absol
Literally a dog with a weird horn and possibly wings.
Dog fuckers.
there should be a new rule that disallows pokemon fanart because 70% is pornographic and 25% is all the usual fap bait images of the main humanoid pokemon and the remaining 5% is normal fanart
>Not just always ditching your starter for one you like.
Don't be a sheep.