What are your thoughts on the early released Persona Q2 by Atlus on the 3ds?

What are your thoughts on the early released Persona Q2 by Atlus on the 3ds?

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It's been out for months

busy waiting for the official release because I want to play it on my XL which isn't on homebrew
I heard you get the P3 party last which is a bit disappointing.

You get them halfway through the game

Yeah but that means you get the P4 party first and I don't like the P4 characters at all, no matter how broken they are. Except I'll probably still run P4protag on my party because
>Four protags + Aigis
Sounds too good to pass up

How many dungeons are there?

A few minutes in only. First PQ wasn't bad though worse than any EO. Did some things right though like being able to summon shared personas

4 main dungeons (with additional floors for side-quests) and 1 final mini dungeon.

How long is the game

Link to cia friend?

What would you say is the best EO for someone that's only played PQ? I tried EO5 and just felt put off from the get go, the visuals kinda felt whack. I enjoyed the EO4 demo a lot in comparison but I want a better opinion.

You prefer the P3 party? So let me get this straight you prefer 2 dumb bitches, a weak bitch that everyone hates, a kid that gets a cool character murdered and a bland one dimensional sex robot. Plus Junpei & Akihiko who are cool. Over Chie & Kanji? You're crazy.

I got wrecked by that Kamoshida rabbit boss so i'm grinding for a bit, very fun game but the lack of english VA is disappointing.

Honestly EO3 or EO4 are good options. Or just get nexus that came out recently. 5 is sort of the black sheep of the series and the untold games have their issues.

Nexus is a "best of" but it's plenty enjoyable even without getting the callbacks to earlier games.

no bulli

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Just got the P4 guys, i'm quite liking it which is surprising considering the first Q really didn't jive with me, got too much Etrian Odyssey in my blood

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holy fuck the fact that you heal when you go back to the theater is so much better than in Q, I hated spending 4000 yen just to heal the party I was using. The map feels a lot more congested though, like there's too much on the bottom screen compared to the first game.

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>wanting to hear burch and faggots like xander mobus

Risky? I'm level 11 and can't figure out how to beat him.
I've been rushing the carrots and using ryuji to guard, but once you destroy both carrots, he does the one shot kick.

It's good that it doesn't have english VA because the original PQ had a fucking horrible dub.

>I tried EO5 and just felt put off from the get go, the visuals kinda felt whack.
They all look the same and PQ looks far worse than any etrian. Dunno what you're on about.
>5 is sort of the black sheep
Only with Yea Forums contrarians.

5 is my favorite so i don't think my input would be of much use, but there should be no wrong going with EO4 or Untold 1 in classic mode

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I just saved right before going into the Kamoshidaman boss fight. Gonna grind more later tonight and probably finish that dungeon tomorrow. It's been enjoyable so far - the OST is great.

Kamoshida on Risky is more bullshit than any early Etrian Odyssey boss. Basically makes you grind 5 levels after you first get to him.

I think it's not worth playing if they don't bother to dub it.

too problematic and transphobic for me, will not purchase or illegally download

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>Only with Yea Forums contrarians.
Nope. If you go to etrian odyssey general you'll find the same. It tried different things for better or worse shitpost-kun

Horrendous taste.

could not care less. played the first one and it bored me to tears. first game in years i could not force myself to at least finish

The entire OST is English, so it does feel weird.

That's how i got through the fight, but i was also getting rekt at your level so i did have to grind while listening to some podcast shit and also got everyone except Ryuji some Agi, you'll want to buy a bunch of revives to keep some dudes up in the front line even if only to keep dying over and over. A persona with poison should also help since it's like 100 damage per turn

/vg/ is an extension of Yea Forums retard
Maybe leave this site and see what normal people think sometime. I'm not going to a shitty general

>They all look the same and PQ looks far worse than any etrian. Dunno what you're on about.
PQ and EO are completely different visual styles so comparing them isn't right. EO5 was just some UI and weird animation stuff that made me feel kinda sick compared to EO4.
Either way it seems like I'm going with EO4.

I generally wouldn't recommend Nexus for a first time EO player. It has a lot of content that assumes you've played the past games, and some of the early labyrinths are designed to play on what a player is going to expect out of an EO game.

4 is generally agreed to be the "easiest". 5's pretty solid IMO, and EOU/EO2U are pretty good upgrades of their original games. Haven't played 3, but from what I've heard it's generally alright but class balance is beyond fucked and has the most bullshit superboss in the series if you're trying to fight it straight.

It's only worth playing if they don't dub it, the dub VAs they get for this clearly don't give a shit about spinoffs because they were pretty shitty and subpar in the original PQ.

>If you go to etrian odyssey general you'll find the same
Really raised the bar there

>wanting to play a Japan made game starring Japanese people taking place in Japan with shitty half assed English dubs.

Why do people like you even play these games?

I recommended Nexus to a complete series newbie and he did fine with it. 3 is actually better than 4 in my opinion so I'd say start there if not nexus.

I think Super Kamoshidaman might be the hardest boss in the whole series. I don't remember any of the bosses in the other games requiring me to think as much as he did.
I'd like to hope the bosses after him are going to be just as hard but since I'll have media by then I doubt it.

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Ah, I didn't think to try poison. I might try putting poisoning the carrots and waiting him out.

Normal. The carrot bomb attackor somethig like that pretty much one shots everyone, even the back role
I really dislike how the Japanese language sounds, to each their own i guess

Is there any missables? What is the NG+ exclusive content?

The characters are way more obnoxious than they are in their home games. I hate getting interrupted every ten steps so Futaba can point out the obvious.
Just about to fight Kamoshidaman for the second time. Battle system is fun.

Well i didn't try poisoning the carrots so i don't know how viable is that, but good luck there

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Thank god.
Saves modders the trouble of doing an undub.

Then mute the damn voices, if your only options are demanding the not even half-assed quality english dub (in Q) or the sound of a language you hate, then the option to remove the sound of it exists.
I'm not even a person who hates all dubs, it's just that they do not give a fuck about how they do in these games and it shows in an obvious way.

Kamoshidaman was ez on hard after you get media on morgana

use crit buff from p5mc after carrots are dead

Don't think the carrots can be poisoned, only Kamoshida. Also Pulinpa didn't work on anything, binds never hit the carrots, and binds rarely hit Kamoshida.

