Easily the best JRPG this generation

Easily the best JRPG this generation.

Attached: Xenoblade_2.jpg (1280x720, 273K)

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boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/Sho Minazuki/

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X was better and part of the same generation, but it's weird, Xenoblade 1 was the best jrpg of the previous one.

Why do people think Xenoblade is good?

It's nothing but flagrant otaku pandering laced with fanservice.

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It's a great game but Persona 5 is objectively better.

>Persona 5 is objectively worse

Xenoblade is an entry level JRPG for casual JRPG fans that think they're hardcore for playing something that isn't Final Fantasy or Persona.
Play a SaGa game or something, that's probably the next step, EO or The Dark Spire would be too much for you, let alone an NES dungeon crawler.

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How do i properly control aggro? Rex keeps getting raped

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Why can't we have xeno threads without stupid bait?


Can someone translate this?

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I wasn't baiting. XB2 is unironically a masterpiece.

It's okay, nothing to write home about
I wish it was less funny Japanese humoar
I like it though, music is a+++ tier, gameplay is surprisingly engaging and fun, worlds are amazing, my favorite track has to be gormott (torna version) and Kingdom of torna

>Help, I'm stuck in a shitty game!

I mean i agree, but why can't just have a normal xeno thread

Both predecessors are better games. XC2 is fun in its own right, but as far as JRPGs released in that time frame, Ys 8 was better.

>XB2 is unironically a masterpiece
>he actually believes this
Stop overhyping JRPGs just because you finally got a notable one on your Switch, Nincel.

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Only AI Tora can really keep up with the player for the whole game and even then if you purposely chased after a stupidly powerful build like crit refresh Mythra or are ungaing with Zeke at endgame then you'll still rip aggro pretty often in my experience.

I feel bad for diehard Nintendo only Nintendo fans that unironically think Xenoblade is a masterpiece.
This is legit the first real JRPG you ever played, please try out more games.

It's good, let's not get carried away. I'm sure you'll be saying the same thing about XC3.

Not him, I've played plenty of them, most are pretty generic, Blade 1 & 2 really stand out. Stop seething about consolewars or whatever for 2 seconds in your life.

Not him, but you say this like JRPG's are anything overly ambitious nowadays. XC2 is about as mediocre or okay as any other JRPG. The only thing is really does better, is set up its world and exploration properly.

ask OP

Hows Torna compared to xc2?

>The soundtrack is shi-

The only people that think it's a masterpiece grew up with PS2 JRPGs and feel nostalgia for them.
Having grown up with SNES and Genesis JRPGs, it just feels like one of those games I played while going through my awkward teenage weeb phase, and not "Wow, it's like I'm a kid again!"

>Not him but

I'm not a console warrior, I just hate people that only play on one console and act like they know shit, I doubt Xenoblade would have gotten so much praise if it were third party.

Faster combat but with less depth

>I don't like the game, so I'll blame its popularity on being exclusive

>That 'chorus' part of the Gormott Day theme that was used as the first trailer's theme
>Thought it was going to be the game's main theme and be reused throughout the story

>It's literally just thrown in randomly 3 and a half minute's into Gormott's theme and never shows up again
>You'll probably hear it a few times total throughout the game


2 didn't have fuck all for depth.

Tantal Night was so fucking relaxing, jesus christ

Why are you so hellbent on console exclusives, Ryan?

The second one, yeah. Only the first one is worth playing at all.

Best desert themed of all time

Git gud.

XC2 had a quality soundtrack. For some reason, I didn't find it as engaging as XC1's, though.

Can you honestly say a JRPG game didn't get it's fame from being on Wii, the biggest console ever made? That, mixed with it's forbidden fruit status due to being stuck in Japan, and later Europe, is what made it successful.
And this wasn't even when JRPGs became normalfag friendly like they are now.


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The first one is the worst one. X and 2 make it obsolete in nearly every way.

at what

By a mile. Best JRPG experience for me since FFX

>he auto attacks

Haven't played this yet, did they heavily casualize it? I was worried because Persona fans hated Q for having actual gameplay.


Come to think of it, Xenoblade 2 is a lot like FFX, right down to it's defense force defending cringy scenes because THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE CRINGE

This beats XC2 solely for being an actual JRPG.
The zoomers that play XC2's OCD wouldn't handle first-person dungeon crawling and random encounters.

