Is there a bigger fucking cancer to video games?

Is there a bigger fucking cancer to video games?

Attached: RPG.jpg (800x136, 23K)


Now this is epic, based. FPBP I must say.

Mobile game elements. Stamina for one example.


Attached: 1471713515264.png (225x225, 63K)

That's just part of the RPG elements nonsense.

Motion controls

No they aren't


ie, sweaty headbands and goggles

Mobile games

roguelike elements

Really depends desu, as long it's handled good it can be fun.

A strong contender

"roguelike" and "procedurally generated"

Guaranteed garbage.

this VR is a meme

Marketing budgets
Mass appeal and lowest common denominator design principles
The internet and social media

This. Having to get items in order to get other items is the most retarded thing. Just stop wasting my time and cut out the middleman

Open world


First person shooter.

Open World Massively Multiplayer Online First Person Shooter with Loot and RPG elements