It's hard on the hardest difficulty setting because the only answer to it is to grind several levels. There's nothing in the toolkit available at level 9-10 that lets you beat the fight, especially with your stats and hp being so low. Even early EO bosses are better balanced on the hardest difficulty.

Getting my ass kicked already, and I'm about halfway through the first dungeon. Pretty fun tbqh

Don't get me wrong, Nexus is perfectly fine and there's not much wrong with starting out with it. Some of it's impact is lost if you aren't familiar with the other games though.

I personally enjoyed 5 a lot, enough to play it start to finish 4 times(once normal, a Solo necromancer run, a Solo Fencer run, and a All-Dragoon run). Currently on my 3rd Nexus run (Normal, Solo Survivalist, currently Solo Sovereign). Planning a 4th eventually, but we'll see.

I hear the first two bosses are insanely hard. But the last three are ez mode.

P5: Dan Green
P3P: Danny Green
P4: Daniel Green
Which name should i give to P3?

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>Game has A list Japanese actors voicing it
>Dub gets C list actors at best

There’s really no competition.

i been playing the series in english dub
now i have to get used to the fucking JP version voices?

fuck you atlus, you could have easily done a dub/sub. its not like.... oh FUCK

guys, i just realized!
fucking rapenstein, ie Vic Managoaga whatever is fucking junpei in P3.


>fucking rapenstein, ie Vic Managoaga
dubfags everyone

Don Green

people really want them to dub a crossover game like this? you must be clueless or just not care how shitty it would be.

Yes, get used to it or turn the voices off, it's not a huge deal. They didn't want to spend the money getting the lazy dub VAs to drunkenly cough their voices into a mike for a spinoff on an almost dead console.
Vic McMahamaon doesn't matter

>fans of a game that is set in highschool setting japan and using honorifics in script so it's weeb either way
>get triggered when dub is removed and now it's unplayable because you can't understand couple one liners after they do their attack

lmao did you get triggered when the anime is japanese too

I think we didn’t get a dub because Atlus thinks spending thousands of dollars on a game for a dead handheld that will mostly be pirated anyway isn’t a good investment. And they’re right.
They changed Chie’s voice, they can change Junpei.

Dude its a dub they don't care about who played previous parts. Just look at Xenosaga where they changed half the VA's in the english dub. They don't care they will just find some other halfwit to do it. This is why dubs suck for anything that is going to be recurring series. The Japs demand the characters be played by the same people unless someone dies. Meanwhile in USA they do not care and just get whoever is going to be cheap and convenient.

Nexus also didn't get dub, Atlus just doesn't give a shit dubbing for the 3DS at this point

and Teddy's

yeah, but chie wasn't RAPING PEOPLE!

>not knowing enough Japanese to understand the battle and labyrinth one liners.
I can’t understand the whole damn game but any weeb worth there salt should know that much Japanese after a year of fandom

>They changed Chie’s voice, they can change Junpei.
and anyone else who's part of the voice actors union if they want to hire outside of it.

I was rather pleased with that, no longer having to stick shit like "unleash the beast" voice on characters.
7th Dragon 3 gave me a taste of selectable JP voices on custom characters and I never looked back until EOV.

Neither was vic you fucking faggot
Dubfags hate dubbers just as much as subfags. They just hate their japanese games feeling japanese more than that.

fuck i wish kamoshidaman was eng dubbed...

Hikari is annoying as fuck and a mistake. I also miss just being able to choose which group you want to go with, rather than being railroaded into sticking with one set of faggots for more than one stratum.

How did they manage to make PQ2 such a step down from PQ despite being a sequel?

at least hearing joker yell "NANI" when he gets hit is funny

Never finished the first game, but I do have the PQ 3DS.

I'll never forgive 7th dragon for having motherfucking Akio Ohtsuka while Etrian Odyssey has no one close to him, motherfucker would be perfect for grandpa Dragoons

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Hard to step down from "Panic and Instakill: The Game," what'd they do about the battles and map puzzles?

Hentai of that one robot FOE in Kamo City when?

When you draw it, user.

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I liked the good variety of ones they had for VFD, game was super easy apart from the Death March but still a great game. Wish it was a tad longer because I 100%'d it and was left waiting for more despite the series ending.
I always used a tired voice for my grandpa EO characters.

Trivial puzzles and the only really hard fight is Kamoshida.

What happened with V?

Dang. Nothing like the Evil Spirit Club layout? Not that there's a single difficult fight in all of the original PQ though, so if this Kamoshida boss is tough then that's a step up.

>you don't have to bring in the main character
this is revolutionary

The biggest problem with Kamoshidaman is having to sit through all of those fucking cutscenes whenever you lose to him in Risky. He's stupidly overtuned for a first boss and I play EO regularly.

after all these years, they finally fucking did it
no more spells, attacks, and all out attack noises that overpower the music

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You know it's a really bad buisness decision to dub a game on a console that's dead right?

They made the best EO game

Yeah, I don't know why they can't just let you skip all dialogue in game instead of having to fast forward, then skip a cutscene, then fast forward more, etc. Also the fact that you're basically required to grind at least 5 levels to beat him on Risky is fucking stupid. Way worse than any first EO boss.

Looking forward to eventually reaching the third dungeon so I can run

Gives you a game over screen if you paint under doors

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I dunno I think I'm getting a biases opinion here

Changed up the class mechanics a bit.
Overall I don't think it's that much of a "black sheep" but it wasn't my favorite. Great stratum in the Fetid Necropolis though. I miss how EO4 and EO2U handled food.

Yep. Seems the best way to beat him on risky is
>keep kamoshida poisoned
>rush the right carrot (weak to fire)
>slowly chip away the left carrot (weak to curse)
>finish the left carrot once kamoshida is down to 10-20% hp from the poison

I'm hoping he's as rough as you say because the first PQ was just pathetic in battles.

I've played all of them so I'm not biased

>You get them halfway through the game
Who the fuck thought of that? I know this game is P5 shilling to the max, but holy shit.

Kamoshida is so based. I hope p5r gives him a redemption arc (he deserves it more than groo)

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How's it run on citra?