You're kidding, user. Right? You don't really enjoy the waifubait trashheap that is XBC2, do you?

The game plays itself.

I wish there was a way to use rex first sword

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XC2 is zoomer repellent.

>It's better for being a downright generic JRPG, right down to its gameplay
You tried, I guess?

>he doesn't know

>game i like good
>game you like bad
pls kill yourself

On another note, will they ever make another Persona game with the quality of 3 & 4?

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Pic, unrelated. The gameplay and dungeons in that game were awful. I hope P5R fixes my issues with it, but I doubt it. They said they weren't going to tamper with the original game much, outside of the new third semester.

Is there a reason why Persona discussion always ends up in these threads? They're bad enough as it is without Personafags derailing shit. Go talk about Ann being a bimbo, or something.

Without a doubt, its also probably my game of the generation

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>random encounters good

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It's impossible to have any sort of thread tangentially related to this game without attracting an army of shitposters.

because Persona fags have to buy their game twice to get the full experience, leaving them with nothing to do in between releases

You say this as if actual discussion happens in these threads anymore. XC2 is damn near over a year old. All I see here is waifu posting and people screaming about boogeymen.

Keep being paranoid, faggot

I think it's actually been two years

Considering the OP is claiming Xenoblade 2 as 'best JRPG this generation' it's not surprising that fans of other popular JRPGs would show up to fight for their favorite.
That being said, there's still people like boards.fireden.net/v/search/filename/Sho Minazuki/ who just want to stir up shit. If you actually want to talk about the game, just ignore them instead of arguing and bitching about shitposters.

Tell me something, Yea Forums. In the last game you played, was there anyone as STUPEFYINGLY AWESOME as the Zekenator?

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Personafags are upset that their games are still lifeless hallways

Two years in November.

>What is Undertale

Not even real rpg, still a good game though

Persona 5 has several details making it a shitposting magnet.
>PS4 exclusive
>Normalfags and Ecelebs endorsed it as the "good JRPG for people who don't like JRPGs", with many of those same people saying XB2 is irredeemable weebshit
>Joker in Smash
That, and XB2 is also a shitposting magnet itself.
No, i'm not "seething" over P5. It was okay but vastly overhyped. P3 is still better in the ways that matter.

What did Japan mean by this

>PS4 exclusive
It's on PS3 and PC, too.

With a good load-out auto-attacking should be rare.

You should be able use arts to cancel enemy attacks, string those arts together, and then jump to your next blade.

It's the most zoomer friendly JRPG in years, the game even handholds you at the final boss.

>That spoiler
Very true

>OP claims it's the best JRPG this gen
>Fans of the best selling JRPG of this gen get mad

>Game tells you that the final boss can flat out OHKO you if you're screwing around for too long
>Holding your hand
Uhh.. Not really.

You and I both know the only reason there's so many tutorials is because zoomers were literally too stupid to understand X, that's also why the combat in XC2 is so shit and baby tier now.

I don't see any FFXV posts in here, though.

>the best selling JRPG of this gen

Attached: FFXV.jpg (496x618, 83K)

>So many tutorials
I mean, they have to explain how the mechanics work somehow. Even worse is how XC2 actually doesn't even let you review tutorials.

I said JRPG

I summon Barry the Dark Lord, and end my turn.

sure it sold well but man it was really low quality and felt like it was rushed out despite 10 years of dev time.


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The only people how cope here are final fantasy fans

In the final boss fight though?
The final boss in X oneshots your Skell in the beginning of the fight, I was so used to using it, I had to leave the boss, grind a bit, get stronger, and used to fighting without it.
I didn't blame the game for not telling me this, I understood I needed to get better, that's not the design philosophy behind XC2, XC2 will tell you upfront what you need to do, there's never any trial and error, it's the game for zoomer and journalists generation, who never touched a JRPG, and don't know what grinding even is.

It could have been if it wasn't for the repulsive blade designs.

When 80% of your weapons look like pic related you have to accept your game is never going to be considered the best anything

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Old Yea Forums would have called that overdesigned trash, neo-weeb Yea Forums eats it right up though.

Theory has ine of the best designs though

Not a JRPG whatsoever but it's good, not as good as Deltarune could be though, if it ever fucking sees a full release in this lifetime.

The character design in general is bad, it's not just the blades.

