So why have devs completely abandoned trying to have smart AI?

So why have devs completely abandoned trying to have smart AI?
Every game has absolutely braindead AI these days

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Why bother with AI when you can just require it to be multiplayer?

It's very hard to pull off without designing the game around it. Devs use a general purpose packaged AI nowadays like how they use third-party game engines.

because the dumb ai is appropriate for morons like yourself


tl;dr: Smart AI is frustrating for players and often they don't even recognize the AI is outwitting them. It's better to have something fun to play against than to have it make intelligent decisions.

This. The only way for players to enjoy smart AI is if they're mostly harmless.

Because dumb people don't like being outwitted, especially by a video game.

Because smart AI isn't inclusive and if your game has smart AI it has no reason to not have an Easy mode.

They don't care. Effort stopped being a thing when they became obsessed with politics.

>Devs still have trouble with AI to this very day
gee I wonder why

But Blood is exactly that and no one even really knows it.

Google and Facebook hire every single AI programmer they can right out of college. Vidya industry is left with incompetents.

Programming AI is hard. Including lesbians and niggers is easy.

Because fuck you buy our MP only game for full price + microtransactions.


Smart AI is hard to balance, it's not as simple as having a great AI when the game still plays like shit or suffers from that AI. Retarded AI that you have in most games (like throw stone to distract guard easily) is easy to make, implement and something that most people are accustomed to.
If you consider how much effort you would have to put in compared to the end result (most people not giving a shit, having to balance the game around that AI becoming more intricate), it's somewhat understandable that most studios decide against it.

Except me reeee

1. It's hard to balance AI where it is not dumb, but also not too challenging for the player
2. Companies expect you to have fun in multiplayer anyway, because not only does it make it a social game, it also makes people compete and use microtransactions, +DRM from online
3. It's way too much cost for a game you'll just sink 8-50 hours in

>people dont want smart AI they just want to win easy and have no challenge

so casuals

once again casuals ruin everything

normalfags only care about fancy graphics so why bother with anything else

AI is not the same as Game AI

Game AI is not hard. Like this guy puts it. There's simply no good ROI, heck it's not even about making good AI like FEAR proved. We only need the illusion but even that is too costly compared to just making better graphics.

After all most games are power fantasies, what's the point of having smarter enemies in these fantasies? Additionally only one or two genres benefit from good AI: Stealth and RTS games.

Didn't we just have this thread?

"AI that was fun to beat" as he calls it can and for many people is in overlap with 'intelligent'
the scenario he described sounds fun af
look up some videos on the ai of F.E.A.R. they mention the same thing
fudge the edges between actual smart and scripted ai, it can be hard but you must communicate
the blanket statement of 'it isn't fun to have smart AI' takes for granted that all players are retarded. The funnelling tactic is in essence a designoversight. Something that comes to light in playtesting that could be mitigiated to 'protect the player from himself' as described in that one Mark brown video. Because good combat has flow and shouldn't inevitably end in the same safe tactic over and over. It's the designers task to make those circumstances happen, and the players choice to have fun by not being retarded.

Our players and testers are literally, since making AI and good gamedesign is hard we just cut corners.

This user gets it.

>most games are power fantasies

this has no basis in reality

*Easier said than done
*Corporate fuckery like budgeting and time constraints can indirectly or directly lead to the devs being unable to flesh out elements like that
*xbox one/ps4’s cpus are kind of horrible, so if devs prioritize them for their games it can make programming smart ai even harder since that eats cycles like a motherfucker without some god-tier optimization