>fucking rapenstein, ie Vic Managoaga
Kek, you mean the case with literally zero evidence? Vic is suing the people that accused him of rape because their entire accusation against him was "dude I voted for Hillary and hate Trump, trust me I know he's a rapist, us liberals know these things" which didn't hold up in court.

Perfectly. I have 9 hours so far and no issues.

I'm not a huge Persona fan, play these games more for my EO mapping autism
But out of the big 3 i liked P4 the most, though i only played the original PS2 one so... Who the fuck is this Marie and why is her face so fucking punchable?

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Pretty alright, give it a go.

40 hours or so.

>Vic is suing the people that accused him

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Yeah, even when P4 was in its heyday and PQ came out, you could at least choose the P3 or P4 MC. You're just stuck with P5 in PQ2. It's worse than P4 at this point.

yo what the fuck FemOrpheus and Arsene
why can't you be more like Izanagi?

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It omitted the world map aspect that was its own little section in 3 and expanded/integrated into 4.
Races were also something to consider when developing a party along with classes.
People claimed that it was very generic/soulless, though I can't really quite see that aspect.
FM music was....really mediocre. You could tell it wasn't Koshiro helming the demake on that one.
Overall, it's my personal favorite Etriam, but some thought it strayed a tad too far from the Etrian formula or feel.

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>Kek, you mean the case with literally zero evidence?
But user didn't you see? They used a twitter post as proof in their legal documentation against Vic, they totally have evidences!

Best of all? Monica Rial's "rape accusation"? It turned out to be a silly lewd joke he made. He made a slightly lewd joke with her around, and she literally accused him of rape.

doesn't matter if they had no evidence, their goal was to drag his name through the mud and kill his career.

How the fuck did OG Bulma die yet this retard gets to live?

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>tfw the twitter "rape victims" that were supposed to be evidence went "wait, what are you talking about, I fucking love Vic, he's the coolest guy"

Yup, they succeeded in that, except they did their job TOO WELL and gave Vic lots of ammo needed to sue them.

Izanagi-Okami in the first PQ is one of the best in the game.
He has Strong vs everything but Light and Nulls Dark. No weaknesses either, even though Messiah is weak to Dark.

P4 characters get privilege

It was more because he refuse to sign a gay picture featuring DBZ character

She's le atlus remake girl of P4's vita port

Poor theo

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She's the Atlus waifu remake character for P4 Golden. I don't think you're alone in the hatedom that she has garnered. At least they did a better jorb with Le Millenom Girl, Arianna, OK Buddy, and whatsherface in Catherine Full Body.

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Do anyone else find it funny that they are willing to dub a dancing game, but not dungeon crawling game, which is more closer to the regular persona?

You mean ruined


Marie is the main girl of P4G. She's the nu-girl added in every Atlus """""""remake""""""
>Space Yukiko
>Le Millenom Gurl
>Aspect Raidou
>who did DeSu1 and 2 add in their rereleases I forget
and others.

>Le Millenom Girl, Arianna
>Aspect Raidou
Don't count
>who did DeSu1 and 2 add in their rereleases I forget
DeSu1 didn't. DeSu2 had Miyako

desu1 added nobody
desu2 added genderbent yamato

Chadanagi is just the best.

They probably knew it wasn't going to sell well because of how easy is to pirate games for the 3DS in comparison to the Vita and PS4 at that time, also there's a lot more dialog in this game than the dancing spinoffs

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Forgot the Radiant Historia one.
Nemesia or something

kamoshida himself is weak to fire but you have to rush him down with it before he starts spamming screens.

She's the poochie of persona

A dancing game is approachable in the sense that anyone can jump in and out easily and have a decent fun time with a character they like and with a tune that they can jam to. Old school flavored dungeon crawlers don't really have that sort of leniency.

>this shit taste
Away summerfag

In the spin offs Chie is literally just meat the character

does cia's work like normal roms, where it's just download, and launch it from citra?

Le Millenom Girl and Arianna don't count, since they're part of a whole new cast, not just one singular girl like space Yukiko, Marie, or Miyako Hotsuin.


I don't understand this complaint because that's 90% what she is in Persona 4 too.

>tfw only finished EO4 before and stopped before finishing the others, but then when I got into EO2U I went full autism and farmed the living fuck out of the Ur-Devil on Expert
I don't know what happened

I don't remember Naoto wearing earrings

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The game probably clicked for you.

this happened

Maybe they're upset that PQ doesn't feature her other 10% of kicking Yosuke in the balls.

yeah that's probably it
goddamn that never got old, it always feels amazing pushing that FORCE button and hearing this play

Has anyone found any requests/side-quests in Kamoshidacity?

The accessories are generic, any character can use them

Pretty much this.
Joker on debuff duty with Fang Smash
Someone ideally Ann with Oberon with Poisma, Luck Knack and Ailment Up
Bring Ryuji for Line Guard duty
Bring a damage dealer and healer

Kamoshida's resistances turn off once his hp is below a certain point so you can just kill him and ignore the left carrot after a while.

>They probably knew it wasn't going to sell well because of how easy is to pirate games for the 3DS in comparison to the Vita and PS4 at that time
Which is funny when you consider P3D/P5D sold like shit as well. Hell I think there was more interest in the OST's for the games then the games themselves.

It certainly did, I have over 300 hrs playtime on it according to the play log.

>Hell I think there was more interest in the OST's for the games then the games themselves.
This is inevitable considering dancing games sell themselves on their tracklist.

That second stratum music is jammin'

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how many catch up growth things do you get?

Anyone order the special edition?

how do I downlaod through mega? it says that i exceeded my current transfer quota

>Beat Kamo-city FOEs with minor difficulty
>Figured this would mean I'd be able to face kamoshidaman
>Right carrot alone BTFO's my whole team
fuck, after PQ I was not ready for that

Man people sure get upset/hostile when you say you wont play without a dub lol

This feels reassuring
Was hoping they wouldn't listen to all the babies whining about PQ somehow being hard despite it being ailment city.

hard and risky is same damage modifiers right?

Persona has the best music of any game series, so it's no surprise.

nice damage control

How is the hardest difficulty setting for PQ2? Is it comparable to Expert difficulty for the Etrians?

It's only 2.6GB, you should be able to download it all in Chrome.
Which FOE? The chicken was stupidly easy, but I'm scared to fight the cute robot.

