This is Shiki. She's going to win Evolution 2019 in the new SNK fighting video game, Samurai Shodown, available for Playstation 4 & Xbox One in June, and Nintendo Switch and personal computer devices in December.
Say something nice!
This is Shiki. She's going to win Evolution 2019 in the new SNK fighting video game, Samurai Shodown, available for Playstation 4 & Xbox One in June, and Nintendo Switch and personal computer devices in December.
Say something nice!
Other urls found in this thread:
she cute
I prefer Darli
i will main her
But she's a nigger
And voiced by Yuu Kobayashi.
damn.. PS2 looks like that????
How does SNK always make the best girls no matter what?
*Early PS3
Her game looks fun, but is sadly lacking in content.
You misspelled 'Capcom'.
This is Darli. She's going to win Evolution 2019 in the new SNK fighting video game, Samurai Shodown, available for Playstation 4 & Xbox One in June, and Nintendo Switch and personal computer devices in December.
You don't have to say something nice. She knows she's our girl.
tumblr garbage.
what does tumblr even means anymore
Featuring Shiki from SNK vs Capcom:SVC Chaos.
She looks like she fucks demons
is SNK ever going to make a game that looks good again? their 3d model work is still awful
Better than the dragon fucker.
Samurai Shodown will be mechanically solid while attracting a very marginalized audience that never really gets off the ground.
It's a fucking shame but such is SNK's way.
>She's going to win Evolution 2019
*blocks your path*
They might have a chance now that Capcom fucked up SFV's road to EVO
Genjuro is gonna win EVO, he's got it all and he's six feet tall.
She looks like she would make a great wife and a good mother for our Eurasian children
Capcom girls are good, but SNK is like a waifu factory
SS 2019 is similar to SF4. It needs to play good.
Charlotte is also 6 feet tall.
>Haohmaru: 5'7"
oh no no no no
>thought OP said "say something incel" instead of "say something nice."
Fucking hell, this place will ruin me.
She looks like she fucks gooks.
But that's Lady
She canon left her daughter because she is too tainted.
She's basically reverse Johnny. She has a harem of little japanese girls.
hi capcom that this game doesn't have Gem systems.
so is your general appearance despite others advice on how to adjust your looks
>add a Chinese girl
>give her massive titties
Japan stop
Do you really want more waifufags in your fighting games?
She's a lady alright.
A beautiful lady.
Waifufags have always been a thing
Samsho was always a game for waifufags.
Considering Samurai Shodown has THE original waifubait?
go away woolie
>Only appears in the one game that no one played
Yeah no, SamSho is a sausagefest, historically. Iroha is shit anyway.
True but Charlotte is a monkey character that will be popular but will drown.
I mean Mary Ann Arkahm
Not saying it's anything new, just wondering if this is all the new SamSho is going to get for threads.
She looks pretty cute
Cope harder Capkek
kula one time bullied shermie during figure skating
and then stalked her and trapped her limbs in ice and raped her with an ice dildo
At least she left her with Nicotine Caffeine.
As opposed to the nothing before?
You can tell a game is going to be ass when the "fanbase" desperately wants to attack Capcom
you can tell Capcom is upset when all they have to gripe about this game is the aged graphics look. what's the matter? Not enough season passes or Microtransactions for you?
>samurai shodown thread
>only 54 posts
>only 35 ips
>page 10 already
Should've been a bait thread with Darli
>was about to sign up for this at EVO
>find out the PC version is delayed half a fucking year
g-guess I'll just play soulcalibur and unist until then
Don't worry that game will die when the sequel comes out and is delayed for PC
No No No, Japan should continue with this tits business.
why did you remind me
Blessed company.
fucking french bread fucking japs
Doesn't help that no one even posts the latest trailer.
Fuck she looks cute right there. So small and vulnerable
Is SNK targeting the chuuni audience?
>Japan stop making big tits
Fuck you! Mind your business tranny
I hate the trailer music so much.
Do we know how big the starting roster will be?
I had my doubts about this dude, but he looks fucking cool right there
16. 13 old characters, 3 new ones.
>Hey let's make a new SamSho game but this time with ugly models that we'll hide under "artistic" filters. Also let's make it play slow as fuck.
It's sad to see it come to this, desu.
16 starting and 4 dlc.
Oh, good thing S1 is free then.
Samurai Shodown was always methodical, because you paid or got rewarded for every decision you made. It was never fast bro. I know you are young and these games were before yoir time so I am not shitting on you. I am just telling you that this is how the game is supposed to be. Even taking a step forward can fuck you in Samsho
I've never played samsho but I feel like I know this character intimately thanks to all her anal/enema doujins
Capcom just had one of their most successful quarters in recent memory. Chill. They're not your rival. Size your publisher up against Arika or someone else humble like that.
You are a good guy. Would let you date my daughter
I unironically like the main theme song.
Nah bro. Everyone that played says it is like underwater SamSho. I think Sako has a vid saying as much.
>proceeds to instigate more shit
Little bitch
I'm giving you advice.
Which character is this?
Only compared to 5 special. This is faster than 2.
I mean when you play "fast" unga mash games and play a game where you actually pay attention to your fucking buttons and defense, yeah it's going to feel like underwater.
I had a feeling the speed would turn out like this, with hops and rolls getting cut in the process. Even 2 had them.
I was wondering why the face was so familiar
turns out it was porn
>talk shit
>call it advice
>"I am not talking shit I swear. I am only giving you advice"
little bitch
can I give her an enema
I regret clicking that, sounds like one of those fan dubs of anime OPs.
Ok, dude. Enjoy your snorefest. I guess all those top players that made their name playing faster paced fighters are just reaction-time babbys huh.
Post ur mains
This music has been in in my head ever since the first time I heard it can someone help me
Who will be the evo reveal?
Any chance the game will have cosmetics?
I really fucking hope he's DLC.
>Have to wait all the way till Winter to play on Switch and PC
>Those 2 are all I own
Capcom is good in that department, but there's something about SNK girls, they have a leg up in their personalities
>No Iroha or Mina
Cringe. Dead game.
That's good and all but now you have to post her armpits.
Imagine the smell
Wait a second this artist.
>he thinks anyone besides ukyo is gong to win anything
can't wait to see these anytime a waifu poster shows up
I don't expect anything out of Yea Forums fighting game threads anymore. At least the /trash/ ones can post porn.
Man I really hope the game isn't dead on arrival for PC
Shiki actually predates Lady by like 5 years user.
If we're talking fighting games, then SNK doesn't limit themselves to just fighting personalities. They go from idols to sadists to soldiers.
If it's all games, then both are great. I just miss when both had more games coming out.
It's a fighting game on PC that's not SF user, It will happen. The only difference is how long it takes and hopefully SNK doesn't botch it that much
Tekken, GG, and SC6 seem to be just as alive for PC as for PS4
I'm not buying SamSho because of the netcode
Alright Tekken's a good point. I haven't played SCVI on PC to have an opinion on it's length though.
it's $18 on GMG right now
But about samsho, I sure hope the PC and switch versions will also get the S1 characters for free.
I know he'll never get in but I want it
Of course! Teach her to clean her asshole properly so it's not gross. I can't do it, somebody has to. I want grandkids. Fucking is necessary for that
it's dead before arrival user
He looks like Wolverine, what did you expect?
her tattoo looked better previously
Based and kabukipilled