Have any of you guys donated or participated?
Last year I saved up for a month and donate $3k. They read my comment and laughed. LOL.
You guys remember me and my donation right?
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I do fellow german poster.
I don't even watch them these days. It's all so sterile.
i watch for the MtF upskirts
>Can't comprehend that some people make more than 3 grand a month
greeting from germoney
>thinks any charity is just wanting to feel special
it's okay. it's safe here to admit you don't care about anyone but you baby
After watching GDQ the last couple of years i play video games as slow as i possibly can now because im scared of what will happen if i try to play them too fast.
... Yeah.
Who cares about other people?
Especially donating to some garbage where you won't ever meet the people who benefit and have OC of more than 50%.
I do like the new dilation policy they have.
top kek
i hope this is fake coz, holy fuck this is hilarious
Wish me luck, this time I will be running Solitaire Any%.
What the figural, literal, theoretical and ACTUAL FUCK?
>games done quick event rules page
>first rule is dilation policy
It's obviously real I mean come on user
Donated way back in like 2014 or 2015 with a quick shout-out to my friend who was fighting cancer at the time. Not gonna lie, kinda salty that mine got passed over on stream in favor of a donation half mine that had a meandering and vapid Russian novel sized comment.
it was fun to watch for the autism but normiefags have taken over.
I don't know how becomig a tranny works, bit you dudes seem to know this shit. Why do then need those stations? What do they do there?
They have to shove a glass dildo in their """""""Vagina"""""" to keep it open. Else your body does what it does best and heals open wounds.
Even when tranny stuff is put aside, the proceedings of the event itself are just so soulless and corporate thanks more and more no-fun rules incorporated to appease both sponsors and salty attention whore showrunners like "Can you stop" knitting slut.
>sign up
>submit run
>get accepted
>book my room for 1 day because fuck staying for longer
>travel to the event
>scheduled for early on
>open with whatever
>progressively make my way through my run
>get told to participate in some interview shit that nobody cares about
>the host is a tranny
>visibly uncomfortable
>on stream so gotta smile for the camera
>the audience can see i genuinely hate being next to this mentally ill fuck
>"so what is your opinion on inclusion for speedrunning" or some shit
>tell em off "trannies need to be locked up in a ward until they understand theyre fucking crazy. thanks for ruining my hobby, dick"
>get up, leave the area
>fly home
>wait for the inevitable news cycle
>banned from gdq as if it mattered
>tranny killed themselves over it
id call it a win
I did a run for an /srg/ marathon back in the day. Donations from that marathon went towards getting /srg/ guys to the events, and anything more was donated during AGDQ.
I guess I helped AGDQ become what it was today.
we can make it a reality
Thank fat women for that. And the people who mistake their autism for being a tranny.
Someone put it all in their heads
>You are not autstic, you are just a woman trapped in mans body.
No a lot of speed runners do have crippling autsim. But instead of listening to doctors or people who diagnose this shit. It is their own discord telling them to troon the fuck out.
I would call it abuse of a person to do this. Then they rap you up in the social justice cult and all the cult like shit that goes on in that.
I expect most speedrunners will shuffle off this mortal coil at about 35. It is shame what is done to these people.
Participated a few times. I wouldn't remember GDQ at all if it weren't for pathetic losers like using it as a medium of pushing their equally closed-minded ideology.
Hey, at least the first 7k went to PCF instead of check your m8
How many trannies would be in?
Can't believe they changed the donations from cancer research to funding sex change operations, hormone therapy and suicide councilling.
"Greetings from Germany. I love the speedrun and this event. My brother is a non-binary trans woman and for too long he's had to suffer with being born the wrong gender. It's not much, but I hope it helps. Give this money to runners choice."
They basically cut their crotch open to pretend it's a vagina, it will keep healing so they need to irritate the skin to stop it from healing
Won't get read
You joke about that but the video game subreddit did that last month. They talked about how gamers are evil and told everyone to donate to charities like "LGBT+" charities, black charities, and the stupidest of all, "disabled gamers" charities which sounds like a huge fucking scam.
And why do you know this?
Common knowledge around the speedrunning scene.
>trannies are the big things in gaming and in video games
>why do you know about it
Mass Effect Andromeda taught me what a "dead name" is as well. Western video games are unironically trying to forcibly teach us about this shit.
Considering I have been following speedrunning since 2013 and had never once heard of this before Yea Forums started shoving it in my face, you are wrong.
Can you actually name a single video game that teaches you what dilation is? And can you give a legitimate reason why you were playing it in the first place?
no matter what the cause, i wont do any donations
and no reason to donate to trans culture
>you are wrong.
No i am right. Speed running and dilating go hand in hand. I even have picture proof.
pls do not lewd a founding father of our glorious country
First time poster
long time lurker
my grandma is gonna die tomorrow because of her cancer rabies
keep up the good work Yea Forums, love you
Save the animals
I don't see any dilation happening in that pic. Is your brain working correctly? Do you need to go to the hospital? It seems like you're projecting your subconscious desire to have a sex change operation.
Most trannies keep their dick
Friendship with GDQ ended
Now ESA is my best friend
Did Contra Points tell you to say that to me?
Only the chicken shit ones. You know the ones that are only doing it as a "shocking" fashion statment. They just prove one thing. They were half assed men and just by putting a bad wig on and some shit make up they become half assed women.
I have to wonder why most trannys end up looking like this? Half of them look like they at most spend 2 mins in the bathroom. Normal women spend hours in there, putting effort in to their looks. But you look at some of them and you know they just woke up chucked a wig on and did some bad lipstick.
I have seen a few people say that they even smell. I am willing to bet that if they spent some time on their apearance they would get less hate. But i think most of them still think like men when it comes to grooming and baths.
I have to wonder why you don't just go to /lgbt/ if you want to gossip about trannies
I gave up on it after last year, I'm never going to watch it again.
I'll watch the European event
next AGDQ is in Florida
how fucked will things be?
They are better but their audio is always crap for some reason. Also too many runs that take forever.
I just watch GDQ runs for games that I really liked these days.
>dilation station
nah, I don't like watching people play video games, nor do I find any entertainment in speedrunning. Besides, the causes that they support are degenerate and trannies are a disgusting abomination.
>having literally $0 of expenses
Go away NEET
>donating for HRT and SRS
I'm unironically dissapointed
>"Greetings from Germany"
>"My brother died from cancer"
>*crowd claps*
>"Hope my $20 can help kick cancer's butt"
>"Save the animals"