Gran Deen

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People also tell people to get over it when they say they won't play unless it has dual audio, or when people say they're not bothering with the game because it doesn't have voice acting at all. The voices are such a trival component that it doesn't make sense to hinge playing it on that alone. Nice to have, sure, but not critical.

You prefer the P4 party? So let me get this straight you prefer 2 dumbasses and an autist, a whiny bear that everyone hates, a girl thats always clawing at the MC’s pants and a bland one dimensional useless detective whose only noteworthy trait is her big tits. Plus Kanji who is cool but only because he’s funny. Over Junpei & Akihiko ? You're crazy.

Cute robot is just a damage sponge, panic and debuffs still makes it not that bad.

So who's the best tank type character in the game? If its anything like EO, you probably won't need one after a while but having one is usually relevant until like the halfway point.

Bunny from the Desu series.

Actual child

Haru or Aigis

Viz is based they kept Vic in his role as Rohan in the Jojo dub and let him finish it instead of recasting

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Did Haru and Makoto get fucked by Kamoshida?

she is so cute

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Everyone has gotten fucked by Kamoshida, what a man

Finally, I get my favorite battle navigator skill.

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Well in PQ, it was Aigis, bar none (she essentially functioned as a Protector and a Gunner all in one)
If she has the same stat spread and signature skills, her. Shinjiro I remember having big bulk too.
I heard Aigis got severely nerfed here though so take it with a grain of salt.


Aigis still has 99 End and now she can randomly negate elemental damage so I think she's definitely the best tank in the game.

Even on the theater...

For those who haven’t beat Kamoshida: what I did was snipe the carrots and then keeping using fire attacks on him but NOT the all out attack. He won’t put up the fire barrier and you’ll cancel the majority of his moves. I then had Joker using line guard and morgana healing him as needed.

Now for my question: when the FUCK do you get side quests or the little party chats like in Q? Just got the Investigation Team. Naoto and Akechi shenanigans are going to be top tier I hope.

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When people say citra, which citra are they using? One magically runs the games better.

Isn't it Reduce?
And in PQ she did it for a whole line, not just herself.

>Chie doesnt like her codename being a cut of meat

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The source I'm looking at says
>High chance to nullify Fire, Ice, Electric, Wind, Psychokinetic, and Nuclear damage to self.


joker akechi(low luck bind lol) and p3mc got shit stats why are they good

literally every str/tank is same statline

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>80 agi
>87 luk
>844 hp
Guess Naoto's my ailment slave.

I see. It used to be
>Passive: High chance to nullify Fire, Wind, ice, and Elec versus the user's row.
Plus a second skill of
>Passive: Medium chance of halving physical damage versus the user's row.
So it does seem she got nerfed pretty hard. Psychokinetic and Nuclear weren't in the original PQ.

>Haru 94 endurance
what the fuck

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>low luck bind lol
Does Stagnant Air not exist in this game? It made even Yosuke able to land Binds in PQ.

Passives user

I still need to get Nexus done with, I'm almost done with the third shrine. A good game but probably not as good as the other 3DS titles sans EOU1.

That said wew lad those big fat tits, I'll miss these babies in Q2.

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do boost and amps stack in this how about stacking with p3hero unique ability

When do I get FeMC? At least give me my shotacon, Atlus.

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15 minutes into the first dungeon.

>1 final mini dungeon
That's pretty lame, the clocktower was a nice climax dungeon in Q1.

Probably IV, its more casual and easier to get into. You should always try the free demos as the save transfers to the full game.

I actually have taste so I hate EO trash, but this game is pretty fun. Characters pulling all the weight though jesus christ how can anyone stomach this gameplay

It went back to the basic streamlined style of EO1 and 2, with no overworld and an altered subclass system. This triggered people very much and its a very divisive game because of it.

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Thank fucking God

>I have taste
>I dislike EO but think PQ2 is fun

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>I actually have taste so I hate EO trash
>Characters pulling all the weight

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Cool. I don't give a fuck about P3.

so hardcore

I just use the unofficial chinese builds

I started playing P5, it's the first Persona game I've ever played. I've still got 10 days left until I get expelled, and I made it to the end of the dungeon, so I'm going to rest up to 100% before going into the last room because I know there's going to be a big boss. I feel like I might be playing the game wrong, or might not be doing everything I should. Should I prioritize getting cash, items, or Personas? Should I be grinding? I haven't needed to grind yet, but some of my Personas are low level compared to others. The game just keeps dumping more and more stuff to do in my lap and I'm starting to get overwhelmed about whether I should focus on completing dungeons as fast as possible or grind up relationships and do jobs.

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As long as you beat the dude like 2 days before hand you are good. Choices rarely matter outside the fake you taking to tall bitch.

Most people beat the palace/boss as soon as it's open. That gives you a few weeks to fuck around with social links/school life.

As if

Neat. I was worried that if I beat the Palace it will automatically skip ahead to the next part of the story or something.

>tfw the antics and character interactions are fun but the gameplay fucking blows
I had the same issue with the first one

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The character interactions were REALLY hit or miss in the first one. Some characters were literal one joke wonders (OH MAN I HOPE THIS CHEST HAS PROTEIN MAN I LOVE PROTEIN I HOPE I CAN GET SOME PROTEIN SOON)

>tfw I don't even know any of these characters but I'm just in it for the EO mapping

lol baby


When do I finally get a character with passable luck? The PTs are all garbage at ailment/bind infliction.

Looks like FeMC is your best bet until you get to the second dungeon.

>EO "crossover" game doesn't have based Himukai doing the designs

That's why I'm never touching this garbage

Attached: 1534625033984.png (652x579, 528K)

>I made it to the end of the dungeon, so I'm going to rest up to 100% before going into the last room because I know there's going to be a big boss
Hey, user, I dunno why you worded this so specifically but you're not gonna fight the boss the first time you reach the end, that's done another day. Next time you go in, go for a grinding session before you finish.

Which enemy drop's the king's tights? Also are conditionals in this game?

>implying they'd let an artist most famous for loli near their most profitable IP
He drew Zeus and Warrior Zeus for PQ though. Not sure if he did anything for this.

Attached: Zeus_PQ.jpg (1200x1695, 258K)

Are you in kamoshida city? I think it's the golden kings (laying down rare mobs).