The models look vastly different, compared to the artwork illustrations. Some of these designs don't even convert well to 3D to begin with. Thus what happens, when you choose multiple guest artists to design characters for your game. I've been there before, it wasn't pretty.
>t. SMT IV

Evolve beyond the need to lose aggro, build a crit heal meme or infinite evasion build.

Or just play as the tank.

Comes a point in every Xenoblade game where the player-controlled character shits out damage so ridiculous he can never lose aggro ever again.

>The character design is ba-

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You're insane.

-d. It's bad.

I unironically think the game would have been better with one central artist to begin with. I can't believe it took until after XC2, or all these years in general for him to find a head artist for his series. Also..

Not OP but I love both Xenoblade and Etrian Odyssey

>Babby's first reverse trap
I'd tell you to get some taste but you Xenoplebs are beyond saving.
At least Tanaka can actually draw.

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Morag's design is god tier, though. This isn't up for debate.

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Thank you for not explaining why it's bad, whatsoever. Your contribution has been very valuable, and I look forward to hearing from you again. Expect a call from the president, at any given second now.

Brave words, OP. I agree with you though

>the best JRPG this generation.

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If you rely on auto-attacks to beat anything around your level past chapter 2 you're beyond fucking braindead and every random fight will last you 15-20 minutes or result in a party wipe.

This is simply out of curiosity, but what JRPG's are the people in this thread looking forward to, that have been announced?

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What the actual fuck went wrong?

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no it's definitely bad, dumb train hat, ugly profile with the poofy legs, ornamental shit everywhere even if there's less of it than on everyone else, looks like ceremonial clothing not anything functional


For this console generation, I am going to have to say P5 because:
Automata - not played
Octopath and XB2 - on a system I do not own
KH3 - okay game but the story felt rushed
Nep VII - It's well done for a Nep game but overall it's still average
XV - easily the worst JRPG of this gen. Easy & boring combat, any decent story is being DLC, underused characters, open world meme, and unfinished

>easily the worst JRPG of this gen.
That would be KH3, also the worst game of all time.

Unironically this. X vastly improved on everything except for the story, and 2 vastly improved on the story and improved everything else from 1

SMT V and DQ XIs
Isn't really much else that looks promising on the horizon, at least until Monolith reveals what their new project actually is.

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I forgot to add.

YIIK - a game so bad that I would rather replay XV before even touching this. Unbearable main character, long ass "mini"games for combat, a shit leveling system, and a plagiarized story.

I.. don't know, user.

Yeah, but would you call Xenoblade a masterpiece of JRPGs?
Xeno is a series you know is shit, but still love anyway, Nintendo newfags think it's actually good.

>This is simply out of curiosity, but what JRPG's are the people in this thread looking forward to, that have been announced?

Super Neptuina RPG and Indivisible look like they could be fun.

>Code Vein
>Bayonetta 3
>Astral Chain
That's about it, really.

the games are barely fucking connected, user

>dumb train hat
Stopped reading here.

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>Bayonetta 3
>Astral Chain

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They're JRPG's, user.

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Literally how? Just because you can buy upgrades doesn't make them RPGs. They're action games with a few RPG elements stuck in there. Xenoblade isn't a platformer just because it decided to have a jump button.

The only reason why I dislike XC2 is because Rex's foster mother is a nigger. Literally made me drop the game and replay XC1, honestly.

I meant the story is better, not that they're connected

Should I use all the legendary cores I got from the expansion pass?


It's not perfect, but it does have some great moments

It's not even the best jrpg on the switch

What would you say is? I think Xenoblade is but Octopath Traveler is a close second

I think you're getting things mixed up, Xenoblade 2 doesn't have any tutorials in its final boss fight. The DLC does well, it's technically the penultimate boss, but Gort doesn't really count, but it's because the fight introduces a completely new mechanic.

Charging up your party gauge to activate the Siren attack was utterly based. It's hilarious how Torna has a better final boss than the main game.

OP said JRPG, not a visual novel.

Brainless retard

I started doing it and it's not worth it, it's basically just saying to buy xenoblade 2

Yes, but maybe not all at once. Space them a bit with commons, because you will get more party members. You should stop on Rex when he gets something like 5 Rare Blades, because the plot gives him powerful blades already.
There are several unique cores that are guaranteed to give you a certain Rare Blade, they are prizes from a boss battle, quests or DLC. All of these unique cores are great, you get strong blades from all of them. You won't really have a problem building a team.