They already do for some shitty talk show

Attached: persora4.jpg (1024x1016, 249K)

I cleared the city but i never got the item. I'll trying looking for around for them.

Were these designs even used in the game?

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Motherfucker drew for nintendo, i'm sure the company that has a literal dick monster in its main franchise wouldn't mind

Attached: Fa.%28Fire.Emblem%29.full.2491401.png (1684x1920, 701K)

If you're talking about those 2 nekkid girls, yes, it was DLC.

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Yes, the hot spring DLC.
Beat the toad FOE in it and you get those as selectable portraits for Arianna and Chloe as welln as a unique Bikini Armor item that works best on Beasts (Maximum Elemental Resistance, no defense).

I want to homebrew my 3DS to play this among others, do I need to buy anything besides the console?

Only Japan's going to see that so it doesn't count.
Christmas Fae looks so much better. But that's for FE, a series with loli dragons from the start.

Not those designs, user, the Zeus designs.

excuse me? When I looked at the other tab that was empty and pressed A this ticket popped up in the empty area.

Attached: 1553477713419.png (1066x638, 524K)

Zeus? Yeah, he's the first postgame superboss, but the designs are only used when you fuse him yourself. Second highest level demon under Lucifer if I remember right, L91 vs L96.
He's a special fusion of Seth and Warrior Zeus if I remember right. Don't remember how to fuse Warrior Zeus.

Attached: Warrior_Zeus_PQ.jpg (1200x1695, 297K)

Persona already has loli dumbass

It Elizabeth's persona when you fight her or something

I forgot to mention that I don't even have P3 MC or Yosuke yet as well

Nanako doesn't count
Daughter material


Attached: Magatsu.Izanagi.full.530660.jpg (2835x3508, 481K)

I think he was referring to Caroline and Justine

Ahhh thats why, I never actually fused him and only saw a friend fight Elizabeth. Thanks anons.

Yes she does, so do the twins, lavenza and the one from P3

Attached: medi-no.png (200x200, 35K)

Both designs are used, and he also alludes to Etria and Lagaard.
The boss fight is the only one in the game to use a music track by Yuzo Koshiro as well.
He's basically the "we remember you guys" to EO fans playing it.

Ok Idk who the fuck those are so I apologize, I was wrong.
They probably just got Soejima again because of his prior work.

Does Lavenza appear

can I make a team of just Hamuko+her yuri harem or will I need to swap in Jokah at some point?

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Joker is only mandatory on Risky.

where is the undub?

here's the undub
*unzips official release*

You don't get makoto or haru until the second dungeon, so there won't be enough females.

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sent :)

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I'll be your CIA friend. :^)

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user I...

how good is sukunda when binds just make their evasion down anyway

I highly doubt that.

3DS rom fucking when
doesn't work when i try to install with cia

Worthless unless they're a main story boss and you're on Risky.

>and I don't like the P4 characters at all

You obviously have no soul

Based, all these seething zoomers pretending they liked p3 lol

the 3d models look pretty good upscaled in Citra

Attached: 2019-05-22 21_44_22-Citra Canary 1275 _ Persona Q2.png (513x850, 483K)

Also Futaba looks pretty thicc compared to the other girls

Attached: 2019-05-22 21_47_06-Citra Canary 1275 _ Persona Q2.png (1565x890, 1.8M)

So who's actually OP now?

I heard Naoto is garbage now and can't solo carry

Someone last thread said p3mc(male) was the best character but anyone actually far in the game?

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Mis-modeled since futaba is supposed to be malnourished-level skinny

Did they nerf Aigis? With the right endgame setup she could OTK almost any boss/FOE in the game in PQ.

Ironic you use the word soulless since p4 is absurdly soulless compared to 3 and 5

Haru seems like an insane tank. FeMC looks good for links. Naoto or Goro for binds.
I think Aigis got heavy nerfs, but Akihiko got huge buffs?

How is Naoto bad now, since all she did was Mahama/Mamudo random encounters and support on boss fights?

does Q2 have any P5 spoilers

in pq1 it was hilariously easy to get hama/mudo to have a 95% success chance in random battles so she basically made the game's combat outside boss fights non-existant

You'd also be very high level because she'd roll every fight, PLUS there were even a few FoEs she could 1-shot too for mega abuse, TLDR she absolutely broke pq1

Attached: thinking pancake.jpg (351x332, 14K)

Yeah, it spoils how fucking insufferable Morgana is.

Yes, they drastically nerfed her signature defensive skills.
She still has 99 END and 94 STR at max though.

But (You) zoomers are the only ones who hate P3

It takes place at the end of the third quarter of the game, so I'd say it does.

FUCK i forgot to buy ariadne threads

Do you know who's good now

>Naoto gets nerfed from being a goddess
>she's still really useful
I love my wife

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Idk she's def one of the worst characters now, but your wife had a hey-day in pq1 so it's fair

>one of the worst characters
I sincerely doubt she's bottom 5.

look at how fuckin wide these hips are

Attached: 2019-05-22 21_55_15-Citra Canary 1275 _ Persona Q2.png (417x776, 369K)

Are all these people uploading the game on YouTube gonna get the banhammer or does Atlus not care?

on the enemy debuff slots fang smash takes up a slot but armor splitter doesn't? why? fang smash = lower atk and armor spliter = lower def

Will discussion of this be dead when the game comes out officially? I'm getting the SE.

I think Armor Splitter only lowers their defense for the turn it hits

west CIA file fucking when?

yesterday lol

Five minutes.

>Minako upon being found out resorts to physically knocking out the cop with a karate chop to the neck then handcuffs him to the pipes.
>Hikari actually has a damn good reason for her autism compared to most of the casts of the past 3 games and actually doesn't die or annoy people like the dancing all night girls, Shoe Minazuki or Zen and Rei.

Other than, this game sucks, no dub, fuck vicfags, I don't care if he's innocent he and his anti fan club have caused me to want them all to die, forced marie poems again, yet again the casts are all flanderized, ryoji's so fucking stupid he doesn't realize Naoto's a girl just by opening her mouth and he has the most lines in the game, Yosuke and Junpei are even more obnixious shitheads than before an the naming for the leader characters don't let you use their canon names.

They did this shit way to quickly, it's fucking weird to have Goro in this game when we know they all hate his guts and know he's a traitor and thanks to The Royal it'll never feel complete without Kasumi

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it says 3 turns on description

Cool stuff, but what did you think of the game?

>no dub

30 hours ago lmao

How are the FOE designs in this one? Loved the Old Doll and baby ones in 1

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No dub because it flopped before and they expect it to flop again


No it's because they rage quit and did it t spit on Vic personally, based Ty Beard is gonna destroy the entire fucking industry, Sega fired him from being Omega, I hope Vic wins billions from Sega, Altas, Roosterteeth, Funimation and Sony destory this sad excuse for an entertainment

There's no creepy FOEs (since there's no horror stratum in Q2), but there's some neat FOEs in later stratums that really show their Nagasawa heritage.

Attached: Namtar.png (875x797, 360K)

>Loses Messiah
>Loses Debilitate
>Gets a passive that gives an increase in damage to elemental SP skills but not to Curse, Bless or Almighty
>Orpheus Telos loses its phys resistance

lmao you wish

Is Messiah for feMC and Thanatos for him now?

Looks neat, not sure what it's themed towards.
It's for the best because Debilitate was broken as fuck.

No. P3MC gets Orpheus Telos while FeMC gets Messiah.

debiliate you can just get from level 47 persona and give it to anyone

Meanwhile P5MC greatly increases his line's crit for multiple turns in a game where STR skills do by far the highest damage.

Akechi gets Debilitate instead.

Last I heard he was suing Rial, Rial's fiance and Marchi for a total of $1million. Man should get the money from suing them and ride off into the sunset, I'm not sure how he'd take on everyone else.

Thanatos was paid DLC in 1, I don't expect them to change that.
jfc I take it back

Two turns. And if anything, FeMC gets the best skill since she's now the resident Link monster.

It's still a STR fest then?

It and Humbaba (pic related) are FOEs in the final stratum, and are based on beings from Mesopotamian mythology, while also being notable characters in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
Also for real the lack of a Himukai-designed Gilgamesh superboss battle like Zeus is a huge wasted opportunity

Attached: Humbaba.png (796x738, 460K)

Yeah it should be evident to anyone that Q2 is less of an even crossover and more "Persona 5xEtrian Odyssey guest starring the Persona 3 and Persona 4 casts".

I'm just about 5 hours in. I like it a lot more than Q, the setting is a lot more fun. I'm not sure who should get what, and is it just me or does femc die like a bitch way too easily, at least early on?

>no horror movie dungeon in a game themed around a supernatural movie theater
I guess its them not wanting to rehash the first title but that horror dungeon was fantastic. Really feels like missed potential.

Get her out of the front lines

P3MC is just a little counter intuitive is all. What he wants is that ST-MG swap accessory and then he should be able to outdamage the girls at being a mage since you should be able to stack X Boost/Amp along with his passive for huge damage. He's probably the best damage mage in the game with the right set up.

She isn't, I'm just running into nothing but enemies that use lightning attacks on the floor I've gotten her which she's weak to with lower base hp than any of my other members

Looks good, probably the second best mechanical Humbaba design I've seen.
Reminds me of EO3 enemies except for the head.

Huh, i surely don't remember struggling with her, i'm assuming you don't have the weakness of said lightning dudes to keep them in check?

wheres the link

I'll spoonfeed you just because you got me my copy of Devil May Cry 5, but don't expect me to do it again

I died for the fire time to one of a gold rare guy and two brand new lackies, they all used lightning attacks and it went bad fast. I could have just gotten stupid unlucky and I'll have a easier time this time around. Figuring out weaknesses in this is way more punishing than persona, not a complaint because I'm having a good time but still. I can already tell physical will be the way to go once I get more party choice

Read the thread, it's like the 10th post

Fights with the golden dudes can be pretty annoying if you can't all-out attack them quickly

your the best user

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how are you supposed to recover SP

Go home

but in two battles im already very low on sp
am i supposed to just not use it

Sub personas

just use your soma droplets :)

This looks like the Eternal Tyrant's drunk, obese uncle.

I sure hope this has good maps, it's the only game I'm anticipating

Is there any reason to actually use multiple parties this time, or is it pretty much a waste of time like the first PQ?


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Did Koshiro do any tracks this time?

>Atlus brings him back to filter all the shitters
Namr a more based persona character

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Is Kamoshida the only likable character in P5? He's a lot more appealing than the other fags

People get upset when you say you like a certain game more than the others. People get upset when you like/dislike certain characters. People get upset when you point out flaws in their favorite game in the series and praise improvements in their least favorite. The sooner you realize the SMT/Persona fanbase is retarded and overly hostile the happier you'll be. Literally never get in a subjective argument with one ever, it's a massive waste of time and devolves into "no u, no u" especially considering the poor reading comprehension of many people here.

This game is hard as shit. Strongly considering starting over on normal. Enemies regularly outspeed and own my characters, every battle is a struggle. Made it to the 3rd floor of the 2nd dungeon and just got party wiped
What the fuck

Fuck that then, no English cast was bad enough. 100% not buying this now, first one was quite boring and the characters were bastardised anyway

>no English cast was bad enough

This I'm not paying full price for half effort

>fuck vicfags, I don't care if he's innocent
The absolute state of dub apologists.
>I want an innocent man to go to jail because my japanese cartoon game doesn't have english voices

Retarded fucking weeb, enjoy reading subtitles for a language you don't understand while missing all the nuance and subtly of the dialogue delivery. Absolute pleb.

I only said that completely dismissing a game solely on the voicing isn't good

>he thinks English dubs are accurate
>he doesn't want to read in dungeon crawler
Just tell people you are too lazy to read faggot they will understand this rather than crying about secondary audio in any form of media.

>SMT/Persona fanbase
There is no such thing. We have Persona only babies that like 2 games or retards that think SMT peaked at 3.

And just like that you proved his point

Not him and I don't hate dubs, it's just that the dub for Q was horrendous and I don't think the VAs would do any better with this, it's clear they don't care about their acting in side games as much as mainline ones. It's no significant loss.

We have no SMT fanbase on 4channel user. I bet even the reddit place has a better fanbase there.

Mainline has good dubs? Get rek'd!

Better than the shlock in Q. You can even hear the occasional voice crack.

Playing on risky and Kamosihdaman is kicking my ass right now. I think I have a working strategy, I just need my poison not to miss 5 turns in a row. I'm having fun though, I expect risky to get a lot less brutal after the first dungeon like in the first game too.

Is it worse than this?

She's a tank in PQ2.

what the fuck
no, not worse than that, but there's more issues than the VAs there

Holy shit even Q1 have 5 full dungeon. This is super budget title huh.

>I still need to get Nexus done with
>third shrine
Hoo, boy. This is going to take a while.
I'm on B3F of the post-game labyrinth, but the superbosses alone, will probably take a lot of time with their bullshit. I don't even have the exp/money DLC, because I didn't see them uplaoded for the EU version anywhere. And for some reason the US version didn't see the US DLC on my EU 3DS.

Does it still have the shitty dungeon drawing system?

What the fuck?

Q1 had many floors that were smaller than an EO4 cave though. Idk how big this one's maps are.

>as in SSQ
Obviously, that's the whole point of it.

Akechi as a concept

This is even smaller map overall.

Even with these "side-floors" added in?

because that's the main gimmick of the MeiQ series?


gib samples

Just Google it dude if you don't believe me. Too lazy to do it.

The side floor is literally extra mini floor user.

I beat the JP version a few days ago, any gameplay questions?

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3 is the best start, 4 is the easiest start.

Ah, I thought there were multiple

where is the fucking .cia?

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Based Kamoshidaman

Post best characters (gameplay wise)

It's kind of hard to use all the characters in one playthrough to know their ins and outs, but:

Aigis is super tanky with innate physical resistance and passive chance to nullify elemental damage
Haru is good all round at tanking, dealing good physical and decent magic, very versatile
P3MC can do a ton of magic damage with his elemental bonus
FeMC is the best linker in the game, but squishy
Mitsuru is the fucking bind goddess
Goro gets a 2 SP salome's kiss, but has shit luck so you can only use it when you have a sub persona that boosts bind chance.

Anyone else had trouble with Scarlet Turret?

Mitsuru doesn't suck asshole any more? Huh. I remember her signature skill being absolutely worthless in PQ.

No I had poison and hex attacks.

Nigger we literally just had a Strange Journey thread like a few fucking hours ago.

>Nanako doesn't count

Attached: __doujima_nanako_persona_4_and_etc_drawn_by_ma_2ql__0a7ce506bdb8faab3b40b530497fcecb.jpg (911x880, 108K)

do not
I will strangle you with a bent lead pipe

I'm already married to her.

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this art unsettles me, like a demon is wearing a disguise of her as skin

Haven't Amazon also ship out physical copies early?

Are all dubfags amerifat?

Akechi being in your party is unsettling since everyone is cozying up to a murderer

I thought the music minus fetid was lame, and so was the bestiary compared to 2/U and 3.

>It omitted the world map aspect that was its own little section in 3 and expanded/integrated into 4.
>Races were also something to consider when developing a party along with classes.
These are pros, not cons.
>People claimed that it was very generic/soulless, though I can't really quite see that aspect.
It had much more character than 2, that's for sure.
Literally nobody cares about that.
>some thought it strayed a tad too far from the Etrian formula or feel
3/4 babies probably. 5 is the return to classic EO formula without the tacked on overworld.
But more importantly it features BY FAR the best character customization options.
The Union Skill system and cooking were downgrades from 2U though. Force Boost/Break is my favorite limit break kind of system in EO.

Plot went to the backburner along with being pretty forgettable, and localization hit that even harder. Music is overall middling in quality and smaller in number. The strata were pretty boring all things considered (3rd is probably the best unless you dig the atmosphere of the 6th), and the replacement for subclassing isn't that good.

>Literally nobody cares about that.
Holy mother of shit opinions.

Rank how spooky they were lads
>Hall of Darkness
>Evil Spirit Club
>Fetid Necropolis
>Claret Hollows
>Empyreal Bridge

Subclassing is shit and Second Names is a huge upgrade over it. I hope Next Stage takes it from V.

I hope it's gachashit just because I don't like you personally and I want you to be upset

retarded post

>Evil Spirit Club
What's this one?

spookier than all that shit:

Attached: 72473?raw=1.png (1270x540, 28K)

>Subclassing is shit and Second Names is a huge upgrade over it. I hope Next Stage takes it from V.
Your opinion is objectively shit.

You're literally nobody.
Retarded poster.
Your opinion is factually wrong.

PQ's 3rd stratum. First half is a haunted school, second half is an abandoned hospital. FOEs include large blue babies with torture devices fastened to their necks and dolls that look much smaller than they actually are if one catches you.
The Death Walls were good for one good surprise spook when it eats your ass the first time, and then they were just another dungeon mechanic. Not terribly spooky.

>want to take the bodyguarding skill to protect my fragile bunny...
>BUT I have to skill into def dragoon and miss out on buster cannons because Atlus said so
I get it was "balanced" but it was also a real bummer system

It wasn't even that balanced either.

It was complete shit to be honest.

mfw Fair Trade

but I agree with you, I was glad to see subclassing back. It's plain FUN. I was even a fan of 2U grimoires just because how nuts it was to see gunners with bear claws and bears with guns.

Attached: 014-015.jpg (3000x2138, 2.26M)

2U grims were a huge improvement over the goofy ass grims in 1U, people just were already turned off to the idea of them after the mess that they were in 1U.

>Fair Trade
Literally what made Atlus think this skill was properly balanced? The game even throws FOEs that are weak to instakills at you.

what gets me is that it's named Fair.

There are a total of 4(5) dungeons in the game
you get the p5 cast before the first one plus p3p protag, p4 cast during the second, and p3 cast during the third

where's that "I don't understand their language" image

P5 cast's dicksucking the game. That being said, all i have before me is just the cinema director boss. Also Elizabeth confirmed the strongest sibling. And twins are really scared of Margareth, but who isn't.

this is so fucking good

It is useful in the end though, makes the Exp DLC worthless in the same way it was worthless in EO2U because of the Dinogator set spawn.

I played it last year when it released in japan. Liked the first game more, but this one is good too.

The whole point of the game is that father told his daughter "why are you like this". Get dabbed on, late fucks and non-japanese speakers. Plus, the cinema director is the main boss.

She's the weakest Wild card in the game. I am talking about her skills.

Why would they do this

>Just one more month and im done replaying P3
>PQ2 comes out
Maxium comf

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Was really liking the game. Now Makoto the stupid robot is in my party so I get to hear her point out the obvious every 5 minutes. Doesn't help I'm getting the Persona 4 cast next. I need my P3 pallette cleanser

Waiting for the special edition I ordered.

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kick her out then

Same here
Better be decent stuff because that's about $100 in not-burger dollars

Can't kick her out of cutscenes. She doesn't seem particularly useful so she's not in my party anyway

Ah, cutscenes
Idk, I never played any other Persona games other than Q so I don't know who this girl is. Yukari was the annoying one in the original Q.

I don't have problems with any of the characters really on the whole. Makoto isn't even really THAT bad, they just constantly want you to know she's some autistic genius who is discovering everything even when it's painfully obvious. Akechi is the better smart person

Ah, the "I've never done normal things because I'm a super genius" or the "Dora the Explorer" type of character, I get it.

Skill cards still in? If so what has Stagnant Air and Impure Reach?

>still no sixth Stratum

Shit. I might skip this game.

How much does it cost?

I'd meat her character, if you catch my drift.

Unironically yes.

So end of the second stratum?

Subclassing is just lazy copypasting of skills from one class to another. There's nothing fun about that. It undermines the class' identity and leads to homogenization.
Prestige classes from V allow more meaningful, deeper customization, while retaining the class' signature characteristics.
And different playable races offer a more simple and elegant solution to separating stat growth from a particular class, than entirely subclassing one class into another, because it offers better stat gains. That was some backwards game design.

If Atlus didn't care like P5, I guess USA wouldn't bother either

The only time I felt obligated to change from the default race was if I wanted to use a graceful poisoner.

Joker+Door = best match

free lol download the .cia
the mega link is in this thread

The MCs
Akechi, just for the free Debilitate
Ryuji is a top tier physical attacker
Kanji and Aegis are still amazing

She could also keep the superboss of the game permanently confused. High LUC is good for more than just isntakill spam.

Attached: Etrian-Odyssey-X_2018_05-22-18_008.jpg (460x680, 80K)

>kill superboss
>get teaser for Untold 3
>literally 0 chance of ever happening now

Nexus had 14 dungeon+10 mini dungeon with 70++ floor. What is PQ2 excuse?

Wrong opinion.

PQ2 didn't copypaste all of its dungeons like Nexus did. God, Nexus was such a horrible entry in the series. Just like MH Cross was garbage, so was this game. I hope japs never EVER make any game that has "Cross" in its subtitle.

I hate Etrian Odyssey but I like her design. SHAME there is no porn of her.

U3 will just be on the switch, and they'll use it as reference on what works/what doesn't when making 6.

Super Kamoshidaman is kicking my arse.

Attached: 1551274171620.png (805x808, 363K)

story event fag
just defend after you attack
wojak posters are always retarded

Time to grind until you have AoE attacks available on all your party members.

I said SUPER, you spanner.

I get that and all, but I think it has more problems than pluses.
Basically, it's going back to 1 and 2 roots. That also means
>10 SP tax
>attackers using 1-2 attack skills forever
>support classes can't do cool shit like link order when you need the SP for support skills, and with second names you even lock yourself out of certain skills
grims/subclassing fosters creativity, such as giving gunners katana for stances and more damage. With second names you're basically playing exactly how Atlus wants you to play, and you can do little do expand your options - other than resting.

what level am i supposed to be to not die in one hit to Super Kamoshidaman's carrot bomb
my team is all level 10 except for FEMC who's 8

Crossdressing jokes aren't transphobic because crossdressers aren't trannies.
They're literally just men dressed up as women. They don't actually think they're women.
Why is this so hard for these fucking idiots to understand?

>grims/subclassing fosters creativity
It's not creativity when everyone uses the exact same minmaxed cookie cutter builds.
>With second names you're basically playing exactly how Atlus wants you to play
And that's a good thing, because you can see that the developer clearly put a lot of effort into character customization this time, instead of just dumping subclassing onto the player. It offers more than enough options for every player to make their own diverse party comps and have fun with the game. V had by far the best balance between the classes.
The haters only prefer subclassing, because it lets them use broken strats they look up on the net.

Is there some huge secret/bonus dungeon?

I'm currenly going through The Lost Child (on Switch) and since bonus dungeon has 99 floors (apparetnly) I can't see myself finishing it in less than 100 hours.

Do you still get strong personas when you kill FOE? If I remember correctly, killing FOE early in first Persona Q rewarded a player with personas whose level was higher than MC.

Yes and yes.

Use Line Guard and debuff the carrots with Fang Smash/Tarunda. Also make sure your tank is equipped with the hp boost armor.

Nice! Thanks!

now you're being silly. The balance is substantially worse after the untolds. Harbs are awful until they pay the tax and get their name (several other classes suffer a similar fate) while rovers are busted at the start. Pugs are the new EO2 ronin/hexer. And you're saying that there is no cheese in EO5? What?

Have Skull spam Line Guard and focus one character on healing him. Keep Futaba's Mini Healing up when possible, too.

There are some issues with some classes going online later than the others, true. But I'm talking about balance between different classes. None of them are outright useless, and none are outright broken.

So is this like spin-off of a spin-off of a spin-off?

>None are outright broken
Pugilists are very strong bordering on broken. There's a reason why Atlus over nerfed them in Nexus.

They overnerfed War Magus and fucking Zodiac too, retard

Zodiac was never good in the first place, they were always mediocre at best like most mage classes.

Also you're an idiot if you didn't think that War Magi were strong in U2.

Persona is the new mainline. SMTfags get out.

You don't know what mainline and spinoff mean


Attached: Bono_board_photo-360x360.jpg (360x360, 19K)

Clearly it's you who doesn't know that, because you added an extra "spin-off" in your post.

not that guy but while I liked using WMs, they were hardly balling outta control or anything like god damn pugs. I just think that in contrast to the Untolds the fifth game was very much phoned it as far as mechanics go and Atlus just threw in a lot of cool looking moves like Buster Cannon or Titan Killer without thinking "is it broken?". I know it's unfair to criticize because Atlus tried new stuff rather than polishing previous mechanics, but still.

It was her default accessory since vanilla P4, Soejima just kinda forgot about them at some point. Her model has them too, though